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I was only joking about asking Russia for the emails.................

Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....

You've used the words "racist" and white" in your last three or four posts.

Kinda weird and creepy for a white guy like yourself, don't you think?
Only creepy to the hit dog who feels some type of way about the words "white" and "racist" -- perhaps you should stop being one
I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....

You've used the words "racist" and white" in your last three or four posts.

Kinda weird and creepy for a white guy like yourself, don't you think?
Only creepy to the hit dog who feels some type of way about the words "white" and "racist" -- perhaps you should stop being one

Perhaps you should try to quit being so obsessed by race, yourself. It's only natural when black people stand up for themselves but when white folks like yourself go about screaming "Racist!! Racist!!", it's just pathetic, stupid, and patronizing.

You seem to be afflicted with the obsessive urge to convince the rest of the world that you are in no way a "racist." Between you and me, that's an unhealthy way to have to go through life: Feeling as if your own whiteness is a curse to you and you've somehow done something wrong.

How I pity you. Don't you know that the hardcore downtown brothers and sisters are laughing at you behind your back? Believe me, it's true. Most black folks view white liberals who are eaten up with white guilt, as "curiosities".
Where is Trump's long form birth certificate?

Or is his whiteness enough?

You can dance around your bullshit all you like...but you worship a person who only became politically relevant the minute he hopped on a racist conspiracy...and no amount of deflection will change that....

I don't have to "deflect". Trump has never done or said anything that could even be construed as "racist." The word "racist" is nothing more than a dog-whistle word you leftards throw out when nothing else works, and you're losing an argument.

President Trump has done far more for minorities that Barack Obama ever did, or could ever imagine. In case you're living under a rock or something, where are all the black riots we saw under Obama?

What happened to the events we saw in Ferguson, St. Louis, and other cities where black people were burning down their own neighborhoods and stores? Where are the Black Lives Matter protests, and the outcries from the black community like there were from 2008-2016?

President Trump was correct in his candidacy by asking black Americans "What do you have to lose?" Because what they had to lose was the eternal slavery of government subsistence from cradle to grave, and the soul-killing subjugation of minorities that the Democrat Party has been reliant upon for decades.

Well get this: They not yo "niggas" anymore, because President Trump has given minorities a new avenue to prosper and truly become great American citizens, free from the chains of bondage they've been forced to live under, with no thanks to the Democrat Party.

I understand how you can't seem to grasp this concept, you being aligned with those Democrats who were traditionally the party of slavery, Jim Crow Laws, and the Klan. But while American minorities have begun to awaken to the changing of the times, you "progressives" can't seem to advance beyond the way you've been for hundreds of years.

Like they say, those who stand in the way of true progress, will be steam-rolled and end up as part of the pavement which is what you leftists are so intent on becoming.
I'll let you in on a little secret here: We all knew it was a joke when he said it.

Being tickled by something (that is blatantly unamerican) is not the same as it being a joke

You have no room to judge what's "un-American" and what's "patriotic." If I remember correctly, yours is the party who was not too long ago idolizing communist shitheads like Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Mihn, Mao, Marx, and Che Guevara.

Why the all of a sudden Senator Joe McCarthy stance? Am I supposed to believe that you little wanna-be Marxists have suddenly developed a sense of God, honor, duty, country, and patriotism?

Not buying it, one bit. Don't try to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, because I know the difference between shit and bullshit.
Last edited:
When he said it on the campaign trail, and when he said it again in his interviews, he was not joking, he was dead serious.

He is now claiming it's a joke, but we know it wasn't.

And no...............that isn't what the entire case is built on, it's just another lie from Trump.

Wow, you people are really that stupid. Ok then. You keep believing whatever you want.
Problem Andy is Trump says shit Republicans ask what color?

Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree
you do know the difference between "Hope" and "want" correct?
I personally don't give a shit if the russians did hack the DNC at Trump's direction. I HOPE HE PAID THEM TO DO IT, it makes NO DIFFERENCE since the hack EXPOSED DEMOCROOK CRIMINAL ACTIVITY to manipulate the primary in favor of hitlery.

