I Still Can't Fathom Why A Biden Administration Is Better Than The Trump Administration

More Caveats. Congress has the most important role in setting debts.
Fact is, Republicans should stop saying Democrats spend too much when they spend more. It's a bit hypocritical. Reminds me of when Trump complained that Obama golfed too much. Remember that? And then Trump ended up golfing more than every other president before him combined. LOL
Fact? How do you know what the facts are?

I believe the jury found Trump guilty when the caught him lying. No reason to lie if you are telling the truth. So to say "she's not my type" right off the bat, the dudes lying. If you have something to hide, you're guilty.

Enough is enough. I am so happy Trump was ordered to pay $90 million dollars. That's the exact opposite of hitting the lotto. I hope it kills him.
All this supposedly with a perfect stranger in a small room nobody could see any crime happen? And you are happy she got away with a major extortion plot?
Fact? How do you know what the facts are?

I believe the jury found Trump guilty when the caught him lying. No reason to lie if you are telling the truth. So to say "she's not my type" right off the bat, the dudes lying. If you have something to hide, you're guilty.

Enough is enough. I am so happy Trump was ordered to pay $90 million dollars. That's the exact opposite of hitting the lotto. I hope it kills him.

How is it that you are 100% clueless to this story?
Fact is, Republicans should stop saying Democrats spend too much when they spend more. It's a bit hypocritical. Reminds me of when Trump complained that Obama golfed too much. Remember that? And then Trump ended up golfing more than every other president before him combined. LOL
During Trump, who was in charge of congress?
All this supposedly with a perfect stranger in a small room nobody could see any crime happen? And you are happy she got away with a major extortion plot?
Are you suggesting a group of people have to watch a rape happen in order to produce a conviction?
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who is saying a Biden administration is better than Trumps?

I want both of them out of politics permanently.
Well, I have no compunctions about slicing the pie right. All Biden has leftover here are the crumbs from his broken promises.

I will be voting for Trump who will stop the rapes of small children the Cartels have foisted on immigrant kids. And I can't even express how sadly I am waiting for Biden to just go away and take his lethal policies to children entering this country with little plastic bracelets that remind them of the cartel's evil powers with him. Biden stopped the protective measures Trump set in place to stop the criminal cash in on little children forced into the sex cartels that are unspeakable to put it mildly, and the numbers of abused children increased exponentially. And the drug cartels brought on by Biden's policies killed 300,000 Americans in 3 years. All that crap makes me real mad and Biden hasn't been man enough to go look at the border to see what his administration foisted on border states. :cranky:
Are you suggesting a group of people have to watch a rape happen in order to produce a conviction?
She denies being raped. But of course a case to be won needs evidence. Do you think you should be convicted with no evidence either?
Well, I have no compunctions about slicing the pie right. All Biden has leftover here are the crumbs from his broken promises.

I will be voting for Trump who will stop the rapes of small children the Cartels have foisted on immigrant kids. And I can't even express how sadly I am waiting for Biden to just go away and take his lethal policies to children entering this country with little plastic bracelets that remind them of the cartel's evil powers with him. Biden stopped the protective measures Trump set in place to stop the criminal cash in on little children forced into the sex cartels that are unspeakable to put it mildly, and the numbers of abused children increased exponentially. And the drug cartels brought on by Biden's policies killed 300,000 Americans in 3 years. All that crap makes me real mad and Biden hasn't been man enough to go look at the border to see what his administration foisted on border states. :cranky:
This is straight hogwash.
During Trump, who was in charge of congress?
Trump signed their spending bills? Sorry but Trump gets all the credit for the economy he had when he was president don't pull that bullshit now.

Are you giving Democrats credit for MAGA when Trump was president?
She denies being raped. But of course a case to be won needs evidence. Do you think you should be convicted with no evidence either?
There was enough to go to trial. And then the jury believed her. This is no different than when OJ was found not guilty in the criminal case but a civil court found him responsible. 51% sure Trump did it compared to 100% sure.
How is it that you are 100% clueless to this story?
In July 2023, Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word. In September 2023, Kaplan issued a partial summary judgment regarding the original 2019 lawsuit, finding Trump liable for defaming Carroll via his 2019 statements.

added a claim of battery under the Adult Survivors Act, a New York law allowing sexual-assault victims to file civil suits beyond expired statutes of limitations.

