I think we can all agree that our kids are our future. Kamala shows us what the difference is between her and Trump

I think that we can all agree that our kids are our future. As such, we need to teach them at an early age (between 3-7) what is important and what is harmful.

This ad from Kamala makes the point in the clearest way possible.

Do we want our kids at a young age to learn Hate or learn Love?

On a stronger and more serious note (getting away from simply trying to dis Trump), here below is a very interesting non-biased research done by the NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138July2024.

This study compares Trump's hate rhetoric and hate speeches done by him to the same done by politicians in general. We are all aware of the fact that dissing the opponent in a political campaign is something all politicians do. This study shows the differences (Trump has been the absolute worst) and the consequences that come of it, such as crime done because of it.

It is a long study but worth reading as it goes into detail. Below is the conclusion part.

Here are some additional comments that Trump has made that show hate unfettered.............toward everyone (including members of his own party).

View attachment 1023179

Do you think that Hate is what we need in our country?

/—-/ Number one best sellers on Amazon.
That IS addressing it.

Everyone is so TIRED of all these political ads.

They are all, nothing but lies and hyperbole.

That post makes it clear, who she is, and what her agenda is. It sure as hell ain't the American people. . . or their kids.

Hell, she has none of her own. She supports child genital mutilation. Ain't nothing she says on the topic of kids can be believed by any smart person.

ACLU Rights for All Candidate Questionnaire 2019
Kamala D. Harris

https://assets.aclu.org/live/uploads/2024/08/Harris-ACLU-Candidate-Questionnaire.pdf HarrView attachment 1023216

Supreme Court will take up state bans on gender-affirming care for minors​

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday jumped into the fight over transgender rights, agreeing to hear an appeal from the Biden administration seeking to block state bans on gender-affirming care. . .


. . .The case before the high court involves a law in Tennessee that restrict puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors. The federal appeals court in Cincinnati allowed laws in Tennessee and Kentucky to take effect after they had been blocked by lower courts. (The high court did not act on a separate appeal from Kentucky.) . . "

Kamala Harris expected to expand Biden’s child gender transition agenda if elected​

Kamala Harris expected to expand Biden’s child gender transition agenda if elected​

View attachment 1023220
For SOCIAL responsibility in gub'munt, vote Trump!

He's going to demand that gub'munt pay their fkn bills so the people can stop mooching off of Elon.
That IS addressing it.

Everyone is so TIRED of all these political ads.

They are all, nothing but lies and hyperbole.

That post makes it clear, who she is, and what her agenda is. It sure as hell ain't the American people. . . or their kids.

Hell, she has none of her own. She supports child genital mutilation. Ain't nothing she says on the topic of kids can be believed by any smart person.

ACLU Rights for All Candidate Questionnaire 2019
Kamala D. Harris

https://assets.aclu.org/live/uploads/2024/08/Harris-ACLU-Candidate-Questionnaire.pdf HarrView attachment 1023216

Supreme Court will take up state bans on gender-affirming care for minors​

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday jumped into the fight over transgender rights, agreeing to hear an appeal from the Biden administration seeking to block state bans on gender-affirming care. . .


. . .The case before the high court involves a law in Tennessee that restrict puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors. The federal appeals court in Cincinnati allowed laws in Tennessee and Kentucky to take effect after they had been blocked by lower courts. (The high court did not act on a separate appeal from Kentucky.) . . "

Kamala Harris expected to expand Biden’s child gender transition agenda if elected​

Kamala Harris expected to expand Biden’s child gender transition agenda if elected​

View attachment 1023220
Once again you show that you believe all the lies that Trump says and don't do any real research.

Yes, Harris supports the right of transgender people to change their gender but she does not support children being forced to do it. In other words, it is a lie you believe.

Donald Trump
stated on July 26, 2024 in remarks at Turning Point USA summit:
Kamala Harris “wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses against their will to give chemical castration drugs to young children.”

I guess it is safe to say that you are a believer in Trump and believe everything he says.


