I will not cooperate! A statement of scientifically and constitutionally backed defiance

Curious, so is a business also allowed to segregate you based on their religious or political beliefs?

Last I checked, that is, you guessed it, discrimination.


Nice try but hey use that in court and let see how fast the judge laughs you out of court!

Fact is a business has the right to refuse service if they feel you are a risk to their establishment.
Can anyone answer this hypothetical?

I got vaxxed, then contract a case of non-hospitalization Covid. I recover and now have antibodies on top of the vaxx.
Do I then need to get a booster?
I am not wearing a mask, nor am I getting vaccinated. You will have to tie me down to a chair first. I will not cooperate with mask mandates or vaccine passports.

1. Because I have to wear a mask if I am vaccinated.

2. I have to get vaccinated even if I catch and recover from COVID.

3. Children, with naturally superior immune systems to adults, still have to wear masks and get vaccinated.

4. There are credible reports stating that instead of simply immunizing someone from COVID and/or preventing them from spreading the virus to others, there is a risk that it does neither. People are catching the virus despite being vaccinated, or worse, catching it and spreading it regardless of vaccination, whereas it may lessen the symptoms, but it won't stop transmission.

5. None of the above or the recommendations I see coming from the CDC *or from the 'pro-science' left'* mesh with established science on human immunology, biology, or interaction with viruses.

Namely, the human immune system has a memory. So if you catch a virus and recover from it, your immune system will fight it off more efficiently the next time you are infected with it, thus eliminating the need for a vaccine or a mask. Common sense, scientific fact.

Nextly, a vaccine is supposed to prime your immune system against a virus you have yet to be infected with. It is not meant for people who have already caught the virus and recovered from it. If it can't protect an immune system that hasn't been exposed to the virus (IE, a person catches the virus despite being vaccinated one or multiple times), it is useless. If it cannot stop the spread of the virus in addition, it is doubly useless.

Moreover, if you were naturally or artificially immunized against the virus, you shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, which itself offers insufficient protection from a virus that is smaller than the spaces between the interwoven fibers of the mask. Science says your body should be able to recognize and defeat the virus from now on, eliminating the need for a mask. Common sense.

I will not take an imperfect vaccine. I will not be responsible for transmitting this virus to someone else, risking the well-being of family or friends in the process.

Vaccine passports are tantamount to segregation, not against race, but against people who exercise their liberty to make conscious decisions about their own health and their own bodies (sound familiar?). If a woman can make a choice about her body in regards to abortion or birth, then a person should be allowed to decide whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. We shouldn't have to be discussing stuff like this in a supposedly *free* country.


Thank you and good day.
Little if any of that makes sense.

You just don't want to end this thing. I guess Covid has been fun for you and you can't "quit it".
Can anyone answer this hypothetical?

I got vaxxed, then contract a case of non-hospitalization Covid. I recover and now have antibodies on top of the vaxx.
Do I then need to get a booster?
We don't know for sure. Maybe not.

I would

Nice try but hey use that in court and let see how fast the judge laughs you out of court!

Fact is a business has the right to refuse service if they feel you are a risk to their establishment.

Here's a newsflash for you, buddy.

I study the law (yes, you can do that without hemorrhaging money to a prissy liberal law school)

Discrimination isn't limited to race, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Discrimination can be telling someone they cannot partake of an available service because of what they wear. Clothing is a form of individual expression or free speech. So. imposing rules on dress is tantamount to limiting speech. Which is (or should be) illegal.
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Perhaps we should stop trying to convince people to get vaccinated or wearing masks.

Perhaps a better solution would be to have a National Anti-Vaccination day.

Everyone in every town in the U.S. who wasn't vaccinated would be invited to a big party to celebrate their individualism!

That would be one way of ending this COVID nightmare.
The Delta variant most likely would be peaking by now if we did not have an open border!

Thanks Joe for continuing to jeopardize Americans.
Here's a newsflash for you, buddy.

