"I still hope the bomber is a white American"


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
"The reason to hope that the bomber is a white American is because in a country where white privilege and double standards so obviously affect our national security reactions, that outcome will better guarantee that the reaction to Boston is a bit more measured."

I don't know why the color or religion of the asshole bomber is even relevant, shoot me.

My thoughts exactly HG. It didn't even enter my mind. It never does.

And since now an arrest has been made I just hope they got the right guy.
The "white guy" that blew up the Oklahoma building is dead. That's about as extreme as it gets. This guy's article just shows how non color blind he is himself.
Seriously in the real world most people want justice for the guy or guys or gals that did this no one cares what the heck color he is, only the media cares.
I don't know why the color or religion of the asshole bomber is even relevant, shoot me.

because liberals get their rocks off screaming about priviledged white America, never fucking mind there's a black dude in the wh who graduated from harvard and princeton and so did his old lady.
I don't know why the color or religion of the asshole bomber is even relevant, shoot me.

because liberals get their rocks off screaming about priviledged white America, never fucking mind there's a black dude in the wh who graduated from harvard and princeton and so did his old lady.

Just liberals? Have you not been into the "why arent we finger pointing" thread? As many liberals who are desperate for this to be a conservative bomber, there are an equal number of conservatives who are frothing at the hope its a muslim bomber.
It's not about skin color; the DC Sniper turned out to be black, surprised everyone, just as crazy as all the other shooters lately. He was actually trying to murder his ex-wife, turned out. And DID shoot at her, among all the others.

It's about politico/religious doctrine and what atrocities that has led to. Whether it's a Muslim or whether it's a rightwing gun nut DOES matter and will have a lot of consequences, either way, I suspect. Assuming it's not just a crazy, which won't lead to much, I'm afraid, though I wish it would lead to more secure facilities for the mentally ill!!

As of 2:50 PM today we really do not yet know. Apparently they are smuggling whoever they've caught out of Boston to a "secure location."
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Maybe on this message board people like to fight each other but in the real world things like this solidify Americans. Because that's what we all are Americans. Not a color, not a religion, not heterosexual, not gay, not men, not women but Americans. And we all were attacked that day. As a nation.
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I don't know why the color or religion of the asshole bomber is even relevant, shoot me.

because liberals get their rocks off screaming about priviledged white America, never fucking mind there's a black dude in the wh who graduated from harvard and princeton and so did his old lady.

So the color of the bomber really matters to you?:doubt:
People are sitting here hoping and praying the bomber is a certain color or religion so they can post threads shitting on others, this is sick.
Maybe on this message board people like to fight each other but in the real world things like this solidify Americans. Because that's what we all are Americans. Not a color, not a religion, not heterosexual, not gay, not men, not women but Americans. And we all were attacked that day. As a nation.

No, that was 2000. This is 2013.

All that is gone now; best to face up to that because things are likely only to get worse.
"The reason to hope that the bomber is a white American is because in a country where white privilege and double standards so obviously affect our national security reactions, that outcome will better guarantee that the reaction to Boston is a bit more measured."


This story kills me. We have plenty of white guys and gals who were bombers! In fact they are held up in places of honor today teaching our children.

Bill Ayers ( one who states he was proud of his actions and would do it all again)
Bernardine Rae Dohrn
Kathy Boudin ( convicted murderer)

But what the article really means is they want a "white right wing guy" IMO. Because if they really wanted this to be a white guy they have plenty to bitch about but instead embrace such because they were "brave souls fighting the system" and somehow their actions are "different".

For crying outloud they bombed the Pentagon and the Captiol, they blew up police stations and planned the murder of soldiers at Fort Dix only to blow themselves up along with half a city block, but they are embraced today.

IMO that is what the author should be pissed about.
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CaféAuLait;7104437 said:
For crying outloud they bombed the Pentagon and the Captiol, they blew up police stations and planned the murder of soldiers at Fort Dix only to blow themselves up along with half a city block, but they are embraced today.

IMO that is what the author should be pissed about.

I don't think anyone is embracing any of them.

Well, maybe Obama, of course --- Ayers did promote him in politics.

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