I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

Apparently the 10th grade smartass doesn't see what an ignoramus he really is. You proved NOTHING with your stupid little rant, making up some phony scenario from your tiny brain.
I was high school math teacher and taught statistics. I have a great deal of college coursework in statistics, at both the undergrad and graduate level. What are your qualifications, dumbass?
Sexual freedom is every individuals right in this country. Just ask Jerry Falwell Jr., his wife and their pool boy.

I see.

So a young woman, who doesn't want to have some creepy male pervert watching her as she undresses, is unjustifiably violating that sick freak's “sexual freedom”, then?
Or the bathroom either. Let those sixth grade girls learn to hold it if they dont' want to pee in front of 8th grade boys.

I like that about you Curried! You say out loud what your sister Democrats carefully avoid answering questions about.
He's also pretty decent tasting, I am sure!

I just didn't know he was Jamaican!
The problem is that while any typical girl would of course be uncomfortable with a dude watching them change and maki g inappropriate comments, many will put up with it as the price for playing sports.

It is up to men and women to make sure that is not the choice they have to make.

Keep in mind that girls below a certain age are legally considered to not have the capacity to consent to any sexual activity. Hence the principle of “statutory rape”.

An adult woman can consent to display her nakedness to a man. A fourteen-year old girl cannot. Forcing either a grown woman or a younger girl to do so against her will, or by any form of coercion, of course, is certainly a form of sexual abuse. But even if you take away the element of force or coercion, it's still sexual abuse if the girl is below the age of consent.

So no valid argument can be made on any principle of implied, consent on the part of these girls to be sexually abused in exchange for the privilege of playing at these sports.
Judge Kavanaugh was simply accused by one person and we were told to believe her

Well, more than that.

When the first accuser's story fell apart, they brought forth another, even less credible than the first. And then another, I think, after that. But it was rather obvious how hard they were scraping the bottom of the barrel, to find anyone who would accuse Mr. Kavanagh of such an offense, and every attempt was less credible than those that came before.
How about boys use the proper locker room and leave girls alone.
This story is about a trans girl your illiterate fuckwit.

A “trans girl” is a boy, and not, in any rational sense, any kind of girl.

Only a mentally- and morally-fucked-up freak such as yourself has this much trouble understanding the difference between boys and girls, or why this difference matters.
I'm a man. An actual one. You can tell because I'm not as frightened as you cowards and don't feel the need to talk about how I'd assault teenagers because they're different than I am. 😄

A real man protects women and girls for depraved perverts.

You take the side of perverts, against the girls and women on whom they would prey.

You are, at best, a pathetic excuse for a man. You've even explicitly admitted, in this thread, that you would not protect your own daughter from these perverts. What kind of piece of shit excuse for a father are you?
Keep in mind that girls below a certain age are legally considered to not have the capacity to consent to any sexual activity. Hence the principle of “statutory rape”.

An adult woman can consent to display her nakedness to a man. A fourteen-year old girl cannot. Forcing either a grown woman or a younger girl to do so against her will, or by any form of coercion, of course, is certainly a form of sexual abuse. But even if you take away the element of force or coercion, it's still sexual abuse if the girl is below the age of consent.

So no valid argument can be made on any principle of implied, consent on the part of these girls to be sexually abused in exchange for the privilege of playing at these sports.
Yes, that is exactly correct.

I'm not saying that they girls have a "right" to make this choice. I'm saying that we are losing our minds to allow it to even be a choice. It wasn't that long ago that if a female athlete invited a male into the locker room to watch her change, even if it was just her and her boyfriend, she'd be out of the sport.

In my junior high, we've had three girls play on our football team. They did fine, two blockers and really nimble half back. But they never claimed to be boys and they changed in their own locker room.
There is usually more to these (so called) "righteous culture warrior" stories than Fox News reports on.

I doubt that this whole thing went down exactly like Father and Daughter here are trying to lead everyone to believe.

I suspect that the dad more than likely got suspended from his coaching job becsuse he can't keep his mouth shut about his political opinions at work.
He's probably been warned a fee times, then took a (ridiculous) stand, and lost.

Chances are his little bumble of joy daughter here is a case of the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and she has most likely said a LOT more about this issue than she is reporting in this story.
And she (most likely) has not been very nice about it.
In fact, probably quite vile.

With all that being said, yeah, even as a left-of-the-left liberal I have a bit of difficulty with the whole "gender fluidity" thing.
I don't feel that it's right for individuals to foist their own personal identity crises off on others and force society to not only accept....but protect these identity crises as the "norm."
That is just MY opinion though.
And I don't make policy.

As I said there is usually more to these stories than what you are getting when you see them on Fox News.
I suspect the school district has actually bent over backwards trying to legally accomodate all parties involved in this issue.
There's a good chance this trans-gender student has it's own, partitioned off space within the locker room to change, that will afford everyone adequate privacy.....but Father and Daughter are still not satisfied with that and still want to fuss cuz it gets them publicity.

Of course....Fox would conveniently omit THAT part of the story.
It wouldn't play as well for riling up the infignant, self-righteous ire of the "culture warriors."

As for god in schools....two words.
First Amendment.

My point wasn't that the intersexed have a better case for being trans, in fact the most famous case of a intersexed person I know is of South African Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya who was born with elevated testosterone levels and internal testes but identifies as a woman and competes as a woman so I'm not even aware of there being any link between trans individuals and the intersexed. My point was that women can have testes and men can have ovaries because biology isn't as limited in its possibilities as the imaginations of bigots.

According to the Wikipedia…
Semenya is an intersex woman, with 5α-Reductase 2 deficiency, assigned female at birth, with XY chromosomes and naturally elevated testosterone levels caused by the presence of internal testes.

XY chromosomes, and the presence of testes—That's a man, not a woman, albeit a man with birth defects that apparently made him appear either female or indeterminate.

Does “she” have ovaries, a uterus, or any other definitely female parts? The Wikipedia article doesn't seem to say, but I would bet not. Testes, however, are definitely male parts. Only men have them, not women.
The child in this story simply wants to be able to change in the locker room she identifies with.

So, a creepy boy's “right” to use a girls' locker room, because that's what he “identifies with” is more important than the rights of actual girls not to be watched by a creepy boy while they undress?

What's wrong with this picture?
you seem confused, why do his wants trump others rights? It's a simple question you [Curried Goats] just avoided to make the actual strawman.

I think the strawman “identifies as female”, so you have to call it a “trans straw woman” or else you're being a “bigot”.

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