I wish to thank all the MSM for helping Trump get elected!!!

Where have you loons been? For the last 20 years, we've been pointing out every how Democrat has known they're running against both the Republicans and the corporate mainstream media.

Anyways, good of you all to finally admit that yes, the mainstream media is composed almost entirely of GOP shills.

So, does this mean you'll finally stop whining about the "liberal media"? Probably not. After all, in order to get sucked into the conservative cult, you have to be capable of believing a dozen contradictory things before breakfast.

What is the Dem/Republican skew in donations for reporters and even their corporate bosses?

Trying to pretend you are still the party of the little guy is fucking hysterical.
Where have you loons been? For the last 20 years, we've been pointing out every how Democrat has known they're running against both the Republicans and the corporate mainstream media.

Anyways, good of you all to finally admit that yes, the mainstream media is composed almost entirely of GOP shills.

So, does this mean you'll finally stop whining about the "liberal media"? Probably not. After all, in order to get sucked into the conservative cult, you have to be capable of believing a dozen contradictory things before breakfast.

You so full of shit.

The only right wing network out there is FOX. The rest of the LSM is all liberal. Every single one.

Good lord what rock have you been hiding under.

Now Briebart is trying to form a critical mass as well.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.

I don't recall using 2/3rd's in my description, but you keep making stuff up.

We'll just go with this:

I realize that is anecdotal, but who really cares.

Trump was elected....I don't like it.....America get's to suck on it.

Just like they sucked on Obama.
BTW: I was talking to someone the other day who actually tried to stick up for Harry Reid.

Now that was funny.
Where have you loons been? For the last 20 years, we've been pointing out every how Democrat has known they're running against both the Republicans and the corporate mainstream media.

Anyways, good of you all to finally admit that yes, the mainstream media is composed almost entirely of GOP shills.

So, does this mean you'll finally stop whining about the "liberal media"? Probably not. After all, in order to get sucked into the conservative cult, you have to be capable of believing a dozen contradictory things before breakfast.

Ok... This whole thread went WAY WAY OVER YOUR pointy head didn't it?
So for simpletons like you... here is a chart.
Harvard study of news reports.
A) Before the election during the primaries Trump got more negative news then Hillary.
B) During the campaign..from 8/8/2016 to 11/7/16 Trump coverage over 77% NEGATIVE stories.

So pointy head... explain to me then how come if the MSM composed of GOP shills would they generate 77% negative stories
for a GOP candidate during the election campaign?

Please explain how these negative stories would HELP Trump other then make people distrust the MSM even more.
And if we distrust the MSM even more that means we won't watch or read.

Hence this web site: Bad News on the Doorstep
Hard times are hitting some of the most resilient titles, and the trend indicates that things are only get worse. The decline in print advertising revenue at The New York Times has accelerated from 9 percent in the first quarter of 2016 to nearly 19 percent in the most recent quarter, writes Mathew Ingram in a Fortune story ominously headlined “The New York Times Scrambles to Avoid Print Advertising Cliff.” In announcing its financial results, the paper said it expects the falloff to continue “at a rate similar to that seen in the third quarter,” or at least 19% per quarter.

Where have you loons been? For the last 20 years, we've been pointing out every how Democrat has known they're running against both the Republicans and the corporate mainstream media.

Anyways, good of you all to finally admit that yes, the mainstream media is composed almost entirely of GOP shills.

So, does this mean you'll finally stop whining about the "liberal media"? Probably not. After all, in order to get sucked into the conservative cult, you have to be capable of believing a dozen contradictory things before breakfast.

What is the Dem/Republican skew in donations for reporters and even their corporate bosses?

Trying to pretend you are still the party of the little guy is fucking hysterical.

Validation of your skewing statement:
So Obama won because of media bias. We heard that for 8 years.

And now Trump won because of media bias.

lol, Looks like the media is fair and balanced.
So Obama won because of media bias. We heard that for 8 years.

And now Trump won because of media bias.

lol, Looks like the media is fair and balanced.

