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I mean no disrespect...no, that's a lie. I mean all disrespect.

ll believers in Islam are equal, all the same before God and the Prophet. They may have different names and roles but in the faith all are equal.

Dying defending the faith makes you a martyr, as do many other ways, because the Prophet said so.
Pssst. All Muslim, not just the jihadists, are spending eternity in Hell when they die
And they think are going to hell. Oh course, neither of you are right, you are already there.
Wrong. This life is what you make of it. I don't go around dreaming of exterminating people like you do. You're in hell right now, as you elect to be.
Humanity is a disease, just look at this tread...

Well, you're certainly a case in point.
again, we know about them, they hate women and children and hate the rest of civilization. And we don't want that here. did I st udder?
You are clueless, utterly, but living in ignorance is your call.
but factual. So tell me why women have to cover their faces and don't vote in arabic nations?
Or drive cars or own land or have standing in court or the right to go shopping with "just the girls".
how about school for girls?
Good idea. Education makes liberals, which is why you hate it.

Brainwashing makes liberals, but that's what passes for "education" with them.
but factual. So tell me why women have to cover their faces and don't vote in arabic nations?
Or drive cars or own land or have standing in court or the right to go shopping with "just the girls".
how about school for girls?
Good idea. Education makes liberals, which is why you hate it.
why do muslims hate it?
It destroys faith by undermining dogma, it makes liberals. That's why the Catholics would put you to death for owning or publishing a bible once.

If there is any group that is under the sway of dogma, it's liberals.
how about school for girls?
Good idea. Education makes liberals, which is why you hate it.
Conservatives weren't educated?

Most are very poorly educated. That's normal for stupid people.
then why are the very poor and uneducated always voting democratic?
Because your side treats them as animals...

How do you figure that?
They will go to hell with or without swine. Only the blood of Christ can atone for sins and make men right before God.
Funny, they also believe they have the One True Faith, and their Prophet died only 1,300 years ago and didn't miss his window to return nor announce his failure of faith while dying on the cross.
It doesn't matter what people believe, only what is true.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
They are made in the image of God like anyone, therefore they know that killing, violence, and oppression are wrong, as it says in Romans 1, their own conscience will accuse them on the day of judgement.
Man is not made in the image of God. That is the human ego at work, the same that invented God. Besides, there are two of us and Adam would have had no need for a penis unless he was fucking the sheep. BTW, the default for humans is female, not male. We are a conversion job, obviously.

You go out of your way to be offensive, don't you?
In the beginning, it was all Muslims murdering Christians. Most of the land that is no Muslim was once Christian. Muslims slaughtered any Christian who dared to resist them. The rest of them were made to pay the tax on non Muslims.

Apparently you believe Christians aren't allowed to defend themselves.

In the beginning...the slaughter went both ways dude. Excess is not defense and the Christians are no innocents in religious body counts. Get real.

Wrong. In the beginning, the slaughter went all one way. Islam expanded by slaughter at the expense of Christianity. The Muslims rampaged through the Middle East for over 300 years before any Christian ever raises a finger to them.

How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
well hell they think the confederates were traitors because they fought for their land. We're dealing with some truly stupid with these libturds.

Now.....see that!

Watch what you're gonna make me do.

Confederates began a war against their own nation, based on the false idea that Britain would come to their aid due to dependence on cotton.

And start the war they did.

1. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

2. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

3. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

4. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

5. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

6. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

7. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.

"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy," by Gavin Mortimer

  1. They weren't "stranded." They could have left at any time. They were promised safe conduct if they vacated the fort.
  2. So?
  3. Lincoln was obligated to give up the Fort. It was within the borders of South Carolina. If he resupplied the Fort, then he would be responsible for starting the war, which is exactly what happened.
  4. So? Seward was a resonable man who didn't want war. Lincoln, on the other hand, did want war.
  5. Sending your vessels into the territorial waters of another country is an act of war, regardless of whether they were armed or not - especially when their purpose is to maintain a force within the borders of that country.
  6. Nope.
  7. They decided to obstruct Lincoln's act of war. Lincoln is the one who instigated the war.
Pogo, seriously, who do you think the picture would have been of? And it has been out there for awhile. The idea anyone has to hand feed you every little detail, well, what can I say. Sucks to be you, if you are that needy.
Seems a number of us had no problem figuring it out...
what didn't you get, with the picture attached? "Al Jazeera complained that showing this Muslim terrorist's face without it being covered is disrespectful."
Only you seemed to have a problem. Surely you know al jazeera is a muslim media outlet? And he showed her face as uncovered in the photo he posted, they complained about. Why would you need a link?

Isn't it plainly obvious why I need a link? BECAUSE I DON'T TRUST THE SOURCE. And as shown, I was right not to. I can smell these things. They're nothing if not predictable. Liars and their patterns establish a certain reputation.