Why do you think (I realize the OP is incapable of thinking) the DNC refused to had over their computers to federal investigators? The info may have gotten past their operatives like Stroke and his whore Page.


That's pretty much my sentiment. If Russia did something to cause this country to have more freedom and liberty, then God bless their pointy little heads.

So, both of you are cool with a foreign country messing with our elections? By the way Pete, if a candidate, or a campaign actually paid a foreign country to hack the DNC, that would be a severe violation of our laws, and would also invalidate the past election.

wait if a candidate was found out not to be born on US soil, would of invalidate a past election, show us the laws where paying a foreign source to hack would invalidate an election?

Well, we already knew that Romney and Cruz wasn't born on US soil, didn't stop you dick suckers from wanting them to be president...

Oh, I guess you are trying to still imply Obama wasn't born here....again, trump lovers are pathetic...

Huh? You dumb fuck Romney was born in Michigan.... And once again it would have gone to the supreme Court to validate Cruz if he won.
Wow, you people are really that stupid. Ok then. You keep believing whatever you want.
Problem Andy is Trump says shit Republicans ask what color?

Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

You call clinton twice te man who to impeached and led to trump your hero?

You really reach for the starshuh?
Romney wasn't born on US soil?

Where was he born?

as to Cruz, he achieved citizenship the same way Obama did
No, he didn't achieve it the same way Obama did....Obama was born in the US....Cruz was born in Canada......

Romney was born in mexico -- but since you racist idiots are just that, racist idiots -- not only did you not bring that part up, but yo dumb ass didn't even know where he was born....His whiteness was all you needed to prove he is a citizen...So I ask you....demand to see his birth certificate

Romney's FATHER was born in Mexico. Mitt was born in Detroit.
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....

Showing disgust with you and your sick worldview is not supporting Trump. It's rejecting you.
No, he didn't achieve it the same way Obama did....Obama was born in the US....Cruz was born in Canada......

Romney was born in mexico -- but since you racist idiots are just that, racist idiots -- not only did you not bring that part up, but yo dumb ass didn't even know where he was born....His whiteness was all you needed to prove he is a citizen...So I ask you....demand to see his birth certificate

Romney's FATHER was born in Mexico. Mitt was born in Detroit.
Obama's father was born in Kenya, Obama was born in Honolulu?

See how that works?

Oh yea, one them proved he was born in the US......and it wasn't the white guy

I never questioned Obama's citizenship. I never questioned Romney's citizenship. I'm not a dumbass. Wish you could say the same you racist troll.
Lol @ I never questioned Obama's citizenship...

First of all, I don't believe shit that comes out of a trump supporter's mouth....

Second, you not questioning his birth doesnt mean shit to me since you blindly follow the racist who made his political career off of claiming Obama wasn't born here.....

You've used the words "racist" and white" in your last three or four posts.

Kinda weird and creepy for a white guy like yourself, don't you think?

He's a trolling racist pig who has nothing to post but hatred.
I personally don't give a shit if the russians did hack the DNC at Trump's direction. I HOPE HE PAID THEM TO DO IT, it makes NO DIFFERENCE since the hack EXPOSED DEMOCROOK CRIMINAL ACTIVITY to manipulate the primary in favor of hitlery.

Why do you think (I realize the OP is incapable of thinking) the DNC refused to had over their computers to federal investigators? The info may have gotten past their operatives like Stroke and his whore Page.


You hope the President was complicit in a felony?
and morons believe that was because Czar Don gave them the go-ahead.
And bigger morons believe the vile shithead in our WH has clean hands
I haven't believed a sitting president has had clean hands since Ike.

Ike = clean hands? :21: You're kidding, right?

I was in single digits in those days.
(Turned 10 after he left office)

HIs hands were cleaner than any that followed him.

You previously inferred Ike had clean hands; now you are moving the goal post. Duly noted

Ike in no way had clean hands; For starters Ike signed off on Operation AJAX (1953), the first United States covert action to overthrow a foreign government during peacetime.

The US and the world are still dealing with the fallout from that shit.

You missed the one before that by the Dulles brothers in Guatemala, dumb ass.
And bigger morons believe the vile shithead in our WH has clean hands
I haven't believed a sitting president has had clean hands since Ike.

