I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being…

In Nazi Germany, a Jew wasn't considered fully human. Neither were a number of other groups.

Even in our own history, we once regarded black people as less than fully human.

It's a pattern that has repeated often, in history, where one group that is in power, and seeks to perpetrate horrific human rights abuses against another group, denies the humanity of their victims as an excuse for these abuses.

You are in distinguished company.
All persons born...
As this is, by definition, a situation only women face, it is only logical that the woman decide.
Any militant opposition to women having choice about the issue should concern itself with attempting to educate about a view, not seek to impose it with repression and law.

Reading comprehension is just not your thing.

Is it.

The 14th uses the word "born" only to establish "citizenship" not "personhood."

Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

Are you a male or female, I bet a male.
Most anti choice lions are male.

sick bastard isn’t he?
Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

Are you a male or female, I bet a male.

I was originally ok with abortions in case of mother's health, rape or incest, based on the statistics, the murder of a person
that was NOT going to affect a woman's health is wrong.
Then I find out that really DUMB women who already had a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is shear murder because the women couldn't say NO!
It was evidently OK for a few moments of pleasure to terminate an especially innocent baby.
That makes my sex irrelevant.
But what is more relevant is you approve of dumb women who have already had abortions? That is shear stupidity on theirs and your part!
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

You never heard that. I find it odd how many state something they know isn't true and try and justify it with "as I've heard".

You never heard this.

'Here you go asshole:

Fetal Development
Babies develop lungs before they are born, but while still in the womb they do not breathe air. The lungs begin as tiny buds that lengthen into the branches of the airways by 16 weeks gestation. By 28 weeks gestation, tiny sacs known as alveoli are developing and surfactant is excreted. Surfactant lubricates the lung tissue and promotes elasticity for better oxygen exchange after delivery.
I still think there need to be exceptions even in the third trimester - the mother's life/serious health complications, fatal birth defects.
Snip the neck of a baby who can feel everything lol .. I can’t wait until this is outlawed again.. I’m going to laugh in your sick face

So..you're saying kill the mother to save the baby?

Force the mother to carry to term a fetus with fatal birth defects?

You are misidentifying who is sick here.
You using something extremely uncommon to kill a baby is sick.. when I was growing up we have a bombing of a abortion clinic and couldn’t understand why.. now I do

This is what I said (what you responded to): I still think there need to be exceptions even in the third trimester - the mother's life/serious health complications, fatal birth defects.

Then you say that should be outlawed. Sick.
It was never about a fetus' life, it's only ever been about controlling women's bodies.

Give me one reason why ANYONE would want to control a woman's body? That's using some unjustified talking point to kill babies.
All the prevaricating hypocrites here proclaiming "murder" would be out doing something about it if their convictions were so certain. Instead of attacking a woman's freedom they would attack the places abortions were performed. But that would confront them with the reality of their absurd position.
Are you a male or female, I bet a male.

I was originally ok with abortions in case of mother's health, rape or incest, based on the statistics, the murder of a person
that was NOT going to affect a woman's health is wrong.
Then I find out that really DUMB women who already had a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is shear murder because the women couldn't say NO!
It was evidently OK for a few moments of pleasure to terminate an especially innocent baby.
That makes my sex irrelevant.
But what is more relevant is you approve of dumb women who have already had abortions? That is shear stupidity on theirs and your part!
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

You never heard that. I find it odd how many state something they know isn't true and try and justify it with "as I've heard".

You never heard this.

'Here you go asshole:

Fetal Development
Babies develop lungs before they are born, but while still in the womb they do not breathe air. The lungs begin as tiny buds that lengthen into the branches of the airways by 16 weeks gestation. By 28 weeks gestation, tiny sacs known as alveoli are developing and surfactant is excreted. Surfactant lubricates the lung tissue and promotes elasticity for better oxygen exchange after delivery.

Sorry, where does that state that a fetus is not viable until the 7th month? Don't go calling people names unless you are prepared to back up what was said. This does not.
I was originally ok with abortions in case of mother's health, rape or incest, based on the statistics, the murder of a person
that was NOT going to affect a woman's health is wrong.
Then I find out that really DUMB women who already had a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is shear murder because the women couldn't say NO!
It was evidently OK for a few moments of pleasure to terminate an especially innocent baby.
That makes my sex irrelevant.
But what is more relevant is you approve of dumb women who have already had abortions? That is shear stupidity on theirs and your part!
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

You never heard that. I find it odd how many state something they know isn't true and try and justify it with "as I've heard".

You never heard this.

'Here you go asshole:

Fetal Development
Babies develop lungs before they are born, but while still in the womb they do not breathe air. The lungs begin as tiny buds that lengthen into the branches of the airways by 16 weeks gestation. By 28 weeks gestation, tiny sacs known as alveoli are developing and surfactant is excreted. Surfactant lubricates the lung tissue and promotes elasticity for better oxygen exchange after delivery.

