I was wrong.

i dont give a damn what its about !! i dont owe you or anybody else jack shit !
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
You are right there is no reverse racism, as such Kamalla Harris giving out homes based on only the color of a persons skin is racist.

Enjoy the truth as it will set you free

I know the truth. And the truth says that a race of people that have built everything they have by excluding others based on skin color can shut up whining about it.

Harris isn't giving out homes to anyone nor does she plan to. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to show Harris plan for increasing black homeownership.
Harris has a different plan for medicare for all every week, she is also an admitted pothead that has a zero chance of being President unless the girl scouts ask

You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.

And a lot of black men, most in fact, raise their children with love, education, and respect. Don't judge any people by the actions of their minority.

The message is that all men, regardless of color or creed, should honor their responsibilities as men and do right by the children they produce.

To not do so makes you less than a man.
Your statement that most black men raise their children with love, education and respect is not supported in the statistics. Check the percentage of Black families with single Black mothers. Many black men do, but not nearly enough to turn things around in the Black communities around the country.

It is supported with facts. A man and woman cohabitating are counted as 2 single people. But this you need to have a father in the house as a cure all is fake news.
Is that why every third person in Chicago is dead

So you are saying 900,000 people in Chicago are dead.

Everyone living in Shitcago is brain dead...……………………

It's a pig sty
The flag is a graven image. I stand with the people who actually are the legacy of MLK. Alveda is fake news.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
I am not telling you to leave, I am telling you that if you are not happy that you should leave, the flag isn't changing and Kamalla Harris isn't giving you a free house. You will grieve until the day you die, I am saying that there is a big World out there and patriotism for any person in any country is a good thing. You can kneel if you want but if I see you I am going to stand in front of you and it's going to look like you want to suck my cock

Try caring about the flag, it just might care back


And I am telling you that the flag is not more important than making it so this country actually becomes what that flag represents. Posting a picture of somebody black saluting the flag is not going to change anything. God says we are not to worship a graven image. So excuse me if I think that being able to get citizenship into heaven might just be a little more important to me than the American flag.
And, this would indicate that you have taken the allegation of systemic white racism as a personal attack on your integrity.

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
You are right there is no reverse racism, as such Kamalla Harris giving out homes based on only the color of a persons skin is racist.

Enjoy the truth as it will set you free

I know the truth. And the truth says that a race of people that have built everything they have by excluding others based on skin color can shut up whining about it.

Harris isn't giving out homes to anyone nor does she plan to. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to show Harris plan for increasing black homeownership.
Harris has a different plan for medicare for all every week, she is also an admitted pothead that has a zero chance of being President unless the girl scouts ask

Harris would be a better president than we have now.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I hope you aren't pulling our leg, because that was one of the most remarkable posts I've ever read.

It is only remarkable because it's what you want to believe.
Oh good one, you really had me going there. So the collapse of the Black community is Whitey's fault after all. Check.
You are a fool and coward, because you are fully free to leave. I'll help you pack

I was born here. Therefore I have full constitutional rights. I am not going anywhere. And if you don't like me exercising my rights as an American, pack your bags.
Mexicans were born in Mexico, my grandparents were born in Hungary, they chose a better life. If you are not proud of the American flag use your constitutional rights and find a better place for you, or stay here and fester in your hate

You worship a symbol. I'm about making that symbol represent what it is supposed to symbolize. You want to put up a front. I don't front. Standing or kneeling before a piece of cloth means nothing. A belief without works is an idea. I was born here. I use my constitutional right to air my grievance. There ain't no such thing as love it or leave it. And if you don't like people using their rights as Americans, go find a place where those rights don't exist and fester in your hate.
I am not telling you to leave, I am telling you that if you are not happy that you should leave, the flag isn't changing and Kamalla Harris isn't giving you a free house. You will grieve until the day you die, I am saying that there is a big World out there and patriotism for any person in any country is a good thing. You can kneel if you want but if I see you I am going to stand in front of you and it's going to look like you want to suck my cock

Try caring about the flag, it just might care back


And I am telling you that the flag is not more important than making it so this country actually becomes what that flag represents. Posting a picture of somebody black saluting the flag is not going to change anything. God says we are not to worship a graven image. So excuse me if I think that being able to get citizenship into heaven might just be a little more important to me than the American flag.

