I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset.

And I don't troll anyone you stupid little fuckwit. I speak out for my principles which are the principles of constitutional conservatives. I'm not going to shut up and go along with 'whatever' because of popularity. If Trump says something boneheaded, I am going to call him on it! I'll do the same for Cruz or any other politician, I don't play favorites. But when I make a case, I state the facts and lay it all out on the table... I don't "troll" any goddamn thing. YOUR the fucking TROLL!

If anything I'm thinking the word "troll" has been a bit overused. I used to think it mean coming into a forum and typing stuff just to cause trouble and for no other reason. I've been kicked out of forums because my disagreements with others had been defined as trolling.

I don't think you're trolling. You're speaking your mind. Isn't that what they invited us to do?

Oh, and if you're going to dwell on everything a candidate says that is boneheaded, you've got a LOT of work to do because Trump isn't the only one. He has never claimed to be a perfect political speaker. He has a lot of fun at his rallies saying a lot of politically incorrect stuff that even Ivanka is now begging him to knock it off and act more "presidential." His rallies were pretty much (like Limbaugh would say) a long line of streaming consciousness. And that personality is what got him here.

It wasn't perfect conservative ideology. If that had been the case, Cruz would be the nominee.
Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset.

And I don't troll anyone you stupid little fuckwit. I speak out for my principles which are the principles of constitutional conservatives. I'm not going to shut up and go along with 'whatever' because of popularity. If Trump says something boneheaded, I am going to call him on it! I'll do the same for Cruz or any other politician, I don't play favorites. But when I make a case, I state the facts and lay it all out on the table... I don't "troll" any goddamn thing. YOUR the fucking TROLL!

Spare me the phony indignation.
How fucking self centered are you (politically speaking) that you think Cruz is a main issue at this point? He's yesterday's news, dude. As for kicking Cruz in the nuts, he'd have to get some first.

I just posted the fucking video from this morning of Donald Trump bashing and trashing Ted Cruz! He spent nearly 8 minutes going through all the sordid details he attacked Cruz on in the primaries and continued to insinuate absolute lies about the man, his wife and his father. Seems like that was pretty much a "main issue" as he spent all that time on it.... and for WHAT?

Can ANY of you explain WHY this is happening? Why you seem bound and determined to alienate all of Cruz's supporters like this? I understood it when the primaries were happening... you wanted to win the nomination... got it... understood..; but why NOW? What possible purpose is this serving now, AFTER the convention?

I'll put $10k up right now... that Hillary Clinton will not have one single solitary negative word to say about Bernie Sanders or his supporters at her convention or afterwards. Any takers?
How fucking self centered are you (politically speaking) that you think Cruz is a main issue at this point? He's yesterday's news, dude. As for kicking Cruz in the nuts, he'd have to get some first.

I just posted the fucking video from this morning of Donald Trump bashing and trashing Ted Cruz! He spent nearly 8 minutes going through all the sordid details he attacked Cruz on in the primaries and continued to insinuate absolute lies about the man, his wife and his father. Seems like that was pretty much a "main issue" as he spent all that time on it.... and for WHAT?

Can ANY of you explain WHY this is happening? Why you seem bound and determined to alienate all of Cruz's supporters like this? I understood it when the primaries were happening... you wanted to win the nomination... got it... understood..; but why NOW? What possible purpose is this serving now, AFTER the convention?

I'll put $10k up right now... that Hillary Clinton will not have one single solitary negative word to say about Bernie Sanders or his supporters at her convention or afterwards. Any takers?

I don't think he should have done it....but there are few loud and proud NeverTrump erst in the conservative media, basically campaigning for hitlery and cruz could have stopped them, but he didn't.
How fucking self centered are you (politically speaking) that you think Cruz is a main issue at this point? He's yesterday's news, dude. As for kicking Cruz in the nuts, he'd have to get some first.

I just posted the fucking video from this morning of Donald Trump bashing and trashing Ted Cruz! He spent nearly 8 minutes going through all the sordid details he attacked Cruz on in the primaries and continued to insinuate absolute lies about the man, his wife and his father. Seems like that was pretty much a "main issue" as he spent all that time on it.... and for WHAT?

Can ANY of you explain WHY this is happening? Why you seem bound and determined to alienate all of Cruz's supporters like this? I understood it when the primaries were happening... you wanted to win the nomination... got it... understood..; but why NOW? What possible purpose is this serving now, AFTER the convention?

