I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

If you care about your country you wouldn't even consider a vote for the Hill. Better to stay home than that.You do remember if elected possibly a Supreme Court judge could be picked by her. She cared less about the safety of States secrets, etc. She cared less of the lives her Dept were to help keep safe.

The point here is the drooling, knuckle-dragging, hate filled Trumpets are actively turning potential Trump supporters like Boss (and me) into stay-at-homes or even worse, active anti-Trump voters, and remarkably the Trumpets seem fuckin' proud of that. What a pathetic bunch of dunderheads. Kinda reminds me of the mouth-breathers who supported Ron Paul and before him, Ross Perot.

...You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

So you WANT Hillary to appoint the next Supreme Court justice? Are you mad?

Boss has already stated he wants to vote for Trump but can't support a candidate who attracts so many angry, classless, knuckle-draggers.

Thanks. Well put!

We are looking at an election in which there is no lesser of 2 evils.
Vote Gary Johnson!


No can do ... I've read the Lib platform and their caucuses always seem like a meeting of goofballs.
Hey Boss, you're certainly not alone. I don't think I'll know who I'm voting for until I'm in the booth. Every damn time I consider voting Trump, his loony pops out and I'm standing here shaking my head going "huh?" I read a lot of articles and a ton of comments .... there are lots and lots of people like us out there. I've yet to see any move towards us from the Trump contingency. If he (they) believe they can win without us, well okay then. I've zero problem writing in my vote. Honestly though, voting clinton because Trump and his supporters are acting like obama when he said "I won" is not the answer. You'll regret it down the road. Vote Libertarian or write in or stay home ... but don't pull the lever for her.

Hey, I admit that I am mostly just trying to make a point here. IF by some reason I do vote for Hillary, it will be to offset one of these loudmouth's votes and nothing more. I'm not pushed over that edge just yet but they're getting close to doing it.

I really am disappointed in Trump today. I have hoped with all my heart that he would unify the party and make amends with Cruz over the nasty things he said about him in the primaries but he stood up there today and essentially "doubled down" on every damn bit of it and then said he basically didn't care if he had our support or not.

So win this mofo without us, big man!
So what is TGG's issue.

It's really hard to figure out. Apparently, it's that we don't all march in lockstep waving our pom-poms for Trump.... but then, he claims that's not important and Trump doesn't need us anyway. It's sort of confusing... right? :dunno:

I've not claimed that Trump cannot benefit from rank and file Repubs. Some argued that's why Mitt lost (though, imo the election was rigged). I just refuse to give you tea and sympathy on Cruz cos you're butthurt; especially you personally because I saw you trolling Trump supporters back when it was a race and now I believe this is likely an extension of that.
Hey Boss, you're certainly not alone. I don't think I'll know who I'm voting for until I'm in the booth. Every damn time I consider voting Trump, his loony pops out and I'm standing here shaking my head going "huh?" I read a lot of articles and a ton of comments .... there are lots and lots of people like us out there. I've yet to see any move towards us from the Trump contingency. If he (they) believe they can win without us, well okay then. I've zero problem writing in my vote. Honestly though, voting clinton because Trump and his supporters are acting like obama when he said "I won" is not the answer. You'll regret it down the road. Vote Libertarian or write in or stay home ... but don't pull the lever for her.

If enough of us take your advice, Mickey Mouse will finally make it into the White House.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

I think trashing a man's father and grandfather "trumps" your silly contract. Some words cannot be taken back. Oh that's right... Trump never apologized for those outrageous accusations.
I already covered all this in previous posts plus much more information and links were added. Cruz and his Ilk should not have went after Trumps wife first with their sleazy crap.
IF by some reason I do vote for Hillary, it will be to offset one of these loudmouth's votes and nothing more.

It'll be b/c your mofo troll with no moral compass. And even then, you'll probably just stay home and claim you voted for her b/c why spend more effort on trolling than you need to.
Hey Boss, you're certainly not alone. I don't think I'll know who I'm voting for until I'm in the booth. Every damn time I consider voting Trump, his loony pops out and I'm standing here shaking my head going "huh?" I read a lot of articles and a ton of comments .... there are lots and lots of people like us out there. I've yet to see any move towards us from the Trump contingency. If he (they) believe they can win without us, well okay then. I've zero problem writing in my vote. Honestly though, voting clinton because Trump and his supporters are acting like obama when he said "I won" is not the answer. You'll regret it down the road. Vote Libertarian or write in or stay home ... but don't pull the lever for her.

If enough of us take your advice, Mickey Mouse will finally make it into the White House.

I already covered all this in previous posts plus much more information and links were added. Cruz and his Ilk should not have went after Trumps wife first with their sleazy crap.

HE DIDN"T. It was an anti-Trump pac that did the nude ad w/Melania. TRUMP said it was Cruz and you are all still believing his lie.

Here. Read and stop swallowing Trump's lie.

"The anti-Trump PAC Make America Awesome (MAA), which created the Facebook ad featuring a nude photo of Donald Trump’s wife, claims they could have used “racier” photos of Melania Trump but chose not to."

Anti-Trump Super PAC Says Other Melania Trump Photos ‘Too Racy’ To Use

Political Leanings: Republican/Anti-Trump Super PAC

Make America Awesome was formed in December 2015 in opposition to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

As of April 1, the super PAC has spent almost $19,000 opposing Trump, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The majority of that has gone toward radio ads in Indiana, New Hampshire, Maryland and Florida.