You do not understand the flag, Americans show their pride and gratitude to the flag as a sign of respect for the greatest place on Earth. A place that people are literally crawling climbing and digging into sometimes dying to get into. Not figurately, literally. You are a disrespectful fool and you will never feel the safety of a flag that actually worships you as one of it's children.

Respect your freedom, it was earned by good men of all colors who are all brothers and sisters under one tent of red white and blue

they aint talking about Asians pal ......and i take it as reverse racism ... as a matter of fact i believe whites today are less racist on average than blacks .

There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
You are right there is no reverse racism, as such Kamalla Harris giving out homes based on only the color of a persons skin is racist.

Enjoy the truth as it will set you free

I know the truth. And the truth says that a race of people that have built everything they have by excluding others based on skin color can shut up whining about it.

Harris isn't giving out homes to anyone nor does she plan to. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to show Harris plan for increasing black homeownership.
Harris has a different plan for medicare for all every week, she is also an admitted pothead that has a zero chance of being President unless the girl scouts ask

Harris would be a better president than we have now.

You will never know...………………………..
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I hope your wonderful attitude reflected in this post catches on across the nation. If black men can discipline themselves and help each other learn to treat their wife well and have children only with the one he's married to, you'd be setting an example for white men, did you know that? If you can spend your life helping your brother to give his wife the stability of his hard work, support, and helping her with the kids, you will have stepped onto the same winner's circle as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bless you in your efforts, IM2. I am speaking from my heart and will put this on my prayer list for you to be given the strength and love for your brothers to encourage them to be better than white men. I love competition when it is used to make people do great things. I think you have a seed that can furnish this nation with better fate for black children, and you will see children having pride in who their mothers and fathers are that care enough for them to respect each other and the bond of a good family. :thup:
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I hope your wonderful attitude reflected in this post catches on across the nation. If black men can discipline themselves and help each other learn to treat their wife well and have children only with the one he's married to, you'd be setting an example for white men, did you know that? If you can spend your life helping your brother to give his wife the stability of his hard work, support, and helping her with the kids, you will have stepped onto the same winner's circle as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bless you in your efforts, IM2. I am speaking from my heart and will put this on my prayer list for you to be given the strength and love for your brothers to encourage them to be better than white men. I love competition when it is used to make people do great things. I think you have a seed that can furnish this nation with better fate for black children, and you will see children having pride in who their mothers and fathers are that care enough for them to respect each other and the bond of a good family. :thup:

Lol! Everything is wonderful just as long as we say what whites believe. Our experience doesn't count.
There is no such thing as reverse racism and blacks aren't more racist than whites today. You are just low IQ and unable to understand what's been said to you.
You are right there is no reverse racism, as such Kamalla Harris giving out homes based on only the color of a persons skin is racist.

Enjoy the truth as it will set you free

I know the truth. And the truth says that a race of people that have built everything they have by excluding others based on skin color can shut up whining about it.

Harris isn't giving out homes to anyone nor does she plan to. Don't embarrass yourself by trying to show Harris plan for increasing black homeownership.
Harris has a different plan for medicare for all every week, she is also an admitted pothead that has a zero chance of being President unless the girl scouts ask

Harris would be a better president than we have now.

You will never know...………………………..

It's very possible I might. Now I don't know why you're bringing up Harris and boasting how she will never win. Actually I do. So keep on assuming.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I hope you aren't pulling our leg, because that was one of the most remarkable posts I've ever read.

It is only remarkable because it's what you want to believe.
Oh good one, you really had me going there. So the collapse of the Black community is Whitey's fault after all. Check.

