I Think I Will Scream

You sound like somebody who doesn't know what they are talking about. You're making assumptions about people without even knowing who they are, and then your making generalizations about the "usual players" when it is much more than that... congressmen like Cotton, who has been a strong Trump supporter came out, plus the heads of each of our armed forces all came out with statements reaffirming our values. They never do stuff like that but felt compelled because it sure wasn't coming from our White House.

While I appreciate the slow trickle of condemnation from Republicans and Conservatives, the fact is that those same Republicans and Conservatives have voted for everything Trump wants. They've voted for every federal agency appointment he's made. They've voted to confirm every justice he's appointed. They cry crocodile tears on camera, but behind the scenes they're just as steeped in this shit as Trump is.

They all gotta go. Gotta pull out the Conservatives root and stem. This problem isn't just Trump, it's the entire Conservative movement that elected and enabled Trump through willful compliance.
Yeah, I brought up that BLM chant earlier. It was disgusting and came from a fringe of that group that should absolutely be disenvowed.

Did it even happen, though? Because whenever I hear about it, it's always third-hand accounts from Nazi sympathizers and Conservatives. Remember, these Conservatives and Nazis make shit up all the time.
Facts from your reports don't trump what I see with my own eyes... i personally think its all ego and not so much Trump being a racists... but when you look at cause and effect his actions are making these hate groups feel empowered.

I can't argue with that. I know for a fact that Trump has a massive ego and a lot of times it gets in his way to his seeing clearly. OTOH, any good president must have some ego---- you need a head of confidence going out in the world to fight nations which mean us no good.
. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
Instead of basking in your confusion and misunderstanding of this situation, how about to take a second to look at it objectively and realize there are some deep seeded and serious issues with what happened.

TODAY I saw 2 anchors and 2 pundits cry on Fox News. This is not just a MSM leftie overreaction
Those people are MSM lefties.
Really? Kat Timf and Mellisa Frances are MSM lefties? Ok buddy
99 percent on the media are MSM lefties. I don't care if you believe it or not.
You must not be paying attention. Have you noticed how many Trump supporters have come out against him? I saw 4 people cry on Fox News today and 3 were republicans that normally stand up for Trump. Open your eyes

So if everyone wanted to deny reality we are supposed to? If three republicans want to kill rabbits on live TV, we should all embrace this policy?

This is insanity. You don't embrace a group of people when you condemn another group of people doing the same exact crap
The fact that you try and equate the Nazi's with the ANTIFA who were protesting them is pathetic. I've explained it enough on this board, you are obviously not going to understand. To each their own.

The fact that you don't equate two violent hate groups is pathetic.
Ok, help me understand then. Tell us what the core message is of the Nazi's and KKK vs the core message of BLM and ANTIFA

Correct me if I'm wrong but one of the messages of the BLM is to kill cops. They say so in their chant: “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”. They pushed poor Bernie right off his own stage in their zeal! And the Antifa, their message seems to be that if they don't agree with you, they will come with bats to beat some sense into you until you see things their way. They are actually PERPETRATING FASCISM while preaching against it. And we all know what the Neo-Nazis want; NONE of these actors are very good because they ALL use violence and hatred and Trump was again 100% right in his statements.
core messages:
BLM: A response to anti-black racism in our country

ANTIFA: anti-fascist, anti-racism, anti-homophobia, anti-sexism... they also associate with anarchist groups and anti-capitalism groups like occupy. (They are somewhat militant and often take their protests too far. IMO)

NAZI, KKK, Whate Supremists: to cleanse this country of non-white races. Anti Jew, anti Black. These guys want to take their country back

Leave out the cherry picked bad actions of the fringe for a second... Do you see the difference from a core mission perspective?
Who cried? I don't get Fox anymore.

The one I know of is Kat Tymph. A rather ditzy flaky schizoid woman I don't care for. She started out there mainly doing comedy skits parroting a blond airhead. I'm not sure how much of it was acting.

View attachment 144221
She is also a strict libertarian and constitutionalist. She often defends Trump but is not shy to call him out on his BS. One of the few objective non-partisans at the pundit desks.
Where did you hear this?

Where? It has been in live video of some of their rallies played a thousand times on TV almost since their inception! I'm sure if you look for it, you can find it on the web. You could clearly hear what they were saying. In another video, they say something about cops being pigs and frying them up like bacon.

NONE of these groups are innocent and they all share blame in stirring unrest and violence. It is not support for Nazis to admit this and the democrats are just ridiculous again if they think they are going to rebuke Trump under the claim that he supports them.