Y'all who just swallow everything you read without question crack me up.

Also he gave no indication who the person was. Nothing in the reading I had seen on San Bernadino had her face in it -- just his. So I didn't know who the fuck it was. That, again is HIS job. It is ALWAYS the asserter's job, and there literally IS NO ARGUMENT THAT IT IS NOT.

added- and for all you know, he could have heard it on their broadcast and there wouldn't have been a link.

In that case (a) it would have been incumbent on him to explain that, whereupon readers would have known it to be undocumented hearsay, and (b), that wouldn't happen anyway because every news broadcast story is published.

This however was not a broadcast story at all. He pulled it out of his ass, which is why there's no link, which is exactly what I predicted, which is exactly what I called him on, and which is exactly why he's crying the blues right now.

And it ain't the first time. Liars just never learn.

I didn't have any fucking idea who the fuck he's talking about -- maybe he should have FUCKING LINKED HIS SHIT.

Oh wait, he couldn't do that becuase his assertion DOES NOT EXIST.

Which means, maybe he shouldn't have lied about his assertion in the first place, DUMBASS.

HOW the fuck do you think you're going to make this case -- for a thread that isn't even yours -- that assertions don't have to be linked or explained? There. Is. No Such. Argument. Does not exist.

What the fuck planet does that even work on?
In the beginning...the slaughter went both ways dude. Excess is not defense and the Christians are no innocents in religious body counts. Get real.

Wrong. In the beginning, the slaughter went all one way. Islam expanded by slaughter at the expense of Christianity. The Muslims rampaged through the Middle East for over 300 years before any Christian ever raises a finger to them.

How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
well hell they think the confederates were traitors because they fought for their land. We're dealing with some truly stupid with these libturds.

Now.....see that!

Watch what you're gonna make me do.

Confederates began a war against their own nation, based on the false idea that Britain would come to their aid due to dependence on cotton.

And start the war they did.

1. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

2. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

3. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

4. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

5. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

6. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

7. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.

"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy," by Gavin Mortimer

  1. They weren't "stranded." They could have left at any time. They were promised safe conduct if they vacated the fort.
  2. So?
  3. Lincoln was obligated to give up the Fort. It was within the borders of South Carolina. If he resupplied the Fort, then he would be responsible for starting the war, which is exactly what happened.
  4. So? Seward was a resonable man who didn't want war. Lincoln, on the other hand, did want war.
  5. Sending your vessels into the territorial waters of another country is an act of war, regardless of whether they were armed or not - especially when their purpose is to maintain a force within the borders of that country.
  6. Nope.
  7. They decided to obstruct Lincoln's act of war. Lincoln is the one who instigated the war.

1. Lincoln was obligated to give up the Fort. It was within the borders of South Carolina.
Of course he wasn't. It was a federal facility withing the border of the United States...of which he was the President.

2. Lincoln, on the other hand, did want war.

3. Sending your vessels into the territorial waters of another country...
This, of course, is a priori evidence of insanity....if you really believe that.
There was only one country, the United States of America....contingent on the outcome of the war the South wanted...and started.

4. Firing on an unarmed food transport....not an act of war?
Yup...you're insane.
Or....perhaps you'd argue that the attack of 9/11 as simply enforcing the caliphate.

Let's remember that the cause of the war was secession, not slavery.

If you believe otherwise, take a look at Lincoln's Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861:

"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so,and I have no inclination to do so.
Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge thatI had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them;and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

'Resolved', That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. I now reiterate these sentiments,..."
Abraham Lincoln Inaugural Address

Clearly, Lincoln had no desire for war, but simply for the 'endurance of our political fabric.'

Clearly, it was not Lincoln who instigated the war.
Funny, they also believe they have the One True Faith, and their Prophet died only 1,300 years ago and didn't miss his window to return nor announce his failure of faith while dying on the cross.
It doesn't matter what people believe, only what is true.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
They are made in the image of God like anyone, therefore they know that killing, violence, and oppression are wrong, as it says in Romans 1, their own conscience will accuse them on the day of judgement.
Man is not made in the image of God. That is the human ego at work, the same that invented God. Besides, there are two of us and Adam would have had no need for a penis unless he was fucking the sheep. BTW, the default for humans is female, not male. We are a conversion job, obviously.

You go out of your way to be offensive, don't you?
It's the best way to cut to the chase and through the religious dogma.
Good idea. Education makes liberals, which is why you hate it.
Conservatives weren't educated?

Most are very poorly educated. That's normal for stupid people.
then why are the very poor and uneducated always voting democratic?
Because your side treats them as animals...

