I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

What's happening is that this school is allowing a trans girl to use the girls locker room. So much for NOT EVER! 😄
shame on the parents then. no way in my world would any daughter of mine be there. the boy would be alone.

no one's rights trump anyone elses EVER.
shame on the parents then. no way in my world would any daughter of mine be there. the boy would be alone.

no one's rights trump anyone elses EVER.
Would your daughter be the only other student attending the school in this scenario or do you imagine, in your fantasy world, that other parents and children would join you and her?
Correlation is not causation.
I see you play same bullshit game in all the threads. My god, that's TWO times you denied quantitative correlation in less than an hour, even using the word itself. So you think if you play stupid people will "follow stupid". 😆
It may correlate further than that, sure, but following correlation through to its end usually begins to reveal causation. So I would definitely say that this person is on the right track even though they may not have nailed it yet.
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Stay on TOPIC!
This is an informative article.

One question though.
Are you suggesting that James Madison was suggesting in the language of 2A that every member of this nebulous and ill-defined "well regulated militia" be issued one of these monsters?
It’s why they used the phrase “arms” instead of muskets.
You "suppose."
I mean....you weren't there....correct?

But this guess of yours as to what Madison may have been meaning kinda helps to shape the few known facts we actually have into a narrative that suits you?
This is an informative article.

One question though.
Are you suggesting that James Madison was suggesting in the language of 2A that every member of this nebulous and ill-defined "well regulated militia" be issued one of these monsters?

The Constitution was written to outline the LIMITS of the government, not to outline the limits of folks liberties. Your thinking, and education on this is backwards.

Our nation, is founded on the principle of, "natural rights." If you are a subject of the crown, or some poor serf of an authoritarian regime, yes, your government issues you, your daily bread, your healthcare, housing, and whatever else they see fit. This is America, YOU ARE FREE. (supposedly :sigh2:)

". . . Locke wrote that all individuals are equal in the sense that they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. That is, rights that are God-given and can never be taken or even given away. Among these fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property."

Locke believed that the most basic human law of nature is the preservation of mankind. To serve that purpose, he reasoned, individuals have both a right and a duty to preserve their own lives. Murderers, however, forfeit their right to life since they act outside the law of reason.

Locke also argued that individuals should be free to make choices about how to conduct their own lives as long as they do not interfere with the liberty of others. Locke therefore believed liberty should be far-reaching.

By "property," Locke meant more than land and goods that could be sold, given away, or even confiscated by the government under certain circumstances. Property also referred to ownership of one's self, which included a right to personal well being. Jefferson, however, substituted the phrase, "pursuit of happiness," which Locke and others had used to describe freedom of opportunity as well as the duty to help those in want.

The purpose of government, Locke wrote, is to secure and protect the God-given inalienable natural rights of the people. For their part, the people must obey the laws of their rulers. Thus, a sort of contract exists between the rulers and the ruled. But, Locke concluded, if a government persecutes its people with "a long train of abuses" over an extended period, the people have the right to resist that government, alter or abolish it, and create a new political system. . . "

Jefferson adopted John Locke's theory of natural rights to provide a reason for revolution. He then went on to offer proof that revolution was necessary in 1776 to end King George's tyranny over the colonists. . . . "

Without a well armed citizenry? Revolution & resistance is impossible.

This is an older video, but it remains relatively on point.

The memes on this tweet? GOLDEN! :113:
I see you play same bullshit game in all the threads. My god, that's TWO times you denied quantitative correlation in less than an hour, even using the word itself. So you think if you play stupid people will "follow stupid". 😆

I see the correlation. But it may go a little further than just religion. It had to do with the replacement of conservative culture in schools in general with the emerging Woke culture of the 60's. Anything traditional and conservative, including morals.... was removed. Note that JFK was assassinated the following year. Seems like someone was making big moves in general to influence our government and society and the ends justified the means.

Many of the songs of mid 1960's lamented over this loss.
You do know not all women are born with wombs right? Should they also be banned from the locker room? 😄
Actually women are banned from the men’s locker room and men are banned from the women’s locker room at my club.
Where do you think stimulation from porn comes from? Every human reaction and emotion is associated with a set of physical and chemical biological processes.
Yes, it is an electro-chemical response. So what? There is no definitive test. With the exception of intersexed individuals there is no physical evidence to support it. It’s the honor system so to speak.
The shifting, subjective, often double standards of (so called) "constitutionalists" always amuse me.

For instance the Dobbs case struck down a constitutional RIGHT to privacy and bodily autonomy for pregnant women specifically because the word "abortion" does not appear specifically in this antique document.

Yet, either do the words of this "definition" of "arms" you have supplied.

No problem though.
In this case we'll just go by what we THINK they may have meant when writing 2A.

Do you see the hypocrisy here?
No. Not at all. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. The right to bear arms is specifically called out in the 2nd amendment.
You "suppose."
I mean....you weren't there....correct?

But this guess of yours as to what Madison may have been meaning kinda helps to shape the few known facts we actually have into a narrative that suits you?
Why do you believe the founders used the generic term “arms” instead of muskets?
Yes, it is an electro-chemical response. So what? There is no definitive test. With the exception of intersexed individuals there is no physical evidence to support it. It’s the honor system so to speak.
So what isn't a refutation of the findings. There is plenty of physical evidence from the studies being done on trans brains to the ones showing that trans individuals who started puberty blockers and hormones as teenagers showed significantly improved mental health to those who didn't. Despite your insistence that you, Rando on the internet, see no physical evidence all the professional medical institutions say otherwise.
So what isn't a refutation of the findings. There is plenty of physical evidence from the studies being done on trans brains to the ones showing that trans individuals who started puberty blockers and hormones as teenagers showed significantly improved mental health to those who didn't. Despite your insistence that you, Rando on the internet see no physical evidence all the professional medical institutions say otherwise.
Rando on the internet? I’m trying very hard to be civil here. Why are you trying to make this personal? So if you want to continue this discussion with me I suggest you apologize. There are plenty of trolls that would love to trade insults with you. I’m not one of them.

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