I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

What I find odd is this. When it comes to religious freedom, free speech, guns, minimal big govmint..the rightwingers are all up in arms. But when it comes to a woman’s right to her body and reproductive rights....it is the complete opposite.

They even go so far as to pretend it is all about her health.

Only a sick and twisted, morally, philosophically, theologically and politically retarded person understands abortion on demand to be a legitimate facet of liberty. Liberty can only be sustained on the predicates of the sanctity of human life and property rights, and there is no reproduction in abortion on demand, you silly, slogan-spouting nitwit. It's, you know, the opposite of reproduction as well as the opposite of liberty.

Murder is not liberty; it's murder.
You fucking fool. Murder is a legal term no matter how much you want to gloss over that.

you fucking fool,,, murder is when you kill another human and has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,
You fucking idiot plenty of people get killed by another human. If I shoot someone that attacked me did I commit murder?

thats homicide and a different subject,,,do try and keep up,,,
You said murder is when you get killed by another human. You need a dictionary, crash helmet, and an adult to help you figure out your definitions.
Only a sick and twisted, morally, philosophically, theologically and politically retarded person understands abortion on demand to be a legitimate facet of liberty. Liberty can only be sustained on the predicates of the sanctity of human life and property rights, and there is no reproduction in abortion on demand, you silly, slogan-spouting nitwit. It's, you know, the opposite of reproduction as well as the opposite of liberty.

Murder is not liberty; it's murder.
You fucking fool. Murder is a legal term no matter how much you want to gloss over that.

you fucking fool,,, murder is when you kill another human and has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,
You fucking idiot plenty of people get killed by another human. If I shoot someone that attacked me did I commit murder?

thats homicide and a different subject,,,do try and keep up,,,
You said murder is when you get killed by another human. You need a dictionary, crash helmet, and an adult to help you figure out your definitions.

I said murder has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,

why did you ignore that part???
You fucking fool. Murder is a legal term no matter how much you want to gloss over that.

you fucking fool,,, murder is when you kill another human and has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,
You fucking idiot plenty of people get killed by another human. If I shoot someone that attacked me did I commit murder?

thats homicide and a different subject,,,do try and keep up,,,
You said murder is when you get killed by another human. You need a dictionary, crash helmet, and an adult to help you figure out your definitions.

I said murder has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,

why did you ignore that part???
Because its not true. It was made up in Germany and has always meant the unlawful killing of a human. Just what kind of fucking idiot are you?
you fucking fool,,, murder is when you kill another human and has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,
You fucking idiot plenty of people get killed by another human. If I shoot someone that attacked me did I commit murder?

thats homicide and a different subject,,,do try and keep up,,,
You said murder is when you get killed by another human. You need a dictionary, crash helmet, and an adult to help you figure out your definitions.

I said murder has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,

why did you ignore that part???
Because its not true. It was made up in Germany and has always meant the unlawful killing of a human. Just what kind of fucking idiot are you?

murder has been around a lot longer than germany,,,
You fucking idiot plenty of people get killed by another human. If I shoot someone that attacked me did I commit murder?

thats homicide and a different subject,,,do try and keep up,,,
You said murder is when you get killed by another human. You need a dictionary, crash helmet, and an adult to help you figure out your definitions.

I said murder has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,

why did you ignore that part???
Because its not true. It was made up in Germany and has always meant the unlawful killing of a human. Just what kind of fucking idiot are you?

murder has been around a lot longer than germany,,,
Not really dummy. If you can find me an ancient book with the word "murder" in it, with another meaning, as the original script then that would be more believable. However, I know you cant do that since youre so dumb.
Youre the one that said people should be put to death. Whats stupid is you making the claim that abortion is murder when you obviously have no idea that in order to be murder you have to be convicted of a crime. Youre a fool and a hypocrite to boot. :rolleyes:

