I Think I Will Scream

What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

Ok I self reflected. I conclude that KKK guys who dust off their bedsheet/pillow case outfit to protest are not a threat to America. The Liberal leadership of this country, The Media that does their bidding and the brainless masses that do their bidding are a threat to America.
Yeah well when they all rally together and decide to go on tour to spread their garbage then I do consider that a threat and I consider it inappropriate and I'm fine with standing up to their message of hate. Now Thats coming from me, a white guy, I imagine blacks and Jews have much deeper and personal feelings about this. You should too, but since it is making your president look bad you don't think it's relevant. That is so weak.
Standing up is one thing. Assaulting them, no matter how asinine their message is not. And there lies the problem. You have a rally full of a bunch of hate mongers but like it or not they have a right to wallow and trumpet their hate. Same as the other protesters.

The problem here is that there was violence all around and we do not really now who instigated what and when. All we really know is that there was one single person who went off the deep end and used a car as a weapon.

I find it sad that the only thing that anyone is capable of focusing on atm is the political correctness of what Trump said and when with little regard for anything else including the truth.

I do find it rather hysterical that Trump kept claiming that facts were important to him though - that was a hoot.

What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection
So you are saying this stuff didn't go on under Obama?
I'm not saying that at all... im saying when you pivot the conversation to try and spread blame to others then you appear to be an apologist or sympathizer for those who are under fire. You understand that don't you?
That is a horrible way to look at things. it essentially opens the door up for anyone to do anything that they please to the unpopular stance because defending their right to take that stance would make you a sympathizer with their message.
Im not taking about general concepts I'm talking about this specific situation which is how we should discuss it. I never claimed that accountability wasn't important, it is important. I'm fine with talking about antifa violence and BLM violence and hold them accountable for anything inappropriate they do. But you don't water down the sickness that is happening with the Nazi/WS movement by clumping it together with problems happening with other groups. Especially when you're POTUS, you have to be better at messaging. He is either incredibily unaware of how important this is to so many people, or he doesn't care. I don't think he is a Nazi sympathizer but he is messaging like one. It's all ego
And what I stated applies to this specific case as well.
Our government officials are too busy trying to brainwash and divide this nation so that they can take advantage of us in our weakened and brainwashed state to do anything to "help" this country. Isn't this obvious? Look around you, for goodness sake!
Dude you are off your rocker. I don't have the time to respond to all of that right now but your reality is not the reality for many people in this country.

There is only one reality. What you're talking about is fantasy. You are in denial. You are so consumed with painting "balance" that you elevate bad ideas. It's shit like that what gave way to Bush the Dumber, Sarah Palin, the teabags, Donald Trump, and Nazis.

You should work on closing your mouth and listening better. You've taken a few things that i've said now way out of context and I don't have the time to keep reexplaining myself.

Then explain the context, please. I didn't take anything out of context...you're reacting to the fact that you wrote stupid, shitty things.
Dude you are off your rocker. I don't have the time to respond to all of that right now but your reality is not the reality for many people in this country.

There is only one reality. What you're talking about is fantasy. You are in denial. You are so consumed with painting "balance" that you elevate bad ideas. It's shit like that what gave way to Bush the Dumber, Sarah Palin, the teabags, Donald Trump, and Nazis.

You should work on closing your mouth and listening better. You've taken a few things that i've said now way out of context and I don't have the time to keep reexplaining myself.

Then explain the context, please. I didn't take anything out of context...you're reacting to the fact that you wrote stupid, shitty things.