Ike = clean hands? :21: You're kidding, right?

I was in single digits in those days.
(Turned 10 after he left office)

HIs hands were cleaner than any that followed him.

You previously inferred Ike had clean hands; now you are moving the goal post. Duly noted

Ike in no way had clean hands; For starters Ike signed off on Operation AJAX (1953), the first United States covert action to overthrow a foreign government during peacetime.

The US and the world are still dealing with the fallout from that shit.

You missed the one before that by the Dulles brothers in Guatemala, dumb ass.

Sorry jackass but that was in 1954, a year later.

Why in Hell can't you keep up?
Wow, you people are really that stupid. Ok then. You keep believing whatever you want.
Problem Andy is Trump says shit Republicans ask what color?

Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
Problem Andy is Trump says shit Republicans ask what color?

Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side
Some Republicans. More idiotic Democraps have been supporting AOC's Green New Deal, lets ban aircraft and rebuild every building in the country, then those who mindlessly support Trump. Ben Shapiro has been critical of Trump from the very start. Ann Coulter, and numerous others have been critical of Trump when called for.

The difference is, we're not critical, when he isn't saying anything wrong. You guys are. Just because you freak out and start defending MS13, when Trump says they are animals, is not a negative on Republicans supporting Trump. It's a negative on Democraps defending serial murderers and rapists.

When Trump actually says something seriously that is crazy, we don't defend it.

When will you guys stop defending Ilhan Omar who calls for the end of the Israel? Never? Then you don't have moral leg to stand on. When will you stop defending Bill Clinton, a serial womanizer and credible rapists? Never? Then spare me your claim against Trump.

Either practice what you preach or shut up.
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Really? So that whole lying about a spontaneous protest about some obscure video no one ever heard of or had seen, is the reason representatives of our government were murdered?

Or the illegally setup email server, which they used professional data erasing software to hide what was on it?

Or the claims that she, after almost a decade or more in high office, could not tell the difference between classified and unclassified data? Explain that one alone. She either lied repeatedly about not knowing there was classified data on her unsecured private email server, or she was the quintessential definition of incompetence. You tell me which one it is, because either way makes her completely unqualified to be in government, let alone the president.

Or how about those Rose Law firm billing records that magically showed up in the white house, and had her finger prints on them?

Or how about her note directing the false charges against people in the Travel office, so she could give out pay-back jobs to political supporters?

Please, do tell... which one, if any, are BS?
Defend Clinton?? How far you want to go back ? Try 50 years ....And Trumps hands aren't just dirty they;re filthy And defending the call to end Israel ?? That's 100% bullshit

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Really? So that whole lying about a spontaneous protest about some obscure video no one ever heard of or had seen, is the reason representatives of our government were murdered?

Or the illegally setup email server, which they used professional data erasing software to hide what was on it?

Or the claims that she, after almost a decade or more in high office, could not tell the difference between classified and unclassified data? Explain that one alone. She either lied repeatedly about not knowing there was classified data on her unsecured private email server, or she was the quintessential definition of incompetence. You tell me which one it is, because either way makes her completely unqualified to be in government, let alone the president.

Or how about those Rose Law firm billing records that magically showed up in the white house, and had her finger prints on them?

Or how about her note directing the false charges against people in the Travel office, so she could give out pay-back jobs to political supporters?

Please, do tell... which one, if any, are BS?
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said
Well, for the longest, Trump repeatedly made appeals to Russia for Hillary's e-mails that went missing. He even said he was serious about it in a television interview.

Now that Mueller, and possibly the Democrats are taking this seriously, at CPAC over the weekend, Trump is now saying that he was joking when he asked Russia to find the emails.

So, which is it, was he being serious on the campaign trail, or was he joking? He said he was serious, but now says he was joking.

Wonder if he was joking about building a wall as well?

Trump: Call for Russia to hack Clinton's emails was a joke

President Trump asserted Saturday his notorious call during the 2016 presidential election for Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s missing emails was made in jest and not intended to be taken seriously.