I'll put $10k up right now... that Hillary Clinton will not have one single solitary negative word to say about Bernie Sanders or his supporters at her convention or afterwards. Any takers?

Hillary doesn't have the balls to attack Sanders at this point. And in fact, Hillary never had a damn thing against Sanders other than that he threatened her run at power. That's how it goes when one doesn't have any real values. Even the likes of uber libs like John Stewart have spoken to this. As for Cruz, he pulled a lot of sh**. He tried to take advantage of a rigged system. Trump hasn't forgotten that; nor should he. If you can't move on, that's your damn deal. Anyone who votes for Hillary is not a "conservative." Nobody's buying your bs, dude. That's what I'm talking about when I say they won't kiss your ass. Be real before you expect others to be real back.
Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset.

And I don't troll anyone you stupid little fuckwit. I speak out for my principles which are the principles of constitutional conservatives. I'm not going to shut up and go along with 'whatever' because of popularity. If Trump says something boneheaded, I am going to call him on it! I'll do the same for Cruz or any other politician, I don't play favorites. But when I make a case, I state the facts and lay it all out on the table... I don't "troll" any goddamn thing. YOUR the fucking TROLL!

If anything I'm thinking the word "troll" has been a bit overused. I used to think it mean coming into a forum and typing stuff just to cause trouble and for no other reason. I've been kicked out of forums because my disagreements with others had been defined as trolling.

I don't think you're trolling. You're speaking your mind. Isn't that what they invited us to do?

Oh, and if you're going to dwell on everything a candidate says that is boneheaded, you've got a LOT of work to do because Trump isn't the only one. He has never claimed to be a perfect political speaker. He has a lot of fun at his rallies saying a lot of politically incorrect stuff that even Ivanka is now begging him to knock it off and act more "presidential." His rallies were pretty much (like Limbaugh would say) a long line of streaming consciousness. And that personality is what got him here.

It wasn't perfect conservative ideology. If that had been the case, Cruz would be the nominee.

These people who are stuck in attack mode on Ted Cruz are WAY too stupid to win this election. They're all pumped up for Trump and they believe in their heart of hearts that they can win the election without the support of the voters who supported Ted Cruz.

I've never seen anything so bizarre in my whole life as the GOP nominee for president giving a post-convention press conference to attack and smear his primary opponent. I don't get the purpose or reasoning behind it... doesn't make any rational sense whatsoever.

The only two things I can come up with are this... Either he and his supporters KNOW they are going to lose and they are setting up a scapegoat to blame the loss on... those Cruz people stayed home... OR.... He knows he plans to roll out one liberal agenda initiative after another when he wins and the primary opposition he'll have is from Conservatives like Cruz and he wants to take them out of a potential primary challenge in 2020.

Those are the ONLY two explanations I can come up with.
I don't think he should have done it....but there are few loud and proud NeverTrump erst in the conservative media, basically campaigning for hitlery and cruz could have stopped them, but he didn't.

How the hell do you think Cruz could stop them? :dunno:
I don't think he should have done it....but there are few loud and proud NeverTrump erst in the conservative media, basically campaigning for hitlery and cruz could have stopped them, but he didn't.

How the hell do you think Cruz could stop them? :dunno:

Don't be literal. Cruz could've effectively quelled the rift by endorsing. What he did was push his chips to Hillary like you're doing.
I am a conservative .

No you are not.

At least a dishonest person like you is voting for a world class liar. Two peas in a pod and all that.

You're voting for a world class liar too.

I'm not voting FOR Hillary.. I will vote AGAINST Trump.

Didn't have to be that way... I really did WANT to vote for Trump... but he (and you) have made it clear that you don't want my vote or need my vote. So.... you morons go on out there and win this one without me!
I am a conservative .

No you are not.

At least a dishonest person like you is voting for a world class liar. Two peas in a pod and all that.

You're voting for a world class liar too.

I'm not voting FOR Hillary.. I will vote AGAINST Trump.

Didn't have to be that way... I really did WANT to vote for Trump... but he (and you) have made it clear that you don't want my vote or need my vote. So.... you morons go on out there and win this one without me!

I am not voting for Trump because he is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal.

I am a real Conservative. Not a liar like you.

