I wish to thank all the MSM for helping Trump get elected!!!

Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.
I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.
I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?
You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

And you would also disagree with Obama who told us in his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

He depended on lying to people to get his way as an angry black man!
The problem with the MSM (main stream media) is that they made the profound error of assuming that a couple of smarmy elitist editorialists were superior to the smart average voter who was interested in issues rather than rhetoric. The MSM made the fatal mistake of assuming that the citizens of the greatest Country in the world in the information age were as dumb as the democrat base they had been preaching to for the last twenty years. The crazy thing is that the MSM continues to make bad decisions even after the election proved them wrong. You almost gotta laugh that it's the definition of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results.
The problem with the MSM (main stream media) is that they made the profound error of assuming that a couple of smarmy elitist editorialists were superior to the smart average voter who was interested in issues rather than rhetoric. The MSM made the fatal mistake of assuming that the citizens of the greatest Country in the world in the information age were as dumb as the democrat base they had been preaching to for the last twenty years. The crazy thing is that the MSM continues to make bad decisions even after the election proved them wrong. You almost gotta laugh that it's the definition of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results.

Well it goes MUCH deeper then just a couple of smarmy editorialists... WHICH I HAVE NO problem with the commentary or editor pages being biased. THEY HAVE OPINIONS!
But you like many confuse the two. A journalist/reporter does if trained objectively answers these 5 "Ws".
When... Who... where...what.... why.
Example : objective professional reporter
"Today (WHEN) Whitehall,(WHO) on the usmessageboard (WHERE) wrote 'couple of smarmy elitist editorialists' (WHAT) because
Whitehall did not know the difference between a reporter and an editor." (WHY)

This is what a journalism student learns (or use to when I took journalism courses in college!) that a objective reporter must do.
Today's biased reporter would have added these adjectives...
"Today Whitehall, an obvious alt-right advocate,wrote a crass ignorant comment about my editors... saying they are "smarmy elitist editorialists" which is an total indication of Whitehall's lack of a sophisticated education!"

NOTE the difference? Opinions entered the report. But it is much worse then that.
NOW reporters/editors/producers aren't even reporting accurately. Proof? Do you think "Trump is Anti-immigrant"?
Here is what a Google search says About 38,500 results of "Trump is anti-immigrant"!
One such result:
Donald Trump: Hatred is Not Welcome in Columbus - Central Ohio ...
Nov 18, 2015 - Donald Trump is anti-immigrant. Trump has been most vocal about his bigotry towards our immigrant brothers and sisters. “When Mexico sends ...

Trump is MARRIED to a Legal Immigrant!
What the biased MSM has successfully done is not put the adjective "ILLEGAL" and this is just one of many examples of the
biased reporting that most of us Trump supporters knew that if the MSM said it...DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!
You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

Without going into the woods of context of your example, I don't see how what Grubber says proves that Obama voters believe something counter to FACTS.

Obamacare is an enormous (first) step in the right direction for this country's healthcare - I believe this not because I'm ignorant of facts, but because I'm not.
You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

I hoped Obama would pass historic healthcare reform - HE DID.
I hoped Obama would stimulate the economy in Great Recession, ensure financial system does not collapse, and return us to stability - HE DID.
I hoped Obama would pass wallstreet reform - HE DID
I hoped Obama would be our first African American president to testify to America's open mind - he easily was.
I hoped his administration would be more transparent - meh, he gave that up quick.
I hoped for Grand Bargain on fiscal policy in second term - didn't happen, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
I hoped for centrist-left Supreme Court appointments and I got them.

I hoped for and was delivered, change. This is what it looks like as I understand and expect it to happen in real world. There is no counter-fact here.
Last edited:
from how MSM helped Trump get elected, to Obama-healthcare.

now if we can just squeeze how bad Clinton lost in here somewhere, the RW dolts would be in full leg humping mode ...
You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

Without going into the woods of context of your example, I don't see how what Grubber says proves that Obama voters believe something counter to FACTS.

Obamacare is an enormous (first) step in the right direction for this country's healthcare - I believe this not because I'm ignorant of facts, but because I'm not.
So how many people were uninsured before ACA? Let's see if you know the facts. People that wanted health insurance. People that
were eligible for health insurance. How many please and tell me your FACTS???
You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

Without going into the woods of context of your example, I don't see how what Grubber says proves that Obama voters believe something counter to FACTS.