“With the fake news, if you tell a joke, if you’re sarcastic, if you’re having fun with the audience, if you’re on live television with millions of people and 25,000 people in an arena, and if you say something like, ‘Russia, please if you can, get us Hillary Clinton’s emails. Please, Russia, please. Please, get us the emails, please,’” Trump said during a wide-ranging speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, as chants of “Lock her up” broke out among the crowd.

“So everybody is having a good time, I’m laughing, we’re all having fun. Then, that fake CNN and others say, ‘He asked Russia to go get the emails. Horrible,’” Trump said.

That's the funny thing about the snowflakes' / Democrats' last 2+ years of their on-going witch hunt - In the midst of Hillary 'losing' thousands of her e-mails (and we know now she had obstructed justice and tried to destroy them all) during a debate Candidate Trump jokingly stated he hoped the Russians could find them.

Anyone with half a brain and the common sense God gave a door knob would know that no real person colluding with the Russians would call for Russia to hack Hillary's server in the middle of a world-wide televised debate.

You think Russia was not already attempting to hack high ranking govt officials' computers? You think the Russians were just standing by waiting for Trump to give them the 'go-ahead'?


The US IG reported that 6 (SIX) foreign entities had successfully accessed Hillary's server / TOP SECRET data, to include Russia and China. Dems and Snowflakes falsely claim Trump was colluding with RUSSIA...well, what about these other 5 (FIVE) foreign entities that were able to access Hillary's data from off of her ILLEGAL, UNAUTHORIZED, UNENCRYPTED, UNSECURED SERVER? Oops...I just shot a massive hole in that BS false narrative, with the help of the US IG!


It is ridiculous to try to blame Trump for the Russians for attempting to / hacking Hillary's ILLEGAL, UNAUTHORIZED, UNENCRYPTED, UNSECURED PERSONAL SERVER that contained information so classified Obama said the release of tat information would cause GRAVE DAMAGE to our national security if it got out.

Despite knowing about Russian attempted hacking since 2014 and knowing about Hillary's illegal personal server (since he was e-mailing her using an alias despite his claim to not know anything about it until he found about it from the media) and knowing there was this type of classified on her server, any breach of her illegal server by foreign entities was HILLARY AND OBAMA'S FAULT. It was HER illegal server, and HE allowed her to continue using it.

Again, during a debate Trump mocked Hillary and her 'lost' e-mails...and the Democrats / snowflakes, needing an excuse - besides the fact that she sucked and never should have been in the election anyway - for Hillary losing took that joke and amazingly blew it up into a 2+ year-long witch hunt....and the Trump-hating sheep, as usual, drank the Kool-Aid jumped on board the TDS Train, which as we all know now was a cover for the on-going Obama administration's Agency Directors' illegal investigation of Trump over foreign policy and the firing of Comey, the exposed coup d'état.

No it's not. Ilhan Omar has been a rabid anti-jew hater for ages.

And unlike Trump, this isn't something from years ago. This is right now, in office.

Clinton did what he did..... IN OFFICE. There is no question about it. Just read the Starr Report. Clinton was conducting himself worse than Trump, and not decades in the past, but while he was actually a sitting president of the US.

Trump is garbage, no doubt. but all that garbage was from years in the past. He didn't rape Stormy Daniels. Clinton did rape Broadrick. Trump paid people to avoid embarrassment. Clinton paid people to avoid Prison.

Again, until you start practicing what you preach, you have zero moral ground to stand on.

Walk the walk, before you start talking the talk. Then I'll give a crap about your whiny cry session over Trump.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Really? So that whole lying about a spontaneous protest about some obscure video no one ever heard of or had seen, is the reason representatives of our government were murdered?

Or the illegally setup email server, which they used professional data erasing software to hide what was on it?

Or the claims that she, after almost a decade or more in high office, could not tell the difference between classified and unclassified data? Explain that one alone. She either lied repeatedly about not knowing there was classified data on her unsecured private email server, or she was the quintessential definition of incompetence. You tell me which one it is, because either way makes her completely unqualified to be in government, let alone the president.

Or how about those Rose Law firm billing records that magically showed up in the white house, and had her finger prints on them?

