I Really Don't Understand The Left

First. Biden has done as well as anyone could with the economy. The inflation was certain after the Covid shutdowns.

Second. I absolutely agree with Biden concerning Roe. And I’m on record for that many times over.

Third. Biden is a dumpster fire personally. I don’t like his trait of playing to whatever crowd he is in front of in an effort to curry favor. His perpetual creepy behavior with young girls.

But as bad as Biden is, Trump is even worse. So an alternative to those two is sought my me and a lot of others.
You again recite narrative from the right. Haley is not the alternative. Biden plays to crowds? And Haley doesn't? Please.
Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.
Nobody who truly understands the original concept of an exceptional United States, Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the history of how we got from there to here is going to be a Democrat. Nobody who truly understands and loves the America as it was intended and loves Americans is going to be a Democrat.

It is because they somehow missed all that education or have been brainwashed into disbelieving it and because they have allowed themselves to be convinced of what a terrible and indefensible country this is that they stay registered as Democrats.

Once you understand that, you understand better where they are coming from.
General Election: Trump vs. BidenHarvard-HarrisTrump 52, Biden 48Trump +4
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. KennedyHarvard-HarrisTrump 44, Biden 36, Kennedy 20Trump +8
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinHarvard-HarrisTrump 43, Biden 35, Kennedy 17, West 2, Stein 2Trump +8
Georgia: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 49, Biden 43Trump +6
Georgia: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 44, Biden 37, Kennedy 6, West 2, Stein 1Trump +7
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 46, Biden 44Trump +2
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 39, Biden 38, Kennedy 9, West 1, Stein 1Trump +1
Michigan: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 46, Biden 42Trump +4
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 39, Biden 35, Kennedy 10, West 2, Stein 1Trump +4
Wisconsin: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 45, Biden 41Trump +4
Wisconsin: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 40, Biden 34, Kennedy 10, Stein 3, West 1Trump +6
Nevada: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 47, Biden 44Trump +3
Nevada: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 42, Biden 37, Kennedy 11, West 2, Stein 1Trump +5
Arizona: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 46, Biden 42Trump +4
Arizona: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 40, Biden 37, Kennedy 10, West 1, Stein 1Trump +3
North Carolina: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 49, Biden 40Trump +9
North Carolina: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 45, Biden 34, Kennedy 8, West 1, Stein 1Trump +11
General Election: Trump vs. BidenRasmussen ReportsTrump 48, Biden 38Trump +10
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. KennedyRasmussen ReportsTrump 40, Biden 32, Kennedy 16Trump +8
Says nothing about Trumps approval
Nobody who truly understands the original concept of an exceptional United States, Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the history of how we got from there to here is going to be a Democrat. Nobody who truly understands and loves the America as it was intended and loves Americans is going to be a Democrat.

It is because they somehow missed all that education or have been brainwashed into disbelieving it and because they have allowed themselves to be convinced of what a terrible and indefensible country this is that they stay registered as Democrats.

Once you understand that, you understand better where they are coming from.
Try again…..It is Democrats who actually do things for We the People.
Healthcare, education, infrastructure, worker protection, protecting the environment

Republicans are only interested in protecting the wealthy
Nobody who truly understands the original concept of an exceptional United States, Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the history of how we got from there to here is going to be a Democrat. Nobody who truly understands and loves the America as it was intended and loves Americans is going to be a Democrat.

It is because they somehow missed all that education or have been brainwashed into disbelieving it and because they have allowed themselves to be convinced of what a terrible and indefensible country this is that they stay registered as Democrats.

Once you understand that, you understand better where they are coming from.