Abortion is the killing of innocent human beings. And it was you who suggested that “overpopulation” is a valid excuse for putting innocent people to death. I do not think that any sane person could possibly agree with you that innocent people should be killed to mitigate “overpopulation”. But if you think people should be killed for this purpose, then what is so special about you, that you shouldn't be at the front of the line, setting the example to support your position?
Fetuses arent people. That misunderstanding right there is the basis of faulty and stagnant logic.
At 24 weeks a "fetus" IS a person by all medical definitions.
Most people dont get an abortion after 24 weeks dingle berry. :rolleyes:

Exactly. It counts for 1% of all abortions.
tad higher and you know it. Tells how many abortions there were last year
You have no right to life if youre not a person.
you mean like some claimed blacks were not human,,,

thats a legal issue not a scientific fact,,,

science tells us life begins at conception,,,
Legality is what defines if something is murder or not. I agree life begins at conception. The point is when does the wishes of the host become less important than the fetus (which cant live without that host)?
24 weeks........ except in Virginia.
24 weeks before or after conception?
24 weeks of development as a fetus the conception thing is important but actual weeks of development determine if a baby can survive out of the womb. All States except Virginia have the cut off at or around 24 weeks of course places like California New York and Illinois ignore the 24 week rule routinely, that's why we have 13000 babies killed a year after the 24 week deadline.

No they don't and no there isnt.
Name one other condition comparable to the position of women and childbearing, one other situation where people seek to meddle in what goes on physically inside a person. This is a uniquely female question. Those who wish to influence the opinion of females should, in fairness, stick to education and reasoned argumentation. Force must be eschewed.
Name one other condition comparable to the position of women and childbearing, one other situation where people seek to meddle in what goes on physically inside a person. This is a uniquely female question. Those who wish to influence the opinion of females should, in fairness, stick to education and reasoned argumentation. Force must be eschewed.

It's illegal for you to sell your organs.....you asked, I answered.
Name one other condition comparable to the position of women and childbearing, one other situation where people seek to meddle in what goes on physically inside a person. This is a uniquely female question. Those who wish to influence the opinion of females should, in fairness, stick to education and reasoned argumentation. Force must be eschewed.

It's illegal for you to sell your organs.....you asked, I answered.
It is illegal to commit suicide as well, but that is not the same as bearing a child, and neither is organ marketing.
Name one other condition comparable to the position of women and childbearing, one other situation where people seek to meddle in what goes on physically inside a person. This is a uniquely female question. Those who wish to influence the opinion of females should, in fairness, stick to education and reasoned argumentation. Force must be eschewed.

It's illegal for you to sell your organs.....you asked, I answered.
It is illegal to commit suicide as well, but that is not the same as bearing a child, and neither is organ marketing.

The question was about meddling with what goes on in a persons body. My answer directly answered that.
thats homicide and a different subject,,,do try and keep up,,,
You said murder is when you get killed by another human. You need a dictionary, crash helmet, and an adult to help you figure out your definitions.

I said murder has been around longer than any court or legal system,,,

why did you ignore that part???
Because its not true. It was made up in Germany and has always meant the unlawful killing of a human. Just what kind of fucking idiot are you?

murder has been around a lot longer than germany,,,
Not really dummy. If you can find me an ancient book with the word "murder" in it, with another meaning, as the original script then that would be more believable. However, I know you cant do that since youre so dumb.

you ever read the bible???

and I noticed you didnt back up your claim with a link or proof,,
What is more painful to the being, birth as a clearly vital baby or aspiration at the stage of a tadpole?

Stop me if you've heard this quote before: "Any significant societal decision to be made in any way regarding abortion should be made by an exclusively female base."

You should take that guy's advice and stop yapping.
"Stop me if you've heard this..." O.K., stop.

So does that mean you're going to live what you preach?
Preaching is left to others. Opinion, observation and stating are different.
Now you know.

In other words, you're going to keep right on being a proud hypocrite.

Now everyone else knows.
13000 a year? Sure thing, who decided they were medically needed? Why the abortion doctors did of course.
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

Not necessarily.

Many are also obstetricians who deliver live babies - abortions are not always an elective procedure, and the procedures of abortion are also many times the same as needed for a miscarriage.

