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I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

What was that again liar ?
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Trump NEVER violated that agreement.
The agreement was that he would support the Republican nominee and he would not run as an independent. SAYING he's going to does not mean he actually did it. There was NOTHING in this document preventing from SAYING ANYTHING. If I SAY I'm going to kill someone tonight, I'm not automatically guilty of murder.
For you ideologues so cherishing of your precious Constitution, perhaps you should read its First Amendment.

He backed out of the agreement on March 29, 2016 and it was reported on CNN. You've got the video of him doing it.
Explain how trump or hillary can relate to or care about working class folk. When trumps son spoke about how hard he has worked i laughed for 10 minutes straight. He doesnt know what hard work is.
Trump a Sore Winner? The latest personification of the Republican Party is obsessed with denouncing anyone who gets under his very thin skin, in this case another creep, Ted Cruz. The Donald tells us the Enquirer had a picture of Ted's dad at the Kennedy assassination, and if the Enquirer says so, it must be true. Did I say sore winner? I can't imagine what happens if Chump loses. Did I say sociopath? Make that psychopath.

When Trump loses, the far right will get bruises if it gets stupid.
And now... Today, you have this:

On the day following his coronation as the GOP nominee for president, Trump takes to the microphone to AGAIN bash on Ted Cruz and doubles down on his attacks on Cruz's wife and father.

What the hell is this? WHY is he continuing to attack Ted Cruz like this? He just spent 4 days with a convention designed and intended to bring the party together and unify... he has completely shit on about 30% of the GOP electorate. And then, says he doesn't really care! This is just un-fucking-believable! He's literally sabotaging his own campaign.

And you Trump chuckleheads applaud him and join in the bash-fest of Ted Cruz! Yapping out of both sides of your mouth... condemning Cruz for not endorsing Trump and saying you don't need or want his endorsement! You're unhinged, you're not making any sense. Obviously, you are majorly butthurt that Cruz didn't endorse Trump!
And now... Today, you have this:

On the day following his coronation as the GOP nominee for president, Trump takes to the microphone to AGAIN bash on Ted Cruz and doubles down on his attacks on Cruz's wife and father.

What the hell is this? WHY is he continuing to attack Ted Cruz like this? He just spent 4 days with a convention designed and intended to bring the party together and unify... he has completely shit on about 30% of the GOP electorate. And then, says he doesn't really care! This is just un-fucking-believable! He's literally sabotaging his own campaign.

And you Trump chuckleheads applaud him and join in the bash-fest of Ted Cruz! Yapping out of both sides of your mouth... condemning Cruz for not endorsing Trump and saying you don't need or want his endorsement! You're unhinged, you're not making any sense. Obviously, you are majorly butthurt that Cruz didn't endorse Trump!

LOL, "butthurt" is what you will all feel with the money dries up from your illicit funders. Cruz included!
Trump is a fraud, and the will of the people who support him (a definite minority in America) support a fraud.

You haven't shown him to be a fraud of anything. He's been pretty straight forward in his campaign. He might not have been the perfect William F. Buckley conservative ideologue, but he has ALWAYS been himself.
Trump is a fraud, and the will of the people who support him (a definite minority in America) support a fraud.

You haven't shown him to be a fraud of anything. He's been pretty straight forward in his campaign. He might not have been the perfect William F. Buckley conservative ideologue, but he has ALWAYS been himself.
He has jumped all over the stage, changed or backwalked positions, and just kept lying. No need for the POS.

What was that again liar ?
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Trump NEVER violated that agreement.
The agreement was that he would support the Republican nominee and he would not run as an independent. SAYING he's going to does not mean he actually did it. There was NOTHING in this document preventing from SAYING ANYTHING. If I SAY I'm going to kill someone tonight, I'm not automatically guilty of murder.
For you ideologues so cherishing of your precious Constitution, perhaps you should read its First Amendment.

He backed out of the agreement on March 29, 2016 and it was reported on CNN. You've got the video of him doing it.

No he didn't. He merely SAID he would. And there was NO language in that agreement preventing him from SAYING anything while it was still a race.

