I wonder what its like to be white?

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Oh brother.
Oh no ,this is just my thread and I simply refused your request. And I refuse to attack your personage , like you have mine.
My request? I am opining, not requesting...it's OK, you refuse to scrutinize all the facts. I get it, it might make people wonder what your motives where creating such a thread to begin with.

Excuse me ,I have freely shared my motive; but once again just for you. I don't like many of the anti black threads in this section, so I am going to teach some whites here a lesson they will not soon forget.
You have nothing to apologize for. Me either. When I see blacks target whites, and hurt other blacks in huge numbers, then blame racial profiling and racism for noticing their their ignorant behavior, I just roll my eyes . Really?

I have not apologized to you ,I have not resulted to personal insults . I have done nothing to you.
I haven't verbally abused you or made personal insults, either, so what is the deal?

WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
Oh brother.
My request? I am opining, not requesting...it's OK, you refuse to scrutinize all the facts. I get it, it might make people wonder what your motives where creating such a thread to begin with.

Excuse me ,I have freely shared my motive; but once again just for you. I don't like many of the anti black threads in this section, so I am going to teach some whites here a lesson they will not soon forget.
You have nothing to apologize for. Me either. When I see blacks target whites, and hurt other blacks in huge numbers, then blame racial profiling and racism for noticing their their ignorant behavior, I just roll my eyes . Really?

I have not apologized to you ,I have not resulted to personal insults . I have done nothing to you.
I haven't verbally abused you or made personal insults, either, so what is the deal?

WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.
Oh brother.
Excuse me ,I have freely shared my motive; but once again just for you. I don't like many of the anti black threads in this section, so I am going to teach some whites here a lesson they will not soon forget.
You have nothing to apologize for. Me either. When I see blacks target whites, and hurt other blacks in huge numbers, then blame racial profiling and racism for noticing their their ignorant behavior, I just roll my eyes . Really?

I have not apologized to you ,I have not resulted to personal insults . I have done nothing to you.
I haven't verbally abused you or made personal insults, either, so what is the deal?

WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Oh brother.
You have nothing to apologize for. Me either. When I see blacks target whites, and hurt other blacks in huge numbers, then blame racial profiling and racism for noticing their their ignorant behavior, I just roll my eyes . Really?

I have not apologized to you ,I have not resulted to personal insults . I have done nothing to you.
I haven't verbally abused you or made personal insults, either, so what is the deal?

WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.
Oh brother.
I have not apologized to you ,I have not resulted to personal insults . I have done nothing to you.
I haven't verbally abused you or made personal insults, either, so what is the deal?

WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Oh brother.
I haven't verbally abused you or made personal insults, either, so what is the deal?

WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.
Notice with me then," White Americans and white consciousness" ;

White Americans and 'White Consciousness' | Huffington Post
What would a former congressman know about normal, hard working, white people? He is a politician, lives in his glass bubble, far from reality of the lower class, aka hard working, people. He and his colleagues apparently studied their own kind to get their skewed findings. It read as total nonsense.
WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?
WHAT! Are you kidding me , or rather trying to deceive my intelligence? You called me an anal retentive control freak , now you suggest that is not an insult.

Wow. That is MIGHTY white of you. You are transparent , I see through you. You'd best stop while your behind , because if you keep it up , I'll just keep exposing you.
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

Your tendency to give apology for your insults ,by using more insults is unusual. I accept your unusual way of saying your sorry. I hold no interest in petty bickering , the speculation of what it is like to be white interest me. I am also persuaded to give this section a black view of whites ,but from the inside of whites - out. I don't like how some whites in this section offer their view of blacks. So I offer some views of my own.
Notice with me then," White Americans and white consciousness" ;

White Americans and 'White Consciousness' | Huffington Post
What would a former congressman know about normal, hard working, white people? He is a politician, lives in his glass bubble, far from reality of the lower class, aka hard working, people. He and his colleagues apparently studied their own kind to get their skewed findings. It read as total nonsense.

I see , would this then be considered by you as " More white acceptable?"

