I want an utopia!

sure Freedom of speech exists because gov't
only gives us it -
That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

Your definition of Liberalism is greatly confused.

people who think their rights come from the gov't
and put gov't over the person and not the person over
the gov't

will be sadly mistaken and greatly disappointed
If you chose to live apart from society then you still have the law of nature to live by..
sure Freedom of speech exists because gov't
only gives us it -
That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

I disagree. The individual and the family unit existed before 'government' existed. If one believes in the scientific description of the evolution of man, which is an assumption on my part, the logical conclusion is that an individual and a family unit bestowed rights to some form of governance. To pose the alternative is to ignore the founded tenets of established scientific anthropology. Are you one of those evolution deniers?

indeed, and Natural rights, still exist

gov't can only suppress your rights
or take them away
Without governments you have no rights. Rights are what you can get enforced, Neither nature nor God does that. You've been taught a lie, Natural Rights, which don't exist, not even the right to life. Rights, like society, like government, is man-made.
sure Freedom of speech exists because gov't
only gives us it -
That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

Our rights come from God.

Our Founders knew that. You don't. Which shows you are nothing like them.

Btw when have progressives been for responsibility? Conservatives are always discussing our responsibilities and you call us hateful bigots for suggesting we have them.
sure Freedom of speech exists because gov't
only gives us it -
That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

I disagree.
A bad start. Tell us, if I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have? Oh right, none.

Helicopters and reality TV did not exist before the twentieth century. You are going to have to go back further in time if we are going to debate which came first.... the individual and family, or the government.
Our rights come from God.
To say they come from God you'd first have to prove that God exists, and then you'd have to prove that God said such a thing, and neither are possible. Here we have to work with what is known to exist, mankind and his imagination, not your child's fantasy of a holy father in the sky.
indeed, and Natural rights, still exist

gov't can only suppress your rights
or take them away
Without governments you have no rights. Rights are what you can get enforced, Neither nature nor God does that. You've been taught a lie, Natural Rights, which don't exist, not even the right to life. Rights, like society, like government, is man-made.

You are confusing protection with the creation of rights

Understandable, since you are a progressive of some sort
sure Freedom of speech exists because gov't
only gives us it -
That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

I disagree.
A bad start. Tell us, if I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have? Oh right, none.

Helicopters and reality TV did not exist before the twentieth century. You are going to have to go back further in time if we are going to debate which came first.... the individual and family, or the government.
It doesn't matter what came first because we know where rights came from, the minds of men.

And answer the question: If I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have?

Name his "rights"?
indeed, and Natural rights, still exist

gov't can only suppress your rights
or take them away
Without governments you have no rights. Rights are what you can get enforced, Neither nature nor God does that. You've been taught a lie, Natural Rights, which don't exist, not even the right to life. Rights, like society, like government, is man-made.

You are confusing protection with the creation of rights

Understandable, since you are a progressive of some sort
I'm a Liberal. We invented your rights.
sure Freedom of speech exists because gov't
only gives us it -
That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

I disagree.
A bad start. Tell us, if I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have? Oh right, none.

Helicopters and reality TV did not exist before the twentieth century. You are going to have to go back further in time if we are going to debate which came first.... the individual and family, or the government.
It doesn't matter what came first because we know where rights came from, the minds of men.

And answer the question: If I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have?

Name his "rights"?

This must be your way of acknowledging a losing position in a debate.

The image is perfect....chuckle

That is correct. Your rights come the government, from Liberalism, like it or not.

I disagree.
A bad start. Tell us, if I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have? Oh right, none.

Helicopters and reality TV did not exist before the twentieth century. You are going to have to go back further in time if we are going to debate which came first.... the individual and family, or the government.
It doesn't matter what came first because we know where rights came from, the minds of men.

And answer the question: If I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have?

Name his "rights"?

This must be your way of acknowledging a losing position in a debate.

The image is perfect....chuckle
The losing is not mine. If rights don't come from men, then he should still have rights all alone on his island. So, name them?

You have to get past the dogma, and actually think.
the same real rights he had before he landed on the island

no doubt his Freedom of speech is impossible because
the gov't is not there :)

Depending on the gov't to create rights
will only leave one greatly disappointed in the long run

no wonder progressives are always so miserable and angry
i did in the post
you are just blind
to see

do you need another?
he has right to keep the fruit of his labor

in your world, he could only sit and do nothing
until the gov't tells him what to do

not everyone can be a gov't employee
I disagree.
A bad start. Tell us, if I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have? Oh right, none.

Helicopters and reality TV did not exist before the twentieth century. You are going to have to go back further in time if we are going to debate which came first.... the individual and family, or the government.
It doesn't matter what came first because we know where rights came from, the minds of men.

And answer the question: If I drop a family of four on an island in the middle of the ocean all alone, what "rights" do they have?

Name his "rights"?

This must be your way of acknowledging a losing position in a debate.

The image is perfect....chuckle
The losing is not mine. If rights don't come from men, then he should still have rights all alone on his island. So, name them?

You have to get past the dogma, and actually think.

Evolution is not dogma. Well, not yet any way. The man had to get onto the island in the first place. How?
i did in the post
you are just blind
to see

do you need another?
he has right to keep the fruit of his labor
He does? Some creature isn't going to come along in the night and eat his garden? Are they going to stop and say I can't eat this because it belongs to him? Are they going to stay out of the food in his shack because he picked it? If he cuts himself and it gets infected and he dies, should that not have happened because he has a Right to Life?

Think, don't repeat dogma. What rights does a man all alone on an island have?

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