I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

I am not voting for Trump because he is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal.

I am a real Conservative. Not a liar like you.

Trump has flaws but he is a saint compared to Crooked Hillary.

No real conservative would even think for a nano second about voting for Crooked Hillary.

For instance, that dickhead she picked for VP today is as anti right to keep and bear arms as it gets.

USMB has a really good search engine... you're free to go search my threads and posts and show me where I have been anything other than a true died-in-the-wool constitutional conservative. Popping off at me that I am NOT a conservative, doesn't mean jack squat to me. I know what I am and who I am and I don't need or require your validation.

You're absolutely RIGHT about Hillary and her VP pick... no argument there. As I said, I haven't made up my mind who I will vote for yet.... I said I *might* vote for Hillary Clinton... right now, that's about a 10% possibility. Still, for someone like me who loathes everything about her, that's pretty significant. And it's at 10% strictly on the basis or the unwarranted attacks on Ted Cruz over the past few days. IF it turns out that I do vote for her, it will purely be a protest vote to offset a Trump vote.

I am fully prepared for Hillary Clinton to win this election. If you're going to alienate half the GOP base, that's what is going to happen. And that seems to be perfectly okay with Trump and his fan base. So I will work to elect constitutional conservatives to the Senate and House and hope that we can hold Hillary in check for 4 years.

The only thing I need to know about you is that you said you are going to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary.

No real Conservative would entertain that thought for one nano second, even if they were disillusioned with Trump.

The option would be to not vote for either, not to vote for a lying corrupt Libtard asshole like Crooked Hillary.
If you care about your country you wouldn't even consider a vote for the Hill. Better to stay home than that.You do remember if elected possibly a Supreme Court judge could be picked by her. She cared less about the safety of States secrets, etc. She cared less of the lives her Dept were to help keep safe.

The point here is the drooling, knuckle-dragging, hate filled Trumpets are actively turning potential Trump supporters like Boss (and me) into stay-at-homes or even worse, active anti-Trump voters, and remarkably the Trumpets seem fuckin' proud of that. What a pathetic bunch of dunderheads. Kinda reminds me of the mouth-breathers who supported Ron Paul and before him, Ross Perot.

...You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

So you WANT Hillary to appoint the next Supreme Court justice? Are you mad?

Boss has already stated he wants to vote for Trump but can't support a candidate who attracts so many angry, classless, knuckle-draggers.
I am a conservative .

No you are not.

At least a dishonest person like you is voting for a world class liar. Two peas in a pod and all that.

You're voting for a world class liar too.

I'm not voting FOR Hillary.. I will vote AGAINST Trump.

Didn't have to be that way... I really did WANT to vote for Trump... but he (and you) have made it clear that you don't want my vote or need my vote. So.... you morons go on out there and win this one without me!

I get it. I voted for Cruz, so vote for anyone but hitlery.

I'm voting Trump, because:
He trolls the eilites and Washington
wants to build a wall....about fucking time.....
Appoint.consevstives to.the bench
Get rid of these stupid trade agreements
Backup cops
and lower taxes and repealong.obamacare
The only thing I need to know about you is that you said you are going to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary.

And that's your problem, you don't pay attention. I said that I *MIGHT* vote for Hillary Clinton.

I heard you loud and cleat.

You didn't hear me.

I said that no real Conservative in this country unless they high on drugs or something would think for one nanosecond about voting for Crooked Hillary.

You are very confused, or something.
Cruz is wonderful positioned.
For a wonderful private sector career. He should just pull a John Edwards and create an ambulance chasing law firm and make millions. He doesn't have the stomach or the integrity for politics.
Cruz's integrity and stomach for politics are sticking his finger in Trump's eye while sticking his foot up Trump's ass so that Donald is peeping out of his butt with one eye. Cruz ended any serious chance for a Trump victory managed by Trump's efforts. Trump now rides the swells of fate.
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Trump reneged, pure and simple. Boss has all of you guys by your balls and is pulling hard. You are all squealing like girls.