Public policy created by whites, yes. But you can't collapse a community not allowed to grow.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I hope your wonderful attitude reflected in this post catches on across the nation. If black men can discipline themselves and help each other learn to treat their wife well and have children only with the one he's married to, you'd be setting an example for white men, did you know that? If you can spend your life helping your brother to give his wife the stability of his hard work, support, and helping her with the kids, you will have stepped onto the same winner's circle as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bless you in your efforts, IM2. I am speaking from my heart and will put this on my prayer list for you to be given the strength and love for your brothers to encourage them to be better than white men. I love competition when it is used to make people do great things. I think you have a seed that can furnish this nation with better fate for black children, and you will see children having pride in who their mothers and fathers are that care enough for them to respect each other and the bond of a good family. :thup:

Lol! Everything is wonderful just as long as we say what whites believe. Our experience doesn't count.
Your experience should be equal pay for equal work, educational opportunities, and extra pay for incentives you take that add to blacks being put in the winner's circle when they win. You're half there already after Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, 90% of the AFL and NFL teams, and a fair share of baseball players who hit them outta the park. Some of your actors have outpaced all others, and although he fouled out in one avenue and got jail time for it, Bill Cosby was so good you couldn't see the color of his skin for the gift of himself he gave on stage and television screen. He's possibly one of the best actors who ever lived. Look at the game of golf. In my lifetime, the best player who ever said "fore!" may have been none other than Tiger Woods. Some of my life's favorite songs were sung by black women and men whose voices were pure silk. We all got a New Attitude with Roberta Flack, R-E-S-P-E-C-T with Aretha Franklin, and whistled as though we had a day at sea when Bellafonte crooned "Day-oh!" or unwound with so much laughter we formed tears with Bobby McFerrin's "Don't worry, be happy."

You guys beat us whites in everything else. Why not go for the gold and keep your plan to beat us at staying married to the same person for life? :D I nominate you to be the coach of this.
Candace Owens for POTUS 2024. Except to IM2...she's Uncle Tom (Aunt Tom) because she is intelligent and tells it like it is. Poor IM2 would grovel at her feet if he ever took her on with his bullshit.
Candace Owens for POTUS 2024. Except to IM2...she's Uncle Tom (Aunt Tom) because she is intelligent and tells it like it is. Poor IM2 would grovel at her feet if he ever took her on with his bullshit.

Candace Owens is as dumb as they come. I'd BBQ her ass.
You know what? I have been wrong.

The civil rights act was signed over 50 years ago. Certainly in 50 years we should have been able to catch up with whites. There are far too many black women left out there alone. Far too many of us black men spend our days playing dominos and drinking when we should be with our kids. As men we could save the black community by getting married. We could teach our kids how to act which would decrease violence in our community.

We have had ample chances over the past 54 years but instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities America provides, we have wasted our time and money in a doped up drunken stupor while letting our communities become crumbled down cesspools of crime and instead of taking responsibility, we blame whites.

So after all these discussions I have learned at lot and the fact is you guys were right. Now don't conflate this to mean I am going to join the republican party and suppport Trump.
I hope your wonderful attitude reflected in this post catches on across the nation. If black men can discipline themselves and help each other learn to treat their wife well and have children only with the one he's married to, you'd be setting an example for white men, did you know that? If you can spend your life helping your brother to give his wife the stability of his hard work, support, and helping her with the kids, you will have stepped onto the same winner's circle as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bless you in your efforts, IM2. I am speaking from my heart and will put this on my prayer list for you to be given the strength and love for your brothers to encourage them to be better than white men. I love competition when it is used to make people do great things. I think you have a seed that can furnish this nation with better fate for black children, and you will see children having pride in who their mothers and fathers are that care enough for them to respect each other and the bond of a good family. :thup:

Lol! Everything is wonderful just as long as we say what whites believe. Our experience doesn't count.
Your experience should be equal pay for equal work, educational opportunities, and extra pay for incentives you take that add to blacks being put in the winner's circle when they win. You're half there already after Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, 90% of the AFL and NFL teams, and a fair share of baseball players who hit them outta the park. Some of your actors have outpaced all others, and although he fouled out in one avenue and got jail time for it, Bill Cosby was so good you couldn't see the color of his skin for the gift of himself he gave on stage and television screen. He's possibly one of the best actors who ever lived. Look at the game of golf. In my lifetime, the best player who ever said "fore!" may have been none other than Tiger Woods. Some of my life's favorite songs were sung by black women and men whose voices were pure silk. We all got a New Attitude with Roberta Flack, R-E-S-P-E-C-T with Aretha Franklin, and whistled as though we had a day at sea when Bellafonte crooned "Day-oh!" or unwound with so much laughter we formed tears with Bobby McFerrin's "Don't worry, be happy."

You guys beat us whites in everything else. Why not go for the gold and keep your plan to beat us at staying married to the same person for life? :D I nominate you to be the coach of this.