Obamacare is an enormous (first) step in the right direction for this country's healthcare - I believe this not because I'm ignorant of facts, but because I'm not.
So how many people were uninsured before ACA? Let's see if you know the facts. People that wanted health insurance. People that
were eligible for health insurance. How many please and tell me your FACTS???

how many people were unable to afford health insurance before ACA?
As I've been a major critic of the biased MSM after deep reflection and further substantiation I've come to
understand the role the MSM played in convincing Americans that :
1) The MSM IS biased.
2) Everything or time they report biased news/headlines/soundbites I am suspicious of their work.

So "Thanks" to the MSM for being a part in Trump's election as more and more Americans came to the
same conclusion, that is Trump couldn't be all bad as the MSM reported nor were Americans like me
"deplorables" as labeled by Hillary.

As this Harvard study shows, Trump received MORE negative tone stories and LESS positive tone
stories then Hillary.
Now just as the MSM did in 2008 where they pumped McCain up during the primaries more then
other candidates BECAUSE they knew that against Obama he stood no chance... so they pushed McCain..in the primaries.
So too with Trump! They WANTED Trump to be the buffoon candidate for the GOP... so yes as you see
below Trump had less "negative" and more "positive"... as they could appear "unbiased" as their nefarious and obvious choice was the "buffoon" Trump!

BUT Trump outsmarted, outworked, and outflanked the biased MSM during the general election.
He went to all of us and he also confirmed to all of us the BIASED MSM coverage that was occurring.
Then when Hillary called us "deplorables" and the MSM touted that phrase... that convinced millions of Americans who like me didn't want to get into arguments with relatives, or tell biased pollster I favored Trump... we showed our choice behind the curtain.

SO a big thanks to the MSM for convincing millions of Americans that if Trump was so good in the
primaries, why then was the MSM after the primaries so biased? Wrote so many untrue stories that thanks to the internet millions of Americans could find out were false.
Perfect example... just now I did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
About 38,600 results (0.51 seconds) as MSNBC portrayed... his "anti-immigrant" speech!
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC
Sep 1, 2016 - Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating ...

How many people believed that Trump (who married a "legal immigrant" who has a daughter who converted to Judaism and with her husband raising a family in the Jewish faith) is what these 38,600 results state:
"Trump anti-immigrant"? The more times this 180° from the facts was reported by the MSM, the more the "deplorables" recognized Trump was stating the truth...MSM is biased... AND GUESS WHAT???
THE MSM agreed with him!!!
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules
As this NYT reporter states:
"Now comes Jim Rutenberg, in his first season as media columnist for the New York Times. He’s a good reporter and I give him credit for trying to openly grapple with this bizarre situation.
But Rutenberg is, in my view, trying to defend the indefensible:
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules

View attachment 101317

News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters - Shorenstein Center
I'M SMART,,,,,lol
Donald Trump acknowledged Sunday that he's receiving intelligence briefings less frequently that other President-elects have in the past, explaining that he doesn't "have to be told" of the critical session's findings because he's "a smart person."

In a wide-ranging interview with "Fox News Sunday," Trump, who is receiving the briefings on a weekly basis, seemed to suggest that he should only be briefed when there is new material.

"First of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. And I say, 'If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I'm available on one-minute's notice,'" he explained to Fox's Chris Wallace.

"I don't have to be told — you know, I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that," he continued. "

Trump unusually reluctant to hear intelligence: officials

"But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know,'" he said.

Trump went on to suggest that it's not necessary for him to receive the briefings with the daily frequency that past President-elects have had because other key advisers are getting the info.

"In the meantime, my generals are great — are being briefed. And Mike Pence is being briefed, who is, by the way, one of my very good decisions," Trump said. "And they're being briefed. And I'm being briefed also. But if they're going to come in and tell me the exact same thing that they tell me — you know, it doesn't change, necessarily."

"Now, there will be times where it might change. I mean, there will be some very fluid situations," Trump said. "I'll be there not every day, but more than that. But I don't need to be told, Chris, the same thing every day, every morning — same words. 'Sir, nothing has changed. Let's go over it again.' I don't need that."

Donald Trump has dodged intelligence briefings since election

Reuters reported Friday that Trump was only taking once-a-week sit-downs on highly-classified information about vital U.S. concerns.
You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

Without going into the woods of context of your example, I don't see how what Grubber says proves that Obama voters believe something counter to FACTS.