Trump reneged and the whole world knows it. Boss may vote HRC. I will vote Gary Johnson. No honorable Republican can support Trump, not one.
No real Conservative would entertain that thought for one nano second, even if they were disillusioned with Trump.

The option would be to not vote for either, not to vote for a lying corrupt Libtard asshole like Crooked Hillary.

Did you even READ the OP? When I posted it, my main objection was the Trump supporters who were continuing to bash and trash Ted Cruz and Cruz supporters. I didn't have a problem with Trump because he seemed to have been moving in the right direction with his selection of Pence and the approval of a solid conservative GOP platform. But his supporters were absolutely turning me off with their continued trashing of Cruz. Of course, now I have to add Trump in as of this morning because he spent over 8 minutes denigrating and attacking Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz is a real conservative... in fact, I think he was the only true conservative running. But he lost and that's that... so now, it was the moment for Trump to bring the party together. He chose to launch into another attack on his primary opponent, Ted Cruz... the conservative.

From MY perspective, I think we'll be better off as conservatives with Hillary as president and a solid conservative Congress. IF Trump wins... which is now highly unlikely without the Cruz supporters... he will implement all kinds of liberal policies because he will have won without the conservatives. There will be no conservatives to hold him accountable... he has destroyed them all. There's no telling what kind of justices he will appoint, he has no allegiance to conservatives or conservatism in general... so he can appoint left wing radicals just like Hillary and the Mitch McConnells and John Boehners will rubber stamp whatever he wants to the glee of liberal democrats... the conservative have been silenced.... he won without them.

Hillary with a Conservative congress, however... will be far more likely to nominate a moderate, at least. She will have to nominate someone who can get approved by the conservative congress. So the down ballot races mean everything now, and the presidential race means very little. In fact, conservatism may be better off with Hillary.

Yes... I know she is corrupt and crooked... even more reason she probably won't last a full term without getting her fat corrupt ass impeached. Worst case scenario, conservatives will be in great position to oppose her in 2020.

There is still a LOT to play out, I haven't made my mind up on how I will vote. I really do like the Constitution Party candidate, Darrell Castle.... he may get my vote if NC is not in play.
I don't think his endorsement was very important. In fact, a Cruz endorsement could've been a negative value among independents. But what Cruz did was rile up his base against Trump when he could've just stayed home. He wasn't being a team player; he was being the prick we've said he was all along.

Here's a lesson for you: I spot a troll, I don't pander to them. Nobody's trying to win "your" endorsement, dude.

Again, I am getting mixed messages here... it's like you have Turrets or something.... I didn't think Cruz's base mattered?

So now... his endorsement didn't matter but really it did... because of his base who mattered but really they don't? What the fuck? :dunno:

Your attempt to pretend straight forward statements are saying two averse meanings is precisely why you're a troll. I said very plainly that a Cruz endorsement may not have helped but that showing up and not endorsing was clearly his way of signaling the base to not support Trump. He deserved every boo he got. He's in this for himself.
If you care about your country you wouldn't even consider a vote for the Hill. Better to stay home than that.You do remember if elected possibly a Supreme Court judge could be picked by her. She cared less about the safety of States secrets, etc. She cared less of the lives her Dept were to help keep safe.

The point here is the drooling, knuckle-dragging, hate filled Trumpets are actively turning potential Trump supporters like Boss (and me) into stay-at-homes or even worse, active anti-Trump voters, and remarkably the Trumpets seem fuckin' proud of that. What a pathetic bunch of dunderheads. Kinda reminds me of the mouth-breathers who supported Ron Paul and before him, Ross Perot.

...You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

So you WANT Hillary to appoint the next Supreme Court justice? Are you mad?

Boss has already stated he wants to vote for Trump but can't support a candidate who attracts so many angry, classless, knuckle-draggers.

Thanks. Well put!
Boss has already stated he wants to vote for Trump but can't support a candidate who attracts so many angry, classless, knuckle-draggers.