There are 40 million blacks. You described maybe 4,000.


Yep, a purpose...I figured as much
but wanted to give you the benefit of doubt

After your last thread
this thread wasn’t logical,

Oh well, back to the reality
of the African thugs killing each other here in Chiraq

I can't learn lessons?
we all can !! i have been wrong in the past also ....we are All Americans ! we can all; work together and stop blaming each other for our problems ....that would really upset the career dividers in government on both sides of the isle !

Im wrong a lot. and race relations is pretty complex and It's also extremely difficult at times to actually express and be understood as to what you believe or are thinking because everyone as a different definition of what is what. Also in the US, being a large country as it is, regional differences, age differences across decades of time are also a bit of a barrier
There is a difference in the races, it is not the same customs between the whites and the blacks, there are also the various religions, but I know by a single experience that shocked me it was when I was teenager,it had several white men who chased me for raping me in broad daylight and you know it was a black man who defended me, a colossal man who said: if you touch this girl, I will break your neck, so I did not understand why all the others around me did not do anything, I was not used to seeing a black man and he was the only one who defended me in my neighborhood.

thats a hell of a neighborhood you grew up in. My god!
No, it was a fine neighborhood but those three men in a van they wanted to kidnap a girl by opening the door but I saw them, I always look around me and they followed me with their van so I ran into a parking lot where they have a store to go in and that's where the black man comes in and told me what's going on girl? he took my defense and call the police, the police to chase the van and catch them.
I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have.

Hello, IM2. How many convos have you shared with black Americans, specifically addressing GENERATIONAL CHILD ABUSE that Pres. Obama buddies Jay-Z (born 1971) and Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) speak about in public interviews & their violence riddled, female HATING popular American music art?

Sadly, I'm willing to wager zero.

Keeping it 100% REAL & Respectful.

"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt, BlackVoiceNews.com

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates
Jazelle Hunt Black Voice News.com
"Black women are destroying themselves and black men"

Black women are destroying themselves and black men - Streamable
"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Sh**...." ~jazzyslim2005


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

The GOOD NEWS: Introducing 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

California Surgeon General, Dr Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP

Dr Nadine Burke Harris | Founder & CEO Center for Youth Wellness |

obama white house guests.jpg stevie wonder, shawn carter child abuse.jpg

♥ Peace ♥
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
It’s the black children being born by black children, with no father, being raised by a grandmother/grandfather and running wild. Morals are out the window. Tuff to swallow the truth sometimes. Excuses kill.

Yeah excuses kill and you just killed a bunch of people with your post. I really think that you might want to reconsider being white and talking about morals. In 2017 whites had more children out of wedlock than blacks had children. And there are millions of white divorced single mothers raising children with an ex husband refusing to pay alimony. But you all have comments about blacks.

This has really been an interesting thread.

Excuses for why people do things is just that, an excuse. Each one of us is responsible for their actions. Does not matter who you are, what color you are, or where you were born.

Each one of us has a choice when faced with adversity. Do you rise above it, struggle on, or use it as an excuse?

The decision lies with you. You, and you alone make the choice. I am sick of excuses,whines, fear mongering, hate and jealousy, blaming others!

Start with yourself.
I am only speaking the truth. I am black. That means I grew up black. It means I have spent more time with blacks in every way than you ever will. It means I have had conversations with blacks about whites and racism you will never have.

Hello, IM2. How many convos have you shared with black Americans, specifically addressing GENERATIONAL CHILD ABUSE that Pres. Obama buddies Jay-Z (born 1971) and Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) speak about in public interviews & their violence riddled, female HATING popular American music art?

Sadly, I'm willing to wager zero.

Keeping it 100% REAL & Respectful.

"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt, BlackVoiceNews.com

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates
Jazelle Hunt Black Voice News.com
"Black women are destroying themselves and black men"

Black women are destroying themselves and black men - Streamable
"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Sh**...." ~jazzyslim2005


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

The GOOD NEWS: Introducing 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

California Surgeon General, Dr Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP

Dr Nadine Burke Harris | Founder & CEO Center for Youth Wellness |

View attachment 273200 View attachment 273201

♥ Peace ♥
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Do you honestly think abuse happens only in black families? I am here to tell you that is a lie.

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