Obamacare is an enormous (first) step in the right direction for this country's healthcare - I believe this not because I'm ignorant of facts, but because I'm not.
So how many people were uninsured before ACA? Let's see if you know the facts. People that wanted health insurance. People that
were eligible for health insurance. How many please and tell me your FACTS???

how many people were unable to afford health insurance before ACA?
They can't afford it now. If they can they can't afford to use it, because of the deductible.
As I've been a major critic of the biased MSM after deep reflection and further substantiation I've come to
understand the role the MSM played in convincing Americans that :
1) The MSM IS biased.
2) Everything or time they report biased news/headlines/soundbites I am suspicious of their work.

So "Thanks" to the MSM for being a part in Trump's election as more and more Americans came to the
same conclusion, that is Trump couldn't be all bad as the MSM reported nor were Americans like me
"deplorables" as labeled by Hillary.

As this Harvard study shows, Trump received MORE negative tone stories and LESS positive tone
stories then Hillary.
Now just as the MSM did in 2008 where they pumped McCain up during the primaries more then
other candidates BECAUSE they knew that against Obama he stood no chance... so they pushed McCain..in the primaries.
So too with Trump! They WANTED Trump to be the buffoon candidate for the GOP... so yes as you see
below Trump had less "negative" and more "positive"... as they could appear "unbiased" as their nefarious and obvious choice was the "buffoon" Trump!

BUT Trump outsmarted, outworked, and outflanked the biased MSM during the general election.
He went to all of us and he also confirmed to all of us the BIASED MSM coverage that was occurring.
Then when Hillary called us "deplorables" and the MSM touted that phrase... that convinced millions of Americans who like me didn't want to get into arguments with relatives, or tell biased pollster I favored Trump... we showed our choice behind the curtain.

SO a big thanks to the MSM for convincing millions of Americans that if Trump was so good in the
primaries, why then was the MSM after the primaries so biased? Wrote so many untrue stories that thanks to the internet millions of Americans could find out were false.
Perfect example... just now I did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
About 38,600 results (0.51 seconds) as MSNBC portrayed... his "anti-immigrant" speech!
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC
Sep 1, 2016 - Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating ...

How many people believed that Trump (who married a "legal immigrant" who has a daughter who converted to Judaism and with her husband raising a family in the Jewish faith) is what these 38,600 results state:
"Trump anti-immigrant"? The more times this 180° from the facts was reported by the MSM, the more the "deplorables" recognized Trump was stating the truth...MSM is biased... AND GUESS WHAT???
THE MSM agreed with him!!!
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules
As this NYT reporter states:
"Now comes Jim Rutenberg, in his first season as media columnist for the New York Times. He’s a good reporter and I give him credit for trying to openly grapple with this bizarre situation.
But Rutenberg is, in my view, trying to defend the indefensible:
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules

View attachment 101317

News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters - Shorenstein Center

Great post.
You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

Without going into the woods of context of your example, I don't see how what Grubber says proves that Obama voters believe something counter to FACTS.

Obamacare is an enormous (first) step in the right direction for this country's healthcare - I believe this not because I'm ignorant of facts, but because I'm not.
So how many people were uninsured before ACA? Let's see if you know the facts. People that wanted health insurance. People that
were eligible for health insurance. How many please and tell me your FACTS???

In 2010, the year that the Affordable Care Act became law, 48.6 million Americans, or 16 percent of the population, lacked insurance. Since then, the uninsured rate has been cut almost in half, and the trend has only continued this year.

Obamacare pushes nation's health uninsured rate to record low 8.6 percent

Obamacare has substantially lowered uninsured rate and directly responsible for many millions of people having insurance today - that's a FACT.
Last edited:
As I've been a major critic of the biased MSM after deep reflection and further substantiation I've come to
understand the role the MSM played in convincing Americans that :
1) The MSM IS biased.
2) Everything or time they report biased news/headlines/soundbites I am suspicious of their work.

So "Thanks" to the MSM for being a part in Trump's election as more and more Americans came to the
same conclusion, that is Trump couldn't be all bad as the MSM reported nor were Americans like me
"deplorables" as labeled by Hillary.