And that's an utter crock of sh** TBH. No candidate is without less than ideal followers. He's just seeing who is willing to kiss his ass.
If you care about your country you wouldn't even consider a vote for the Hill. Better to stay home than that.You do remember if elected possibly a Supreme Court judge could be picked by her. She cared less about the safety of States secrets, etc. She cared less of the lives her Dept were to help keep safe.

The point here is the drooling, knuckle-dragging, hate filled Trumpets are actively turning potential Trump supporters like Boss (and me) into stay-at-homes or even worse, active anti-Trump voters, and remarkably the Trumpets seem fuckin' proud of that. What a pathetic bunch of dunderheads. Kinda reminds me of the mouth-breathers who supported Ron Paul and before him, Ross Perot.

...You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

So you WANT Hillary to appoint the next Supreme Court justice? Are you mad?

Boss has already stated he wants to vote for Trump but can't support a candidate who attracts so many angry, classless, knuckle-draggers.

Thanks. Well put!

We are looking at an election in which there is no lesser of 2 evils.
I don't think his endorsement was very important. In fact, a Cruz endorsement could've been a negative value among independents. But what Cruz did was rile up his base against Trump when he could've just stayed home. He wasn't being a team player; he was being the prick we've said he was all along.

Here's a lesson for you: I spot a troll, I don't pander to them. Nobody's trying to win "your" endorsement, dude.

Again, I am getting mixed messages here... it's like you have Turrets or something.... I didn't think Cruz's base mattered?

So now... his endorsement didn't matter but really it did... because of his base who mattered but really they don't? What the fuck? :dunno:

Your attempt to pretend straight forward statements are saying two averse meanings is precisely why you're a troll. I said very plainly that a Cruz endorsement may not have helped but that showing up and not endorsing was clearly his way of signaling the base to not support Trump. He deserved every boo he got. He's in this for himself.
Boss drives The Great Gatesby weeping before him. Man up, TGG.

Boss has explained very clearly the problems with Trump.

Cruz had every right to make his statements, and some in the crowd had the right to boo him.

So what is TGG's issue.
I don't think his endorsement was very important. In fact, a Cruz endorsement could've been a negative value among independents. But what Cruz did was rile up his base against Trump when he could've just stayed home. He wasn't being a team player; he was being the prick we've said he was all along.

Here's a lesson for you: I spot a troll, I don't pander to them. Nobody's trying to win "your" endorsement, dude.

Again, I am getting mixed messages here... it's like you have Turrets or something.... I didn't think Cruz's base mattered?

So now... his endorsement didn't matter but really it did... because of his base who mattered but really they don't? What the fuck? :dunno:

Your attempt to pretend straight forward statements are saying two averse meanings is precisely why you're a troll. I said very plainly that a Cruz endorsement may not have helped but that showing up and not endorsing was clearly his way of signaling the base to not support Trump. He deserved every boo he got. He's in this for himself.

But you still are talking out of both sides of your utterly ridiculous mouth... You say his endorsement doesn't matter... yet it DOES matter, apparently.... and you claim he doesn't need or want Cruz's supporters... yet, he DOES need them!

I'm not trolling you, I am just repeating your convoluted positions. I can't help it that you're not making any sense. That's all you, baby!
If you care about your country you wouldn't even consider a vote for the Hill. Better to stay home than that.You do remember if elected possibly a Supreme Court judge could be picked by her. She cared less about the safety of States secrets, etc. She cared less of the lives her Dept were to help keep safe.

The point here is the drooling, knuckle-dragging, hate filled Trumpets are actively turning potential Trump supporters like Boss (and me) into stay-at-homes or even worse, active anti-Trump voters, and remarkably the Trumpets seem fuckin' proud of that. What a pathetic bunch of dunderheads. Kinda reminds me of the mouth-breathers who supported Ron Paul and before him, Ross Perot.

...You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

So you WANT Hillary to appoint the next Supreme Court justice? Are you mad?

Boss has already stated he wants to vote for Trump but can't support a candidate who attracts so many angry, classless, knuckle-draggers.

