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I was only joking about asking Russia for the emails.................

Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said
Anyone with half a brain and at least 1 foot in reality knows Hillary committed crimes, should have been in jail, and never should have been in the race.

Hillary operated a personal illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET Data, data so classified Obama said to release it would cause grave damage to our national security...and she stored this in the BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the proper clearance to have access to it let alone store it for her.

Hillary violated numerous rules, regs, and laws pertaining to the legal access to, storage of, and destruction of classified information.

Hillary lied to the FBI, stated she was going to delete PERSONAL data off of her personal illegal server before turning it over to the FBI.
-- When did we hear at any point in the Trump investigation the FBI ASKING anyone associated with Trump to turn over their computers and allowing them to delete files before doing so? NEVER! Instead, the showed up with swat gear, weapons, and a CNN escort to seize that data.

The FBI publicly declared what they recovered - after Hillary deleted files - were 1500+ OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS she had tried to destroy, documents that were never turned in compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records act.
--- Do the math: 1 criminal count of violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count for violating the Federal Records Act, and 2 criminal count of Obstruction (attempting to destroy official documents/evidence) PER DOCUMENT = over 4500 criminal counts Hillary should have been charged with.

And that's not even all - that isn't counting the charge of Espionage that she should have been charged with.

Considering all of this, anyone even attempting to claim that Hillary Clinton did NOT commit crimes is either brain dead, a lying partisan, or both.

We all already know which one you are, Ed.
Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

LOL, don't worry Hillary will make sure you have a chance to vote for her again in 2020...:auiqs.jpg:
Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Republicans made up the fact that Hillary sold out to big corporations? Republicans made up the fact that Hillary enriched herself and her family by accepting corporate funds in the form of excessive "speaking fees"? You're a loon.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Republicans made up the fact that Hillary sold out to big corporations? Republicans made up the fact that Hillary enriched herself and her family by accepting corporate funds in the form of excessive "speaking fees"? You're a loon.
She should have turned down those speaking fees ?? And you call me a loon? Did you complain when Ronnie got a million from Japan??
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said
Anyone with half a brain and at least 1 foot in reality knows Hillary committed crimes, should have been in jail, and never should have been in the race.

Hillary operated a personal illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET Data, data so classified Obama said to release it would cause grave damage to our national security...and she stored this in the BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the proper clearance to have access to it let alone store it for her.

Hillary violated numerous rules, regs, and laws pertaining to the legal access to, storage of, and destruction of classified information.

Hillary lied to the FBI, stated she was going to delete PERSONAL data off of her personal illegal server before turning it over to the FBI.
-- When did we hear at any point in the Trump investigation the FBI ASKING anyone associated with Trump to turn over their computers and allowing them to delete files before doing so? NEVER! Instead, the showed up with swat gear, weapons, and a CNN escort to seize that data.

The FBI publicly declared what they recovered - after Hillary deleted files - were 1500+ OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS she had tried to destroy, documents that were never turned in compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records act.
--- Do the math: 1 criminal count of violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count for violating the Federal Records Act, and 2 criminal count of Obstruction (attempting to destroy official documents/evidence) PER DOCUMENT = over 4500 criminal counts Hillary should have been charged with.

And that's not even all - that isn't counting the charge of Espionage that she should have been charged with.

Considering all of this, anyone even attempting to claim that Hillary Clinton did NOT commit crimes is either brain dead, a lying partisan, or both.

We all already know which one you are, Ed.
I'm smart Smarter than the lawyers the generals the scientists AND I know big words And anyone believing all that repub bullcrap is not the highest limb on the tree
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Really? So that whole lying about a spontaneous protest about some obscure video no one ever heard of or had seen, is the reason representatives of our government were murdered?

Or the illegally setup email server, which they used professional data erasing software to hide what was on it?

Or the claims that she, after almost a decade or more in high office, could not tell the difference between classified and unclassified data? Explain that one alone. She either lied repeatedly about not knowing there was classified data on her unsecured private email server, or she was the quintessential definition of incompetence. You tell me which one it is, because either way makes her completely unqualified to be in government, let alone the president.

Or how about those Rose Law firm billing records that magically showed up in the white house, and had her finger prints on them?

Or how about her note directing the false charges against people in the Travel office, so she could give out pay-back jobs to political supporters?

Please, do tell... which one, if any, are BS?
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said

Let me correct you. You have the time, you don't have the ability to defend her, because you can't. End of story. Thanks for playing, not try at saving face, now here's your coat, and there's the door. Have a nice day.
You made a lot of charges without proof Now I am leaving BUT to go to the beach outside my condo Sun is shining and ocean is calm ,,no need for a coat
don't like people playing by your rules?
Yeah,,,,,me and Trump
I'm smart Smarter than the lawyers the generals the scientists AND I know big words And anyone believing all that repub bullcrap is not the highest limb on the tree
Again, faced with actual facts you post stupid shit like this instead of acknowledging reality, documented facts, etc...

Reading anything you post is basically pointless.
How ironic: The Democrat's entire case against Trump is based on one single joke he made in public. Obviously they were either too stupid to get it, or they have no sense of humor.

Of course, Hillary's loss is no laughing matter. :laughing0301:

When he said it on the campaign trail, and when he said it again in his interviews, he was not joking, he was dead serious.

He is now claiming it's a joke, but we know it wasn't.

And no...............that isn't what the entire case is built on, it's just another lie from Trump.

Wow, you people are really that stupid. Ok then. You keep believing whatever you want.
Problem Andy is Trump says shit Republicans ask what color?

Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
well fk, shut it down. shut the country down., Let's give her her wish!! destroy america now!!! please, let's go. either put the fk up or shut the fk up. I am done with all this stupidity that is a fking democrat. fk you all. shut it down. ground all aircraft, close all roads, close all buildings, remove everyone from their homes. go for it you stupid fks. go for it.
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said
Anyone with half a brain and at least 1 foot in reality knows Hillary committed crimes, should have been in jail, and never should have been in the race.

Hillary operated a personal illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured server that contained TOP SECRET Data, data so classified Obama said to release it would cause grave damage to our national security...and she stored this in the BATHROOM of a small tech company that did not have the proper clearance to have access to it let alone store it for her.

Hillary violated numerous rules, regs, and laws pertaining to the legal access to, storage of, and destruction of classified information.

Hillary lied to the FBI, stated she was going to delete PERSONAL data off of her personal illegal server before turning it over to the FBI.
-- When did we hear at any point in the Trump investigation the FBI ASKING anyone associated with Trump to turn over their computers and allowing them to delete files before doing so? NEVER! Instead, the showed up with swat gear, weapons, and a CNN escort to seize that data.

The FBI publicly declared what they recovered - after Hillary deleted files - were 1500+ OFFICIAL SUBPOENAED DOCUMENTS she had tried to destroy, documents that were never turned in compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records act.
--- Do the math: 1 criminal count of violating the FOIA, 1 criminal count for violating the Federal Records Act, and 2 criminal count of Obstruction (attempting to destroy official documents/evidence) PER DOCUMENT = over 4500 criminal counts Hillary should have been charged with.

And that's not even all - that isn't counting the charge of Espionage that she should have been charged with.

Considering all of this, anyone even attempting to claim that Hillary Clinton did NOT commit crimes is either brain dead, a lying partisan, or both.

We all already know which one you are, Ed.
I'm smart Smarter than the lawyers the generals the scientists AND I know big words And anyone believing all that repub bullcrap is not the highest limb on the tree
you're smart smartER?
you do know the difference between "Hope" and "want" correct?
That's pretty much my sentiment. If Russia did something to cause this country to have more freedom and liberty, then God bless their pointy little heads.

So, both of you are cool with a foreign country messing with our elections? By the way Pete, if a candidate, or a campaign actually paid a foreign country to hack the DNC, that would be a severe violation of our laws, and would also invalidate the past election.

wait if a candidate was found out not to be born on US soil, would of invalidate a past election, show us the laws where paying a foreign source to hack would invalidate an election?

Well, we already knew that Romney and Cruz wasn't born on US soil, didn't stop you dick suckers for wanting them to be president...

Oh, I guess you are trying to still imply Obama wasn't born here....again, trump lovers are pathetic...

Well, we already knew that Romney and Cruz wasn't born on US soil, didn't stop you dick suckers for wanting them to be president...

Romney wasn't born on US soil?

Where was he born?

as to Cruz, he achieved citizenship the same way Obama did
No, he didn't achieve it the same way Obama did....Obama was born in the US....Cruz was born in Canada......

Romney was born in mexico -- but since you racist idiots are just that, racist idiots -- not only did you not bring that part up, but yo dumb ass didn't even know where he was born....His whiteness was all you needed to prove he is a citizen...So I ask you....demand to see his birth certificate
you missed the part where obammy forfeited his citizenship for citizenship for Kenya. It's on record. he never reapplied for his citizenship. fk I wish you all would learn fking something. Thank you Joe Pags.
Romney wasn't born on US soil?

Where was he born?

as to Cruz, he achieved citizenship the same way Obama did
No, he didn't achieve it the same way Obama did....Obama was born in the US....Cruz was born in Canada......

Romney was born in mexico -- but since you racist idiots are just that, racist idiots -- not only did you not bring that part up, but yo dumb ass didn't even know where he was born....His whiteness was all you needed to prove he is a citizen...So I ask you....demand to see his birth certificate

Romney's FATHER was born in Mexico. Mitt was born in Detroit.
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....
who cares what you think? not me. just saying, what you say is double what i say back at you.
Romney's FATHER was born in Mexico. Mitt was born in Detroit.
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....

You've used the words "racist" and white" in your last three or four posts.

Kinda weird and creepy for a white guy like yourself, don't you think?
Only creepy to the hit dog who feels some type of way about the words "white" and "racist" -- perhaps you should stop being one
or what?
Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

She knew how to sell access to foreign governments all right.
i find it hilarious when we hit the ball out of the park. the lefties go away with their tails between their legs. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No, he didn't achieve it the same way Obama did....Obama was born in the US....Cruz was born in Canada......

Romney was born in mexico -- but since you racist idiots are just that, racist idiots -- not only did you not bring that part up, but yo dumb ass didn't even know where he was born....His whiteness was all you needed to prove he is a citizen...So I ask you....demand to see his birth certificate

Romney's FATHER was born in Mexico. Mitt was born in Detroit.
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....
who cares what you think? not me. just saying, what you say is double what i say back at you.
Sticks and stones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jc
Romney's FATHER was born in Mexico. Mitt was born in Detroit.
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....
who cares what you think? not me. just saying, what you say is double what i say back at you.
Sticks and stones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jc
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....
who cares what you think? not me. just saying, what you say is double what i say back at you.
Sticks and stones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jc
Will hurt my bones but names will never hurt me lol
I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....
who cares what you think? not me. just saying, what you say is double what i say back at you.
Sticks and stones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jc
Will hurt my bones but names will never hurt me lol
I think he was joking when he got sworn in, and is planning to joke if he goes on trial.

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