As this Harvard study shows, Trump received MORE negative tone stories and LESS positive tone
stories then Hillary.
Now just as the MSM did in 2008 where they pumped McCain up during the primaries more then
other candidates BECAUSE they knew that against Obama he stood no chance... so they pushed McCain..in the primaries.
So too with Trump! They WANTED Trump to be the buffoon candidate for the GOP... so yes as you see
below Trump had less "negative" and more "positive"... as they could appear "unbiased" as their nefarious and obvious choice was the "buffoon" Trump!

BUT Trump outsmarted, outworked, and outflanked the biased MSM during the general election.
He went to all of us and he also confirmed to all of us the BIASED MSM coverage that was occurring.
Then when Hillary called us "deplorables" and the MSM touted that phrase... that convinced millions of Americans who like me didn't want to get into arguments with relatives, or tell biased pollster I favored Trump... we showed our choice behind the curtain.

SO a big thanks to the MSM for convincing millions of Americans that if Trump was so good in the
primaries, why then was the MSM after the primaries so biased? Wrote so many untrue stories that thanks to the internet millions of Americans could find out were false.
Perfect example... just now I did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
About 38,600 results (0.51 seconds) as MSNBC portrayed... his "anti-immigrant" speech!
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC
Sep 1, 2016 - Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating ...

How many people believed that Trump (who married a "legal immigrant" who has a daughter who converted to Judaism and with her husband raising a family in the Jewish faith) is what these 38,600 results state:
"Trump anti-immigrant"? The more times this 180° from the facts was reported by the MSM, the more the "deplorables" recognized Trump was stating the truth...MSM is biased... AND GUESS WHAT???
THE MSM agreed with him!!!
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules
As this NYT reporter states:
"Now comes Jim Rutenberg, in his first season as media columnist for the New York Times. He’s a good reporter and I give him credit for trying to openly grapple with this bizarre situation.
But Rutenberg is, in my view, trying to defend the indefensible:
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules

View attachment 101317

News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters - Shorenstein Center
I'M SMART,,,,,lol
Donald Trump acknowledged Sunday that he's receiving intelligence briefings less frequently that other President-elects have in the past, explaining that he doesn't "have to be told" of the critical session's findings because he's "a smart person."

In a wide-ranging interview with "Fox News Sunday," Trump, who is receiving the briefings on a weekly basis, seemed to suggest that he should only be briefed when there is new material.

"First of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. And I say, 'If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I'm available on one-minute's notice,'" he explained to Fox's Chris Wallace.

"I don't have to be told — you know, I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that," he continued. "

Trump unusually reluctant to hear intelligence: officials

"But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know,'" he said.

Trump went on to suggest that it's not necessary for him to receive the briefings with the daily frequency that past President-elects have had because other key advisers are getting the info.

"In the meantime, my generals are great — are being briefed. And Mike Pence is being briefed, who is, by the way, one of my very good decisions," Trump said. "And they're being briefed. And I'm being briefed also. But if they're going to come in and tell me the exact same thing that they tell me — you know, it doesn't change, necessarily."

"Now, there will be times where it might change. I mean, there will be some very fluid situations," Trump said. "I'll be there not every day, but more than that. But I don't need to be told, Chris, the same thing every day, every morning — same words. 'Sir, nothing has changed. Let's go over it again.' I don't need that."

Donald Trump has dodged intelligence briefings since election

Reuters reported Friday that Trump was only taking once-a-week sit-downs on highly-classified information about vital U.S. concerns.

Wait so they give briefings every day of the same exact stuff? Is this serious?
No wonder.our host doesnt do anything useful.
As I've been a major critic of the biased MSM after deep reflection and further substantiation I've come to
understand the role the MSM played in convincing Americans that :
1) The MSM IS biased.
2) Everything or time they report biased news/headlines/soundbites I am suspicious of their work.

So "Thanks" to the MSM for being a part in Trump's election as more and more Americans came to the
same conclusion, that is Trump couldn't be all bad as the MSM reported nor were Americans like me
"deplorables" as labeled by Hillary.

As this Harvard study shows, Trump received MORE negative tone stories and LESS positive tone
stories then Hillary.
Now just as the MSM did in 2008 where they pumped McCain up during the primaries more then
other candidates BECAUSE they knew that against Obama he stood no chance... so they pushed McCain..in the primaries.
So too with Trump! They WANTED Trump to be the buffoon candidate for the GOP... so yes as you see
below Trump had less "negative" and more "positive"... as they could appear "unbiased" as their nefarious and obvious choice was the "buffoon" Trump!