Trump has flaws but he is a saint compared to Crooked Hillary.

No real conservative would even think for a nano second about voting for Crooked Hillary.

For instance, that dickhead she picked for VP today is as anti right to keep and bear arms as it gets.
Don't be literal. Cruz could've effectively quelled the rift by endorsing. What he did was push his chips to Hillary like you're doing.

Oh... so his endorsement WAS important?

You people are confusing... ya boy claimed it wasn't important and nobody cared. I've been listening to two days of you morons popping off that you didn't need Cruz or his supporters. Continuing, instead, to attack and smear the man.

Here's a lesson for ya... you're not going to win someone's endorsement if you viciously attack their family the way Trump did. And here's another nugget... you're not going to win the support of Cruz supporters by continuing to bash and trash Ted Cruz.

Now go out there, tough guy, and win the goddamn election without us like you said you could do and shut the fuck up!
I am a conservative .

No you are not.

At least a dishonest person like you is voting for a world class liar. Two peas in a pod and all that.

You're voting for a world class liar too.

I'm not voting FOR Hillary.. I will vote AGAINST Trump.

Didn't have to be that way... I really did WANT to vote for Trump... but he (and you) have made it clear that you don't want my vote or need my vote. So.... you morons go on out there and win this one without me!

I'm voting for Trump to cancel your vote for Hillary, sorry.
Don't be literal. Cruz could've effectively quelled the rift by endorsing. What he did was push his chips to Hillary like you're doing.

Oh... so his endorsement WAS important?

You people are confusing... ya boy claimed it wasn't important and nobody cared. I've been listening to two days of you morons popping off that you didn't need Cruz or his supporters. Continuing, instead, to attack and smear the man.

Here's a lesson for ya... you're not going to win someone's endorsement if you viciously attack their family the way Trump did. And here's another nugget... you're not going to win the support of Cruz supporters by continuing to bash and trash Ted Cruz.

Now go out there, tough guy, and win the goddamn election without us like you said you could do and shut the fuck up!

I don't think Cruz's endorsement was very important. In fact, a Cruz endorsement could've been a negative value among independents. But what Cruz did was rile up his base against Trump when he could've just stayed home. He wasn't being a team player; he was being the prick we've said he was all along.

Here's a lesson for you (that I've already taught): I spot a troll, I don't pander to them. Nobody's trying to win your endorsement, dude.
I am not voting for Trump because he is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal.

I am a real Conservative. Not a liar like you.

Trump has flaws but he is a saint compared to Crooked Hillary.

No real conservative would even think for a nano second about voting for Crooked Hillary.

For instance, that dickhead she picked for VP today is as anti right to keep and bear arms as it gets.

USMB has a really good search engine... you're free to go search my threads and posts and show me where I have been anything other than a true died-in-the-wool constitutional conservative. Popping off at me that I am NOT a conservative, doesn't mean jack squat to me. I know what I am and who I am and I don't need or require your validation.

You're absolutely RIGHT about Hillary and her VP pick... no argument there. As I said, I haven't made up my mind who I will vote for yet.... I said I *might* vote for Hillary Clinton... right now, that's about a 10% possibility. Still, for someone like me who loathes everything about her, that's pretty significant. And it's at 10% strictly on the basis or the unwarranted attacks on Ted Cruz over the past few days. IF it turns out that I do vote for her, it will purely be a protest vote to offset a Trump vote.

I am fully prepared for Hillary Clinton to win this election. If you're going to alienate half the GOP base, that's what is going to happen. And that seems to be perfectly okay with Trump and his fan base. So I will work to elect constitutional conservatives to the Senate and House and hope that we can hold Hillary in check for 4 years.
I don't think his endorsement was very important. In fact, a Cruz endorsement could've been a negative value among independents. But what Cruz did was rile up his base against Trump when he could've just stayed home. He wasn't being a team player; he was being the prick we've said he was all along.

Here's a lesson for you: I spot a troll, I don't pander to them. Nobody's trying to win "your" endorsement, dude.

Again, I am getting mixed messages here... it's like you have Turrets or something.... I didn't think Cruz's base mattered?

So now... his endorsement didn't matter but really it did... because of his base who mattered but really they don't? What the fuck? :dunno:
Trump doesn't want to win. He just wants to get more money from his retard supporters while handing the election to his close personal friend hillary Clinton

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