I think all history of the cherokee along with many tribes should be wiped out.

Nobody is erasing the history of the Confederacy, we are stuck with it

What is happening is we are reconsidering the places of honor afforded to those who supported a nation built to enslave 40% of its population

They are still part of our history.......but do we need a monument in city hall declaring the virtues of the Confederacy?
Wait, why am I limiting this to only a select few number of tribes?

If one redskin was guilty of owning slaves and fighting for the confederacy, then all are guilty.

Well, every pale face is guilty according to the left. Even the pale faces that exist today.

So, I say every last fucking redskin. All of them. Wiped out.

Let's do it. Damn slave owners!
Wait, why am I limiting this to only a select few number of tribes?

If one redskin was guilty of owning slaves and fighting for the confederacy, then all are guilty.

Well, every pale face is guilty according to the left. Even the pale faces that exist today.

So, I say every last fucking redskin. All of them. Wiped out.

Let's do it. Damn slave owners!
So, you are openly calling for the modern-day genocide of the remnants of North American aborigine tribes? (1) too Hitler-ish and (2) never gonna happen.

You go too far.
Wait, why am I limiting this to only a select few number of tribes?

If one redskin was guilty of owning slaves and fighting for the confederacy, then all are guilty.

Well, every pale face is guilty according to the left. Even the pale faces that exist today.

So, I say every last fucking redskin. All of them. Wiped out.

Let's do it. Damn slave owners!
So, you are openly calling for the modern-day genocide of the remnants of North American aborigine tribes? (1) too Hitler-ish and (2) never gonna happen.

You go too far.
Good Lord....

Do you need all things spelled out for you?

I mean, holy shit.

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

Many Native American tribes fought for either side in the war including: the Delaware, Creek, Cherokee, Seminole, Kickapoo, Seneca, Osage, Shawnee, Choctaw, Lumbee, Chickasaw, Iroquois, Powhatan, Pequot, Ojibwe (Chippewa), Huron, Odawa, Potawatomi, Catawba, and Pamunkey.

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

Well, not one person has advocated for wiping out the history of the Confederacy, quite the opposite actually. So, enjoy your pickle...I guess.

Yes, the left is doing it right now and have been for decades.

How so? These monuments don't teach history. What they do is champion white supremacy. We know this because of all the bigots who have come out to protect one of them in Virginia.

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

Many Native American tribes fought for either side in the war including: the Delaware, Creek, Cherokee, Seminole, Kickapoo, Seneca, Osage, Shawnee, Choctaw, Lumbee, Chickasaw, Iroquois, Powhatan, Pequot, Ojibwe (Chippewa), Huron, Odawa, Potawatomi, Catawba, and Pamunkey.

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

Well, not one person has advocated for wiping out the history of the Confederacy, quite the opposite actually. So, enjoy your pickle...I guess.

Yes, the left is doing it right now and have been for decades.

How so? These monuments don't teach history. What they do is champion white supremacy. We know this because of all the bigots who have come out to protect one of them in Virginia.

Of course the left wants these monuments torn down. They are the party of slavery and segregation and want everything whitewashed.

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

Many Native American tribes fought for either side in the war including: the Delaware, Creek, Cherokee, Seminole, Kickapoo, Seneca, Osage, Shawnee, Choctaw, Lumbee, Chickasaw, Iroquois, Powhatan, Pequot, Ojibwe (Chippewa), Huron, Odawa, Potawatomi, Catawba, and Pamunkey.

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

Well, not one person has advocated for wiping out the history of the Confederacy, quite the opposite actually. So, enjoy your pickle...I guess.

Yes, the left is doing it right now and have been for decades.

How so? These monuments don't teach history. What they do is champion white supremacy. We know this because of all the bigots who have come out to protect one of them in Virginia.

Of course the left wants these monuments torn down. They are the party of slavery and segregation and want everything whitewashed.

The monuments are a white wash, literally.
Wait, why am I limiting this to only a select few number of tribes?

If one redskin was guilty of owning slaves and fighting for the confederacy, then all are guilty.

Well, every pale face is guilty according to the left. Even the pale faces that exist today.

So, I say every last fucking redskin. All of them. Wiped out.

Let's do it. Damn slave owners!
So, you are openly calling for the modern-day genocide of the remnants of North American aborigine tribes? (1) too Hitler-ish and (2) never gonna happen.

You go too far.
Good Lord....

Do you need all things spelled out for you?

I mean, holy shit.
Words have meanings.

Your words indicated a recommendation of genocide.

If that is what you intended, say so.

If that is not what you intended, say so.
Funny how Conservatives mock Cherokees when it comes to their objections to Andrew Jackson yet bring them out when it comes to supporting their views on the Confederacy

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

A little information: Blacks owned Slaves here in the America's. Just Google or Bing it...

So should the families that owned Slaves that were Black themselves be shun and have their history erased?

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

A little information: Blacks owned Slaves here in the America's. Just Google or Bing it...

So should the families that owned Slaves that were Black themselves be shun and have their history erased?

Come on....let's see the percentages
4 million slaves owned by whites
How many were owned by blacks?

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.
In fact Lincoln whiped them out....

He did? You sure don't know your history do you?

The Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830, 31 years before Lincoln was President.
No president has done more damage to the Indian nations then Lincoln... fact

Not a fact...

Fact is Andrew Jackson did the most damage and Grant could be argued the second worst with veto on a Bill that would have protected the Buffalo...