BUT Trump outsmarted, outworked, and outflanked the biased MSM during the general election.
He went to all of us and he also confirmed to all of us the BIASED MSM coverage that was occurring.
Then when Hillary called us "deplorables" and the MSM touted that phrase... that convinced millions of Americans who like me didn't want to get into arguments with relatives, or tell biased pollster I favored Trump... we showed our choice behind the curtain.

SO a big thanks to the MSM for convincing millions of Americans that if Trump was so good in the
primaries, why then was the MSM after the primaries so biased? Wrote so many untrue stories that thanks to the internet millions of Americans could find out were false.
Perfect example... just now I did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
About 38,600 results (0.51 seconds) as MSNBC portrayed... his "anti-immigrant" speech!
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC
Sep 1, 2016 - Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating ...

How many people believed that Trump (who married a "legal immigrant" who has a daughter who converted to Judaism and with her husband raising a family in the Jewish faith) is what these 38,600 results state:
"Trump anti-immigrant"? The more times this 180° from the facts was reported by the MSM, the more the "deplorables" recognized Trump was stating the truth...MSM is biased... AND GUESS WHAT???
THE MSM agreed with him!!!
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules
As this NYT reporter states:
"Now comes Jim Rutenberg, in his first season as media columnist for the New York Times. He’s a good reporter and I give him credit for trying to openly grapple with this bizarre situation.
But Rutenberg is, in my view, trying to defend the indefensible:
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules

View attachment 101317

News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters - Shorenstein Center
I'M SMART,,,,,lol
Donald Trump acknowledged Sunday that he's receiving intelligence briefings less frequently that other President-elects have in the past, explaining that he doesn't "have to be told" of the critical session's findings because he's "a smart person."

In a wide-ranging interview with "Fox News Sunday," Trump, who is receiving the briefings on a weekly basis, seemed to suggest that he should only be briefed when there is new material.

"First of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. And I say, 'If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I'm available on one-minute's notice,'" he explained to Fox's Chris Wallace.

"I don't have to be told — you know, I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that," he continued. "

Trump unusually reluctant to hear intelligence: officials

"But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know,'" he said.

Trump went on to suggest that it's not necessary for him to receive the briefings with the daily frequency that past President-elects have had because other key advisers are getting the info.

"In the meantime, my generals are great — are being briefed. And Mike Pence is being briefed, who is, by the way, one of my very good decisions," Trump said. "And they're being briefed. And I'm being briefed also. But if they're going to come in and tell me the exact same thing that they tell me — you know, it doesn't change, necessarily."

"Now, there will be times where it might change. I mean, there will be some very fluid situations," Trump said. "I'll be there not every day, but more than that. But I don't need to be told, Chris, the same thing every day, every morning — same words. 'Sir, nothing has changed. Let's go over it again.' I don't need that."

Donald Trump has dodged intelligence briefings since election

Reuters reported Friday that Trump was only taking once-a-week sit-downs on highly-classified information about vital U.S. concerns.

Wait so they give briefings every day of the same exact stuff? Is this serious?
No wonder.our host doesnt do anything useful.
Trump is a liar Get it?? and not only a liar but an ah too Drain the swamp?? He put the swamp in our WH and you repub dupes suck it up
You bought the hope and change bullshit.

It wasn't a blatant, counter-factual falsehood, there are no examples of voters being THAT poorly informed on basic facts.

So you would disagree with Obama who hired Gruber who said Obamacare passed due to the "stupidity of the American voter"?

Without going into the woods of context of your example, I don't see how what Grubber says proves that Obama voters believe something counter to FACTS.

Obamacare is an enormous (first) step in the right direction for this country's healthcare - I believe this not because I'm ignorant of facts, but because I'm not.
So how many people were uninsured before ACA? Let's see if you know the facts. People that wanted health insurance. People that
were eligible for health insurance. How many please and tell me your FACTS???

In 2010, the year that the Affordable Care Act became law, 48.6 million Americans, or 16 percent of the population, lacked insurance. Since then, the uninsured rate has been cut almost in half, and the trend has only continued this year.

Obamacare pushes nation's health uninsured rate to record low 8.6 percent

Obamacare has substantially lowered uninsured rate and directly responsible for many millions of people having insurance today - that's a FACT.

