I wonder what its like to be white?

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This is an interesting question ; if your black and researching black history , could you trust a white historian? Who knows ; here is what black researchers found about ancient Egypt;

The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations

You think whites would trust them? I seriously doubt it.
Thats a resounding no. Once I begin reading Black authors I saw exactly how the inferiority driven mind of whites really worked. Of course they will lie and do anything possible to perpetrate the myth that they have done something significant in history when all they have done is learned from other cultures.

And whats wrong with learning from other cultures? with you it always seems to come back to this narrative that Whites have never done anything in the world to create anything. The fact that you dont see that humans all over the planet created and shared ideas only continues to show me your a close minded person with ego problems.
You must look at things like airplanes, computers, ships, machinery such as lathes, milling machines, automatic multi-spindle screw machines, steel foundries,automatic sewing machines etc..... and only see inventions created by black people stolen by whites. is that it really? Guess what? a lot of people contributed to these things, little by little over history until things developed, I'm not here to say white people came up with all these ideas.... I dont share your same insecurities, I just wish you could get out and enjoy the world around you a little more
Nothing is wrong when you give credit. However, whites like to pretend they created civilization, math, science etc etc when anyone with a brain knows that is an outrageous lie. The massive inferiority complex that it takes to create and maintain such a lie is awe inspiring. I like studying whites to find out why they feel the need to be compulsive liars. Why do you think this is the norm for whites? Why do you think they feel they have to lie to kick it?.

Lets ask Donald Trump , the latest great white hope; you know , the one running for the " White house. " Of course the greatest house in America must be called "The White house." Stunning.
This is an interesting question ; if your black and researching black history , could you trust a white historian? Who knows ; here is what black researchers found about ancient Egypt;

The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations

You think whites would trust them? I seriously doubt it.
Thats a resounding no. Once I begin reading Black authors I saw exactly how the inferiority driven mind of whites really worked. Of course they will lie and do anything possible to perpetrate the myth that they have done something significant in history when all they have done is learned from other cultures.

And whats wrong with learning from other cultures? with you it always seems to come back to this narrative that Whites have never done anything in the world to create anything. The fact that you dont see that humans all over the planet created and shared ideas only continues to show me your a close minded person with ego problems.
You must look at things like airplanes, computers, ships, machinery such as lathes, milling machines, automatic multi-spindle screw machines, steel foundries,automatic sewing machines etc..... and only see inventions created by black people stolen by whites. is that it really? Guess what? a lot of people contributed to these things, little by little over history until things developed, I'm not here to say white people came up with all these ideas.... I dont share your same insecurities, I just wish you could get out and enjoy the world around you a little more
Nothing is wrong when you give credit. However, whites like to pretend they created civilization, math, science etc etc when anyone with a brain knows that is an outrageous lie. The massive inferiority complex that it takes to create and maintain such a lie is awe inspiring. I like studying whites to find out why they feel the need to be compulsive liars. Why do you think this is the norm for whites? Why do you think they feel they have to lie to kick it?.

They do have a massive inferiority complex , that is why they police the world.
This is an interesting question ; if your black and researching black history , could you trust a white historian? Who knows ; here is what black researchers found about ancient Egypt;

The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations

You think whites would trust them? I seriously doubt it.
Thats a resounding no. Once I begin reading Black authors I saw exactly how the inferiority driven mind of whites really worked. Of course they will lie and do anything possible to perpetrate the myth that they have done something significant in history when all they have done is learned from other cultures.

And whats wrong with learning from other cultures? with you it always seems to come back to this narrative that Whites have never done anything in the world to create anything. The fact that you dont see that humans all over the planet created and shared ideas only continues to show me your a close minded person with ego problems.
You must look at things like airplanes, computers, ships, machinery such as lathes, milling machines, automatic multi-spindle screw machines, steel foundries,automatic sewing machines etc..... and only see inventions created by black people stolen by whites. is that it really? Guess what? a lot of people contributed to these things, little by little over history until things developed, I'm not here to say white people came up with all these ideas.... I dont share your same insecurities, I just wish you could get out and enjoy the world around you a little more
Nothing is wrong when you give credit. However, whites like to pretend they created civilization, math, science etc etc when anyone with a brain knows that is an outrageous lie. The massive inferiority complex that it takes to create and maintain such a lie is awe inspiring. I like studying whites to find out why they feel the need to be compulsive liars. Why do you think this is the norm for whites? Why do you think they feel they have to lie to kick it?.

