I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

Okay, but do you actually need an official federal holiday for it?
i personally don't need it but a lot of people appreciate it.
Can't you just be happy that you aren't a slave anymore if you're colored without needing a holiday?
I am sure I'll need to repeat this 25 or 30 times like I have with everyone else. I am not black. I am a Native American.
How is that day going to be any different than it was before Biden signed it to be a holiday?
Why do you need an Independence Day? why do you need memorial Day or Veterans Day?
To commemorate something that means something.
Besides, don't blacks already have Quwanza? Or is it Kwanzaa?
In the big picture, those of us who elected Biden have nothing to explain.

Those who thrust Trump on the country have a lot of explaining to do
Some of us were smart enough to not vote in the last election. And yes let's keep adding holidays as we see fit. I only celebrate Christmas and easter.
Potterhead2021 You are asking why I support Biden?

On the issues, I agree with him more than disagree.

A return to evidence based science and policy approaches.

Biden and his administration ignore science more than they follow it. The CDC is a prime example.
Climate change.

You believe climate change is solely the fault of your fellow Americans? If so, you are ignorant.
Voting Rights.

Biden believes anyone can walk off the street, into any precinct and vote for whoever they want. Walk down the block and do the same thing at the next precinct. They could have crossed the border yesterday. It doesn't matter.

He also believes that if 5 ballots show up at your home, you are entitled to vote on every single one.

A return to diplomacy and multi-lateral approaches to global problems, such as China.

How? He is Xi's back pocket! That's about as unilateral as it gets.

Strengthening our alliances with those allies who share democratic values (Trump cozied up to populist autocrats such as Putin, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, bin Salaman, Modi).

Most of those people were "democratically elected".

Less corruption, nepotism, and lying.

Corruption? Nepotism? Why are you talking about Biden? He's the one who brokered deals with other countries to enrich himself and his relatives. All politicians lie, just like you do!

Character. I feel Biden will respect rules of governance and conduct, and our Constitution and will be held accountable If he doesn’t.

Respect the rules of governance? Like packing the Supreme Court? Wanting to do away with the filibuster entirely? Ignoring the laws passed by Congress to control immigration? You can't hold a senile old codger responsible because he will never remember doing it in the first place.

Lastly, he is boring. No late night tweetstorms leaving you wondering what the hell his policy actually is or why we subject to his latest expressions outrage over how unfair the world is to him.

The border is a mess, but was also unsustainable under Trump with his policy of forced family seperation for the punative purpose of discouraging immigration, of parents deported with out their children, children lost in the system. Frankly I just do not understand how that can be supported. Biden can and should do better, but it is going to take time, I will re-evaluate when he has been in a year. I’d like to see many more immigration judges and a speedier process for determining asylum claims. Also rapid deportation of those convicted of serious crimes. I would also to the “coyotes” and anyone else responsible face serious justice for abandoning kids In the desert. I think those traffick migrants should long prison terms and restorative justice towards their victims.

That is my opinion on why I support Biden, I doesn’t mean I support everything he does or I think he is perfect, but he is the right choice for our country at this time.
Why do you lie so easily? We all know you liberals are mentally challenged. We wonder why you don't seek treatment!
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Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
over a buck a gallon on gas every time i fill up and 400 % increase in lumber for starters .
Blame Texas Republicans for your increased gas prices, along with Joe Biden's roaring economy.

Google supply and demand. :laugh:
Liberals AND CON servatives are both mentally challenged. They are for freedom as long as it fits their narrow little shallow party platform. Both sid s should shut up for awhile. It's be refreshing.
I am sorry for your mental issues OP.
But don't despair - Nearly all Trump supporters have them. ;)

The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.

And Trump gives that to you how exactly?
Not conceding an election that he clearly lost is what dictators do.
like Hillary ? the left claimed that the 2016 election was stolen for 4 yrs .
Oh really? OK, prove it wasn't stolen.
lol ! do you recognize the hypocrisy in your request .... i dont be you are able too .
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
over a buck a gallon on gas every time i fill up and 400 % increase in lumber for starters .
Blame Texas Republicans for your increased gas prices, along with Joe Biden's roaring economy.

Google supply and demand. :laugh:
what did Biden do to grow the economy other than continuing the distribution of the vaccines made during the previous admin ? Joes riding Trumps coat tail ...but dont worry if the commies on the left succeed in their agenda you'll get the economy you deserve .

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