He's the nominee. I think it's a safe bet that he's going go support the nominee. You might not like what he SAID to Anderson Cooper that day, but according to the agreement he has followed through with it to the letter.

He would be guilty of backing out if someone else had won and he didn't support that person. THEN he would have been in violation of the agreement.

But that never happened.

If I tell you that tonight I'm going to go out and kill someone that does NOT make me guilty of murder. Not unless I actually commit the murder.
Trump is a fraud, and the will of the people who support him (a definite minority in America) support a fraud.

You haven't shown him to be a fraud of anything. He's been pretty straight forward in his campaign. He might not have been the perfect William F. Buckley conservative ideologue, but he has ALWAYS been himself.
He has jumped all over the stage, changed or backwalked positions, and just kept lying. No need for the POS.

You haven't been watching his rallies. I have. I've also read his website AND his books. He hasn't backed away from a SINGLE thing. Even when the party BEGGED him to apologize to McCain, he stuck to his guns. When the establishment went after him for his political incorrectness, he might as well have told them to fuck off.

And NOTHING has changed in his website. I monitor that puppy almost every day.
And now... Today, you have this:

On the day following his coronation as the GOP nominee for president, Trump takes to the microphone to AGAIN bash on Ted Cruz and doubles down on his attacks on Cruz's wife and father.

What the hell is this? WHY is he continuing to attack Ted Cruz like this? He just spent 4 days with a convention designed and intended to bring the party together and unify... he has completely shit on about 30% of the GOP electorate. And then, says he doesn't really care! This is just un-fucking-believable! He's literally sabotaging his own campaign.

And you Trump chuckleheads applaud him and join in the bash-fest of Ted Cruz! Yapping out of both sides of your mouth... condemning Cruz for not endorsing Trump and saying you don't need or want his endorsement! You're unhinged, you're not making any sense. Obviously, you are majorly butthurt that Cruz didn't endorse Trump!

LOL, "butthurt" is what you will all feel with the money dries up from your illicit funders. Cruz included!

Hey, I'm not the delusional one here... The Democrats are larger in numbers than the GOP... they've got more money and they have the media on their side. For ANY Republican to win, there has to be complete unity in the party behind the candidate and the candidate has to deliver a strong message that appeals to every possible voter he can get. But the day after the convention, Trump's out there bashing and smearing Ted Cruz some more... alienating over 7 million voters who supported Cruz and no telling how many others who didn't vote for Trump in the primaries and haven't endorsed him.

This idiot is going to lose in a landslide to Hillary Clinton!
Who says I'm trying to win you over? I've seen you spew so much sh**. I already know your're full of it. And I certainly know that no Constitutional conservative would have any business voting for Hillary. I'm sorry you don't like being called out as a phony; but that's how it goes when you're a phony, I guess.

And look at you crying that your vote is contingent upon whether people kiss your ass. If true, that makes your emotional maturity all of maybe seven years old, maybe.

Cruz isn't stalwart anything. He loves to drape himself in the constitution and then do whatever the fuck he wants. This has been shown time and time again.

And I don't care if you think it's Cruz's job to unite the party; the reality is he's not a leader and he showed that. But then again, everyone knew that, already..

So..... Not flagrantly insulting me, Ted Cruz and conservatives, is somehow viewed as "kissing my ass" to you? ...If that's what you think, you need to pucker the fuck up, buttercup!

I never asked anyone to kiss my ass. I didn't expect anyone to kiss Ted Cruz's ass. I don't even expect you to like Ted Cruz. What I do expect is for Donald Trump and his supporters to win my vote. Denigrating Ted Cruz isn't going to do that for you.... and I don't give a shit if you want to win my vote or not, to be honest...if you're not a Trump supporter and don't give a shit who wins this election, I'm not talking about you.

I think you're full of shit if you believe Ted Cruz isn't a constitutional conservative who stands for constitutional conservative values. You've not shown anything time and time again except your ass. You're really good at doing that. I think YOU are the fraud and phony. I don't believe you're any more conservative than Bernie Sanders. I think that's the case with MOST of you shitheads, which is why you're attacking Ted Cruz.

