I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?

I don't like Biden, the people south of the border who want to come here are trying to escape the terrible military dictatorships we set up to rule their country.
And they actually are the natives whose ancestors used to live in the US at one time, so they have as much right to be here as Israelis do in Palestine.
Since there are no communist countries south of the border, the communist reference does not even make any sense.

There is no evidence of election fraud as you claim.
The country was never all red, since Trump just barely beat Hillary, and Hillary was VERY unpopular with blue voters.
Nor were there more votes than voters. It was actually a very low turn out.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?

Go Joe!

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Is Trump saying that homelessness is a 2 year old problem?
No, his Dementia is.
The country has always been split about half and half. It works better that way. If everyone followed one set of national ideals the country ceases to exist.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?

For the sake of argument. Let’s say most of what you say is true. Now. Let’s discuss the options.

Biden was and is a steaming pile of shit. That’s true. But the problem is to many people so is Trump.

That is the truth. Both candidates were steaming piles of shit. And both side had rabid supporters. Not saying my guy is awesome. But pointing and screaming your guy is a steaming pile of shit. Even now, besides the propaganda, all we get are both sides pointing and screaming your side is led by a steaming pile of shit.

So we are down to negatives. And in Negatives, Trump won hands down. He had more to the average person.


Trump’s message on Covid as one example. Sometimes he changed his position every day, sometimes it was multiple times in a single day. Wear masks, then he gets on Twitter and says Masks are for suckers. Then he says Masks make sense.
The mask fiasco is the fault of Dr Fauci.....not Trump.....and the VP was tasked with running the federal COVID response...yet you folks never blamed him for anything.
He was going to fast track a beautiful and totally effective vaccine. Then the Vaccine was untrustworthy, and then it was awesome and going to save millions of good American lives.

Trump had a brainstorm every minute, and sadly most of them were not as brilliant as he believed them to be.

So to many people Trump was the larger pile of shit. And they decided to get rid of it.

Now, where are we? Onto the Fraud thing. You can’t imagine that many people voting for Biden. I mean he’s awful. But the thing is this, the people don’t have to make sense to you. They will do what they think is best for them. And they believed that getting Trump out was better.
Biden did not campaign.....so of course he didn't get 81 million votes. The only reason they say he got 81 million is because Trump got 75 million.....and they figured they needed 6 million more to make sure people would think Biden won convincingly. Let's remember that Biden got clobbered early in the race by Bernie Sanders.....but they manufactured a bunch of votes to give him the nomination.
I live in Georgia. I was surprised that Georgia went blue. So I read up on the Conspiracy Theories on the election, and I became a doubter of the Fraud angle. It is not possible. Then I examined voting and nearly every state showed more votes for Biden statistically speaking than Hillary had gotten. Every state. So this Fraud to account for that Statistical event would have to be national. All fifty states would have to be involved.

And Trump lost ground in Republican controlled districts. So the conspiracy would have to include pretty much every single County Elections Official, including the Republican ones.

To date, none of the claimed Frauds have been proven. In the elections forum, I posted a story about Riverside California. They had over a thousand examples of Fraud handed to them by the Trump Supporters. The DA and Police investigated every single one. It was claimed there were 700 dead people who voted. The police spoke to every single one and confirmed they were in fact, alive.
Nobody has finished a valid audit of the votes yet.....so just because you guys keep claiming they haven't found anything....it doesn't mean it's true.
And it keeps going downhill from there. Out of those 1,000 claimed examples of Fraud in one county, the DA and Police were able to confirm One. One example. One actual case of Fraud.

So if increase that by a factor of ten, we could argue that there were ten frauds in the County instead of one for 1,000 claimed examples.

If we use that as a baseline for the rest of the Fraud claims, the 33,000 fraudulent ballots put into Atlanta to push Biden over the top would actually be 33. Trump lost by 11,000 votes in Georgia. 33 isn’t going to help him.
AZ's auditors have found thousands of blank ballots in the mail-in ballot boxes.....seals broken.....lack of positive control of documents....failure to follow state laws by election officials in several states.....thousands of ballots without signatures.....more votes recorded than registered voters.....the refusal to cooperate with auditors by Dominion and election officials.....blocking of counting rooms from poll watchers....counting ballots when they weren't supposed to be counting.
Republicans investigated and found nothing. In Georgia the Elections fall under the Republican Secretary of State, and the Republican Governor. They found shit. Literally nothing.

I’m going to make a post one of these days explaining why people don’t want to believe truth. You are a good example of that. You can’t find proof for your views, and you won’t consider the alternative.

In Closing. My wife has a collection of physical hardships. And you have my support and compassion my friend. I honestly wish you the very best. I pray that your path becomes easier, instead of harder.
Republicans never conducted an investigation yet. Not once. All that has happened is they've filed lawsuits.....and most of them have been dismissed till full audits have been completed to verify the claims they made in court.

Right. It’s all a huge conspiracy involving tens or hundreds of thousands.

The Riverside DA’s office investigated every claim. And came up virtually empty. Screw them. They need to look harder.

In Georgia every claim was debunked. But folks like you are now demanding microscopic analysis of the ballots to prove that they were printed elsewhere.

The Earth is flat.