Sorry, where does that state that a fetus is not viable until the 7th month? Don't go calling people names unless you are prepared to back up what was said. This does not.

I never said it does. I stated my opinion. I said "That's the line in my opinion".

Do you know how to read? Is your reading comprehension low?
I was originally ok with abortions in case of mother's health, rape or incest, based on the statistics, the murder of a person
that was NOT going to affect a woman's health is wrong.
Then I find out that really DUMB women who already had a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is shear murder because the women couldn't say NO!
It was evidently OK for a few moments of pleasure to terminate an especially innocent baby.
That makes my sex irrelevant.
But what is more relevant is you approve of dumb women who have already had abortions? That is shear stupidity on theirs and your part!
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

a newborn isnt viable and cant survive on its own without help from others,,,

You're being purposefully ignorant. That's the fucking worst of humanity in a civil discussion. You know I'm referring to the fetus surviving outside the mother womb. Don't be such an asshole.

whats ignorant???

a newborn cant survive outside the mother without help,,,
That's probably true. However, more than half of the people living today, at all ages couldn't survive without grocery stores, electricity, and shelter. Should they be put to death?

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
You live in the wrong country we protect the helpless

Unfortunately, we do not.

In this country, we allow thousands of innocent children every day, millions every year, to be savagely murdered in cold blood.

We do not protect the helpless in this country. It makes it far harder to convince people to not abort because of that.
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

You never heard that. I find it odd how many state something they know isn't true and try and justify it with "as I've heard".

You never heard this.

'Here you go asshole:

Fetal Development
Babies develop lungs before they are born, but while still in the womb they do not breathe air. The lungs begin as tiny buds that lengthen into the branches of the airways by 16 weeks gestation. By 28 weeks gestation, tiny sacs known as alveoli are developing and surfactant is excreted. Surfactant lubricates the lung tissue and promotes elasticity for better oxygen exchange after delivery.

Sorry, where does that state that a fetus is not viable until the 7th month? Don't go calling people names unless you are prepared to back up what was said. This does not.

I never said it does. I stated my opinion. I said "That's the line in my opinion".

Do you know how to read? Is your reading comprehension low?

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

Comprehend that for me. That is what you said. You never heard that.
I was originally ok with abortions in case of mother's health, rape or incest, based on the statistics, the murder of a person
that was NOT going to affect a woman's health is wrong.
Then I find out that really DUMB women who already had a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is shear murder because the women couldn't say NO!
It was evidently OK for a few moments of pleasure to terminate an especially innocent baby.
That makes my sex irrelevant.
But what is more relevant is you approve of dumb women who have already had abortions? That is shear stupidity on theirs and your part!
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

You never heard that. I find it odd how many state something they know isn't true and try and justify it with "as I've heard".

You never heard this.

'Here you go asshole:

Fetal Development
Babies develop lungs before they are born, but while still in the womb they do not breathe air. The lungs begin as tiny buds that lengthen into the branches of the airways by 16 weeks gestation. By 28 weeks gestation, tiny sacs known as alveoli are developing and surfactant is excreted. Surfactant lubricates the lung tissue and promotes elasticity for better oxygen exchange after delivery.

Sorry, where does that state that a fetus is not viable until the 7th month? Don't go calling people names unless you are prepared to back up what was said. This does not.

"viability": Pregnancy: Second Trimester Community - Support Group
To me a fertilized egg is not yet a human being, any more than a blueprint is a house. A baby at birth is a person and has the right to live. Somewhere between those two extremes is a line where abortions (except in very rare cases) should be banned. I'm not sure where that line is but it is our brains that make us different from any other animal, a heart is just not the same. Once that brain truly begins to function, that is a person. IMHO of course.

As I've heard, a baby isn't viable until the 7th month when a chemical is release into the lungs so they can expand upon birth. That's the line in my opinion. Third trimester is off limits. The baby can survive on its own and is viable.

You never heard that. I find it odd how many state something they know isn't true and try and justify it with "as I've heard".

You never heard this.

'Here you go asshole:

Fetal Development
Babies develop lungs before they are born, but while still in the womb they do not breathe air. The lungs begin as tiny buds that lengthen into the branches of the airways by 16 weeks gestation. By 28 weeks gestation, tiny sacs known as alveoli are developing and surfactant is excreted. Surfactant lubricates the lung tissue and promotes elasticity for better oxygen exchange after delivery.

Sorry, where does that state that a fetus is not viable until the 7th month? Don't go calling people names unless you are prepared to back up what was said. This does not.

"viability": Pregnancy: Second Trimester Community - Support Group

That says 23-24 weeks. 23 weeks is even before 6 months.
Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

Are you a male or female, I bet a male.
Of course you didnt read the article.

And saving life knows no gender you moron

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