JUST FURTHER PROOF of why there is no honesty in government. As soon as you are honest and try to do what is right, they PUNISH YOU. They try to get you to play the government game. With all his faults, this is why we need Trump in office and need him to succeed.
Two pundits in fox and friends, I dont remember their names. One was a republican strategist and the other a democrat. Kat Timf on Fox News specialist got emotional and they cut away. And Mellisa Frances lost it, full on waterworks, on outnumbered yesterday.
This is not a stale nothing story... there is deep rooted emotion surrounding what's going on... on both sides

What "deep rooted emotion" is legitimate on the Nazi side? You realize in your effort to be "balanced" (which is only for yourself, no one else...get over yourself) you are legitimizing Nazis and fascists. I thought they had no place in America. Now you're saying Nazis and fascists do have a place in America. How so?
No you misunderstood what I said. I'm speaking to people who are trying to dismiss these events as "stale or overblown" news. I'm speaking to those that try and water down the impact of what the Nazi and WS garbage groups are spewing by trying to deflect to antifa. I was showing that people from both parties are emotional about this, both sides are pissed and embarrassed by how Trump handled it. I wasn't implying that the republicans are weeping for the Nazi cause. We don't need to be partisan about this, it should be easy to unify to come out against Nazis and racists.
You sound like somebody who doesn't know what they are talking about. You're making assumptions about people without even knowing who they are, and then your making generalizations about the "usual players" when it is much more than that... congressmen like Cotton, who has been a strong Trump supporter came out, plus the heads of each of our armed forces all came out with statements reaffirming our values. They never do stuff like that but felt compelled because it sure wasn't coming from our White House.

While I appreciate the slow trickle of condemnation from Republicans and Conservatives, the fact is that those same Republicans and Conservatives have voted for everything Trump wants. They've voted for every federal agency appointment he's made. They've voted to confirm every justice he's appointed. They cry crocodile tears on camera, but behind the scenes they're just as steeped in this shit as Trump is.

They all gotta go. Gotta pull out the Conservatives root and stem. This problem isn't just Trump, it's the entire Conservative movement that elected and enabled Trump through willful compliance.
That's not going to happen. There are definitely some players out there that need to go but I'm not going to blame conservatives that truly want to push their agenda of small government low taxes and fiscal responsibility. It brings a neccessary balance to our discourse. The problem is that they got a really shitty leader but he was elected by the people so he deserved a chance to lead. At this point he is running out of rope though and I think we are starting to see his party turn on him.

How we recover from this and turn from two parties hell bent to obstruct each other, I dont know.... we might just be screwed.
There are definitely some players out there that need to go but I'm not going to blame conservatives that truly want to push their agenda of small government low taxes and fiscal responsibility. It brings a neccessary balance to our discourse.

See, that's where we disagree. You think their agenda is legitimate, and I don't. The "low taxes, small government, and fiscal responsibility" isn't a legitimate agenda anymore. It hasn't been since Reagan. It's not worked. The Conservatives and Trump have the same agenda. Those three things they say they're for are dog-whistles for racists, bigots, and frauds. Elevating bad ideas doesn't bring balance...it legitimizes bad ideas. That's why the whole thing needs to be pulled out, root and stem. The Conservative agenda is Trump's agenda. How do we know this? Because Conservatives have voted with Trump every step of the way. They've voted for all his appointments and nominations. If Trump's so bad they have to condemn him, but not bad enough to stop his agenda, then what fucking good are they?

The problem is that they got a really shitty leader but he was elected by the people so he deserved a chance to lead. At this point he is running out of rope though and I think we are starting to see his party turn on him.

Too little, too late. The only mea culpa they can do is to soundly reject their own agenda because it's Trump's agenda. I don't see them doing that. So they turn on Trump, yet vote for all his shit. So they didn't really turn on Trump at all...they just posture. Posturing is what led to this shit in the first place. Pull 'em out! Root and Stem.

How we recover from this and turn from two parties hell bent to obstruct each other, I dont know.... we might just be screwed.

So there ya go with the false equivalency. Republicans and Conservatives obstructed Obama for political and racial reasons. Democrats and liberals obstruct Trump because he's a fascist.
Yeah, I brought up that BLM chant earlier. It was disgusting and came from a fringe of that group that should absolutely be disenvowed.

Did it even happen, though? Because whenever I hear about it, it's always third-hand accounts from Nazi sympathizers and Conservatives. Remember, these Conservatives and Nazis make shit up all the time.
Yeah it happened. Pretty disgusting.

. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
Instead of basking in your confusion and misunderstanding of this situation, how about to take a second to look at it objectively and realize there are some deep seeded and serious issues with what happened.

TODAY I saw 2 anchors and 2 pundits cry on Fox News. This is not just a MSM leftie overreaction
Those people are MSM lefties.
Really? Kat Timf and Mellisa Frances are MSM lefties? Ok buddy
99 percent on the media are MSM lefties. I don't care if you believe it or not.
So what? First off you are over exaggerating, second, aren't you tired with the whining about the MSM and fake news? You are a bigger snowflake than the snowflakes. Much of the news consists of actual videos covering speeches events and interviews. If you dont like the opinion discussions and analysis pieces then don't watch them. But most of us can think for ourselves and discern the difference between facts and opinion
. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
Instead of basking in your confusion and misunderstanding of this situation, how about to take a second to look at it objectively and realize there are some deep seeded and serious issues with what happened.

TODAY I saw 2 anchors and 2 pundits cry on Fox News. This is not just a MSM leftie overreaction
Those people are MSM lefties.
Really? Kat Timf and Mellisa Frances are MSM lefties? Ok buddy
99 percent on the media are MSM lefties. I don't care if you believe it or not.
So what? First off you are over exaggerating, second, aren't you tired with the whining about the MSM and fake news? You are a bigger snowflake than the snowflakes. Much of the news consists of actual videos covering speeches events and interviews. If you dont like the opinion discussions and analysis pieces then don't watch them. But most of us can think for ourselves and discern the difference between facts and opinion
I'll stop being tired of it when the media stops lying.
There are definitely some players out there that need to go but I'm not going to blame conservatives that truly want to push their agenda of small government low taxes and fiscal responsibility. It brings a neccessary balance to our discourse.

See, that's where we disagree. You think their agenda is legitimate, and I don't. The "low taxes, small government, and fiscal responsibility" isn't a legitimate agenda anymore. It hasn't been since Reagan. It's not worked. The Conservatives and Trump have the same agenda. Those three things they say they're for are dog-whistles for racists, bigots, and frauds. Elevating bad ideas doesn't bring balance...it legitimizes bad ideas. That's why the whole thing needs to be pulled out, root and stem. The Conservative agenda is Trump's agenda. How do we know this? Because Conservatives have voted with Trump every step of the way. They've voted for all his appointments and nominations. If Trump's so bad they have to condemn him, but not bad enough to stop his agenda, then what fucking good are they?

The problem is that they got a really shitty leader but he was elected by the people so he deserved a chance to lead. At this point he is running out of rope though and I think we are starting to see his party turn on him.

Too little, too late. The only mea culpa they can do is to soundly reject their own agenda because it's Trump's agenda. I don't see them doing that. So they turn on Trump, yet vote for all his shit. So they didn't really turn on Trump at all...they just posture. Posturing is what led to this shit in the first place. Pull 'em out! Root and Stem.

How we recover from this and turn from two parties hell bent to obstruct each other, I dont know.... we might just be screwed.

So there ya go with the false equivalency. Republicans and Conservatives obstructed Obama for political and racial reasons. Democrats and liberals obstruct Trump because he's a fascist.
We can debate policy positions, i'm happy to... But we should just lump every body onto one side or the other. That leaves no room for objective and honest debate. You have to admit that there is tremendous waste in our government. Most government programs are riddles with waste and inefficiencies. Just look at how long it takes to build a bridge or highway. It's ridiculous. Their systems are old and out dated and in need of many improvements. Knowing the nature of what heavy bureaucracy does to productivity then it becomes beneficial to hear the ideas of conservatives about ways to improved these systems, cut government waste, and promote the free enterprise system. With out smart representatives coming from that side and without the ability for both sides to intelligently communicate and collaborate then we go off the deep end to a socialized society and lose the spirit of capitalism and the free market.

I don't consider myself a conservative or a progressive. I'd probably say i'm an old fashioned Liberal but I respect and agree with positions on both sides depending on the conversation. I'd hope more in our leadership could do the same.
We can debate policy positions, i'm happy to... But we should just lump every body onto one side or the other. That leaves no room for objective and honest debate.

I'm sorry...there's a debate that fascists and Nazis are shit? Who's taking the pro-Nazi position in that debate? Your problem is that you are coming into this with the assumption that Conservatives and Nazis are objective and honest. They're not. They're liars, cowards, frauds, and bigots. So yes, we do lump everyone together as such. You're not on my side. My side is the side that thinks Nazis are bad and have no equivalent. You are on the side that thinks Nazis are bad and have an equivalent. That's why we're not on the same side. You're being "balanced", why? For who? For yourself. So you can feel better about yourself by pretending you're above the fray when all you're doing is empowering and legitimizing Nazis by equating them -in any way- to groups who oppose them. To that, I say GET OVER YOURSELF.