Or how about her note directing the false charges against people in the Travel office, so she could give out pay-back jobs to political supporters?

Please, do tell... which one, if any, are BS?
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said

Let me correct you. You have the time, you don't have the ability to defend her, because you can't. End of story. Thanks for playing, not try at saving face, now here's your coat, and there's the door. Have a nice day.
Clinton is twice the man trump is and was 10x the president Trump is a slime and if you support him by pointing to Clinton you're barking up the wrong tree

depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Really? So that whole lying about a spontaneous protest about some obscure video no one ever heard of or had seen, is the reason representatives of our government were murdered?

Or the illegally setup email server, which they used professional data erasing software to hide what was on it?

Or the claims that she, after almost a decade or more in high office, could not tell the difference between classified and unclassified data? Explain that one alone. She either lied repeatedly about not knowing there was classified data on her unsecured private email server, or she was the quintessential definition of incompetence. You tell me which one it is, because either way makes her completely unqualified to be in government, let alone the president.

Or how about those Rose Law firm billing records that magically showed up in the white house, and had her finger prints on them?

Or how about her note directing the false charges against people in the Travel office, so she could give out pay-back jobs to political supporters?

Please, do tell... which one, if any, are BS?
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said

Let me correct you. You have the time, you don't have the ability to defend her, because you can't. End of story. Thanks for playing, not try at saving face, now here's your coat, and there's the door. Have a nice day.
You made a lot of charges without proof Now I am leaving BUT to go to the beach outside my condo Sun is shining and ocean is calm ,,no need for a coat
TRUMP's comments about Hillary's emails was a joke, to be fair he stole the joke from Rubio who had made it in a previous debate.
Either way democrats are trying to confuse people regarding TRUMP joking about Hillary's deleted emails, and the DNC email hack due to poor security.
Makes me question if the DNC emails were really hacked or if it was another FBI set up...
I personally don't give a shit if the russians did hack the DNC at Trump's direction. I HOPE HE PAID THEM TO DO IT, it makes NO DIFFERENCE since the hack EXPOSED DEMOCROOK CRIMINAL ACTIVITY to manipulate the primary in favor of hitlery.

Why do you think (I realize the OP is incapable of thinking) the DNC refused to had over their computers to federal investigators? The info may have gotten past their operatives like Stroke and his whore Page.

Reprehensible yes. Criminal no.
depends on your definition of 'man' and 'slime' and 'is' and 'alone'......

Trump might be slime. But if Trump is slime, then Clinton is a radioactive toxic super fund site of Chernobyl proportions.

The bottom line is, if you say one single thing positive about Clinton, then you have disqualified yourself from judging Trump.
she knows more about politics and foreign affairs than the douche in our wh now would know if he was president for 10 terms MOST of the arguments against Hillary were 100% bullshit made up by the haters on the republican side

Really? So that whole lying about a spontaneous protest about some obscure video no one ever heard of or had seen, is the reason representatives of our government were murdered?

Or the illegally setup email server, which they used professional data erasing software to hide what was on it?

Or the claims that she, after almost a decade or more in high office, could not tell the difference between classified and unclassified data? Explain that one alone. She either lied repeatedly about not knowing there was classified data on her unsecured private email server, or she was the quintessential definition of incompetence. You tell me which one it is, because either way makes her completely unqualified to be in government, let alone the president.

Or how about those Rose Law firm billing records that magically showed up in the white house, and had her finger prints on them?

Or how about her note directing the false charges against people in the Travel office, so she could give out pay-back jobs to political supporters?

Please, do tell... which one, if any, are BS?
Your list sounds really damning She should be in jail like the Mafia Don said?? I don't have the time or inclination to write here of the 100's of trumps brushes with the law He is bonkers Hillary isn't Nuff said

Let me correct you. You have the time, you don't have the ability to defend her, because you can't. End of story. Thanks for playing, not try at saving face, now here's your coat, and there's the door. Have a nice day.
You made a lot of charges without proof Now I am leaving BUT to go to the beach outside my condo Sun is shining and ocean is calm ,,no need for a coat
don't like people playing by your rules?

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