All of those people you mentioned are United States citizens and they are entitled to give their opinions, just as you are entitled to give yours. This is not a difficult concept to understand.
All of those people you mentioned are United States citizens and they are entitled to give their opinions

What opinions? Stupid opinions? Why are they entitled to that? Don't understand. If an "opinion" is stupid, shitty, and wrong, why is someone entitled to it? You're saying Nazis are entitled to the opinion that they're the "master race"? WTF???

ust as you are entitled to give yours. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

It seems like you don't understand.
All of those people you mentioned are United States citizens and they are entitled to give their opinions

What opinions? Stupid opinions? Why are they entitled to that? Don't understand. If an "opinion" is stupid, shitty, and wrong, why is someone entitled to it? You're saying Nazis are entitled to the opinion that they're the "master race"? WTF???

ust as you are entitled to give yours. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

It seems like you don't understand.

Yes, people are allowed to state their opinions even if you don't like it.
Yes, people are allowed to state their opinions even if you don't like it.

No they're not. Incitement isn't permitted by law. Nazis are incitement. A Nazi flag is a flag of genocide. Waving it is incitement. First Amendment doesn't protect incitement. Try again, dumbass.
<Stupid meme from a stupid person>

Since when is incitement of genocide "free speech"? And you only seem capable of arguing in memes because you lack the ability to put your own thoughts in your own words. Typical and lazy.
<Stupid meme from a stupid person>

Since when is incitement of genocide "free speech"? And you only seem capable of arguing in memes because you lack the ability to put your own thoughts in your own words. Typical and lazy.

I've already put it in words, but you don't seem to understand words. Free speech means FREE speech. It doesn't matter if you don't like the speech. This is a cornerstone of freedom.
In Charlottesville, white nationalists and other extremist groups including neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan rallied — but only after a federal judge ruled they had the right to gather at Emancipation Park and protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Their rights were defended by the American Civil Liberties Union, despised by many conservatives as a liberal bastion. The ACLU deplored the “voices of white supremacy,” and condemned the violence that killed a 32-year-old woman and injured dozens of others. But the ACLU made no apologies for its defense of speech that many find distasteful or even dangerous.

“The First Amendment is a critical part of our democracy and it protects vile, hateful, and ignorant speech,” the organization said.

In a recent case the ACLU said it was defending right-wing writer Milo Yiannopoulos in a free speech lawsuit even though it disagrees with his positions, saying he has fostered “anti-Muslim views and disdain for women” and has compared Black Lives Matter activists to the Klan.

“We understand the pain caused by Mr. Yiannopoulos’ views,” James Esseks, director of the ACLU’s LGBT and HIV Project wrote last week. “We also understand the importance of the principles we seek to defend. The constitutional principle here, of course, is that government can’t censor our speech just because it doesn’t like what we say.”

Strange bedfellows: The ACLU, free speech and Neo-Nazis
they had the right to gather at Emancipation Park and protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Yes, they have that right...only that's not what they did. What they did was seek to incite violence. And incitement isn't covered by the First Amendment.
Free speech means FREE speech.

Incitement is not free speech, what don't you understand about that?

It is free speech. They were granted permission by a federal judge and had a permit to be there and to protest the removal of the statue. "Incitement" is a matter of opinion. I didn't feel "incited" at all by their words. You?
they had the right to gather at Emancipation Park and protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Yes, they have that right...only that's not what they did. What they did was seek to incite violence. And incitement isn't covered by the First Amendment.

The ACLU disagrees with your assessment of the situation, and so do most reasonable and logical people who understand the importance of our rights.
It is free speech.

NO IT FUCKING ISN'T. Incitement isn't free speech. As much as you want it to be, it isn't. If you are marching with torches screaming "blood and soil", waving a flag of genocide, that is incitement and not protected by the First Amendment. Plus, the Nazis were the ones who were killing people. How did they get to that point

They were granted permission by a federal judge and had a permit to be there and to protest the removal of the statue.

But that's not what they did. They surrounded a group of counter-protestors, then drove a car into a crowd and killed a person over a fucking statue. One that was built during Jim Crow to intimidate black people. Go fuck yourself. Nazism = incitement.

"Incitement" is a matter of opinion. I didn't feel "incited" at all by their words. You?

Then something is wrong with you.

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