How do you figure that?
I read what you people write.
Who the fuck is Tashfeen Malik?
Can there be a better example of a low-info, high maintenance loony left princess than POGO? Over 4 days after the largest terrorist attack in America since 9/11 and the idiot doesn't know who Malik was.
2015 San Bernardino shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks, but the OP gave no indication who the picture was of. And knowing her name doesn't bring 14 lives back. I really didn't need to know her name, and more to the point I was doing something through that whole period that would have impeded that pointless quest, something called "working". Which is in turn part of something called "having a life". Which is in turn the opposite of sitting glued to a TV begging for scare stories in an endless act-out of that timeless classic Gullible's Travels.

In any case it's the OP's job -- as it is ALWAYS the OP's job -- to explain what the fuck he's talking about, let alone linking who said or did what. And in that he FAILED MISERABLY.

So fuck you too. :fu:

But I tell ya what -- prove me wrong. Show the class how anybody can just declare "Obama just cured cancer" and not have to link it.

We'll just stand here and watch.

Dumb shit....

Wow! I realize you have a major case of BUTTHURT in the matter but until you posted that response I was prepared to let it go.

Since you clearly haven't a clue ... you are and have been engaged in a thread in which the recent Jihad attack in Cali is, in part, the subject.

In the course of your mindless braying you asked "Who the fuck is Tashfeen Malik?"

Now none of this will bring back any of the lives lost, heal any of the wounded nor repair the broken families (not that Jihadi apologists like you give a flying fuck) but when you didn't know - over 4 days after the attack - about Malik, you made it clear that you really are just another ignorant loony leftard with absolutely nothing of value to add to the discourse.

Why did you bother? Don't involve idiots like Pogo and Paint My House in adult discussions. It only brings the discussion down.
That was YOUR job, Dipshit.
This isn't anyone's job, Kumquat, and if you still need to ask "Who the fuck is Tashfeen Malik?" at this stage in the conversation, you are simply too ignorant to talk with the adults.

Now back to your sandbox.

And further, that name appears NOWHERE in the OP. Go learn the fuck to read.

Whew ... and to think I once thought you reasonably intelligent. Clearly I misjudged you.

It doesn't matter where in this conversation Malik's name first appeared.

What does matter is that when it did you had no idea who the bitch was or enough sense to check it out before making a raging jackass of yourself.

Given that golden op to exhibit your monumental ignorance, you jumped on it eagerly.

Go fuck yourself, smegma sipper. There IS NO excuse for this bullshit OP, flail as you might to try to legitimize a blatant lie --- which speaks volumes about your own values.

Just as there's no such thing as a link to my being a "Jihadi apologist".

I asked you for a way an assertion has any value without tangible documentation, which is the entire issue here, and you FAILED to do that. And now you're whining about it.

So go fuck yourself.
In the beginning, it was all Muslims murdering Christians. Most of the land that is no Muslim was once Christian. Muslims slaughtered any Christian who dared to resist them. The rest of them were made to pay the tax on non Muslims.

Apparently you believe Christians aren't allowed to defend themselves.

In the beginning...the slaughter went both ways dude. Excess is not defense and the Christians are no innocents in religious body counts. Get real.

Wrong. In the beginning, the slaughter went all one way. Islam expanded by slaughter at the expense of Christianity. The Muslims rampaged through the Middle East for over 300 years before any Christian ever raises a finger to them.

How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
That matters why? They arent Christians...

It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.
In the beginning...the slaughter went both ways dude. Excess is not defense and the Christians are no innocents in religious body counts. Get real.

Wrong. In the beginning, the slaughter went all one way. Islam expanded by slaughter at the expense of Christianity. The Muslims rampaged through the Middle East for over 300 years before any Christian ever raises a finger to them.

How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
That matters why? They arent Christians...

It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
They will go to hell with or without swine. Only the blood of Christ can atone for sins and make men right before God.
Funny, they also believe they have the One True Faith, and their Prophet died only 1,300 years ago and didn't miss his window to return nor announce his failure of faith while dying on the cross.
It doesn't matter what people believe, only what is true.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
None of you are but you all believe so. Not to worry, dead is dead...
Humans are part energy and energy can't be destroyed only transformed, ask any scientist. Who is to say what that transformation is.
Humans have energy but they are matter, that returns to the source, the ground from which it came.
Wrong. In the beginning, the slaughter went all one way. Islam expanded by slaughter at the expense of Christianity. The Muslims rampaged through the Middle East for over 300 years before any Christian ever raises a finger to them.

How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
That matters why? They arent Christians...

It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
That matters why? They arent Christians...

It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.

Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”

“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!” Admiral Lyons on Obama’s Strategy: ‘It’s Anti-American ... Pro-Islamic, It’s Pro-Iranian, and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood!’

Interesting how Lyons' quote applies to both you and Obama, birds of a feather.

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