I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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The hospital my step grandson works at has yet to see it's first Chinese virus patient. They are all up and ready to go.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

My significant other works in a hospital lab dealing with this stuff first hand as well. The amount of misinformation out there about Covid-19 is mind boggling.
Is this thing really that bad?
I pray that it isn't -- but if it is, I have confidence that our medical/science professionals will do the best they can and I think it will all work out....

To blame this on Obama is goofy......to blame it on Trump ain't much help either.....because I don't think Trump has ZERO to do with the logistics of combating a virus -- all Trump cares about is how does this effect his PR -- that isn't a leader, but if he wants to take credit for the positive outcomes that the professionals are able to bring about -- so be it....

I'm not sure if drugs against is the ultimate answer. It helps to alleviate the symptoms and blocks it from doing further damage (until one can recover). That said, I think it will take a vaccine to kill it. No doubt, it is trying to kill us. This thing has mutated so that it can do that, 1) We don't know we have it and are likely to pass it on, 2) It hits and we are weakened like we have the a bad flu, i.e. not mild, and 3) we may get it again. The last part in concerning because it could mean one has an underlying condition if it strikes again. The scariest part is that it creates a sticky substance on the lungs and it makes it hard to cough, sneeze, blow out as phlegm. It can cause trouble breathing like an elephant is sitting on your lungs or you are breathing will glass in your lungs (two descriptions I've heard). Here is a younger man who had it and described his experiences. Just being quarantined for over 40 days would make me take caution even if I were young. BTW, this guy was fortunate enough to be able to get testing after he got it. I think it's still difficult to get testing.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.
The numbers are doubling every two days, and we have not yet reached the peak.

It is also foolish to believe this will abate with warm weather. I would not count on that. Australia was in its summer months when this started, and they are struggling with coronoavirus.

We still have people on this forum who are in total denial. They are still parroting Trump's and Fox News talking points from a month ago.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.
The numbers are doubling every two days, and we have not yet reached the peak.

It is also foolish to believe this will abate with warm weather. I would not count on that. Australia was in its summer months when this started, and they are struggling with coronoavirus.

We still have people on this forum who are in total denial. They are still parroting Trump's and Fox News talking points from a month ago.
Could more cases be related to the massive increase in testing, and not necessarily a massive increase in infections?

#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
what does that mean, waiting to act,? did you miss the closing of borders to china?

Closing down travel with just China does not accomplish much given the nature of travel around the world. When there is a pandemic, you shut down ALL your borders and travel routes with ALL countries. That is what Russia did. Its what the United States should have done back in February.
I agree. Trump probably would have but people did call him racist when he did so with China.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.

Stop over hyping the lethality of this bug.

The lethality of this bug is way lower than advertised because we know that an unknown and potentially large number of people have been infected but their symptoms were mild or even nonexistent any they never sought medical help or got tested

I'm just repeating what the SCIENCE on this has said and what people who study pandemics have said. The harm done by overreacting is minimal compared to the harm done by not acting enough.

Edge is right. Better safe than sorry. This also shows how critical border security is.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.

Stop over hyping the lethality of this bug.

The lethality of this bug is way lower than advertised because we know that an unknown and potentially large number of people have been infected but their symptoms were mild or even nonexistent any they never sought medical help or got tested

I'm just repeating what the SCIENCE on this has said and what people who study pandemics have said. The harm done by overreacting is minimal compared to the harm done by not acting enough.

It Depends on how you define harm.

I think destroying the businesses of many millions of people is pretty harmful

If 2 million people are dead by the end of the year and the health care system is overwhelmed and destroyed, think about the economic ripple effects that would have on the rest of the country. Business's are going to be destroyed regardless of what happens. The only question is, DO YOU WANT TO SAVE LIVES! We still can save people's lives.

Its less the dead and more the overwhelmed healthcare system. This needs to be treated like a war. Edge is correct again.
Intellectual honesty is the best honesty and most rare. The kid's vaporizing instead of oh-no tobacco doesn't help their cause. It also doesn't help the kids didn't take this seriously. Yes we're in for big changes. Couldn't you see this coming a little, going forward there will be near a full transition toward education, shopping and labor accomplished from home. Our freedoms and standard of living have not been assaulted by govt., false narrative, economics and immigration - we've been assaulted by virus and this probably isn't the first, IMO. I think perhaps the world has had enough, she's fighting back. On the bright side the sky and water are already more blue than three weeks ago. That and there will be a return to some basics for the human species.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
what does that mean, waiting to act,? did you miss the closing of borders to china?

