i think i love Kirsten Powers


The last few days I've seen her speculate about this or that and she comes at it from a slanted left point of view. Except she seems FAIR.....and really really hot. :)

Jesus grampa, if that is your idea of "really, really hot" - it's time you get your eyes checked and a new pair of glasses prescribed.

She's mildly attractive. She's light years from "really, really hot"

I married two 10's

I prefer some brains with my beauty at this point thanks
This is "really, really hot"...


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And this is "really, really hot"...


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Sarah Palin is a pretty hot lookin' babe too, but that doesn't mean she has any sense.

Looks don't equate to genius. If that were so, I'd be ruling the world right now. :D

The last few days I've seen her speculate about this or that and she comes at it from a slanted left point of view. Except she seems FAIR.....and really really hot. :)

Yep, she's not a sheep, and that's always refreshing since it's so rare.

And yeah, I often have no freakin' idea what she's saying when she's on the screen. I really have to concentrate.

Last time I saw S.E. Cupp on Fox she looked great. She made the move to MSNBC and got fat and stupid.

Just Kidding :)

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FOX sure knows their audience.

Murdoch: Grumpy old men with limited intelligence like conservative spin. They also like
blondes with big boobs. I say we give them both at the same time!

Exec: But, they might be too distracted by the boobs to really pay attention to what
we are trying to say. They'll just nod in agreement and cast their votes.

Murdoch: And........?

Exec: Muah.....ha......ha!

And..........there are no "libs" on FOX who are there for any reason other than to take a fall in fake wrestling matches with hosts.

Finally.........if you have vagina and all of your teeth, the odds are that you're a liberal. Deal with it losers.

The last few days I've seen her speculate about this or that and she comes at it from a slanted left point of view. Except she seems FAIR.....and really really hot. :)
That's why she's on there. So you won't pay attention to what she says just how she looks.

Get a transcript of what she says from Fox.com and see if you "feel" the same way about her after reading it.

The last few days I've seen her speculate about this or that and she comes at it from a slanted left point of view. Except she seems FAIR.....and really really hot. :)
That's why she's on there. So you won't pay attention to what she says just how she looks.

Get a transcript of what she says from Fox.com and see if you "feel" the same way about her after reading it.

Oh I know she is pretty far left on many issues but unlike most pundits she can be reasonable. Besides opposites attract right? Lol

Unlike what most are saying she's not just eye candy (like Obama) she has a brain and uses it independently
Another blonde on fox? You don't say!

Imagine that. :D

Jealous much? Fox News-sports the most beautiful female newscasters, bar none and proud of it! Women should bask in their beauty, promote it.. It's a part of being seductive, sensual and there's nothing wrong with it! It's only the HAG left who hate beautiful women.. for good reason.
I don't care for Kirstin Powers that much. She's the typical liberal but I will say she is attractive. I think Megyn Kelly is definitely one of the hottest female journalists..
Kirsten Powers gets paid specifically to be a FOXNewsDemocrat, one of the stable of FOXNewsDemocrats that FOX trots out regularly to distract from FOX being too gutless to let real Democrats talk. I'm not particularly surprised that one of FOX's paid shills is spouting FOX News talking points.
Kirsten Powers gets paid specifically to be a FOXNewsDemocrat, one of the stable of FOXNewsDemocrats that FOX trots out regularly to distract from FOX being too gutless to let real Democrats talk. I'm not particularly surprised that one of FOX's paid shills is spouting FOX News talking points.

She dated Anthony weiner. She's a lifelong dem.

What the fuck is it with you people hating anyone on Fox? It's irrational

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