I Really Don't Understand The Left

The people you posted are not on my side. I don't support them or their violence. And they don't represent any politicians. Whereas Trump's thugs are on your side and they represent Trump.

You're so silly!

Right back at you.
I can argue your issues better than you can. Partially because I do pay careful attention, partially because I agree on many things, and partially because my comments wouldn't be laced with shallow, ignorant, talk radio talking points.

Conversely, you hide in your world. Your screen name is one of the most ironic things on this board.
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I will repeat what I’ve said before. Many times before. Want to see Biden gone? Nominate someone other than Trump. Many of us Moderates will happily vote for someone like Haley. But you won’t. It’s become a religious thing with you all. Sainted Trump or nobody.

The Mushy Middle

Nikki Haley is a Neo-Con, didn't you know that? She's also a WEFFIE, which is two strikes.

Righties want adherence to the Constitution and the laws. Lefties don't. Lefties want open borders, which is a violation of both, they want to railroad people without conviction which is a violation of both, the list goes on ad nauseam.

The Mushy Middle

Nikki Haley is a Neo-Con, didn't you know that? She's also a WEFFIE, which is two strikes.

Righties want adherence to the Constitution and the laws. Lefties don't. Lefties want open borders, which is a violation of both, they want to railroad people without conviction which is a violation of both, the list goes on ad nauseam.

The right doesn’t want adherence to laws. Well a few laws, which they don’t understand.

They don’t want birthright citizenship. That little Constitutional Right they detest. They don’t want freedom of religion. Not all religions anyway. Just those that they approve of.

They don’t want the laws enforced on Trump or the January 6th defendants. The Republicans detest laws that have cops arrested and convicted for killing Blacks.

So no. The Conservatives don’t want the laws enforced. At all.
. So then we must start by addressing the root causes, which would be poor economies in those countries and changes in the economies of those countries created by Climate change.
Also to the small number of transgenders and other perverts out there.... Finance capital smiles reading you.
That's a major hurdle for the Democrats to overcome. The President of the United States is the PRESIDENT OF ALL AMERICANS. Not just the poor, rich, black, brown, or white. That's another reason President Trump was so successful.

With Trump, the rising tide only lifted the yachts
I can argue your issues better than you can. Partially because I do pay careful attention, partially because I agree on many things, and partially because my comments wouldn't be laced with shallow, ignorant, talk radio talking points.

Conversely, you hide in your world. Your screen name is one of the most ironic things on this board.
I just love it when people tell me that I can't possibly be an independent thinker unless I think the same as they do.
Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.

What Trump has done for the working-class is superficial. He's against the minimum wage or raising it to a living wage. He's against rent controls. He's against forgiving the student debt of tens of millions of our youth who are entering the workforce and need all of the help they can get (The wealthiest people in our society often get bailed out by Uncle Sam, why can't the US Gov, forgive the student-debt of our sons and daughters?). Trump is against labor unions and workers asserting their rights (negotiating with wealthy, powerful employers with the leverage labor unions provide). He's against penalizing companies that close their factories here in the US and move them to Mexico and China. He's against prohibiting the wealthy from moving their money abroad and hiding it in a "tax haven". And of course, he's against raising taxes for those who earn over 10M yearly, while refusing to lower taxes for working-class people. He's against a lot of policies that would serve the interests of the American public.

On top of that, he continues to support economic sanctions on Latin American countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. etc, then complains when hundreds of thousands of brown-skin Latinos from those same countries migrate illegally to our country. Well, if we want to stop at least 70% of the illegal immigration from Latin America, we need to stop imposing economic embargoes and orchestrating coups in those countries, supporting government regimes that serve the interests of a few American and European companies, at the expense of the working-class in those countries. The last thing America's wealthy elites want is to lose their cheap Latin American labor.

How can you hire cheap Latin American labor, if their countries are better developed and doing well economically? If those Latin American countries have a middle-class, that demands higher pay with benefits, that's the end of that cash cow and gravy-train. If they have more democracy, they wouldn't want American companies controlling their vital national infrastructure and drilling their oil (controlling their natural resources). They would want more and better government-enforced regulations in their private sector, like for example requiring factories to install airconditioning. Require factories to install up-to-date and effective filters on their CNC machines:


We have regulations here in the US that force companies to spend money on good filters for these machines, but in Latin America, the owner of the factory can get "cheapy filters" that don't adequately filter the toxic fumes or even worse, no filters at all. The wealthy powerful elites in America and Europe, turn to these poor, developing countries (perpetually developing, because it's not in the interests of these elites to allow these countries to join the modern, industrialized, free & democratic world with a middle-class and robust, social safety net/social security/unemployment insurance..etc for its workers..etc). Keep them poor and desperate for a job, forced to negotiate their terms of employment alone, without the leverage of a labor union. Maintain control over the labor markets and governments of developing countries (The 3rd World/Global South).

Trump is clueless (or simply doesn't give a shit) about the dynamics of capitalist imperialism, so he doesn't support policies that will significantly cut the number of Latin Americans trying to enter our country illegally. You just let them develop their economies and choose the type of government they want for themselves. Maybe even help them out, give them a "hand-up" (as opposed to a hand-down), to allow them to develop their economies and become a prosperous nation that can trade with us and flourish. That's the way to end most of the illegal immigration from these Latin American countries.

