I Really Don't Understand The Left

What Trump has done for the working-class is superficial. He's against the minimum wage or raising it to a living wage. He's against rent controls. He's against forgiving the student debt of tens of millions of our youth who are entering the workforce and need all of the help they can get (The wealthiest people in our society often get bailed out by Uncle Sam, why can't the US Gov, forgive the student-debt of our sons and daughters?). Trump is against labor unions and workers asserting their rights (negotiating with wealthy, powerful employers with the leverage labor unions provide). He's against penalizing companies that close their factories here in the US and move them to Mexico and China. He's against prohibiting the wealthy from moving their money abroad and hiding it in a "tax haven". And of course, he's against raising taxes for those who earn over 10M yearly, while refusing to lower taxes for working-class people. He's against a lot of policies that would serve the interests of the American public.

On top of that, he continues to support economic sanctions on Latin American countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. etc, then complains when hundreds of thousands of brown-skin Latinos from those same countries migrate illegally to our country. Well, if we want to stop at least 70% of the illegal immigration from Latin America, we need to stop imposing economic embargoes and orchestrating coups in those countries, supporting government regimes that serve the interests of a few American and European companies, at the expense of the working-class in those countries. The last thing America's wealthy elites want is to lose their cheap Latin American labor.

How can you hire cheap Latin American labor, if their countries are better developed and doing well economically? If those Latin American countries have a middle-class, that demands higher pay with benefits, that's the end of that cash cow and gravy-train. If they have more democracy, they wouldn't want American companies controlling their vital national infrastructure and drilling their oil (controlling their natural resources). They would want more and better government-enforced regulations in their private sector, like for example requiring factories to install airconditioning. Require factories to install up-to-date and effective filters on their CNC machines:

We have regulations here in the US that force companies to spend money on good filters for these machines, but in Latin America, the owner of the factory can get "cheapy filters" that don't adequately filter the toxic fumes or even worse, no filters at all. The wealthy powerful elites in America and Europe, turn to these poor, developing countries (perpetually developing, because it's not in the interests of these elites to allow these countries to join the modern, industrialized, free & democratic world with a middle-class and robust, social safety net/social security/unemployment insurance..etc for its workers..etc). Keep them poor and desperate for a job, forced to negotiate their terms of employment alone, without the leverage of a labor union. Maintain control over the labor markets and governments of developing countries (The 3rd World/Global South).

Trump is clueless (or simply doesn't give a shit) about the dynamics of capitalist imperialism, so he doesn't support policies that will significantly cut the number of Latin Americans trying to enter our country illegally. You just let them develop their economies and choose the type of government they want for themselves. Maybe even help them out, give them a "hand-up" (as opposed to a hand-down), to allow them to develop their economies and become a prosperous nation that can trade with us and flourish. That's the way to end most of the illegal immigration from these Latin American countries.

Trump deployed our military in Syria, where to this day, our troops our controlling most of the oil in that country. We have American troops in Iraq, right now. About 2500 troops. We have 700 military installations and bases around the world. We're an empire, and Trump hasn't done anything to change that. We're still the world's hegemon, bullying other countries to serve our interests, often at their expense.

Zionism. Trump is completely, unconditionally supporting whatever Israel does to anyone. Our government is under Zionist occupation (Make Israel Great Again), to the point that we're now supporting a racist, Jewish apartheid state that is leveling a whole city full of civilians, with American weapons. Then we wonder why certain people around the world hate us and sometimes end up here in our country, committing acts of terrorism. Zionists control all of the major centers of power and influence in our country. They're going to destroy our country and Trump is in bed with them.
Wages going up increase inflation.
You're just projecting yourself on me. You're a punk piece of shit, who supports a racist Jewish apartheid state that is committing genocide in Gaza.

So, you ARE a sock puppet.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Fake Christian man.

So, who's sock are you.....

That...is the question.
Wages going up increase inflation.
In the past inflation and salaries went up together, today wages remain stagnant and prices continue to rise. In the long-term this hurts everyone, including the people who may now be profiting from the inflation. It's an unsustainable economic condition. More, there are several measures our government can take to lower inflation including price controls. Market capitalists should always be under the heel of the public good. What's best for the nation trumps the private pursuit of profits.
What Trump has done for the working-class is superficial. He's against the minimum wage or raising it to a living wage. He's against rent controls. He's against forgiving the student debt of tens of millions of our youth who are entering the workforce and need all of the help they can get…

In other words, being a successful businessman, he has a solid grasp of economics, and clearly understands that a lot of these left wrong wing economic policies, superficially sold as being intended to be helpful to consumers, are harmful to the economy a a whole, and end up even harming those that they are supposed to help.
In the past inflation and salaries went up together, today wages remain stagnant and prices continue to rise. In the long-term this hurts everyone, including the people who may now be profiting from the inflation. It's an unsustainable economic model. More, there are several measures our government can take to lower inflation including price controls. Market capitalists should always be under the heel of the public good. What's best for the nation trumps the private pursuit of profits.
Today's wages are NOT stagnant. They have been going up but inflation is going up faster than wages are so workers are falling behind. The minimum wage means absolutely nothing because you would be very hard pressed to find any business paying $7.25 per hour. Business 101 teaches you that as business's costs go up, so do prices.