The moon landing was faked.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
over a buck a gallon on gas every time i fill up and 400 % increase in lumber for starters .
Blame Texas Republicans for your increased gas prices, along with Joe Biden's roaring economy.

Google supply and demand. :laugh:
what did Biden do to grow the economy other than continuing the distribution of the vaccines made during the previous admin ? Joes riding Trumps coat tail ...but dont worry if the commies on the left succeed in their agenda you'll get the economy you deserve .
I wish there was a cure for your stupidity.

The country has always been split about half and half. It works better that way. If everyone followed one set of national ideals the country ceases to exist.
Sweden would like a word. So would Japan. So would Finland. So would . . .
Point missed.
when you said "Besides, don't blacks already have Quwanza? Or is it Kwanzaa?" were you implying blacks don't need more than one holiday? Are you aware that Kwanzaa and Juneteenth have different meanings?

Aren't they both celebrating black heritage? Wouldn't that be the same thing as having a double Christmas?

Apparently not a speller, either.

He spelled it like that on purpose since it's a play on words. -____-

Besides, don't blacks already have Quwanza? Or is it Kwanzaa?
You've exposed yourself as an ignorant racist. Congrats!

And how exactly did you come to that conclusion? I never said that either was a bad thing,.. just seems pointless to have a holiday when another one like it exists.
Those nations have diversity and aren't conservative nor liberal strongholds. That's why they click so we'll. They tend to take care of their people.
Well then you obviously have a death wish and haven't listened to a thing I said. But whatever. Like you said, it's America and if you want people controlling your life and threatening it then be my guest.
Nobody controls my life. I do my work, I pay my taxes I obey the laws of the land.

The government controls everyone, like the half million imprisoned on pot charges.
You pay your taxes, so you are controlled right there, if nothing else.
If you do not believe in the lies about WMD in Iraq, you are still forced to pay for the invasion.
The laws of the land say it is illegal for the government to start wars, but they do anyway.
The laws of the land say that the War on Drugs is illegal, mandated sentences are illegal, asset forfeiture is illegal, etc., but the government is not under constitutional control any more, and does what ever it wants to us.
The banks, IRS, police, media, etc., control almost everything.
They control what we see, hear, believe, etc.
Aren't they both celebrating black heritage? Wouldn't that be the same thing as having a double Christmas?
Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration held in the United States that honors African heritage in African-American culture. Created in response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles in 1965 as a way to bring African-Americans together as a community.

Juneteenth recognizes the end of slavery in America.
Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration held in the United States that honors African heritage in African-American culture. Created in response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles in 1965 as a way to bring African-Americans together as a community.

Juneteenth recognizes the end of slavery in America.

Same basic thing. They're all connected and related.
Nobody controls my life. I do my work, I pay my taxes I obey the laws of the land.

You still don't get it and you never will so why should I even waste my breath with you. :rolleyes:

The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.

Yeah, but the thing is that they can never seem to provide me with reasons why though.

You really are an idiot. Communists are no threat to us.You are ignorant and paranoid.

And if you really believe that then you need to get the heck out of here and move to China. Then you'll see how much communism really is your friend.

You are making it worse.. You look like aa world class fool.
Nobody controls my life. I do my work, I pay my taxes I obey the laws of the land.

You still don't get it and you never will so why should I even waste my breath with you. :rolleyes:

The fact that people don't agree with you on the above doesn't mean that they're stupid or evil, or that they hate you or America. It simply means that they disagree with you.

Yeah, but the thing is that they can never seem to provide me with reasons why though.

You really are an idiot. Communists are no threat to us.You are ignorant and paranoid.

And if you really believe that then you need to get the heck out of here and move to China. Then you'll see how much communism really is your friend.

Back 70 years ago, even then China was Stalinist and never communist. But China has become about the single most capitalist country in the world in the last 30 years, so you really seem to be uninformed about economic and political systems.
what did Biden do to grow the economy other than continuing the distribution of the vaccines
I wish there was a cure for your stupidity.

Gee, another lying deflection. No dictators, no vaccine, and no cure for you at all. Joe Biden did NOTHING to create the Pfizer vaccine. They simply opted out of taking the money Trump offered and chose to GO IT ALONE without government help or obligations.

And it took no one more than one person one afternoon to make a few calls and set up the distribution (by the way, my local vaccine outlet who was supposed to be the distribution point for my area tried for months and couldn't get the vaccine under Joe's "system."). How could Trump set up a "distribution" of something which last year, DID NOT EVEN EXIST YET?

Joe hasn't done SHIT in 2021, except, well, shit his drawers. Well, we know why he has Dr. Jill there for.

DEMOCRATS: Always taking false credit while always placing false blame.

You are making it worse.. You look like aa world class fool.

Sure go ahead and think and believe whatever you want about me, but it's the truth.

so you really seem to be uninformed about economic and political systems.

Oh I'm informed about it and that's why I say it's about time that we start making our own supplies. Of course, that's not going to happen with Biden sleeping with the Chinese government.

You are making it worse.. You look like aa world class fool.

Sure go ahead and think and believe whatever you want about me, but it's the truth.

so you really seem to be uninformed about economic and political systems.

Oh I'm informed about it and that's why I say it's about time that we start making our own supplies. Of course, that's not going to happen with Biden sleeping with the Chinese government.

You are going to wind up in a rubber room.

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