Make America Awesome
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IF by some reason I do vote for Hillary, it will be to offset one of these loudmouth's votes and nothing more.

It'll be b/c your mofo troll with no moral compass. And even then, you'll probably just stay home and claim you voted for her b/c why spend more effort on trolling than you need to.

Oh ffs, he's not a troll. Try reading what he actually says instead of what you think he says.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

I think trashing a man's father and grandfather "trumps" your silly contract. Some words cannot be taken back. Oh that's right... Trump never apologized for those outrageous accusations.

Not only that but Trump himself backed out of the pledge back in March! So he is trying to hold Cruz to a pledge that he said himself he wouldn't honor. And his little fan boys cheer!
IF by some reason I do vote for Hillary, it will be to offset one of these loudmouth's votes and nothing more.

It'll be b/c your mofo troll with no moral compass. And even then, you'll probably just stay home and claim you voted for her b/c why spend more effort on trolling than you need to.

Oh ffs, he's not a troll. Try reading what he actually says instead of what you think he says.

Dude, I've had him make false claims against me just within these last two pages. So take your ffs and shove it up your ass. But even then, I've seen what this guy does going back months now.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

I think trashing a man's father and grandfather "trumps" your silly contract. Some words cannot be taken back. Oh that's right... Trump never apologized for those outrageous accusations.

Not only that but Trump himself backed out of the pledge back in March! So he is trying to hold Cruz to a pledge that he said himself he wouldn't honor. And his little fan boys cheer!
He did not try to hold Cruz to a pledge. Cruz just kept on acting like a creep and it showed so people booed him but that was your initial bitch now wasn't it.
So what is TGG's issue.

It's really hard to figure out. Apparently, it's that we don't all march in lockstep waving our pom-poms for Trump.... but then, he claims that's not important and Trump doesn't need us anyway. It's sort of confusing... right? :dunno:

I've not claimed that Trump cannot benefit from rank and file Repubs. Some argued that's why Mitt lost (though, imo the election was rigged). I just refuse to give you tea and sympathy on Cruz cos you're butthurt; especially you personally because I saw you trolling Trump supporters back when it was a race and now I believe this is likely an extension of that.
Now you are butt hurt if you really believe the 2012 election was rigged.

Keep yelling at the Cruz voters to "kneel before the Trump," and keep dissing Cruz and see who they vote for.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

I think trashing a man's father and grandfather "trumps" your silly contract. Some words cannot be taken back. Oh that's right... Trump never apologized for those outrageous accusations.

Not only that but Trump himself backed out of the pledge back in March! So he is trying to hold Cruz to a pledge that he said himself he wouldn't honor. And his little fan boys cheer!

Sounds like moral relativism at best.

But the reality is everyone except for Trump took the pledge. Cruz didn't have the guts to put up his hand. Maybe, he should've put his hand up. But he's a two faced coward. Whereas Trump defied that snipe attack that was clearly aimed at him. But Cruz pledged to support the nominee and he showed his word means nothing.

So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

I think trashing a man's father and grandfather "trumps" your silly contract. Some words cannot be taken back. Oh that's right... Trump never apologized for those outrageous accusations.

Not only that but Trump himself backed out of the pledge back in March! So he is trying to hold Cruz to a pledge that he said himself he wouldn't honor. And his little fan boys cheer!
He did not try to hold Cruz to a pledge. Cruz just kept on acting like a creep and it showed so people booed him but that was your initial bitch now wasn't it.

What? Trump has been whining about Cruz for two days, whining about not getting endorsed, whining that he wouldn't accept Cruz's endorsement, whining about the pledge that TRUMP HIMSELF RENEGED ON IN MARCH. He's a fucking crybaby when he doesn't get his way... just like obama. You're aware that Trump set up the whole booing thing, right? He knew that Cruz wasn't going to endorse him, invited him to speak, knew what Cruz's speech said ... and then set it up so Cruz got booed off the stage. Trump is a schoolyard bully, classless asshole. And. You. Cheer.
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

WOW boss! I guess you have a lot n common with Cruz. You put your "feelings" before the country. Forget the fact that the next POTUS will select at least one, and likely 2 or 3 SCOTUS judges. No, my feelings are hurt so screw the constitution and all you meanies.

Cruz had a chance to unify the party and possible be SCOTUS choice himself. But in the end he proved, just like you have proven, that he is a sissy bitch who will forget what is best for the country when he gets butt hurt because things didn't go his way, and a big orange clown was mean to him. PATHETIC!
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

I think trashing a man's father and grandfather "trumps" your silly contract. Some words cannot be taken back. Oh that's right... Trump never apologized for those outrageous accusations.

Not only that but Trump himself backed out of the pledge back in March! So he is trying to hold Cruz to a pledge that he said himself he wouldn't honor. And his little fan boys cheer!

Sounds like moral relativism at best.

But the reality is everyone except for Trump took the pledge. Cruz didn't have the guts to put up his hand. Maybe, he should've put his hand up. But he's a two faced coward. Whereas Trump defied that snipe attack that was clearly aimed at him. But Cruz pledged to support the nominee and he showed his word means nothing.

Which makes one wonder how he got so far in the GOP vetting. Something is VERY wrong in how the republicans have been choosing their presidential candidates for the last couple of decades.

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