I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
Trump might be jealous of Bezos' enormous wealth.

At any rate, Bezos could end all poverty in the USA and still have billions left over. I know that is off point, but how the F**K does one man amass $135 billion? This fucker Bezos could end poverty all over the world, and still be enormously wealthy.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

And this in one small post is what is wrong with our country.

You and all those like you are ok with the president using the power of the Fed Govt for a personal vendetta against a private company because the CEO of that company owns a paper that says mean things about the president.

What a bunch of snowflake you sorry pieces of shit are

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

And this in one small post is what is wrong with our country.

You and all those like you are ok with the president using the power of the Fed Govt for a personal vendetta against a private company because the CEO of that company owns a paper that says mean things about the president.

What a bunch of snowflake you sorry pieces of shit are

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

After Obama ruined the lives of so many of his critics, even threw one in prison, you really have a lot of nerve.
I figure if Beezos is insisting on being such a dishonest prick, Trump has every right to insist he pay his fair share of taxes.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think Trump knowing the rules and then criticizing others for knowing the rules is hypocritical.

That's what I said. Don't know why you're got the "bad" thing.

Do I think it was bad when Trump "paid to play"? Yes, it's corrupt.

Do I think the US govt and state govts and city govts are wrong for offering deals to large companies to bring their jobs? Yes, I do.

The EU has prevented this. It says you can set a tax rate and it must be the same for everyone.

Google and Ireland complained, the EU said "so fucking what?" I agree with the EU.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
Trump might be jealous of Bezos' enormous wealth.

At any rate, Bezos could end all poverty in the USA and still have billions left over. I know that is off point, but how the F**K does one man amass $135 billion? This fucker Bezos could end poverty all over the world, and still be enormously wealthy.

One man amasses $135 billion because the US govt sets it up so large companies can do really well and shit all over smaller businesses.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
As we all know the WSJ is a Left wing rag..........

Wall Street Journal warns Trump’s ‘political’ attacks on Amazon and Jeff Bezos could lead to impeachment
The highly conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal took President Donald Trump to task for his bizarre Thursday tweet attacking Amazon.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
As we all know the WSJ is a Left wing rag..........

Wall Street Journal warns Trump’s ‘political’ attacks on Amazon and Jeff Bezos could lead to impeachment
The highly conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal took President Donald Trump to task for his bizarre Thursday tweet attacking Amazon.

It's a Rupert Murdoch paper, as conservative as they come without become wacko.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

Trump sent two surrogates that we know of, to set up secret back channels with the russians. Now Trump wants to take money away from the military to build the wall M-e-x-i-c-o was supposed to pay for. Speaking of abuse and hypocrisy.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

even if it does, at least he has one, paleypoo
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

Trump sent two surrogates that we know of, to set up secret back channels with the russians. Now Trump wants to take money away from the military to build the wall M-e-x-i-c-o was supposed to pay for. Speaking of abuse and hypocrisy.

Trump tried to establish communications with the Kremlin, as is his right as president-elect.

And Trump has the right to protect our borders. That doesn't make him a racist or make it a crime.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?

“Mr. Trump is a highly-skilled businessman who has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required,” the statement said.

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

So I say and so you just pass off without caring.

So, you have a problem with Bezos doing something but not Trump?

How partisan of you.

Voicing his opinion? He's the President of the United States. His opinion is the opinion of the executive office of the country.

He just hasn't figured that out yet.
So you think that Trump knowing the rules is bad?

I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

So I say and so you just pass off without caring.

So, you have a problem with Bezos doing something but not Trump?

How partisan of you.

Voicing his opinion? He's the President of the United States. His opinion is the opinion of the executive office of the country.

He just hasn't figured that out yet.
The WaPO has been trying to destroy him for over a year. They have published so many unsubstantiated rumors from anonymous sources that it's impossible to count them all. The damage they have done is unfathomable yet they cannot handle it when Trump issues a statement. So sorry that their Whittle feelings are hurt.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. A Trump Chump sounding exactly like a far left liberal.

Did I call it, or what?
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?
Amazon is not fleecing the government. The USPS is making a profit off their arrangement with Amazon.

I know this will shock you, but Trump lied to you AGAIN! And in the process, he has you running off at the mouth and sounding like a fucking communist.

One final thing. Are you SUUUUUURE you want this "fleecing the government" thing your yardstick for punishing businesses? Because there are a lot of companies which get all kinds of government gifts. You want to take them all away? You sure?
I think it is bad for the president of the United States to have a personal vendetta against an individual and to use the power of his office to attack that person and their company.

There was a time when conservatives thought the Govt shouldn’t interfere with private businesses.

Those days are gone since now party trumps country for people like you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
:puhleeze: Amazon's CEO owns the Washington Post, and just about every nasty anti-trump story in the media originates from the WaPO.

So Trump then goes after his business, in a HYPOCRITICAL way?

Trump takes the tax breaks, he still has tax breaks in New York from a long time ago.
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

So I say and so you just pass off without caring.

So, you have a problem with Bezos doing something but not Trump?

How partisan of you.

Voicing his opinion? He's the President of the United States. His opinion is the opinion of the executive office of the country.

He just hasn't figured that out yet.
The WaPO has been trying to destroy him for over a year. They have published so many unsubstantiated rumors from anonymous sources that it's impossible to count them all. The damage they have done is unfathomable yet they cannot handle it when Trump issues a statement. So sorry that their Whittle feelings are hurt.
The emperor is terrified of a free press, and he wants to abuse government power to suppress them.

And look at you with your nose buried right up his ass.

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