Democrats ar the ones defending America.
Biden has high disapproval numbers. The majority of Americans can't make ends meet. 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track and heading in the wrong direction. Income inequality is getting worse. Crime is out of control. Polls continue showing a majority of voters, including many of those on the left, trust Trump and the Republicans more regarding the economy, foreign affairs, and crime. And yet these very same lefties in the polling reject Trump's and the Republican's ideas on the economy, foreign affairs, and crime and have agreed with Biden's decisions on these things while claiming they trust Trump and the Republicans more on these issues than Biden. I'm left scratching my head.
Democrats are experts at manipulating people who think emotionally rather than logically.
Try again…..It is Democrats who actually do things for We the People.
Healthcare, education, infrastructure, worker protection, protecting the environment

Republicans are only interested in protecting the wealthy
Then why are most of the Democratic voting base struggling while the Democrat elites are popping the champagne bottles?
Then why are most of the Democratic voting base struggling while the Democrat elites are popping the champagne bottles?

14 million jobs under Biden

Over the last six presidents (3 Dem and 3 Republican), Democrats have added over 40 million jobs while Republicans have only added 200,000
That's not the point idiot. It's how Republicans wantt to do it. You aren't going to stop people from walking out of central America when they are at the American border. So then we must start by addressing the root causes, which would be poor economies in those countries and changes in the economies of those countries created by Climate change. Therefore we need to form partnerships with those governments and develop plans that help them increase economic development.

You simple minded right winger always want to propse the most cruel and draconian punishments on those who are not white while you will support naked acts of aggression from white ass Putin.
Your the idiot, the only reason people are leaving their counties is because YOU DEMOCRAT IDIOTS told them a JOB , HOME, MONEY is waiting for them; what a giant lie !!! All U Rich Democrats want are easy votes and YES, the illegals will vote in the national election because your ballot officers are criminals and will lie about voters being qualified.

You Deep State aholes with your Love Doll Hilary engineered a coup in Ukraine in 2014 which allowed AZOV NAZIS ( Your allies) to kill ethnic Russians in East Ukraine; Putin got sick of Democrat backed Nazis killing Russians.
Your the idiot, the only reason people are leaving their counties is because YOU DEMOCRAT IDIOTS told them a JOB , HOME, MONEY is waiting for them; what a giant lie !!! All U Rich Democrats want are easy votes and YES, the illegals will vote in the national election because your ballot officers are criminals and will lie about voters being qualified.

You Deep State aholes with your Love Doll Hilary engineered a coup in Ukraine in 2014 which allowed AZOV NAZIS ( Your allies) to kill ethnic Russians in East Ukraine; Putin got sick of Democrat backed Nazis killing Russians.
Look at this crazy shit. These fools actually believe this. A dictator in Russia tells these idiots he's trying to fight Nazis in Ukraine and these numbskulls believe it. What you're looking at pod-nuh, is the beginning of the end of trump.
Try again…..It is Democrats who actually do things for We the People.
Healthcare, education, infrastructure, worker protection, protecting the environment

Republicans are only interested in protecting the wealthy
Democrats don't do anything for 'we the people.' Democrats do things to solidify their power and line their pocket books. That's it.
Democrats are experts at manipulating people who think emotionally rather than logically.
Reminds me of when I saw Bill O'Reilly interview Whoopi Goldberg many years ago on his show. Bill O'Reilly was churning out facts and figures on various subjects and Whoopi would have none of it. She cut Bill O'Reilly off and declared she didn't care about facts and figures, she only listens to her heart on subjects. O'Reilly was literally stunned into silence. He had no idea how to respond to her.
Reminds me of when I saw Bill O'Reilly interview Whoopi Goldberg many years ago on his show. Bill O'Reilly was churning out facts and figures on various subjects and Whoopi would have none of it. She cut Bill O'Reilly off and declared she didn't care about facts and figures, she only listens to her heart on subjects. O'Reilly was literally stunned into silence. He had no idea how to respond to her.
At least Whoopie was honest about letting her emotions guide her thinking. Trump haters kid themselves into thinking they actually make sense.

Fucking moron, I queued that video to where Trump said what I quoted him saying. All you had to do was hit play and watch it for about 10 seconds.

And you didn't have to read my mind. You only had to read Trump's quote.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

When you click on the video Trump is saying he is underleveraged. It doesn't say what you claim.

You just proved that you're a clueless idiot.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

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