I Think It's Time To Force Retirement On These People

Grassley just recently took the legacy of his entire Senate career and shit all over it contributing to the whole, "let's contribute to the whole Hunter Biden BS"....so yeah, he goes too.
Trump goes by default.
Understood You want to hide the corruption of Biden and his son and Grassly is pulling back the covers - so he has to go.
Cognitive testing and drug testing every 6 months.... it takes two min....
Mitch locked up again and it looks like he had another minor stroke on camera.

For several minutes yesterday he looked like he was lost. It was like watching Biden sitting there trying to form sentences. It wasn't even that. Talking? Forget about that. Everyone was waiting for him to pass out, yet these government handlers (nurses) stand next to them allowing them to stand there like vegetables. Who's really running Washington? None of our elected leaders are anymore.

If it wasn't for our sold out GOP Congress like McConnell Trump could have cleaned house in his first 4 years.
I don't really agree with age restrictions.

Age itself isn't the problem. There's just as many people who are senior citizens who are as sharp as a tack.

But others (Biden, Mitch, Feinstein, etc) not so much.

For me, it's a question of an Individual's capacity.
I agree with you but I'll tell you right now the only way to avoid higher incidences of diminished capacity is to use an age cap any other method will be seen as favoritistic and arbitrary unfortunately.
ALL of these people should go home and spoil they' grandchildren



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Understood You want to hide the corruption of Biden and his son and Grassly is pulling back the covers - so he has to go.
So you don't really care about the whole age thing? It's your guy and he's exposing "corruption" (which there is absolutely no evidence of).
So you don't really care about the whole age thing?
No. Not a whit. It's mental and physical competency. Feinstein, Biden and McConnell are mentally and physically not competent to function in their jobs.

It's your guy and he's exposing "corruption" (which there is absolutely no evidence of).

Are you talking about Grassley? Yes, he's exposing Biden's corruption, rather competently.
I agree with you but I'll tell you right now the only way to avoid higher incidences of diminished capacity is to use an age cap any other method will be seen as favoritistic and arbitrary unfortunately.
Disagree. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment test ("Man, woman, person, TV, camera") is quite objective and widely used to detect cognitive impairment.
Isn't that what we have elections for?
Elections are for making us feel we have a say in picking our leaders.
It's to keep us from running them out of town on a rail.

Democrats stopped caring what the voters thought back when JFK was POTUS.

Well.....come to think of it.....Democrats never gave a shit what the voter thinks.
They don't believe in improving our lives.
They spend all of their effort figuring out new ways to trick us into voting Democrat
Force retirement on anyone over 75, cutoff for all DC candidates/politicians 69, including president.
Uh…no. You may be a devout fascist, but we don’t play that shit here in the US. No “forced retirement” on anyone in the private sector.

Public sector - mandatory retirement at 65. No exceptions. That includes Supreme Court Justices.
Good luck with that. Until the Baby Boomers and the majority of Generation-X die off or cycle out of politics, things will not change.
Yeah…cause millennials and Gen Z will really “change” things :rolleyes:

Every idiot 17 year old says shit like that. Then they grow up, get life experience, and suddenly realize things are the way they are for a reason.
The main problem, in my view, is the American electorate.

Collectively speaking, they're just not intellectually qualified. Heck, I'll bet more people would fail a civics test than pass a civics test. That's why we keep getting these drones elected to office.

And that's not even touching on the issues themselves. I mean, election season is literally like American Idol type stuff. And the talking heads on the idiot box like it that way. As do the politicians they're running interference for.

I was listening to some people I know the other day talking about basketball players for the pro teams. Someone asked me something, and I forget exactly what it was, but I asked who the secretary of state was.

Deer in headlights...
Not Voting Votes This System Down

Americans' apathy about politics is caused by the fact that the elitist Constitution excludes their direct participation. So you're begging the question by assuming that we should be interested in a system that makes us mere spectators. Your contempt for the American people implies that they should give even more power to those in power over them.
Not Voting Votes This System Down

Americans' apathy about politics is caused by the fact that the elitist Constitution excludes their direct participation. So you're begging the question by assuming that we should be interested in a system that makes us mere spectators. Your contempt for the American people implies that they should give even more power to those in power over them.

No, it's not contempt. It's just how I observe things. That's all.
The main problem, in my view, is the American electorate.

Collectively speaking, they're just not intellectually qualified. Heck, I'll bet more people would fail a civics test than pass a civics test. That's why we keep getting these drones elected to office.

And that's not even touching on the issues themselves. I mean, election season is literally like American Idol type stuff. And the talking heads on the idiot box like it that way. As do the politicians they're running interference for.

I was listening to some people I know the other day talking about basketball players for the pro teams. Someone asked me something, and I forget exactly what it was, but I asked who the secretary of state was.

Deer in headlights...
Anthony Blinken. I can understand this because he's not in the news much...which means he's up to some really evil shit.

He's just out there making plans with Hauns Davos on how to murder millions of Americans by cutting off our food and our electricity.
Lurch (John Kerry) is out there negotiating our demise with the Satan worshipers in the UN and Blinken is just flapping in the breeze while sending our money over to Ukraine.

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