The reality is this: the vast majority of abortions are early.

View attachment 310757

Only 1.3% of all abortions occur after 21 weeks.

Those are facts. Also, from the same source as the graph - abortion rates have been declining (thank you for better birth control) - and as of 2017 were lower than 1973.

Wait, so is it that there's no such thing as a late-term abortion, or they just aren't the most common kind? Make up your mind . . . if you can find it.
After reading all you wrote, your [sic] against banning all safe abortions as well…

There is no such thing as a “safe abortion”. Every successful abortion KILLS an innocent human being. Every successful abortion causes death. There is no honest way to reconcile the hard facts about abortion with any rational concept of “safe”.

Yes. There is. If you value the woman's life.

Until birth - her rights are paramount. I will also agree that upon viability (which is usually agreed on as around 24 plus weeks) - that the fetus has no rights. I don't have an issue with restricting abortion rights in late term pregnancies. But the only people who can make the decision and, in fact, who have any RIGHT to make it are the woman and her doctor, who may or may not be the person providing the abortion. It's no one else's decision.

Tell me how much you "value the woman's life" while pro-aborts protest any and every attempt to make abortion safer for her. I dare you.

You hypocrites don't give a fuck about the safety and health of women. You're all about making sure as many abortions happen as possible.
No. It is the truth. We are talking about maternity mortality rates. They have been been going up in this country and are much higher than for abortions.

Every successful abortion results in the death of an innocent child. That's a 100% mortality rate. Under the very worst conditions, live births don't come anywhere close to that.

And maternal mortality?

Does the mother's life mean NOTHING to you?

So you're a supporter of making sure abortionists have admitting privileges to hospitals, in order to get the woman medical help as quickly as possible if something goes wrong?
Who should decide? A bunch of strange men who know nothing about them?
A certified Doctor that has no business associated with abortions.

Why would having "no business associated with abortions" be a better candidate? Why would this person be more trusted by a woman? The doctors in Ireland let a woman die. The loss of her life led to the change of law in Ireland.
An abortion doctor has a vested INTEREST in DOING an abortion you know that I know that and it is a conflict of interest. Most states say 24 weeks is cut off yet we have 11000 to 13000 late term abortions a year. I wonder how many were because an ABORTION doctor claimed something that simply wasn't true.

Not necessarily.

Many are also obstetricians who deliver live babies - abortions are not always an elective procedure, and the procedures of abortion are also many times the same as needed for a miscarriage.

The reality is this: the vast majority of abortions are early.

View attachment 310757

Only 1.3% of all abortions occur after 21 weeks.

Those are facts. Also, from the same source as the graph - abortion rates have been declining (thank you for better birth control) - and as of 2017 were lower than 1973.

Wait, so is it that there's no such thing as a late-term abortion, or they just aren't the most common kind? Make up your mind . . . if you can find it.

you cant find something that doesnt exist,,,
11000 to 13000 late term abortions means that the 24 week limit is being IGNORED.

Or it means that there is serious risk to the mother or severe fetal deformities.

Sure . . . except for the statistics that show most late-term abortions aren't done for either of those reasons . . . which I linked before, and which you mysteriously ignored.

Here it is again, for you to dodge again:

Most women don't seek late-term abortions for medical reasons
Everyone knows what happens in a late term abortion. The baby is rotated inside the mother's womb to cause a "breach birth" where the feet emerge first. It has to be painful and dangerous and there is no medical reason for it. When Clinton vetoed the late term abortion bill he paraded a lineup of women who claimed that their health was in jeopardy but that can't be true. You don't need to have a medical degree to determine that a "normal" birth would have saved the baby's life and would have been easier and less dangerous for the mother. How can anyone defend the late term abortion procedure from a medical standpoint?
Late term abortions are rare, strictly regulated and almost always for the mother's life, serious health issues, or severe fetal deformities.

What is indefensible about that?

Well, that's certainly what your masters told you to believe, anyway.

What does belief have to do with anything? I stick with the facts lady.

Funny claim for someone who doesn't cite any facts.

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