Lets ask Donald Trump , the latest great white hope; you know , the one running for the " White house. " Of course the greatest house in America must be called "The White house." Stunning.

Would it make sense to have painted it black? would that satisfy you ?
This is an interesting question ; if your black and researching black history , could you trust a white historian? Who knows ; here is what black researchers found about ancient Egypt;

The Worlds First Civilizations Were All Black Civilizations

You think whites would trust them? I seriously doubt it.
Thats a resounding no. Once I begin reading Black authors I saw exactly how the inferiority driven mind of whites really worked. Of course they will lie and do anything possible to perpetrate the myth that they have done something significant in history when all they have done is learned from other cultures.

And whats wrong with learning from other cultures? with you it always seems to come back to this narrative that Whites have never done anything in the world to create anything. The fact that you dont see that humans all over the planet created and shared ideas only continues to show me your a close minded person with ego problems.
You must look at things like airplanes, computers, ships, machinery such as lathes, milling machines, automatic multi-spindle screw machines, steel foundries,automatic sewing machines etc..... and only see inventions created by black people stolen by whites. is that it really? Guess what? a lot of people contributed to these things, little by little over history until things developed, I'm not here to say white people came up with all these ideas.... I dont share your same insecurities, I just wish you could get out and enjoy the world around you a little more
Nothing is wrong when you give credit. However, whites like to pretend they created civilization, math, science etc etc when anyone with a brain knows that is an outrageous lie. The massive inferiority complex that it takes to create and maintain such a lie is awe inspiring. I like studying whites to find out why they feel the need to be compulsive liars. Why do you think this is the norm for whites? Why do you think they feel they have to lie to kick it?.

Lets ask Donald Trump , the latest great white hope; you know , the one running for the " White house. " Of course the greatest house in America must be called "The White house." Stunning.

Would it make sense to have painted it black? would that satisfy you ?

I would have allowed it because black is beautiful to me, just not to people like you. Blacks built it and received no honor for it or from it.
Thats a resounding no. Once I begin reading Black authors I saw exactly how the inferiority driven mind of whites really worked. Of course they will lie and do anything possible to perpetrate the myth that they have done something significant in history when all they have done is learned from other cultures.

And whats wrong with learning from other cultures? with you it always seems to come back to this narrative that Whites have never done anything in the world to create anything. The fact that you dont see that humans all over the planet created and shared ideas only continues to show me your a close minded person with ego problems.
You must look at things like airplanes, computers, ships, machinery such as lathes, milling machines, automatic multi-spindle screw machines, steel foundries,automatic sewing machines etc..... and only see inventions created by black people stolen by whites. is that it really? Guess what? a lot of people contributed to these things, little by little over history until things developed, I'm not here to say white people came up with all these ideas.... I dont share your same insecurities, I just wish you could get out and enjoy the world around you a little more
Nothing is wrong when you give credit. However, whites like to pretend they created civilization, math, science etc etc when anyone with a brain knows that is an outrageous lie. The massive inferiority complex that it takes to create and maintain such a lie is awe inspiring. I like studying whites to find out why they feel the need to be compulsive liars. Why do you think this is the norm for whites? Why do you think they feel they have to lie to kick it?.

Lets ask Donald Trump , the latest great white hope; you know , the one running for the " White house. " Of course the greatest house in America must be called "The White house." Stunning.

Would it make sense to have painted it black? would that satisfy you ?

I would have allowed it because black is beautiful to me, just not to people like you. Blacks built it and received no honor for it or from it.

