I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president


President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

Leftist bitch about a guy who isn't bought off by anyone and opts for a guy bought off by the drug cartels. Simply Amazing!
"a very warm conversation...we're talking...we're speaking...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we'll see what happens!" - Eloquent Donald Trump on his latest phone call with Nieto

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

All of us wished that he was your President. You can make it a reality, but people like yourself are all talk and no action.
I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto seems to have a stable personality.
Easily done. Buses leave here hourly for Mehico.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya..... :biggrin:

He can't be "our" president in Mexico.

Why not? I feel that I should be able to freely emigrate there, just to make a better life for my family. It's way too expensive here and who's to say who is illegal? Mexico is also a nation of immigrants, so if they dont want us Americans there, let them build a wall or something!
I think he is whiter than Trump.
Lakota a friggen loon. The Mexican cartel puppet is leader of a country wealthy in natural resources yet with a faltering economy that fails to take care of its own populace.

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