Trump deployed our military in Syria, where to this day, our troops our controlling most of the oil in that country. We have American troops in Iraq, right now. About 2500 troops. We have 700 military installations and bases around the world. We're an empire, and Trump hasn't done anything to change that. We're still the world's hegemon, bullying other countries to serve our interests, often at their expense.

Zionism. Trump is completely, unconditionally supporting whatever Israel does to anyone. Our government is under Zionist occupation (Make Israel Great Again), to the point that we're now supporting a racist, Jewish apartheid state that is leveling a whole city full of civilians, with American weapons. Then we wonder why certain people around the world hate us and sometimes end up here in our country, committing acts of terrorism. Zionists control all of the major centers of power and influence in our country. They're going to destroy our country and Trump is in bed with them.


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Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.
You have no idea what the left is, so yes - you're incredibly confused.

And you refuse to educate yourself.

What Trump has done for the working-class is superficial. He's against the minimum wage or raising it to a living wage. He's against rent controls. He's against forgiving the student debt of tens of millions of our youth who are entering the workforce and need all of the help they can get (The wealthiest people in our society often get bailed out by Uncle Sam, why can't the US Gov, forgive the student-debt of our sons and daughters?). Trump is against labor unions and workers asserting their rights (negotiating with wealthy, powerful employers with the leverage labor unions provide). He's against penalizing companies that close their factories here in the US and move them to Mexico and China. He's against prohibiting the wealthy from moving their money abroad and hiding it in a "tax haven". And of course, he's against raising taxes for those who earn over 10M yearly, while refusing to lower taxes for working-class people. He's against a lot of policies that would serve the interests of the American public.

On top of that, he continues to support economic sanctions on Latin American countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. etc, then complains when hundreds of thousands of brown-skin Latinos from those same countries migrate illegally to our country. Well, if we want to stop at least 70% of the illegal immigration from Latin America, we need to stop imposing economic embargoes and orchestrating coups in those countries, supporting government regimes that serve the interests of a few American and European companies, at the expense of the working-class in those countries. The last thing America's wealthy elites want is to lose their cheap Latin American labor.

How can you hire cheap Latin American labor, if their countries are better developed and doing well economically? If those Latin American countries have a middle-class, that demands higher pay with benefits, that's the end of that cash cow and gravy-train. If they have more democracy, they wouldn't want American companies controlling their vital national infrastructure and drilling their oil (controlling their natural resources). They would want more and better government-enforced regulations in their private sector, like for example requiring factories to install airconditioning. Require factories to install up-to-date and effective filters on their CNC machines:

We have regulations here in the US that force companies to spend money on good filters for these machines, but in Latin America, the owner of the factory can get "cheapy filters" that don't adequately filter the toxic fumes or even worse, no filters at all. The wealthy powerful elites in America and Europe, turn to these poor, developing countries (perpetually developing, because it's not in the interests of these elites to allow these countries to join the modern, industrialized, free & democratic world with a middle-class and robust, social safety net/social security/unemployment insurance..etc for its workers..etc). Keep them poor and desperate for a job, forced to negotiate their terms of employment alone, without the leverage of a labor union. Maintain control over the labor markets and governments of developing countries (The 3rd World/Global South).

Trump is clueless (or simply doesn't give a shit) about the dynamics of capitalist imperialism, so he doesn't support policies that will significantly cut the number of Latin Americans trying to enter our country illegally. You just let them develop their economies and choose the type of government they want for themselves. Maybe even help them out, give them a "hand-up" (as opposed to a hand-down), to allow them to develop their economies and become a prosperous nation that can trade with us and flourish. That's the way to end most of the illegal immigration from these Latin American countries.

Trump deployed our military in Syria, where to this day, our troops our controlling most of the oil in that country. We have American troops in Iraq, right now. About 2500 troops. We have 700 military installations and bases around the world. We're an empire, and Trump hasn't done anything to change that. We're still the world's hegemon, bullying other countries to serve our interests, often at their expense.

Zionism. Trump is completely, unconditionally supporting whatever Israel does to anyone. Our government is under Zionist occupation (Make Israel Great Again), to the point that we're now supporting a racist, Jewish apartheid state that is leveling a whole city full of civilians, with American weapons. Then we wonder why certain people around the world hate us and sometimes end up here in our country, committing acts of terrorism. Zionists control all of the major centers of power and influence in our country. They're going to destroy our country and Trump is in bed with them.
Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.

The left? You don't even understand yourself, nevermind the left.

You are a rightwinger who is relying on filtered, distorted, cherrypicked data to confirm your biases.

You don't know yourself and you don't understand your biases.

Lets go through your claims:

Biden has high disapproval numbers...but you had no problem with Trump's high disaproval ratings. Strange right?
The majority of Americans can't make ends meet...by what metric and is that different from when you were touting great [Republican] economy?
70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction....but you had no problem with even higher number while Trump was in office.
Income inequality is getting worse....again, did you ever even look at this metric until [D] got into office?
Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime....straight bullshit.
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