I stand corrected, I thought for certain another shoe would drop & you wouldn't get a judge in 2018


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I thought the prospects of Flake or others voting against this nominee, or, most likely another allegation or two that would delay your Confirmation was going to occur. I apologize to all those I doubted, and in particular to Flake, who I have never trusted or even understood, he's an enigma. Special shout out to Graham who has had his software upgraded, at least on this issue.

I stand corrected and I learn a little bit more about just how important the S.C is for Americans, in particular Conservatives who for all of my life have not had a majority in the S.C.

An even greater illustration is what the alt-left, the faaaar left and their global socialists will are willing to do in order to obtain power from the U.S. I salute you all today, in my opinion you are all the winners in this, and you are seeing alot more fight for your Republic from the Republicans. No small credit should be given to President Trump. In the past the GOP may have felt pressured and rolled over, not with DJT in power.

Learn from him. Fight for your nation and your support for individual liberty...please :tank::salute:

Kavanaugh confirmed to Supreme Court after bitter fight, securing rightward shift
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Yes, we all stand corrected - for now...

Yep I as you thought the FBI investigation was going to drag out, and Gloria Allred would trot out a bevy of new victims. I am happily shocked at how quickly it was concluded. :113:
I thought the prospects of Flake or others voting against this nominee, or, most likely another allegation or two that would delay your Confirmation was going to occur. I apologize to all those I doubted, and in particular to Flake, who I have never trusted or even understood, he's an enigma. Special shout out to Graham who has had his software upgraded, at least on this issue.

I stand corrected and I learn a little bit more about just how important the S.C is for Americans, in particular Conservatives who for all of my life have not have a majority in the S.C.

An even greater illustration is what the alt-left, the faaaar left and their global socialists will are willing to do in order to obtain power from the U.S. I salute you all today, in my opinion you are all the winners in this, and you are seeing alot more fight for your Republic from the Republicans. No small credit should be given to President Trump. In the past the GOP may have felt pressured and rolled over, not with DJT in power.

Learn from him. Fight for your nation and your support for individual liberty...please :tank::salute:

Kavanaugh confirmed to Supreme Court after bitter fight, securing rightward shift

I have been thrilled that R Senators finally realized what we have known for decades. That the D's are scumbuckets and will in their drive to maintain any power debase themselves destroy any human being on the path to dominance.

Kudos to all Republicans for finding the testicular fortitude to FINALLY fight back and win.
Yep I as you thought the FBI investigation was going to drag out, and Gloria Allred would trot out a bevy of new victims. I am happily shocked at how quickly it was concluded. :113:

Notice they kept Allred away but could not control that asshole Avenati? Hehehehehe. I loved it when he did the pile on.

Thrilled its over and now without a doubt it proves Judge Roy Moore was set up as well. Pity on that one. Still had the McCains of the Senate buying into 40 year old accusations that had never been raised before with no evidence.

Lost a crucial Senate seat over bullshit allegations from accusers with no credibility and no evidence. Pisses me right off.
I thought the prospects of Flake or others voting against this nominee, or, most likely another allegation or two that would delay your Confirmation was going to occur. I apologize to all those I doubted, and in particular to Flake, who I have never trusted or even understood, he's an enigma. Special shout out to Graham who has had his software upgraded, at least on this issue.

I stand corrected and I learn a little bit more about just how important the S.C is for Americans, in particular Conservatives who for all of my life have not had a majority in the S.C.

An even greater illustration is what the alt-left, the faaaar left and their global socialists will are willing to do in order to obtain power from the U.S. I salute you all today, in my opinion you are all the winners in this, and you are seeing alot more fight for your Republic from the Republicans. No small credit should be given to President Trump. In the past the GOP may have felt pressured and rolled over, not with DJT in power.

Learn from him. Fight for your nation and your support for individual liberty...please :tank::salute:

Kavanaugh confirmed to Supreme Court after bitter fight, securing rightward shift
Well I was surprised too.

However apparently McConnell and his frat club in the Senate are afraid Kavanaugh might become their last SCOTUS appointment after November so they were/are not going to take any chances.
Now the only miracle left is for Ginsberg to die of old age on the bench between now an January.

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