RW's want facts then ignore them, facts are irrelevant.
As I've been a major critic of the biased MSM after deep reflection and further substantiation I've come to
understand the role the MSM played in convincing Americans that :
1) The MSM IS biased.
2) Everything or time they report biased news/headlines/soundbites I am suspicious of their work.

So "Thanks" to the MSM for being a part in Trump's election as more and more Americans came to the
same conclusion, that is Trump couldn't be all bad as the MSM reported nor were Americans like me
"deplorables" as labeled by Hillary.

As this Harvard study shows, Trump received MORE negative tone stories and LESS positive tone
stories then Hillary.
Now just as the MSM did in 2008 where they pumped McCain up during the primaries more then
other candidates BECAUSE they knew that against Obama he stood no chance... so they pushed McCain..in the primaries.
So too with Trump! They WANTED Trump to be the buffoon candidate for the GOP... so yes as you see
below Trump had less "negative" and more "positive"... as they could appear "unbiased" as their nefarious and obvious choice was the "buffoon" Trump!

BUT Trump outsmarted, outworked, and outflanked the biased MSM during the general election.
He went to all of us and he also confirmed to all of us the BIASED MSM coverage that was occurring.
Then when Hillary called us "deplorables" and the MSM touted that phrase... that convinced millions of Americans who like me didn't want to get into arguments with relatives, or tell biased pollster I favored Trump... we showed our choice behind the curtain.

SO a big thanks to the MSM for convincing millions of Americans that if Trump was so good in the
primaries, why then was the MSM after the primaries so biased? Wrote so many untrue stories that thanks to the internet millions of Americans could find out were false.
Perfect example... just now I did a Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant"
About 38,600 results (0.51 seconds) as MSNBC portrayed... his "anti-immigrant" speech!
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC
Sep 1, 2016 - Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating ...

How many people believed that Trump (who married a "legal immigrant" who has a daughter who converted to Judaism and with her husband raising a family in the Jewish faith) is what these 38,600 results state:
"Trump anti-immigrant"? The more times this 180° from the facts was reported by the MSM, the more the "deplorables" recognized Trump was stating the truth...MSM is biased... AND GUESS WHAT???
THE MSM agreed with him!!!
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules
As this NYT reporter states:
"Now comes Jim Rutenberg, in his first season as media columnist for the New York Times. He’s a good reporter and I give him credit for trying to openly grapple with this bizarre situation.
But Rutenberg is, in my view, trying to defend the indefensible:
If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Media justify anti-Trump bias, claim he's too 'dangerous' for normal rules

View attachment 101317

News Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters - Shorenstein Center
I'M SMART,,,,,lol
Donald Trump acknowledged Sunday that he's receiving intelligence briefings less frequently that other President-elects have in the past, explaining that he doesn't "have to be told" of the critical session's findings because he's "a smart person."

In a wide-ranging interview with "Fox News Sunday," Trump, who is receiving the briefings on a weekly basis, seemed to suggest that he should only be briefed when there is new material.

"First of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. And I say, 'If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I'm available on one-minute's notice,'" he explained to Fox's Chris Wallace.

"I don't have to be told — you know, I'm, like, a smart person. I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. Could be eight years — but eight years. I don't need that," he continued. "

Trump unusually reluctant to hear intelligence: officials

"But I do say, 'If something should change, let us know,'" he said.

Trump went on to suggest that it's not necessary for him to receive the briefings with the daily frequency that past President-elects have had because other key advisers are getting the info.

"In the meantime, my generals are great — are being briefed. And Mike Pence is being briefed, who is, by the way, one of my very good decisions," Trump said. "And they're being briefed. And I'm being briefed also. But if they're going to come in and tell me the exact same thing that they tell me — you know, it doesn't change, necessarily."

"Now, there will be times where it might change. I mean, there will be some very fluid situations," Trump said. "I'll be there not every day, but more than that. But I don't need to be told, Chris, the same thing every day, every morning — same words. 'Sir, nothing has changed. Let's go over it again.' I don't need that."

Donald Trump has dodged intelligence briefings since election

Reuters reported Friday that Trump was only taking once-a-week sit-downs on highly-classified information about vital U.S. concerns.

Wait so they give briefings every day of the same exact stuff? Is this serious?
No wonder.our host doesnt do anything useful.
Trump is a liar Get it?? and not only a liar but an ah too Drain the swamp?? He put the swamp in our WH and you repub dupes suck it up

What did he lie about?
What swamp people did he put in the white house?

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