I study the law (yes, you can do that without hemorrhaging money to a prissy liberal law school)

Discrimination isn't limited to race, ethnicity, or sexual preference. Discrimination can be telling someone they cannot partake of an available service because of what they wear. Clothing is a form of individual expression or free speech.
A business has the right to refuse service based on risk factor and can require you to wear a mask for the safety of the people and business.

I have worked in clean rooms ( many years ago ) and wore masks because of possible contamination from me just breathing, so did I have the right to tell my employer I didn’t have to wear one?

If I go to a fancy restaurant with a coat and tire requirement do you believe they can not deny me if I refuse to wear one?

They can and businesses have the same right to require their patrons and staff to mask up or not wear one at all and again they can refuse service.

The only place I know of that is very stringent about this is Government facilities and flying on planes and restaurants and stores are not as strict, so what is the damn fuss again?
I have similar reasons as you've listed along with the following:

1. Soon, recommended dosages will be reduced that have been determined to be "equally as effective" as the current dosage being utilized. Months ago, there was disagreement about the "best timing" for the second dose and determined that extending the typical 2 weeks to 3 weeks was safer and more effective than two doses given within 2 weeks. Interesting and relevant.

2. This is not a vaccine that's been utilized as with previous vaccines such as for polio, TB etc. The delivery method produces spiked ends on cells modifying their shape. What has not been proven is that these spikes were "supposed" to not have the capability of breaking off and going to organs. It's been reported that this has happened and is continuing to be reported.

3. Information regarding the jab causing deaths reported by VAERS shows that these jabs have resulted in a significant amount of deaths compared to any previous vaccine approved previously. A picture paints a thousand words just looking at that graph on their website.

4. The US government officials met with representatives of drug companies who wanted to promote the jabs as a solution. Drug companies should not be involved in behind closed door meetings with governmental heads about promoting a drug. Period. Extra period even;)

5. Had the virus taken its natural course, we'd likely be better off now compared to the intentional slow down "flattening the curve"...when many were told don't go to hospital because they don't have enough ventilators. Reportedly, major hospitals were not prepared and had no excuse. Decision makers were lax following 9/11 (20 years of time to prepare for national disaster and didn't).

6. It is being further evaluated that vaccinated people are contagious as well. Likely a set time following the injection, but it now seems likely that many vaccinated people have high viral loads due to injections and once exposed to the Delta variant are more likely to contract the strain, but with reduced symptoms, but due to having a higher viral load already in place are highly contagious to others.

7. Plant based sources are superior and will be coming out soon for public option. I need more info about the particulars, but because they are using plants like tobacco, instead of chicken embryos to produce them, it nixes out a wide variety of allergen possibilities that have happened to many people from the animal based/messenger RNA delivery route.
A business has the right to refuse service based on risk factor and can require you to wear a mask for the safety of the people and business.

Until the government is removed from the equation, the government has a compelling interest in ensuring a business serves any or all customers who walk through the door within reason. You cannot imprint your beliefs on your customers, since that only usurps their rights and their beliefs.

It is worth noting that customers are not held to the same standards.
I have worked in clean rooms ( many years ago ) and wore masks because of possible contamination from me just breathing, so did I have the right to tell my employer I didn’t have to wear one?

The difference here is that you were an employee, not a customer. A different set of circumstances altogether.
They can and businesses have the same right to require their patrons and staff to mask up or not wear one at all and again they can refuse service.

Once again, that is discrimination against people who make conscious decisions about their bodily health.

It would be like me denying a woman service for having a child or having an abortion.
Until the government is removed from the equation, the government has a compelling interest in ensuring a business serves any or all customers who walk through the door within reason. You cannot imprint your beliefs on your customers, since that only usurps their rights and their beliefs.

It is worth noting that customers are not held to the same standards.
Right to refuse service…

It is a court job to say if the establishment broke any law and right now if you brought a case you would lose…
Right to refuse service…

It is a court job to say if the establishment broke any law and right now if you brought a case you would lose…

It is a court's job to mediate the rights of the transgressor and the transgressed.

If a business says I cannot be there because of a choice I made, that is discrimination based on creed. Creed is not limited to religious belief or lack thereof. Interpretation allows that to mean choice as well.

Refer to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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