Closing down travel with just China does not accomplish much given the nature of travel around the world. When there is a pandemic, you shut down ALL your borders and travel routes with ALL countries. That is what Russia did. Its what the United States should have done back in February.
I agree. Trump probably would have but people did call him racist when he did so with China.
right? again, they make themselves pretzels trying to explain something. just so fking unamerican they are.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
what does that mean, waiting to act,? did you miss the closing of borders to china?

Closing down travel with just China does not accomplish much given the nature of travel around the world. When there is a pandemic, you shut down ALL your borders and travel routes with ALL countries. That is what Russia did. Its what the United States should have done back in February.
I agree. Trump probably would have but people did call him racist when he did so with China.
Who called him racist when he stopped flights from China? Y'all keep saying that but never provide links to who allegedly did this... are you sure YOU are not just passing along another Trumpian, rightwing, lie?

And what does that have to do with the tea in China?
Since when did that ever stop Trump, from doing what he wanted? NEVER!
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.
I think this new format is horseshit.
We need a little consistency here folks...and what does USMB do? Change the friggen format.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
what does that mean, waiting to act,? did you miss the closing of borders to china?

Closing down travel with just China does not accomplish much given the nature of travel around the world. When there is a pandemic, you shut down ALL your borders and travel routes with ALL countries. That is what Russia did. Its what the United States should have done back in February.
I agree. Trump probably would have but people did call him racist when he did so with China.
Who called him racist when he stopped flights from China? Y'all keep saying that but never provide links to who allegedly did this... are you sure YOU are not just passing along another Trumpian, rightwing, lie?

And what does that have to do with the tea in China?
Since when did that ever stop Trump, from doing what he wanted? NEVER!
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
what does that mean, waiting to act,? did you miss the closing of borders to china?

Closing down travel with just China does not accomplish much given the nature of travel around the world. When there is a pandemic, you shut down ALL your borders and travel routes with ALL countries. That is what Russia did. Its what the United States should have done back in February.
I agree. Trump probably would have but people did call him racist when he did so with China.
Who called him racist when he stopped flights from China? Y'all keep saying that but never provide links to who allegedly did this... are you sure YOU are not just passing along another Trumpian, rightwing, lie?

And what does that have to do with the tea in China?
Since when did that ever stop Trump, from doing what he wanted? NEVER!
Your ilk - Leftists. Google it. They still take offense calling it the Wuhan Virus.
Doesn't really matter what that percentage is. What matters is --- how close is it to you.

one person in my entire county has tested positive.

Great. Zero persons in my entire county, or any one surrounding it, have tested positive.

Yay us. Fringe benefits of living rural.

But you won't see me going over them thar mountains to Tennessee, or down to that other Carolina. Don't need to. Gas is cheap now.
No one I know in rural CA has it either and you can bet that we won't be going to the LA or SF shitholes probably ever again.

Ah thank you. "Shitholes", that reminds me.

Speaking of which, it's the fourth Sunday of the month and time to check in on Rump's "shithole countries" and see how they're shittin' up. Let's have a look.

30 total cases, 0 deaths, 0.1 infections per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.03 infections per 1M population

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.06 infections per 1M population

15 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

3 cases, 0 deaths, 0.5 infections per 1M population.

2 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population

2 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

70 cases, 0 deaths, 2 cases per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.03 infections per 1M population.

21 cases, 1 death, 0.7 infections per 1M population --- AHA! See that, they're dying in Ghana. What a shithole.
Nobody travels to those shitholes, and people who live there are too poor to travel outside those shitholes, so it is no surprise the Chinese virus is rare in those shitholes.

Glad I could clear that up for ya.

Here we see Nostril is as conversant on how viruses work as Lush Rimjob is on how birth control works.

Doesn't fucking matter how many "travel there", Dumbass. It's a virus. It spreads by itself. Don't never need to spread it 'cause it spreads by itself. It only takes one to introduce.

But there they are, the "shitoles", aren't they. Let's compare those numbers with ours:

32,783 cases, 416 deaths, 99 people infected per 1M population.

Remind me, Nostril, what defines "shithole" countries?

The virus needs a host, dumbass. It can’t just get on a plane and travel to every country on its own. No one vacations or does business in those countries so they have few cases. But give it time. This virus will be everywhere

"No one" huh.


While you're uh, "working" on that, might want to essplain to the class why countries around the world that "no one" goes to have taken measures.

As of March 14, all foreign nationals who enter Nepal must remain in self-quarantine for 14 days, according to the country's Department of Immigration.
Nepali nationals and residents must stay in home quarantine for 14 days from their arrival date. All these measures are in place until April 30.
The country has stopped issuing on-arrival visas to foreigners from March 14 through April 30.

