I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

Mexico actually enforces their immigration laws so I'm not sure you can move there.
I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto seems to have a stable personality.
Easily done. Buses leave here hourly for Mehico.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya..... :biggrin:

Not that easy...Mexico has very strict immigration policies. Illegal immigration is a felony in Mexico, with a two year prison term and a steep fine....followed by immediate deportation. Now, what was this thread about again? Mexico's great policies?
President Nieto should demand that Trump return Mexico's stolen birthright to its rightful owners!


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
well shit that's simple, move to mehico!!!!
I wish Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was our president

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto seems to have a stable personality.
Easily done. Buses leave here hourly for Mehico.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya..... :biggrin:

I just posted that same thing. great minds they say!!!
NaziCons preferred Putin over Obama. I prefer Nieto over Trump.
who ever said that. post it up lady. oh wait you can't. I got yours though right here. You'd rather live in mehico.
President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Sable personality? Based on what? Cancelling a meeting ?!
Perhaps Melanomia's coat is sable, but I think what the poster meant was a stable personality. Based upon what? How about his not claiming another nation will build a wall for him?
he ain't got illegals invading his people.

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
hey lakhota, if he's so great why are all of his people trying to get into our country?


If he was so great, there'd be no need for a wall.

President Nieto seems much better qualified for the job than Trump. President Nieto has a wealth of government experience and seems to have a stable personality.
Really, I don't know if he's that great. He invited Drumpf to Mexico before the election, even though he was warned against it, and Drumpf subsequently used the occasion to spread his propaganda.

Now I really don't know much about Mexican politics to say that Vincente Fox is categorically better, but pretty much anyone is better qualified to be president than Drumpf, including most janitors, street sweepers and cooks.
Nothing is stopping you from moving yo Mexico. I'd say we would miss you but id be lying
I like how he obeyed President Trump.
Hell when he does come here Trump will have him pulling weeds in the Rose Garden.
BREAKING NEWS: Now Trump has slapped a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the border wall. Does that include his stuff made in Mexico?

Dear President Enrique Pena Nieto,

If u weren't a corrupt, drug cartel-run country with a 3rd world economy, u'd get respect

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