You have to admit that there is tremendous waste in our government. Most government programs are riddles with waste and inefficiencies.

No, just the programs Conservatives give us. Like tax cuts and a bloated military. Medicare's overhead is 1%, Aetna's is 17%. So you tell me what's more wasteful.

Just look at how long it takes to build a bridge or highway. It's ridiculous. Their systems are old and out dated and in need of many improvements.

First of all, fuck that bullshit. You've been spoon-fed this belief that government is inherently wasteful and bad by whom? By the people who want to tear those institutions down. I live in Atlanta. A section of I-85 collapsed on March 30th of this year. The bridge was rebuilt and opened ahead of schedule, less than 2 months later. Then you say their systems are outdated, so what's your solution? You cut funding even more! So how are you supposed to update your systems if you're seeing cuts to your funding? THINK!

Knowing the nature of what heavy bureaucracy does to productivity

WTF???? Where are you getting this shit from? I think you're just spouting off bullshit because you don't know any better. You foist this "conventional wisdom" upon the debate. But from where are you basing this "conventional wisdom". Every time government has been deregulated, what happened? An economic crisis. So that would mean this bullshit you're selling is all fucking lies and nonsense, and we shouldn't take anything you say seriously because of it. Like Trump you just spout shit off the top of your head, then whine when you're called out on it. GET OVER YOURSELF.

then it becomes beneficial to hear the ideas of conservatives about ways to improved these systems

No it doesn't, because the premise is completely wrong and disproved by facts. Your problem is that you're still clinging to "conventional wisdom" that has been pounded into your head by dishonest people like Conservatives. They said if we cut taxes for the rich, it would trickle-down on all of us. Did it? They said that if we deregulated government it would lead to prosperity and more trickle-down. Did it? They said that cutting social programs would cut poverty. Did it? You need to start questioning your own conventional wisdom before you start questioning anyone else's, pal.

cut government waste

What waste, specifically? I think you just say this because it makes you feel good. But you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, clearly.

With out smart representatives coming from that side and without the ability for both sides to intelligently communicate

Yeah, I'm gonna stop you there...there are no smart people on that side because that side rejects facts and science for fantasy and faith. You will never find a smart Conservative anywhere because it's a paradox. You cannot be smart and be Conservative. Smart people don't trade facts and science for fantasy and faith. Stupid people do that. So why do we have to listen to stupid people? Because their feelings will get hurt if we don't? Fuck those people. Your ego is not my concern. GET OVER YOURSELF.
. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here. And beat you with a bat if you don't comply.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.

You're leaving out the bigger context.

Trump courted these pigs during the election.

The pigs take credit for getting trump elected.

The pigs think Trumps win validates them.

The pigs think Trump purposely didn't mention them on Saturday, then only under duress on Monday -- to placate the "politically correct elites"

Then Trump the petulant child that he is let his pig flag fly on Tuesday, by saying "fine people" on the side of the Nazi / alt-right. They are pigs.

They are mostly children, bitter and raging with resentment for disappointments in their lives. They have joined with other, forming a cult of hate and resentment. Just like the white confederate soldiers returning home, beaten losers, and formed what.... the KKK.
We can debate policy positions, i'm happy to... But we should just lump every body onto one side or the other. That leaves no room for objective and honest debate.

I'm sorry...there's a debate that fascists and Nazis are shit? Who's taking the pro-Nazi position in that debate? Your problem is that you are coming into this with the assumption that Conservatives and Nazis are objective and honest. They're not. They're liars, cowards, frauds, and bigots. So yes, we do lump everyone together as such. You're not on my side. My side is the side that thinks Nazis are bad and have no equivalent. You are on the side that thinks Nazis are bad and have an equivalent. That's why we're not on the same side. You're being "balanced", why? For who? For yourself. So you can feel better about yourself by pretending you're above the fray when all you're doing is empowering and legitimizing Nazis by equating them -in any way- to groups who oppose them. To that, I say GET OVER YOURSELF.

You have to admit that there is tremendous waste in our government. Most government programs are riddles with waste and inefficiencies.

No, just the programs Conservatives give us. Like tax cuts and a bloated military. Medicare's overhead is 1%, Aetna's is 17%. So you tell me what's more wasteful.

