I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

'I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president'

You would.... Here's a solution for you, Lakhota - pack up your shit, and move to Mexico.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Sable personality? Based on what? Cancelling a meeting ?!
Perhaps Melanomia's coat is sable, but I think what the poster meant was a stable personality. Based upon what? How about his not claiming another nation will build a wall for him?
Stop wishing stupidity on the rest of us.

Shittingbull can't help it. She just can't accept that her hero will never be Madame President.

Wonder what SB thinks of all these Mexicans who are illegally here in the US. The Mexican president loves it because of all those American dollars that flow to Mexico. He'll never stop his people from coming to America. Its in the economic interest of Mexico that they do.

Oh he's a winner all right and level headed. He just liked the American dollar.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

He is your president. All you have to do is scurry back over the border like a little cockroach and take up residence in the socialist Hell hole that is Mexico. That or move to Cuba....would be my advice to you.

Hurry before that wall goes up and you can't get out.
I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto seems to have a stable personality.
Easily done. Buses leave here hourly for Mehico.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya..... :biggrin:

He can't be "our" president in Mexico.
He can be YOUR president

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Sable personality? Based on what? Cancelling a meeting ?!
Perhaps Melanomia's coat is sable, but I think what the poster meant was a stable personality. Based upon what? How about his not claiming another nation will build a wall for him?
You caught a typo. Glad I made your day. Meanwhile, OP said he was stable, still waiting on OP to explain what formed that opinion. Run along now, troll.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Sable personality? Based on what? Cancelling a meeting ?!
Perhaps Melanomia's coat is sable, but I think what the poster meant was a stable personality. Based upon what? How about his not claiming another nation will build a wall for him?
You caught a typo. Glad I made your day. Meanwhile, OP said he was stable, still waiting on OP to explain what formed that opinion. Run along now, troll.

All you have to do is pay attention to Don, that should clear it all up fer ya.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Sable personality? Based on what? Cancelling a meeting ?!
Perhaps Melanomia's coat is sable, but I think what the poster meant was a stable personality. Based upon what? How about his not claiming another nation will build a wall for him?
You caught a typo. Glad I made your day. Meanwhile, OP said he was stable, still waiting on OP to explain what formed that opinion. Run along now, troll.

All you have to do is pay attention to Don, that should clear it all up fer ya.
Good bye troll.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Sable personality? Based on what? Cancelling a meeting ?!
Perhaps Melanomia's coat is sable, but I think what the poster meant was a stable personality. Based upon what? How about his not claiming another nation will build a wall for him?
You caught a typo. Glad I made your day. Meanwhile, OP said he was stable, still waiting on OP to explain what formed that opinion. Run along now, troll.

All you have to do is pay attention to Don, that should clear it all up fer ya.
Good bye troll.

Still don't understand? Damn son.
It can be arranged easily enough. I'll chip in for a one way ticket if you can fill the bus with left wing discontents.

Yup. Make sure all those celebrities are on board with you since they all vowed to leave if Trump was elected.
You really want drug cartels burning students to death for a Mayor or beheading opposition cartels in tourist hot spots?

Mexico is FUBAR'D.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

Ummm this whole post is a walking contradiction. If he was doing such a good job then people wouldn't be fleeing towards our country you claim isn't, and thus the whole argument the Mexican president is having would be mute. -"Doh!"

Seriously it's his responsibility to curve his citizens criminal activities at the border just like we need to keep our people from fleeing to there. It's his responsibility and they've made us foot the bill (LAW ENFORCEMENT PATROL COSTS)to long for THEIR PROBLEM.

Jokingly I say: for every day they refuse to foot responsibility and pay for a portion they should get a good taste of what dumping mentally unstable criminals feels like as we should dump our over populated prisons past the border gaps and tell them freedom is theirs on the other side, but no returning without severe added sentencing and conditions, which means they would need ankle bracelets or chips to assure location.
The threat alone would start talks and understanding and a compromise will be reached through give and take.
In other words paying half seems a bargain compared to full amount, it's called negotiation, have you completely lost comprehension of the art of negotiation and who this is?
You really want drug cartels burning students to death for a Mayor or beheading opposition cartels in tourist hot spots?

Mexico is FUBAR'D.

Who would you say the market is for those scary drug cartels burning students to death?
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
You think he can do for us what he's done for Mexico?...And what's with accusing him of having the personality of someone who lives in a stable?...I actually like the guy and think it was disgusting of the OP for inferring he was a pink hat for opting out of the meeting...I would like to thank you for exposing him/her rosie

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