I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

It's not hateful to build a wall, defund sanctuary cities, or profile Muslim immigrants. It's common sense. It's American.
BREAKING NEWS: Now Trump has slapped a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the border wall. Does that include his stuff made in Mexico?


Lakhota...run a news article where Trump dumps his mexico clothing line in favor of ladders and scaling equipment...go ahead do it, do it.
Mexico is due south Lahkookoo....don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya

The Spanish massacred native Americans and this fool want's to move there?

He probably doesn't realize that, I had to teach him the Native Americans aligned themselves with the Confederates during the Civil War...I think he was stunned, he left the thread in a heart beat

Ahahaha :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

He didn't realize Native Americans were pretty big on owning slaves either. For a supposed Indian he sure doesn't know Indian history
Him speak with forked tongue.

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

Just when I think you can't say anything more stupid....you find a way.

I have to applaud your ability to come off even more moronic than the time before.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

He also has an approval rating in single digits while Trump just hit 59%. But feel free to move there....I suggest you eat as much street vendor food as you can when you get there.

Funny. Actually, Trump has 42% average approval rating.

Uh oh.....he can't be president for the next four years....

Oh wait..........
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

He also has an approval rating in single digits while Trump just hit 59%. But feel free to move there....I suggest you eat as much street vendor food as you can when you get there.

Mexican tap water -- the best!

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

He is the president of millions of people who are here illegally.

They are here because he does nothing to help his poor citizens.

He hasn't gotten a handle on the drug cartels or human traffickers.

He relies on the illegals here to fund their government by sending billions back to Mexico each year.

Shame that Mexico enforces their immigration laws or you could move there.
Damn shame President Nieto bagged his trip to U.S. He would have liked it here! It's just like Mexico, but with more Mexicans

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.

You can make that wish a reality by moving to Mexico. Buena Suerte!

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