Just look at how long it takes to build a bridge or highway. It's ridiculous. Their systems are old and out dated and in need of many improvements.

First of all, fuck that bullshit. You've been spoon-fed this belief that government is inherently wasteful and bad by whom? By the people who want to tear those institutions down. I live in Atlanta. A section of I-85 collapsed on March 30th of this year. The bridge was rebuilt and opened ahead of schedule, less than 2 months later. Then you say their systems are outdated, so what's your solution? You cut funding even more! So how are you supposed to update your systems if you're seeing cuts to your funding? THINK!

Knowing the nature of what heavy bureaucracy does to productivity

WTF???? Where are you getting this shit from? I think you're just spouting off bullshit because you don't know any better. You foist this "conventional wisdom" upon the debate. But from where are you basing this "conventional wisdom". Every time government has been deregulated, what happened? An economic crisis. So that would mean this bullshit you're selling is all fucking lies and nonsense, and we shouldn't take anything you say seriously because of it. Like Trump you just spout shit off the top of your head, then whine when you're called out on it. GET OVER YOURSELF.

then it becomes beneficial to hear the ideas of conservatives about ways to improved these systems

No it doesn't, because the premise is completely wrong and disproved by facts. Your problem is that you're still clinging to "conventional wisdom" that has been pounded into your head by dishonest people like Conservatives. They said if we cut taxes for the rich, it would trickle-down on all of us. Did it? They said that if we deregulated government it would lead to prosperity and more trickle-down. Did it? They said that cutting social programs would cut poverty. Did it? You need to start questioning your own conventional wisdom before you start questioning anyone else's, pal.

cut government waste

What waste, specifically? I think you just say this because it makes you feel good. But you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, clearly.

With out smart representatives coming from that side and without the ability for both sides to intelligently communicate

Yeah, I'm gonna stop you there...there are no smart people on that side because that side rejects facts and science for fantasy and faith. You will never find a smart Conservative anywhere because it's a paradox. You cannot be smart and be Conservative. Smart people don't trade facts and science for fantasy and faith. Stupid people do that. So why do we have to listen to stupid people? Because their feelings will get hurt if we don't? Fuck those people. Your ego is not my concern. GET OVER YOURSELF.
Dude you are off your rocker. I don't have the time to respond to all of that right now but your reality is not the reality for many people in this country. You should work on closing your mouth and listening better. You've taken a few things that i've said now way out of context and I don't have the time to keep reexplaining myself.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection
So you are saying this stuff didn't go on under Obama?
I'm not saying that at all... im saying when you pivot the conversation to try and spread blame to others then you appear to be an apologist or sympathizer for those who are under fire. You understand that don't you?

The truth should always be the salient point. If people can't handle that, then they were brought up wrong.

What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection
So you are saying this stuff didn't go on under Obama?


KKK march in middle America
Thanks given to the president for his support from the ringleader
Equivalence of anti-Nazi violence to Nazi supremacy by said president
I don't recall anything quite like that under Obama

But I was out of the country for a while....

Can someone confirm?

Wrong another liberal lie, The fact is The LEFT thought police really are the NAZIS they follow the doctrine of hitler to a letter. Apparently they think ONLY they are mentioned in the constitution, and anyone who disagrees with them has any rights.

Wow. There really is a very high proportion of Nazi sympathisers on this board. I came on hoping for some insight and genuine debate but no.

I truly hope for the sake of your country that this is not representative of the nation as a whole, though I fear it might be.

Most here understand the importance of freedom of speech, no matter who is talking. Only in a warped mind does that equate to being a Nazi sympathizer.

I can assure you, if you quash the right to speak freely, you will be creating the Nazi's you fear.

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Trump got elected because you were conned by a carnival barker. Stupid fucks.
Trump got elected because you decided to run a big piece of shit.
Couldn't be further from the truth. HRC spent her whole life advocating and helping children and families. Look it up. Trump spent his wholr life enriching himself and screwing the little guy.
Great public servant vs a self obsessed charlatan. And look who you chose you dumb fuck and look where we are now. Holy shit!

I'm sure she made all that money helping the little guy. Had nothing to do with selling influence

But that still doesnt change the fact that antifa are violent hateful bigots
Your mind is locked in on Fox News bullshit.
You and your ilk know nothing of the decades Hillary spent improving people's lives yet you still voted for the serial sex offender.
Funny you continue to dump on the protestors of the Nazis and embrace these white racists. Says a lot about you and none of it is good
The Clinton Foundation did so much to help Haiti.......NOT.

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