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I think most Republicans would stop flying Confederate flags if it didn't get a reaction out of the left.

Why the Civil War Wasn’t About Slavery – Abbeville Institute

3. Northern hypocrisy. The North also had slaves. It is an actual fact that Massachusetts had slavery 78 years longer than Mississippi. They freed their slaves by a process called manumission, which was designed so that the Northern master didn’t lose any money.
I didn't say the war was about slavery you illiterate twat, I said the Confederacy was. It was its whole reason for being and they said as much when they seceded from the Union. Learn to read.
The more interesting thing to me is how hilariously the cucks in the South try to deny it. Take you for example. First you were proud of you great grand pappy and his fight for the Confederacy but then when the conversation turns to racism then you claim it was the Democrats. Well guess what you toothless dipshit, grand pappy back then was a Democrat. Either be proud of it or not but the fact that you try to be both is what makes you a cuck.
Learn your history before trying to tell someone about theirs. Your hate comes through in your post though, it's imbedded in you as a democrat.

The Democratic Party’s History of Slavery, Jim Crow, and ...

At the time of the Civil War, all slaveholders were Democrats, or at least no one has found an exception at this time. And the Democratic Party was the party of Jim Crow, as well.
Learn your history before trying to tell someone about theirs. Your hate comes through in your post though, it's imbedded in you as a democrat.

The Democratic Party’s History of Slavery, Jim Crow, and ...

At the time of the Civil War, all slaveholders were Democrats, or at least no one has found an exception at this time. And the Democratic Party was the party of Jim Crow, as well.
So you're great grand daddy who you are proud of was a racist piece of shit slaver? I guess I agree with that.
I didn't say the war was about slavery you illiterate twat, I said the Confederacy was. It was its whole reason for being and they said as much when they seceded from the Union. Learn to read.
The past barely matters to the discussion. The right are the only people who care about preserving the things that honor the confederacy. It follows that they own the legacy of the confederacy. The question of the origins of the civil war is a fun internet discussion but in this case it's a diversion from the question of what the right is right now in the 21st century.

White liberals are the worst.

OP, is that you on the right?
The rebel flag means racism now no matter what it may have meant in the past. The swastika means hatred now even though it used to mean good luck. There's no salvaging the image of the rebel flag. Horrible people used it for their own ends and now it means white supremacy. There are flags for everything theses days. Find one that means what you want to say and put that one up instead.
Thanks for making my point. Who says that the rebel flag means racism? The MSM? Fuck the MSM.
That makes me want to fly it even more. I'm a "free speech" advocate and my flag means what I say it means.
I'm still saying that the "stars and bars" could mean lots of things, from "southern pride", to "rebel", to "Anti-government", to "family history", to "its just a fucking flag stupid".

The swastika is a Nazi symbol. That's your racist target group of haters. I can't think of anything positive to say about Nazis.
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If you hated those things you would disavow the democrat party.
Why? None of the current members of the Democratic Party are slavers or slaver apologists like you are. In fact the Democratic Party is the reason this Congress is the most diverse that it's ever been in its history despite the Republican Party being nearly as white as its ever been in its recent history. You know what that tells me? Your great grand pappy lost. His Party was taken over by the very thing he was trying to prevent. Why should I not support the Democratic Party when it's the very symbol of how much cucking minorities have given racist whites?
I can't think of a better example of somebody doing something just to get a reaction out of snowflakes. It's the same reason they do a bunch of stuff. They just want to be disrespectful and get under your skin.
It’s not the Confederate Flag.

If they were supporting the Confederacy and slavery, why aren’t they flying the actual Confederate Flag?

The flag they are flying existed before the civil war, and its design is used within several southern state flags.
It carries the same meaning as the Gadsden flag to those who fly it.
But "Republicans" DON'T fly that flag. Those who do are just expressing their anger towards a massive, out of control federal government beast
If by "IT" you mean the stars and bars I agree. Both flags express anger "towards the massive out of control federal government beast"
Such as the FBI falsifying FISA evidence, or the FBI using a perjury trap against General Flynn, or the bullshit Mueller Investigation, or HR-1, or bogus impeachments, etc.
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And yet democrats would take all the confederate lost cause bullshit and throw it in the trash where it belongs. The right has appointed itself the guardian of all things confederate and so inherit their legacy.
Says who? The 1619 project? You totally miss the point about the "confederacy". The rebel flags are more like the "Tea Party" against taxing us too much, just to give it away to the lazy or the illegals, or power grabs by the DC coxuckers.
I can't think of a better example of somebody doing something just to get a reaction out of snowflakes. It's the same reason they do a bunch of stuff. They just want to be disrespectful and get under your skin.
So, you are saying they fly a loser flag that symbolizes slavery and treason just to "own libs"? What kind of life is that?
I don't apologize for slave holders and I certainly don't support them, they were democrats.