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

A little information: Blacks owned Slaves here in the America's. Just Google or Bing it...

So should the families that owned Slaves that were Black themselves be shun and have their history erased?

Come on....let's see the percentages
4 million slaves owned by whites
How many were owned by blacks?

The percentage only matters to you because the reality is Blacks also owned slaves in the Americas during that era.

You want to excuse the Black Slave owner by saying there were not many of them compare to the White Slave owner which is factual but still my comment points out Free Blacks used the system, so should their family be shun and have their history erased for the fact their family owned slaves?

You can't just punish white slave owners when others owned Slaves in that day and in fact slavery still lives on today just in the shadows...
You are for wiping out the history of people that had their land violently taken from them?

Yeah... I can see the parallel there.

Shit for brains, if you understood the American Indian you would realize they had no concept of possession of Land - fuck, you're a stupid motherfucker.

They didn't? Then why did they sell it and fight for it?

Now go take your stupid ass racist beliefs somewhere else. You just made a fucking ignorant comment about Lincoln and then you try to scold me about my perception of history.

You obviously do not understand the American Indian, most likely because you're a progressive. Politically correct people like yourselve have shit for brains

I AM a large part Native American and my Grandmother's mother was FULL BLOODED Cherokee.

My great , great grandmother was Cherokee too.

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

A little information: Blacks owned Slaves here in the America's. Just Google or Bit...

So should the families that owned Slaves that were Black themselves be shun and have their history erased?
Of course....

No just kidding.

Just kill whitey.

Can I be a democrat now?

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.
In fact Lincoln whiped them out....

He did? You sure don't know your history do you?

The Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830, 31 years before Lincoln was President.
No president has done more damage to the Indian nations then Lincoln... fact

Andrew Jackson (Democrat) and the Democrat Congress at the time, who despite the protestation of Republicans, voted to March Native Americans on The Trail of Tears, so my question is, why have Democrats been the worst violators of human rights in our entire world history? The only other people in history that even come close to the cruelty of The Democrat Party were The Romans.

& Where do people get this stuff about Lincoln? He can't stop people from making bad decisions. Native Americans often chose "the losing side' during many conflicts. They often chose to go to war with other tribes in suicidal blood feuds that made no sense. They have sided with The British, French and Confederates.

And before you leftist Children of Hell say shit to me about criticizing Native Americans, I am Cherokee and you can STFU. There is no such thing as a Native American. We were immigrants too. Quit lumping us all together. Quit hyphenating us with your Idiot Multiculturalism and Identity Politics.

We are many Nations, if you call us anything call us by the name of our nation, & not by your English name for us.
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These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.
In fact Lincoln whiped them out....

He did? You sure don't know your history do you?

The Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830, 31 years before Lincoln was President.
No president has done more damage to the Indian nations then Lincoln... fact

Not a fact...

Fact is Andrew Jackson did the most damage and Grant could be argued the second worst with veto on a Bill that would have protected the Buffalo...
The other interesting fact is Andrew Jackson's critics called him a jackass as a result of his actions like the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Jackson liked the name so much that he made the jackass (donkey) the symbol of the democrat party. Still the symbol today.

He also violated a court order that had allowed the Cherokee to remain.

But but but the Cherokee fought for the confederacy AND they owned slaved.

Poor libs and the truth they hate.

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.

A little information: Blacks owned Slaves here in the America's. Just Google or Bit...

So should the families that owned Slaves that were Black themselves be shun and have their history erased?
Of course....

No just kidding.

Just kill whitey.

Can I be a democrat now?

If you want to be then sell your soul to Warren and Praise Jackson and Sharpton when they speak...

I prefer the Libertarian way of life...

These tribes fought with the confederacy and in fact owned slaves.

The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the tribes to fight on the Confederate side

Lol, at the little pickle I just put the left in.

I just love fucking them up.
In fact Lincoln whiped them out....

He did? You sure don't know your history do you?

The Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830, 31 years before Lincoln was President.
No president has done more damage to the Indian nations then Lincoln... fact

Andrew Jackson (Democrat) and the Democrat Congress at the time, who despite the protestation of Republicans, voted to March Native Americans on The Trail of Tears, so my question is, why have Democrats been the worst violators of human rights in our entire world history? The only other people in history that even come close to the cruelty of The Democrat Party were The Romans.

& Where do people get this stuff about Lincoln? He can't stop people from making bad decisions. Native Americans often chose "the losing side' during many conflicts. They often chose to go to war with other tribes in suicidal blood feuds that made no sense. They have sided with The British, French and Confederates.

And before you leftist Children of Hell say shit to me about criticizing Native Americans, I am Cherokee and you can STFU. There is no such thing as a Native American. We were immigrants too. Quit lumping us all together. Quit hyphenating us with your Idiot Multiculturalism and Identity Politics.

We are many Nations, if you call us anything call us by the name of our nation, & not by your English name for us.
True, the term Native American is a white mans term.
Lincoln: No Hero to Native Americans
Abraham Lincoln: Deciding the Fate of 300 Indians Convicted of War Crimes in Minnesota's Great Sioux Uprising | HistoryNet
The American Indian And The "Great Emancipator"
Largest Mass Execution in US History: 150 Years Ago Today
Lincoln's Legcy

And Lincoln was the first and only president to suspend habeas corpus… Unforgivable. It's unfortunate that someone did not shoot that piece of fucking shit earlier

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