You wouldnt typically paint a building black. I'm sure they painted it white without regards to race. Trying to insert RACE into that takes some trying. You would typically paint a building white because it would have kept it a lot cooler in the summer. The phrase WHITE HOUSE probably had a lot more to do with the color of the structure than skin color
A bit off topic but you know, great things happen when whites do "black" things and blacks do "white" things. Off the top of my head examples Eminem with rap and James Stewart with motocross. Both have excelled in things dominated by blacks and whites when they were the opposite. And you know what? Eminem wouldn't be where he is today without the influence and help of black people and Stewart wouldn't be where he is today without the influence and help of white people.
A bit off topic but you know, great things happen when whites do "black" things and blacks do "white" things. Off the top of my head examples Eminem with rap and James Stewart with motocross. Both have excelled in things dominated by blacks and whites when they were the opposite. And you know what? Eminem wouldn't be where he is today without the influence and help of black people and Stewart wouldn't be where he is today without the influence and help of white people.

I like the equality of your point. Devoid of excuses.
And whats wrong with learning from other cultures? with you it always seems to come back to this narrative that Whites have never done anything in the world to create anything. The fact that you dont see that humans all over the planet created and shared ideas only continues to show me your a close minded person with ego problems.
You must look at things like airplanes, computers, ships, machinery such as lathes, milling machines, automatic multi-spindle screw machines, steel foundries,automatic sewing machines etc..... and only see inventions created by black people stolen by whites. is that it really? Guess what? a lot of people contributed to these things, little by little over history until things developed, I'm not here to say white people came up with all these ideas.... I dont share your same insecurities, I just wish you could get out and enjoy the world around you a little more
Nothing is wrong when you give credit. However, whites like to pretend they created civilization, math, science etc etc when anyone with a brain knows that is an outrageous lie. The massive inferiority complex that it takes to create and maintain such a lie is awe inspiring. I like studying whites to find out why they feel the need to be compulsive liars. Why do you think this is the norm for whites? Why do you think they feel they have to lie to kick it?.

Lets ask Donald Trump , the latest great white hope; you know , the one running for the " White house. " Of course the greatest house in America must be called "The White house." Stunning.

Would it make sense to have painted it black? would that satisfy you ?

I would have allowed it because black is beautiful to me, just not to people like you. Blacks built it and received no honor for it or from it.

You wouldnt typically paint a building black. I'm sure they painted it white without regards to race. Trying to insert RACE into that takes some trying. You would typically paint a building white because it would have kept it a lot cooler in the summer. The phrase WHITE HOUSE probably had a lot more to do with the color of the structure than skin color

The British set fire to the white house and it turned black from fire and smoke. They painted it again and Roosevelt called it , along with the people , the White house. In my view the main motivation behind it was "White Dynasty".

I don't use it much;

but I'd rather use it than play the white mans game. America is saturated in white, they never have played the game fair. And they don't like it when people they stomp cry out. My voice means nothing, but I will go to my grave , knowing that I spoke truth.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

"I wonder what it's like to be white?"
Anytime I hear this I know what's really meant is: "I wonder what it's like to be a legitimate, positive contributing human?"
The reason I know this is we all know there are plenty of sub-human whites out there.
I always answer this question the same way as follows:
Wake up tomorrow and make QUALITY parenting your #1 priority
Get educated...develop comprehension and decision making skills
Work hard and pay taxes
Don't have children you can't support on your own
Stop counting on others to pay your way through life
Don't lie, cheat and steal
Don't be a criminal
Be accountable...Don't blame others for your short-comings
Respect law and order
Spend your whole life always striving to be better and or do better
This is the simple recipe for a quality life; many can not wrap their head around such simple proven methodology.
Because it's much easier to be lazy and ignorant...it's the natural default for some.
Apply these simple methods and send me royalty checks please...Thank you!
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

"I wonder what it's like to be white?"
Anytime I hear this I know what's really meant is: "I wonder what it's like to be a legitimate, positive contributing human?"
The reason I know this is we all know there are plenty of sub-human whites out there.
I always answer this question the same way as follows:
Wake up tomorrow and make QUALITY parenting your #1 priority
Get educated...develop comprehension and decision making skills
Work hard and pay taxes
Don't have children you can't support on your own
Stop counting on others to pay your way through life
Don't lie, cheat and steal
Don't be a criminal
Be accountable...Don't blame others for your short-comings
Respect law and order
Spend your whole life always striving to be better and or do better
This is the simple recipe for a quality life; many can not wrap their head around such simple proven methodology.
Because it's much easier to be lazy and ignorant...it's the natural default for some.
Apply these simple methods and send me royalty checks please...Thank you!

