i think i love Kirsten Powers

Kirsten Powers gets paid specifically to be a FOXNewsDemocrat, one of the stable of FOXNewsDemocrats that FOX trots out regularly to distract from FOX being too gutless to let real Democrats talk. I'm not particularly surprised that one of FOX's paid shills is spouting FOX News talking points.

She dated Anthony weiner. She's a lifelong dem.

What the fuck is it with you people hating anyone on Fox? It's irrational

No it isn't. Fox has a message to push, and she's there to push it. She's paid to help push it. She's not paid to lend credence and defend liberalism and the democratic party, she's there to fall aside and let the attacks on those things be louder, at the hands of the majority conservative staff.

That much fucking shit is obvious. There's a fucking thread DEVOTED to her by conservatives on this board, conservatives who would never fucking give two shits about moderate democrats who weren't on FOX news, but who actually just outright dismiss them at every opportunity.
Kirsten Powers gets paid specifically to be a FOXNewsDemocrat, one of the stable of FOXNewsDemocrats that FOX trots out regularly to distract from FOX being too gutless to let real Democrats talk. I'm not particularly surprised that one of FOX's paid shills is spouting FOX News talking points.

She dated Anthony weiner. She's a lifelong dem.

What the fuck is it with you people hating anyone on Fox? It's irrational

No it isn't. Fox has a message to push, and she's there to push it. She's paid to help push it. She's not paid to lend credence and defend liberalism and the democratic party, she's there to fall aside and let the attacks on those things be louder, at the hands of the majority conservative staff.

That much fucking shit is obvious. There's a fucking thread DEVOTED to her by conservatives on this board, conservatives who would never fucking give two shits about moderate democrats who weren't on FOX news, but who actually just outright dismiss them at every opportunity.

Extremely irrational. Especially your post.

I express that I think a woman is smart and beautiful and half the board goes off on a tangent about Fox News.

Don't worry. They know all you think of them is as tits and ass and legs.

That is all they're good for anyway.

Kiran Chetry
Yup, that must be it.

Can anyone name another hot lib? Besides Leslie Marshal?
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Don't worry. They know all you think of them is as tits and ass and legs.

That is all they're good for anyway.
I'm sure the women of the forum will be interested in your views on women.

It's not my views on women idiot, it's your views on what women newscasters should be, as is the case with every single fucking thread about FOX news women vs other network women. It's all about looks... tits, hair, ass, legs. "Our women are prettier than your women!"

That's all it ever is for you guys. That's certainly all you ever talk about.

I can't tell if you guys fucking watch the news to learn, or watch it to get a raging hard boner and jack off.
Don't worry. They know all you think of them is as tits and ass and legs.

That is all they're good for anyway.
I'm sure the women of the forum will be interested in your views on women.

It's not my views on women idiot, it's your views on what women newscasters should be, as is the case with every single fucking thread about FOX news women vs other network women. It's all about looks... tits, hair, ass, legs. "Our women are prettier than your women!"

That's all it ever is for you guys. That's certainly all you ever talk about.

I can't tell if you guys fucking watch the news to learn, or watch it to get a raging hard boner and jack off.

You got issues
I'm sure the women of the forum will be interested in your views on women.

It's not my views on women idiot, it's your views on what women newscasters should be, as is the case with every single fucking thread about FOX news women vs other network women. It's all about looks... tits, hair, ass, legs. "Our women are prettier than your women!"

That's all it ever is for you guys. That's certainly all you ever talk about.

I can't tell if you guys fucking watch the news to learn, or watch it to get a raging hard boner and jack off.

You got issues

I'm not the one objectifying women. That's ALL it ever is. There are almost never any "liberal women are hotter than conservative women" threads. It's always the right trying to attack the left.

I mean, it's understandable. The conservative right objectifies women. It's what they do. It's biblical, it's "what men do". It's a core tenant of conservatism. Treat women as eye candy and deride any woman who doesn't sexually arouse.

Face it man... it's the party of misogyny... filled with people who want to continue the patriarchal legacy.
Ann? Really? Suck his small boy.. I'm surprised. Her Throat can handle a lot more than that wack job can dish out.
It's not my views on women idiot, it's your views on what women newscasters should be, as is the case with every single fucking thread about FOX news women vs other network women. It's all about looks... tits, hair, ass, legs. "Our women are prettier than your women!"

That's all it ever is for you guys. That's certainly all you ever talk about.

I can't tell if you guys fucking watch the news to learn, or watch it to get a raging hard boner and jack off.

You got issues

I'm not the one objectifying women. That's ALL it ever is. There are almost never any "liberal women are hotter than conservative women" threads. It's always the right trying to attack the left.

I mean, it's understandable. The conservative right objectifies women. It's what they do. It's biblical, it's "what men do". It's a core tenant of conservatism. Treat women as eye candy and deride any woman who doesn't sexually arouse.

Face it man... it's the party of misogyny... filled with people who want to continue the patriarchal legacy.

Negged for being a douche bag pretending to be a man.

Like I said seek help
You got issues

I'm not the one objectifying women. That's ALL it ever is. There are almost never any "liberal women are hotter than conservative women" threads. It's always the right trying to attack the left.

I mean, it's understandable. The conservative right objectifies women. It's what they do. It's biblical, it's "what men do". It's a core tenant of conservatism. Treat women as eye candy and deride any woman who doesn't sexually arouse.

Face it man... it's the party of misogyny... filled with people who want to continue the patriarchal legacy.

Negged for being a douche bag pretending to be a man.

Like I said seek help

What a manly reaction on your part!

"Ohhhhhhh my, I do say I should toss an ellipsis his way! That will show him!"

You know, in the end... your misogyny is your problem, not mine.

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