Politics and White Consciousness
What it is like to me to be white:

I really do not identify by my race, since I have no control over it. I define myself by how I live my life. I am 60 years old. I have worked most of my adult life. Nobody has handed me anything, I had to work hard to get what I do have, which is not a lot, but it suits me fine. I did not have a great childhood but it does no good to blame anyone for it. I had no control over my childhood either. It is in my past. While I do not dwell on it, I will always remember it, and have learned lessons from it and I move on. I believe if want something bad enough, I will accomplish my goals. I treat everyone according to their behavior. Many times, if I don't like the way someone acts, I really feel sorry for them, since they have their own issues or demons they are struggling with. It isn't my place to change people. I love my family and friends and I don't think my whiteness affects my daily living anymore than anyone else, regardless of race. I think life is too short to worry or complain about what I don't have. I would rather enjoy what I do have and focus on what I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.
Notice with me then," White Americans and white consciousness" ;

White Americans and 'White Consciousness' | Huffington Post
What would a former congressman know about normal, hard working, white people? He is a politician, lives in his glass bubble, far from reality of the lower class, aka hard working, people. He and his colleagues apparently studied their own kind to get their skewed findings. It read as total nonsense.

I see , would this then be considered by you as " More white acceptable?"

Politics and White Consciousness
White Consciousness is not an issue for me
"That's white of me"? How dare you! I have never insulted you. And the fact you see this as an ego "stomping" says a lot right there. That's really what you are trying to do, in that mixed race schizophrenic blame game of yours. Stomp on people. Your words, not mine. I got you figured, buckwheat.

Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
What it is like to me to be white:

I really do not identify by my race, since I have no control over it. I define myself by how I live my life. I am 60 years old. I have worked most of my adult life. Nobody has handed me anything, I had to work hard to get what I do have, which is not a lot, but it suits me fine. I did not have a great childhood but it does no good to blame anyone for it. I had no control over my childhood either. It is in my past. While I do not dwell on it, I will always remember it, and have learned lessons from it and I move on. I believe if want something bad enough, I will accomplish my goals. I treat everyone according to their behavior. Many times, if I don't like the way someone acts, I really feel sorry for them, since they have their own issues or demons they are struggling with. It isn't my place to change people. I love my family and friends and I don't think my whiteness affects my daily living anymore than anyone else, regardless of race. I think life is too short to worry or complain about what I don't have. I would rather enjoy what I do have and focus on what I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.

Well I respect that , very well stated ;I hold similar views. That being said ,I was forced to this section by a large dislike of many threads here. I am 61 years old myself , and this is my first thread on whiteness , most likely my last. Strangely I am enjoying it. Welcome to thread.
Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.

Your internal struggles you speak of would explain your hatred and bitterness that blind you from being able to use basic human functions such as the ability to logically reason. The obvious is staring you in the face but you won't allow yourself to process it....It's to bad.
Buckwheat? You use an insult to claim to me that you have not insulted me. Interesting behavior , I hold no need to respond in kind.
Welcome to thread ; hey , take your whipping like a woman. I'm not going to hurt you ... much.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.
Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.

Your internal struggles you speak of would explain your hatred and bitterness that blind you from being able to use basic human functions such as the ability to logically reason. The obvious is staring you in the face but you won't allow yourself to process it....It's to bad.

The list of my inner struggles is so long , I even think God himself may grow weary of me begging to eliminate them.
What it is like to me to be white:

I really do not identify by my race, since I have no control over it. I define myself by how I live my life. I am 60 years old. I have worked most of my adult life. Nobody has handed me anything, I had to work hard to get what I do have, which is not a lot, but it suits me fine. I did not have a great childhood but it does no good to blame anyone for it. I had no control over my childhood either. It is in my past. While I do not dwell on it, I will always remember it, and have learned lessons from it and I move on. I believe if want something bad enough, I will accomplish my goals. I treat everyone according to their behavior. Many times, if I don't like the way someone acts, I really feel sorry for them, since they have their own issues or demons they are struggling with. It isn't my place to change people. I love my family and friends and I don't think my whiteness affects my daily living anymore than anyone else, regardless of race. I think life is too short to worry or complain about what I don't have. I would rather enjoy what I do have and focus on what I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.

Well I respect that , very well stated ;I hold similar views. That being said ,I was forced to this section by a large dislike of many threads here. I am 61 years old myself , and this is my first thread on whiteness , most likely my last. Strangely I am enjoying it. Welcome to thread.
While I tend to disagree with many of the things you have stated on your opinions of whites, I don't get pissy about it because you are entitled to your opinions. I have no right to tell others how to think or feel. Like I said, I don't have time or the desire to let other people define me, I know who I am and that is that.
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