No they aren't "fair and balanced"!
See Obama won ONLY because he was a black man. That's it. He had NO executive experience, less then 2 years in Congress!
NOTHING except rhetoric and being a black man!
So MSM loved to support Obama.
I mean really when you have the Newsweek editor saying this:

The Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.http://newsbusters.org/node/10631

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush.
He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??
But when it came to Obama?
This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist"- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

So now comes Trump! After all the bashing of Bush and the exultation of Obama, the MSM laughs at Trump knowing full well they'd
support him in the primaries and with their massive help with Hillary beat the pants off Trump in the election!
They forgot one aspect!
Americans are tired of being lied to especially by the MSM and the MSM attempts to show they are "fair and balanced" WHEN
90% donate to Democrats! Geez when we then read all these bad stories about Trump 70% negative and WE KNOW now the truth
about the great liar Obama... (See I knew about him in 1995 autobiography when Obama told us he had to use tricks, tactics to convince i.e. LIE that he wasn't an angry black man! ...see this: "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95

So now the majority of Trump voters have LEARNED
1) Obama was a grandiose liar supported by the MSM
2) Trump could NOT be nearly as bad as the MSM made him out to be...hell he's married to a Legal Immigrant! Damn obvious that he therefore isn't "anti-immigrant" to the vast majority of Americans who can NOW see the gross fabrications that protected Obama..(remember his pledge "premiums go down by $2,500... keep your doctor") and when we learned not from the MSM that Obama's architect of Obamacare declared it took the "stupidity of the American voter" to pass it... Hey that's enough proof for most of us.
Being called stupid. Deplorable. Yup those certainly are adjectives that gave most Americans pause and behind the curtain vote
for Trump!
So the MSM with their constant manipulation of the news finally this website is tracking.
Bad News on the Doorstep "Chronicling the Decline of Newspapers and the Rebirth of Journalism"
We’re going to call a time-of-death on the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, despite the fact that the newspaper says it’ll live on with a website. Everyone says that these days. The more important news is that the 24-year-old daily will shutter its print edition and lay off 106 staff members. It will maintain an online-only edition, but most dying newspapers say that.

The New York Times Scrambles to Avoid Print Advertising Cliff.” In announcing its financial results, the paper said it expects the falloff to continue “at a rate similar to that seen in the third quarter,” or at least 19% per quarter.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.
Bomb throwin', falsehood spreadin', pussy grabin', lyin' asshole getting more negative coverage?


First and foremost Trump was elected on IGNORANCE.

Two thirds of his voters think unemployment has increased under Obama, while in reality we have gone from near record highs unemployment to near full employment today.

I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

Oh, they didn't buy that.

They were simply enamored with the idea of a black president.
I'll forgo the whole workforce participation discussion.

However, what you say is true.

He was elected on ignorance.

As was Bush.

As was Obama.

You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

Oh, they didn't buy that.

They were simply enamored with the idea of a black president.
And the first gay president.
You go ahead and show me 2/3 of Obama or Bush voters believing such blatant false hoods.
Hope and change. lol

You bought the hope and change bullshit.

Oh, they didn't buy that.

They were simply enamored with the idea of a black president.
And the first gay president.

I am sure I would appreciate Barack Obama as a neighbor. I doubt he'd invite me to his whine and cheese parties for all his so-called intellectual friends.

As a president he sucked.
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.


And yet he whined like a petulant child that the media can't be trusted and they were not fair to him. Fucking big baby.
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Oops..
And yet he whined like a petulant child that the media can't be trusted and they were not fair to him. Fucking big baby.
I didn't say that they can be trusted or that they were fair to him. They wanted him to lose, put as much exposure as they could on him, and it blew up in their faces.

They figured they could bring him down by themselves, but they underestimated how little they're trusted.
And I wish to thank the Russians for helping poor stupid low IQ voters to elect a narcissistic sociopath to the WH. Brush up on your Russian.
They thought that by giving him maximum exposure they'd help him bury himself.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.


And yet he whined like a petulant child that the media can't be trusted and they were not fair to him. Fucking big baby.

Of course he whined! I whined! Because it seems that "whining" is the only way idiots like you can do some independent analytical thinking about what you are reading/hearing/seeing in 30 second twitter/sound bites!
Your attention span by looking at the DETAILS behind the idiotic headlines is so short that you like other idiots still think as this right now Google search indicates...38,500 results of "Trump anti-immigrant" shows the bias of your sources of knowledge!
GEEZ idiot... Trump is married to an immigrant...LEGAL that is!
But see people like you without any further effort take that headline as a FACT...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history | MSNBC

But see you like the above BIASED MSM totally ignored the adjective "ILLEGAL" immigrants!
So yup... whining about the MSM bias seems to be working as more and more Americans are truly distrusting the MSM leaving fewer and fewer
idiots like you believing every word you read/hear from the likes of Brian Williams the hero of Katrina!

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