Don't forget dumbing down the kids. That's a huge thing to miss!
Yeah! Teaching by Critical Theory Vs. Critical Thinking and The Socratic method.
It's brainwashing and teaching them to not think, and just react like Pavlov's dogs.
Conditioning, if you will. /end rant.

Once again you show that you believe all the lies that Trump says and don't do any real research.

Yes, Harris supports the right of transgender people to change their gender but she does not support children being forced to do it. In other words, it is a lie you believe.

Donald Trump
stated on July 26, 2024 in remarks at Turning Point USA summit:
Kamala Harris “wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses against their will to give chemical castration drugs to young children.”

I guess it is safe to say that you are a believer in Trump and believe everything he says.

View attachment 1023234

That is NOT what I posted. I posted that they want to outlaw the STATES, the voters of those States, from passing laws that ban using STATE money to mutilate minors.

The states want to pass laws that outlaw genital mutilation on minors, and Kamala and her ilk are taking the wishes of the votes to court.

I even posted the SCOTUS hearing article.

. . . and you know what? You KNOW this is a losing issue for Kamala, and that is why you are forced to lie about the facts and reality.


That is NOT what I posted. I posted that they want to outlaw the STATES, the voters of those States, from passing laws that ban using STATE money to mutilate minors.

The states want to pass laws that outlaw genital mutilation on minors, and Kamala and her ilk are taking the wishes of the votes to court.

I even posted the SCOTUS hearing article.

. . . and you know what? You KNOW this is a losing issue for Kamala, and that is why you are forced to lie about the facts and reality.

First of all, this is a legal issue and as such, Kamala has nothing to do with it being passed or not.

Secondly, you say this is a losing issue for Kamala? Only among the people biased against transgender. In other words, Trumpers who are already against Kamala.
I think that we can all agree that our kids are our future. As such, we need to teach them at an early age (between 3-7) what is important and what is harmful.

This ad from Kamala makes the point in the clearest way possible.

Do we want our kids at a young age to learn Hate or learn Love?

On a stronger and more serious note (getting away from simply trying to dis Trump), here below is a very interesting non-biased research done by the NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138July2024.

This study compares Trump's hate rhetoric and hate speeches done by him to the same done by politicians in general. We are all aware of the fact that dissing the opponent in a political campaign is something all politicians do. This study shows the differences (Trump has been the absolute worst) and the consequences that come of it, such as crime done because of it.

It is a long study but worth reading as it goes into detail. Below is the conclusion part.

Here are some additional comments that Trump has made that show hate unfettered.............toward everyone (including members of his own party).

View attachment 1023179

Do you think that Hate is what we need in our country?

What does Harris know? She has no kids, trumps raised five, succcessful kids.

Harris is full of hate, whos rhetoric has lead to two assassination attempts
Trump is CRITICAL to putting the country back on the tracks. The Democrats have derailed America.
BS. Trump only cares about HIMSELF and he will derail the country because he will only do what helps him. That means, fuck everyone else that disagrees or has a different view than he has, including Republicans that have gone against him. He does not care about THE COUNTRY
Trump doesn't own the tells Kamala has

Trump is much better at Poker than Kamala.

Meaning....much better period. DC is a non-stop game of poker. Kamala is a liar..."politician" is synonymous with liar.

But who is the better liar?
I agree with you, Trump is definitely the better liar. He is competent at it as he has been doing it all his life and that is easy to prove by all the times he has been taken to court and lost "or" won (the lies were not believed or were believed). He has gone to court in excess of 4000 times in his life.
View attachment 1023240
The United States is irreversibly racist at this point in time. There's little indication that any attempts to reverse the trend will be permitted to happen.

Politics have made it a part of the system and so the racist side can't even think of accepting an alternative. In order to stop the trend toward deeper racism and hate, an entire political dogma would need to be abandoned.
I agree with you, Trump is definitely the better liar. He is competent at it as he has been doing it all his life and that is easy to prove by all the times he has been taken to court and lost "or" won (the lies were not believed or were believed). He has gone to court in excess of 4000 times in his life.
And you forgot bankrupt.
He knows how to dig a nation out of debt. Like the Democrats have gotten us.

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