I feel another poem being birthed;

I wonder what its like to be white
always trying to teach me how to live
and then charging me for their illustrious views
they call it " Royalty checks"-get it "Royalty"
why do they think they are royalty
I think its because their white
something about white , gives the illusion of


I AM , and I am because I am white
Here I come to save the dayyyy ,I'm white ,I'm white , I'll save you.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

"I wonder what it's like to be white?"
Anytime I hear this I know what's really meant is: "I wonder what it's like to be a legitimate, positive contributing human?"
The reason I know this is we all know there are plenty of sub-human whites out there.
I always answer this question the same way as follows:
Wake up tomorrow and make QUALITY parenting your #1 priority
Get educated...develop comprehension and decision making skills
Work hard and pay taxes
Don't have children you can't support on your own
Stop counting on others to pay your way through life
Don't lie, cheat and steal
Don't be a criminal
Be accountable...Don't blame others for your short-comings
Respect law and order
Spend your whole life always striving to be better and or do better
This is the simple recipe for a quality life; many can not wrap their head around such simple proven methodology.
Because it's much easier to be lazy and ignorant...it's the natural default for some.
Apply these simple methods and send me royalty checks please...Thank you!

I feel another poem being birthed;

I wonder what its like to be white
always trying to teach me how to live
and then charging me for their illustrious views
they call it " Royalty checks"-get it "Royalty"
why do they think they are royalty
I think its because their white
something about white , gives the illusion of


I AM , and I am because I am white

Here I come to save the dayyyy ,I'm white ,I'm white , I'll save you.

And there you have it folks.
"I just don't get it...why do they treat me like a second class citizen just because I act like one? The nerve of those bastards!"
WOW...just WOW!
I wonder what its like to be white? I mean to get so many bonuses free , just because of skin. I wonder where this came from in humanity? Its like an out of space thing. I'm starting to think the 8th wonder of the world is "White." Yet its beyond mere skin , its a mentality ; a way of thinking.

Its , ... , ... Its , ... WAIT! Up above in the sky .. its a bird , .. no its a plane , ... no its Super White!
Hey , I see they made a movie about Nina Simone , an astonishing black singer who had dark black skin. So what does white moviemakers do ; they hire a light skinned black woman to play a dark skinned black woman. They just covered her with real dark makeup. All kinds of other dark skinned actors were out there to be chosen for the part ,but hey ; you know how it is. Indian female actors are feeling the same pressure;

you want the part ; then look white. Interesting world we live in.
Hey , I see they made a movie about Nina Simone , an astonishing black singer who had dark black skin. So what does white moviemakers do ; they hire a light skinned black woman to play a dark skinned black woman. They just covered her with real dark makeup. All kinds of other dark skinned actors were out there to be chosen for the part ,but hey ; you know how it is. Indian female actors are feeling the same pressure;

you want the part ; then look white. Interesting world we live in.

Hmmm....but if you'd like to be the single most important, most powerful man in the world you'd need to look black...like the President of the United States Of America. 77% of this country is still white which means most voters are white and we elected a black President and we're still accused of being racists and hating blacks...hmmm? Something just don't seem right.
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Hey , I see they made a movie about Nina Simone , an astonishing black singer who had dark black skin. So what does white moviemakers do ; they hire a light skinned black woman to play a dark skinned black woman. They just covered her with real dark makeup. All kinds of other dark skinned actors were out there to be chosen for the part ,but hey ; you know how it is. Indian female actors are feeling the same pressure;

you want the part ; then look white. Interesting world we live in.

Hmmm....but if you'd like to be the single most important, most powerful man in the world you'd need to look black...like the President of the United States Of America. 77% of this country is still white which means most voters are white and we elected a black President and we're still accused of being racists and hating blacks...hmmm? Something just don't seem right.

I hold little interest in politics, and could you show me anywhere in this thread that I accused whites of hating blacks and being racist?
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