In fact, one of the biggest problems the left fails to understand is that there is a huge difference between restaurant or retail jobs and the service sector. When the cost of labor goes up in restaurant or retail then can get by with raising the cost of their products by 30 cents an item but in the service sector, for every dollar increase in wages, service businesses have to raise their prices by more than a dollar. Example, if a service sector had been paying $10 per hour to service employees, and wages go up $5 per hour, the business has to raise their prices up by about $7.50 per hour, not 30 cents.
In other words, being a successful businessman, he has a solid grasp of economics, and clearly understands that a lot of these left wrong wing economic policies, superficially sold as being intended to be helpful to consumers, are harmful to the economy a a whole, and end up even harming those that they are supposed to help.
He's not an economist, he's just a trust-fund baby, born to wealthy parents. All of his economic policies only served the rich at the expense of the working class. The trickle-down doesn't trickle. Gross inequality, low wages, high rents, fewer rights in the workplace, and no medical coverage, eventually all result in social unrest and a civil war, if those problems aren't adequately addressed. Stock market numbers on Wall Street, don't reflect the real street numbers (The cost of living/standard of living for working-class people). You can cite stats and present charts all day but what matters is the state of the public, not a few rich cats gambling on Wall Street.
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Today's wages are NOT stagnant. They have been going up but inflation is going up faster than wages are so workers are falling behind. The minimum wage means absolutely nothing because you would be very hard pressed to find any business paying $7.25 per hour. Business 101 teaches you that as business's costs go up, so do prices.

In fact, one of the biggest problems the left fails to understand is that there is a huge difference between restaurant or retail jobs and the service sector. When the cost of labor goes up in restaurant or retail then can get by with raising the cost of their products by 30 cents an item but in the service sector, for every dollar increase in wages, service businesses have to raise their prices by more than a dollar. Example, if a service sector had been paying $10 per hour to service employees, and wages go up $5 per hour, the business has to raise their prices up by about $7.50 per hour, not 30 cents.
So you made my point. Salaries aren't covering the cost of living, due to rising prices. You can say whatever you want, but employees need food, housing, adequate transportation, and a few other essentials. If their wages aren't covering the cost of living, the government should intervene and impose some price controls or even put people to work, building our nation's infrastructure.

Train them and put them to work for a living wage. If a landlord doesn't like that he or she is nuts. I would love to live in a nation where practically everyone is employed and earning a living wage. My property will always have tenants, paying me their rents. I will always have people eating at my restaurant, I will always have customers purchasing my products. Putting people to work stimulates the economy. Building affordable housing for working-class people likewise stabilizes and stimulates the economy.
A whole thread of cry babies unable to dispute the facts:
  • Record GDP
  • Record Stock Market
  • Record Black employment
  • Record Hispanic employment
  • Record Women employment
  • Record overall employment
  • Record Real Wages*
  • Record Oil output
  • Record Black Friday
  • Record Corporate profits
  • Record Small Business startups
  • Record starting salaries for college grads
  • Record employment for non-college grads
  • Record wages for non-college grads
  • Record homeowners equity
  • Record Dow over 37,000 (under 31,000 under Trump)
  • Record Real Disposable income*
  • Inflation is in the 3% range
  • Near record Savings*
  • Sound banking environment secured with high balance sheet ratios
  • and the list goes on......

Wow, Joe Biden is AMAZING! He must be WAY ahead in the polls with a record like that!!!!! I'm voting for him now, holy fuck. At this point Biden is so amazing I bet Oddball is voting for him too, right Oddball? Did you know all this? I know he's not libertarian/anarchist, but with a record like that, Biden is the greatest ever!

What Democrats actually believe is incredible.. Or as Spock said ...

So you made my point. Salaries aren't covering the cost of living, due to rising prices. You can say whatever you want, but employees need food, housing, adequate transportation, and a few other essentials. If their wages aren't covering the cost of living, the government should intervene and impose some price controls or even put people to work, building our nation's infrastructure.

Which, as anyone with even a basic understanding of economics would clearly know, will only make the problem worse, not better.

But at least you can self-righteously claim credit for wanting to “do something”, even if what you want to do proves harmful rather than helpful.
Everybody doesn't have credit cards and the stock market set an all time high last week. Inflations has falled dramatically, gas prices lower, unemployment a record levels. The problem here is that Biden is not a blowhard who wants to give himself credit for everything every day. But as the infrastructure projects continue and more jobs get created along with the fed planning to cut interest rates, the results of the Biden plan is going to hit right on time next year and you guys will be left holding your dicks and clits.
Nice Happy thought. hate and fear seem to be preferred over working together for more realistic possibility's.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Nice Happy thought. hate and fear seem to be preferred over working together for more realistic possibility's.

That's IM2 . Roasting Jewish chests over an open fire, sticking Whitie with a knife in the back, making women lose to men in sports, letting slavers buy and sell women and girls.

Damn it, IM2 just LOVES the spirit of Christmas! But he doesn't call it Christmas, he hates Christians too. And Hanika? That's out, dirty Jews. Have a very Muslim Christmas everyone! Unless they don't vote for Pedo Joe. If they don't, fuck them too. Do atheists have Christmas?
Wow, Joe Biden is AMAZING! He must be WAY ahead in the polls with a record like that!!!!! I'm voting for him now, holy fuck. At this point Biden is so amazing I bet Oddball is voting for him too, right Oddball? Did you know all this? I know he's not libertarian/anarchist, but with a record like that, Biden is the greatest ever!

What Democrats actually believe is incredible.. Or as Spock said ...

Finally I won one of you over to the light from the dark side. This better not be sarcasm!


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