Evidence included testimony from two friends Carroll spoke to after the incident, a photograph of Carroll with Trump in 1987,[a] testimony from two women who had separately accused Trump of sexual assault, footage from the Trump Access Hollywood tape and his October 2022 deposition.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Jean_Carroll_v._Donald_J._Trump#cite_note-dna-12 A verdict in May 2023 found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll, and ordered him to pay $5 million in damages. Trump appealed the decision and made an unsuccessful counterclaim.

It was only $5 million. But Trump continued. He didn't care what the law said. So, how do you get a billionaire to stop lying? You take $80 million dollars from him and tell him if he does it again, it'll be more.

Freedom of speech? Nope. You can't defame, lie and threaten people.
That's because it stands for Crazy News Network.

I figured that it had to be false.
Let me tell you my experiences about sourcing, right here on USMB.

I take great care when sourcing. Avoiding wherever possible things like CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, etc.,etc. you name it I avoid it. Not because I consider them unreliable, but to people like you they can be dismissed without ever looking at them.

So, what I do is provide primary sources wherever possible. I'll post court documents, full interviews, reports by government agencies, congressional reports, etc. etc.

Guess what happens? You guys refuse to look at them. Deflect from them, change the subject, make appeals to hypocrisy, yell fake news, bias, etc., etc. Everything and anything so you don't have to acknowledge that Trump might not be a good president/person.

This happens every. Single. Time.

The problem is not sourcing, but a complete and utter unwillingness to face reality, when reality is unfavorable to Trump. Just like Mac said.
In July 2023, Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word. In September 2023, Kaplan issued a partial summary judgment regarding the original 2019 lawsuit, finding Trump liable for defaming Carroll via his 2019 statements.

added a claim of battery under the Adult Survivors Act, a New York law allowing sexual-assault victims to file civil suits beyond expired statutes of limitations.

Evidence included testimony from two friends Carroll spoke to after the incident, a photograph of Carroll with Trump in 1987,[a] testimony from two women who had separately accused Trump of sexual assault, footage from the Trump Access Hollywood tape and his October 2022 deposition.E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump - Wikipedia A verdict in May 2023 found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll, and ordered him to pay $5 million in damages. Trump appealed the decision and made an unsuccessful counterclaim.

It was only $5 million. But Trump continued. He didn't care what the law said. So, how do you get a billionaire to stop lying? You take $80 million dollars from him and tell him if he does it again, it'll be more.

Freedom of speech? Nope. You can't defame, lie and threaten people.

you are so gullible.
Let me tell you my experiences about sourcing, right here on USMB.

I take great care when sourcing. Avoiding wherever possible things like CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, etc.,etc. you name it I avoid it. Not because I consider them unreliable, but to people like you they can be dismissed without ever looking at them.

So, what I do is provide primary sources wherever possible. I'll post court documents, full interviews, reports by government agencies, congressional reports, etc. etc.

Guess what happens? You guys refuse to look at them. Deflect from them, change the subject, make appeals to hypocrisy, yell fake news, bias, etc., etc. Everything and anything so you don't have to acknowledge that Trump might not be a good president/person.

This happens every. Single. Time.

The problem is not sourcing, but a complete and utter unwillingness to face reality, when reality is unfavorable to Trump.

The problem is that actual reality is not unfavorable to President Trump.
All this supposedly with a perfect stranger in a small room nobody could see any crime happen? And you are happy she got away with a major extortion plot?

Carroll said that on her way out of the store she ran into Trump and he asked for help buying a gift for a woman. After she suggested a handbag or a hat, the two reputedly moved on to the lingerie section and joked about the other trying some on. Carroll said they ended up in a dressing room together, the door of which was shut, and Trump forcefully kissed her, pulled down her tights and raped her before she was able to escape. She stated that the alleged incident lasted less than three minutes, during which time there was no sales attendant present in the department

Trump hung himself twice as far as I can tell.

1. When he said she's not his type but then confused her for his ex.
2. Access Hollywood tape where he admits just walking up to women and grabbing their pussies.
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