I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president


President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Why don't you suck his dick more…

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Ohhh... But he can be your president... the borders are open. Make it happen. But I must warn you; it will require effort on your part. Not really something someone else can do for you...
Given that... It probably never will happen. But hypothetically, it could.
The very fact that Mexico opposes Trump's policies, means they're good for America. Not Mexico. Get it?

So why would Mexico agree to policies that aren't good for them?

The whole idea of the free market is for two or more parties to make agreements that benefit each party.

I'm not saying we need to give up policies that are in our best interest. But we should be looking for ways to create a win win situation rather than a win lose situation
Senor Nieto bagged trip to US after Senor Trump bashed drug cartels -- which financed Senor Nieto’s campaign.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

Mexico is a wonderful country. That's why the Mexicans are sneaking over the border to come here and why all the liberals said they'd move to Canada if Trump won as opposed to Mexico.
read my lips, Senor Nieto:

México pagará por el muro con Senor Trump, amo o no amo!

(mexico will pay for senor trump's wall, whether you like it or not!)

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
No you don't Mexico has a very corrupt government.
Of course she doesn't... If she did she would use her time, her effort, and most importantly; her money; to make that a reality for herself. Simply put; shed vote with her feet, and move. Nah... She really just wants other people to force her desires upon the masses. Just your typical Liberal totalitarian, with no power to leverage her idealism... Yawn.
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The guy is despised, his country is controlled more by the drug cartels, and the country is so bad millions of its people are leaving in droves...

...and snowflakes whine about how they wish their loser leader - the Mexican Barry - was their President.

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

He also has an approval rating in single digits while Trump just hit 59%. But feel free to move there....I suggest you eat as much street vendor food as you can when you get there.
Not to mention, drink plenty of water in Mexico.
I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto seems to have a stable personality.
Easily done. Buses leave here hourly for Mehico.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya..... :biggrin:

He can't be "our" president in Mexico.
Then he is not qualified to be President.

Sorry about your luck.

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