I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration held in the United States that honors African heritage in African-American culture. Created in response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles in 1965 as a way to bring African-Americans together as a community.

Juneteenth recognizes the end of slavery in America.

Same basic thing. They're all connected and related.

No, the end of slavery is about remembering the evils of capitalism and feudalism.
The start of Kwanzaa is about remembering the good point of tribal social life.

American Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 during the aftermath of the Watts riots[2] as a specifically African-American holiday.[3][4] Karenga said his goal was to "give blacks an alternative to the existing holiday of Christmas and give blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society."[5] For Karenga, a major figure in the Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the creation of such holidays also underscored the essential premise that "you must have a cultural revolution before the violent revolution. The cultural revolution gives identity, purpose, and direction."[6]

According to Karenga, the name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili phrase matunda ya kwanza, meaning "first fruits".[7] First fruits festivals exist in Southern Africa, celebrated in December/January with the southern solstice, and Karenga was partly inspired by an account he read of the Zulu festival Umkhosi Wokweshwama.[8] It was decided to spell the holiday's name with an additional "a" so that it would have a symbolic seven letters.[9]

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said it was meant to be an alternative to Christmas. He believed Jesus was psychotic and Christianity was a "White" religion that Black people should shun.[10] As Kwanzaa gained mainstream adherents, Karenga altered his position so practicing Christians would not be alienated, stating in the 1997 book Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community, and Culture that "Kwanzaa was not created to give people an alternative to their own religion or religious holiday."[11] Many African Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa do so in addition to observing Christmas.[12]

After its initial creation in California, Kwanzaa spread outside the United States.[13]

You are making it worse.. You look like aa world class fool.

Sure go ahead and think and believe whatever you want about me, but it's the truth.

so you really seem to be uninformed about economic and political systems

Oh I'm informed about it and that's why I say it's about time that we start making our own supplies. Of course, that's not going to happen with Biden sleeping with the Chinese government.

Well I will agree with you that we need to maintain our economic independence from China.
Not only do they cheat, but they are taking our jobs and technology.
And just to prove my point, if somebody were to ask my why I'm a Trump supporter I could give you a whole entire list why:

1. He provided millions of Americans with jobs.

2. He helped protect our constitutional rights.

3. He lowered taxes. (Even though I currently don't have to pay them being on SSI)

4. He kept our borders safe.

5. He got rid of Obama Care.

6. He developed the Covid-vaccine ahead of schedule.

I could keep going here but I would be here all night. Now you ask why somebody supports Biden (other than the fact he isn't Trump) and all you get is: (Sorry, I can't get rid of the bold for some strange reason. :/)

The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.
People who support Trump believe anyone who doesn't follow Don the Con is stupid and evil, and a sizeable percentage believe violence is permissible if election results don't turn out in their favor.

Authoritarianism Among Trump Voters | Monmouth University Polling Institute

“Research on authoritarianism suggests that a fairly consistent proportion of the public has anti-democratic inclinations.

"The extent to which we see these authoritarian tendencies play out in public life depends on whether those views are given credibility by the society, particularly by its leaders."
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?
Perhaps if you were more familiar with the life experiences, perspectives, priorities and opinions of others, this wouldn't be such a mystery to you.

The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.

This is something most people learn before they reach adulthood.
The answer is that libs like Mac1958 hate donald trump more than they love America

Biden is a weak and confused old man who is growing more senile while we watch

But for libs like Mac1958 thats ok as long as he isnt trump

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Such as? You cannot list a single one that is not a lie.
People who support Trump believe anyone who doesn't follow Don the Con is stupid and evil, and a sizeable percentage believe violence is permissible if election results don't turn out in their favor.
Does that big ol brush you are dragging around ever get heavy?
Maybe they agree with him more on the issues. The two parties have fundamental differences on the issues. Have you considered that?

All I keep getting is that people support Biden, they agree with him on the issues, he earned the votes, and Trump is a dictator but yet nobody will just answer the freaking question of why!!!! :banghead:
I just told you. They agree with Biden more on the issues.

Do you not understand what "the issues" are, and what different people think of them?
What issues? Destruction of the American way of life is your goal?
Sure, that's it.
I note with satisfaction that you are absolutely incapable of defending your position.
And just to prove my point, if somebody were to ask my why I'm a Trump supporter I could give you a whole entire list why:

1. He provided millions of Americans with jobs.

2. He helped protect our constitutional rights.

3. He lowered taxes. (Even though I currently don't have to pay them being on SSI)

4. He kept our borders safe.

5. He got rid of Obama Care.

6. He developed the Covid-vaccine ahead of schedule.

I could keep going here but I would be here all night. Now you ask why somebody supports Biden (other than the fact he isn't Trump) and all you get is: (Sorry, I can't get rid of the bold for some strange reason. :/)

I was going to refute you point by point but realized I don’t have to.

All you need to do is see the survey of Historians last week that ranked Trump as our worst President in 150 years

By the 2020 election, America already knew that. Biden offered America a life raft and America took it

Yeah, the CSPAN selected historians all of which are flaming libtards!
Why on earth do you support him!?!
Freedom of choice.
A choice that is much better than trump....and it's proving out in the last 7 months.
What has Biden possibly done to improve the life of the average American?
I give up...
You definitely should. While you're still not ahead.
I discuss policy while you kiss the letter D.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?
Perhaps if you were more familiar with the life experiences, perspectives, priorities and opinions of others, this wouldn't be such a mystery to you.

The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.

This is something most people learn before they reach adulthood.
No, they are stupid or evil, and they hate America.
So you didn't grow out of that, either.
Mac, I consider you to be one of the most vile human beings I have encountered on this message board. You are terminally stupid and incapable of debating on any topic. You need psychiatric help to cure your TDS for Trump and obvious homosexual attraction to Biden.

What a disgusting thing to say.. Is that your best arguement?
The most puzzling thing to me is that both sides agree that politicians are no longer trying to hide their corruption. They are being breathtakingly obvious about it. So if everyone knows these people are corrupt, why are the progressives ok with it, and want to increase their power as much as possible?

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Such as? You cannot list a single one that is not a lie.
I gave several examples in my post.

More attempts to make voting more difficult:

Texas attempted to ban Sunday voting but had to walk it back.
And just to prove my point, if somebody were to ask my why I'm a Trump supporter I could give you a whole entire list why:

1. He provided millions of Americans with jobs.

2. He helped protect our constitutional rights.

3. He lowered taxes. (Even though I currently don't have to pay them being on SSI)

4. He kept our borders safe.

5. He got rid of Obama Care.

6. He developed the Covid-vaccine ahead of schedule.

I could keep going here but I would be here all night. Now you ask why somebody supports Biden (other than the fact he isn't Trump) and all you get is: (Sorry, I can't get rid of the bold for some strange reason. :/)

I was going to refute you point by point but realized I don’t have to.

All you need to do is see the survey of Historians last week that ranked Trump as our worst President in 150 years

By the 2020 election, America already knew that. Biden offered America a life raft and America took it

Yeah, the CSPAN selected historians all of which are flaming libtards!

OK Perfesser

How did a bunch of flaming libtards manage to rate Ike and Reagan in the top 10?

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