But it didn't bother me that you weren't conservatives... I get it... nationalist-populism... agrarianism... new way of thinking... the "in" thing... I can live with all that . I could even vote for it this time in order to keep Hillary Clinton away from the oval office. But what I am NOT going to do is sit here and be subjected to viscous mean-spirited insults and be a part of this senseless attack on good conservatives because you people feel the need to be bad asses and bully people around.. and expect me to just line up and vote for Trump.

Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset. Why the fuck do you think they'd have interest in kissing your ass? You see a troll, you assess it, you move on. Sorry if this upsets you. Have fun voting for Hillary. I dont' give a fuck if you're that stupid.
Cruz is wonderful positioned.

For a wonderful private sector career. He should just pull a John Edwards and create an ambulance chasing law firm and make millions.

He doesn't have the stomach or the integrity for politics.
Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset. Why the fuck do you think they'd have interest in kissing your ass? You see a troll, you assess it, you move on. Sorry if this upsets you. Have fun voting for Hillary. I dont' give a fuck if you're that stupid.

Where the fuck is this "ass kissing" stuff coming from? I'm asking your punk ass... WHY is the GOP nominee out there today, trashing and smearing Ted Cruz again?

It's not about "ass kissing!" No one has requested Cruz's ass to be kissed or any other ass to be kissed. Can you not stop kicking him in the nuts, though? Is THAT too much to ask? I mean... a lot of us could probably make our way to the voting booth and cast our votes for Trump, but we keep running into smart-ass bullies who want to kick us in the nuts some more because we didn't endorse your guy!

Fuck you people... this isn't some banana republic... we don't have to endorse Trump. We're not gonna shut up and step in line behind Trump while being battered like red-headed step children. You can go fuck yourselves. I'll be here on election night to remind you that you didn't need or want our support!
<<<Hey, I'm not the delusional one here... The Democrats are larger in numbers than the GOP... they've got more money and they have the media on their side.>>>>

I've heard that a couple of times. Not sure it's really true. If that were the case, Nazi Pelosi would still be Speaker of the House

<<<For ANY Republican to win, there has to be complete unity in the party behind the candidate and the candidate has to deliver a strong message that appeals to every possible voter he can get.>>>

So far, Trump has done ALL that. He has EXPANDED the Republican base. A few million disaffected Democrats are coming over. He'll probably win a lot of union votes. And for minorities who have lost their jobs to illegal aliens, Trump pretty much OWNS them.

<<<But the day after the convention, Trump's out there bashing and smearing Ted Cruz some more... alienating over 7 million voters who supported Cruz and no telling how many others who didn't vote for Trump in the primaries and haven't endorsed him.>>>

Cruz violated his pledge. He should have stood on that stage and asked that alleged SEVEN MILLION voters to support Trump. Ronald Reagan basically did the same thing in 76, and they had a REAL knock-down/drag-out fight.

Instead, Cruz whines about his wife and father being insulted. Well, I got news for him. He needs to get out of politics if that bothers him, because that's a PINPRICK compared to what the Hillary lie machine would have done to him.

<<<This idiot is going to lose in a landslide to Hillary Clinton!>>>

Nope. He is redrawing the Electoral College map. He OWNS Florida. Probably will win Ohio and Pennsylvania. And he has New York state in play, probably for the first time in decades. And that's just for now. Hillary can't hide that Nurse Ratched face for ever. Her rallies can't even draw flies. Trump draws beyond capacity crowds, something your boy Cruz couldn't pull off.

Hillary is going to lose and she's going to prison.
And now... Today, you have this:

On the day following his coronation as the GOP nominee for president, Trump takes to the microphone to AGAIN bash on Ted Cruz and doubles down on his attacks on Cruz's wife and father.

What the hell is this? WHY is he continuing to attack Ted Cruz like this? He just spent 4 days with a convention designed and intended to bring the party together and unify... he has completely shit on about 30% of the GOP electorate. And then, says he doesn't really care! This is just un-fucking-believable! He's literally sabotaging his own campaign.