On March 19, Haiti's government declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus outbreak, closing the borders of the nation and imposing a curfew after authorities detected the first two cases of infection.
It has also suspended all international flights, except for those coming from the US, and it closed its border with the Dominican Republic.

On March 18, the government announced it was restricting entry into the country for travellers from China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Japan, France, Germany, the US, Norway, the UK, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Those coming from high-risk countries are asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
Somalia has banned all international flights.

Starting on March 17, Ghana banned entry to anyone who has been to a country with more than 200 coronavirus cases in the previous 14 days, unless they were official residents or Ghanaian nationals.
The country closed all borders from March 22 and ordered a mandatory quarantine for anyone who entered the country before midnight that day.

Travel Restrictions Around the World

Oh and you might wanna also essplain to the class how the fuck these countries got the few cases they do have, with "no one" going there. What did they do, bid for them on eBay?
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A person I know who works in a grocery store said people were coming in yesterday and filling their carts and walking out without paying. One guy ran out with an armload of steaks.

These are white suburbanites doing this.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
So? Is it "racist"?

Do you actually think "Spain" is a race?
A person I know who works in a grocery store said people were coming in yesterday and filling their carts and walking out without paying. One guy ran out with an armload of steaks.

These are white suburbanites doing this.
Same here. White guy ran out of Raleys with a armload of cheese. I would have dropped him if I had known he was stealing.
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Doesn't really matter what that percentage is. What matters is --- how close is it to you.

one person in my entire county has tested positive.

Great. Zero persons in my entire county, or any one surrounding it, have tested positive.

Yay us. Fringe benefits of living rural.

But you won't see me going over them thar mountains to Tennessee, or down to that other Carolina. Don't need to. Gas is cheap now.
No one I know in rural CA has it either and you can bet that we won't be going to the LA or SF shitholes probably ever again.

Ah thank you. "Shitholes", that reminds me.

Speaking of which, it's the fourth Sunday of the month and time to check in on Rump's "shithole countries" and see how they're shittin' up. Let's have a look.

30 total cases, 0 deaths, 0.1 infections per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.03 infections per 1M population

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.06 infections per 1M population

15 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

3 cases, 0 deaths, 0.5 infections per 1M population.

2 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population

2 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

70 cases, 0 deaths, 2 cases per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.03 infections per 1M population.

21 cases, 1 death, 0.7 infections per 1M population --- AHA! See that, they're dying in Ghana. What a shithole.
Nobody travels to those shitholes, and people who live there are too poor to travel outside those shitholes, so it is no surprise the Chinese virus is rare in those shitholes.

Glad I could clear that up for ya.

Here we see Nostril is as conversant on how viruses work as Lush Rimjob is on how birth control works.

Doesn't fucking matter how many "travel there", Dumbass. It's a virus. It spreads by itself. Don't never need to spread it 'cause it spreads by itself. It only takes one to introduce.

But there they are, the "shitoles", aren't they. Let's compare those numbers with ours:

32,783 cases, 416 deaths, 99 people infected per 1M population.

Remind me, Nostril, what defines "shithole" countries?

The virus needs a host, dumbass. It can’t just get on a plane and travel to every country on its own. No one vacations or does business in those countries so they have few cases. But give it time. This virus will be everywhere

"No one" huh.


While you're uh, "working" on that, might want to essplain to the class why countries around the world that "no one" goes to have taken measures.

As of March 14, all foreign nationals who enter Nepal must remain in self-quarantine for 14 days, according to the country's Department of Immigration.
Nepali nationals and residents must stay in home quarantine for 14 days from their arrival date. All these measures are in place until April 30.
The country has stopped issuing on-arrival visas to foreigners from March 14 through April 30.

On March 19, Haiti's government declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus outbreak, closing the borders of the nation and imposing a curfew after authorities detected the first two cases of infection.
It has also suspended all international flights, except for those coming from the US, and it closed its border with the Dominican Republic.

On March 18, the government announced it was restricting entry into the country for travellers from China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Japan, France, Germany, the US, Norway, the UK, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Those coming from high-risk countries are asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
Somalia has banned all international flights.

Starting on March 17, Ghana banned entry to anyone who has been to a country with more than 200 coronavirus cases in the previous 14 days, unless they were official residents or Ghanaian nationals.
The country closed all borders from March 22 and ordered a mandatory quarantine for anyone who entered the country before midnight that day.

Travel Restrictions Around the World

Oh and you might wanna also essplain to the class how the fuck these countries got the few cases they do have, with "no one" going there. What did they do, bid for them on eBay?
Here is an outstanding article which explains "how the virus got out": How the Virus Got Out

It's interactive, so you have to scroll to step through all the captions and animations.

Best article I've seen so far.
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