Thanks. Well put!

We are looking at an election in which there is no lesser of 2 evils.
Vote Gary Johnson!

No real Conservative would entertain that thought for one nano second, even if they were disillusioned with Trump.

The option would be to not vote for either, not to vote for a lying corrupt Libtard asshole like Crooked Hillary.

Did you even READ the OP? When I posted it, my main objection was the Trump supporters who were continuing to bash and trash Ted Cruz and Cruz supporters. I didn't have a problem with Trump because he seemed to have been moving in the right direction with his selection of Pence and the approval of a solid conservative GOP platform. But his supporters were absolutely turning me off with their continued trashing of Cruz. Of course, now I have to add Trump in as of this morning because he spent over 8 minutes denigrating and attacking Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz is a real conservative... in fact, I think he was the only true conservative running. But he lost and that's that... so now, it was the moment for Trump to bring the party together. He chose to launch into another attack on his primary opponent, Ted Cruz... the conservative.

From MY perspective, I think we'll be better off as conservatives with Hillary as president and a solid conservative Congress. IF Trump wins... which is now highly unlikely without the Cruz supporters... he will implement all kinds of liberal policies because he will have won without the conservatives. There will be no conservatives to hold him accountable... he has destroyed them all. There's no telling what kind of justices he will appoint, he has no allegiance to conservatives or conservatism in general... so he can appoint left wing radicals just like Hillary and the Mitch McConnells and John Boehners will rubber stamp whatever he wants to the glee of liberal democrats... the conservative have been silenced.... he won without them.

Hillary with a Conservative congress, however... will be far more likely to nominate a moderate, at least. She will have to nominate someone who can get approved by the conservative congress. So the down ballot races mean everything now, and the presidential race means very little. In fact, conservatism may be better off with Hillary.

Yes... I know she is corrupt and crooked... even more reason she probably won't last a full term without getting her fat corrupt ass impeached. Worst case scenario, conservatives will be in great position to oppose her in 2020.

There is still a LOT to play out, I haven't made my mind up on how I will vote. I really do like the Constitution Party candidate, Darrell Castle.... he may get my vote if NC is not in play.

So you are thinking about voting for Crooked Hillary because Trump beat Cruz's ass in the Primaries? Wow!

Trump got more than twice as many votes in the Primaries as Cruz. Sorry but Cruz lost. He ain't an option anymore. After that stupid stunt at the convention he has pretty well cooked his goose.

You don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

If you are like me and think Trump is a big government Liberal then don't vote for him. Problem solved.

Thinking about voting for Crooked is a dumbass thing to do.

Don't be a dumbass. That puts you in the same category as all the idiot Moon Bats that post on here.
But you still are talking out of both sides of your utterly ridiculous mouth... You say his endorsement doesn't matter... yet it DOES matter, apparently.... and you claim he doesn't need or want Cruz's supporters... yet, he DOES need them!

I'm not trolling you, I am just repeating your convoluted positions. I can't help it that you're not making any sense. That's all you, baby!

Where is the word matter in there? I know you like to pretend some sort of convoluted reality when you argue.

Your attempt to pretend straight forward statements are saying two averse meanings is precisely why you're a troll. I said very plainly that a Cruz endorsement may not have helped but that showing up and not endorsing was clearly his way of signaling the base to not support Trump. He deserved every boo he got. He's in this for himself.
Hey Boss, you're certainly not alone. I don't think I'll know who I'm voting for until I'm in the booth. Every damn time I consider voting Trump, his loony pops out and I'm standing here shaking my head going "huh?" I read a lot of articles and a ton of comments .... there are lots and lots of people like us out there. I've yet to see any move towards us from the Trump contingency. If he (they) believe they can win without us, well okay then. I've zero problem writing in my vote. Honestly though, voting clinton because Trump and his supporters are acting like obama when he said "I won" is not the answer. You'll regret it down the road. Vote Libertarian or write in or stay home ... but don't pull the lever for her.

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