And you Trump chuckleheads applaud him and join in the bash-fest of Ted Cruz! Yapping out of both sides of your mouth... condemning Cruz for not endorsing Trump and saying you don't need or want his endorsement! You're unhinged, you're not making any sense. Obviously, you are majorly butthurt that Cruz didn't endorse Trump!

LOL, "butthurt" is what you will all feel with the money dries up from your illicit funders. Cruz included!

Hey, I'm not the delusional one here... The Democrats are larger in numbers than the GOP... they've got more money and they have the media on their side. For ANY Republican to win, there has to be complete unity in the party behind the candidate and the candidate has to deliver a strong message that appeals to every possible voter he can get. But the day after the convention, Trump's out there bashing and smearing Ted Cruz some more... alienating over 7 million voters who supported Cruz and no telling how many others who didn't vote for Trump in the primaries and haven't endorsed him.

This idiot is going to lose in a landslide to Hillary Clinton!

Funny every democrat I know is not voting for Hillary come November and when the only people that may remain as Cruz supporters are the few investors in the worldwide slavery attempts and the idiots that believe their lies when those people learn who was behind Cruz and how the DNC screwed Bernie your boat won't be able to keep the water pumped out fast enough from going down into that sea of confusion you are paid to help create.
Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset. Why the fuck do you think they'd have interest in kissing your ass? You see a troll, you assess it, you move on. Sorry if this upsets you. Have fun voting for Hillary. I dont' give a fuck if you're that stupid.

Where the fuck is this "ass kissing" stuff coming from? I'm asking your punk ass... WHY is the GOP nominee out there today, trashing and smearing Ted Cruz again?

It's not about "ass kissing!" No one has requested Cruz's ass to be kissed or any other ass to be kissed. Can you not stop kicking him in the nuts, though? Is THAT too much to ask? I mean... a lot of us could probably make our way to the voting booth and cast our votes for Trump, but we keep running into smart-ass bullies who want to kick us in the nuts some more because we didn't endorse your guy!

Fuck you people... this isn't some banana republic... we don't have to endorse Trump. We're not gonna shut up and step in line behind Trump while being battered like red-headed step children. You can go fuck yourselves. I'll be here on election night to remind you that you didn't need or want our support!

How fucking self centered are you (politically speaking) that you think Cruz is a main issue at this point? He's yesterday's news, dude. As for kicking Cruz in the nuts, he'd have to get some first.
Dude, I saw you trolling the Trump supporters from the outset.

And I don't troll anyone you stupid little fuckwit. I speak out for my principles which are the principles of constitutional conservatives. I'm not going to shut up and go along with 'whatever' because of popularity. If Trump says something boneheaded, I am going to call him on it! I'll do the same for Cruz or any other politician, I don't play favorites. But when I make a case, I state the facts and lay it all out on the table... I don't "troll" any goddamn thing. YOUR the fucking TROLL!
No he didn't. He merely SAID he would.

No... watch the video... He signed the pledge... then, as the video shows.. he rescinded his pledge! Said that he would NOT honor it.

There was NO language in that pledge for rescinding ANYTHING. There was NO codicil or fine print saying one is not permitted to rescind anything. And that language could have been put in there. It wasn't. So he did NOT violate anything. Oh, and he did NOT use the word "rescind" either. He just said that he would not automatically support the nominee if it was anyone other than him. THAT is not rescinding anything. The event had not happened yet.

Bottom line, at the time he said he would not support someone else, he was ahead of the pack. The situation where he would have to honor that pledge NEVER OCCURRED. Right now, for him the contract is completed. He IS the nominee and he IS supporting himself. Unlike Bush,Cruz, Kasich and Graham, Trump HAS made good on the agreement.

Had Cruz been the nominee, and had Trump not supported him, you'd have a case. That didn't happen. Just the opposite happened.

You may not like what he SAID before the situation came up. Your problem is not with Trump. It's with that pesky group of old white men who wrote the FIRST AMENDMENT.

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