No need for my apology.
You started off by telling us how proud of one you were. You do know the your great grand pappy was a Confederate right? And that the Confederates were Democrats? And that Democrats according to you are racist pieces of shit? That would logically make your great grand pappy, who you are proud of, a racist piece of shit. Do you see how that works or is that too complicated a string for you to follow?
The premise sounds reasonable. The Republicans seem most in favor of their leadership playing against the notion that one catches more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

I look at their attitude as being childish.
Who is suggesting we ignore the past? My family came to this country in the 80s, I don't care about defending any part of your racist history I'm only interested in recounting it accurately.

The Democratic Party started moving away from their history of supporting slavery and segregation in the 60s when they voted in majority to pass the civil rights act of 64' and the voting rights act of 65'. To be fair and historically accurate the Republican party also voted in majority to pass both these pieces of legislation. In fact they passed it with an even greater majority within their own party. The only segment of the country to vote against these two pieces of legislation was the South. Over 90% of representatives in both the Republican and Democratic Party who served in the South and in former Confederate States voted against these two bills. The South has always been racist no matter the party in charge though today that happens to be the Republican party.

The more interesting thing to me is how hilariously the cucks in the South try to deny it. Take you for example. First you were proud of you great grand pappy and his fight for the Confederacy but then when the conversation turns to racism then you claim it was the Democrats. Well guess what you toothless dipshit, grand pappy back then was a Democrat. Either be proud of it or not but the fact that you try to be both is what makes you a cuck.

Sounds like you hear a lot of stuff but don’t live in the South. You live in some northern or west coast blue state that has no clue what they are talking about, just what they keep hearing from the Democratic pulpit.

Forgive this diatribe but this is a subject that really gets my goat. There are racists in the South, just like there are racists everywhere. Many people from other states confuse the love us Southerners have for our culture for racism. There is quite a bit more to old Southern culture than slave ownership or racism. The reason many don’t get it from some other parts of the country is because they are fairly new to the country. How often do you hear people talk about Northern culture? Yeah you don’t because much of that pride has been destroyed by the left. If you live in a place like NYC, for example, it is common to ask the question “what is your nationality”, meaning your country of origin. That is a MUCH less commonly asked question in the South. You will very seldomly hear a Southerner say I am Irish, French, etc, because their families have been in the country for many generations. They are proud Americans first and foremost to the point where it takes research to figure out where their ancestry beyond the US lies. In the North, the average person may only be a 1-3rd generation American. Their traditions are a mixed bag with some Amerian traditions mixed in with their grandparent’s traditions from their native countries. Their devotion is diluted to some extent, which is understandable, whereas most Southerner’s or others whose families have been in the US for many generations is undiluted…full strength. I don’t think many are able to see or understand this devotion.
Sounds like you hear a lot of stuff but don’t live in the South. You live in some northern or west coast blue state that has no clue what they are talking about, just what they keep hearing from the Democratic pulpit.
I actually live in South Florida with family in Georgia, Texas and West Virginia which ironically split from Virginia so as not to be associated with those slaving fuck tards but alas history and entropy have reclaimed them.
Forgive this diatribe but this is a subject that really gets my goat. There are racists in the South, just like there are racists everywhere. Many people from other states confuse the love us Southerners have for our culture for racism. There is quite a bit more to old Southern culture than slave ownership or racism.
Then why choose a battle flag from the brief history the South left the Union and fought a war to protect slavery as your symbol? That's like a German using the Nazi flag to show German pride. That argument is intellectually vapid.
The reason many don’t get it from some other parts of the country is because they are fairly new to the country. How often do you hear people talk about Northern culture? Yeah you don’t because much of that pride has been destroyed by the left. If you live in a place like NYC, for example, it is common to ask the question “what is your nationality”, meaning your country of origin. That is a MUCH less commonly asked question in the South. You will very seldomly hear a Southerner say I am Irish, French, etc, because their families have been in the country for many generations. They are proud Americans first and foremost to the point where it takes research to figure out where their ancestry beyond the US lies. In the North, the average person may only be a 1-3rd generation American. Their traditions are a mixed bag with some Amerian traditions mixed in with their grandparent’s traditions from their native countries. Their devotion is diluted to some extent, which is understandable, whereas most Southerner’s or others whose families have been in the US for many generations is undiluted…full strength. I don’t think many are able to see or understand this devotion..
Again, then why choose a symbol of a country that left America and then went to war with America and killed Americans as a symbol of your American pride? Get the fuck out of here with that silly ass argument. You clown. When wi any of you proud boy types ever actually be proud of what you piece of shit ancestors actually fought for?

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