I wonder what its like to be white?

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Really. Buckwheat? That's bad? And still, the high black on black death rate is OK. Says a lot for ya. Superficial as hell.

I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
What it is like to me to be white:

I really do not identify by my race, since I have no control over it. I define myself by how I live my life. I am 60 years old. I have worked most of my adult life. Nobody has handed me anything, I had to work hard to get what I do have, which is not a lot, but it suits me fine. I did not have a great childhood but it does no good to blame anyone for it. I had no control over my childhood either. It is in my past. While I do not dwell on it, I will always remember it, and have learned lessons from it and I move on. I believe if want something bad enough, I will accomplish my goals. I treat everyone according to their behavior. Many times, if I don't like the way someone acts, I really feel sorry for them, since they have their own issues or demons they are struggling with. It isn't my place to change people. I love my family and friends and I don't think my whiteness affects my daily living anymore than anyone else, regardless of race. I think life is too short to worry or complain about what I don't have. I would rather enjoy what I do have and focus on what I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.

Well I respect that , very well stated ;I hold similar views. That being said ,I was forced to this section by a large dislike of many threads here. I am 61 years old myself , and this is my first thread on whiteness , most likely my last. Strangely I am enjoying it. Welcome to thread.
While I tend to disagree with many of the things you have stated on your opinions of whites, I don't get pissy about it because you are entitled to your opinions. I have no right to tell others how to think or feel. Like I said, I don't have time or the desire to let other people define me, I know who I am and that is that.

I understand what " Disagree means", I also disagree with many views you have expressed. Interesting how whites and blacks seem to be on a different page. Similar to how differing men and women are ; its how it is.

The best definition of wisdom I have ever read , " Wisdom is knowing how it is."
I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?
I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
OK, whites did some pretty bad sh+t back in the day. Sorry. XXOO. That make everything better? How do we fix this? We can't, nobody can.I wonder what games people are going to play to explain why blacks haven't got over this yet? Why poor blacks destroy each other with guns or violence and blame whites and the past. I wonder what it's like to be black. Being in perpetual self denial?
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.
I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
Punish? You hate white people and want retribution now? Um, your getting a little deep for me. Why do you feel such animosity?
I love ya brother. Human beings are a mixed bag, we are all sorts of screwed up. Blacks gotta lay of the blame whites game. Really, it's getting old and predicable. Especially since other groups seem to move past all the baggage and make something of themselves. Blacks are stuck in a time loop. Get over it and out of it.

Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
While I agree, there are many evil, hateful people who are racist against blacks, there are many who are called racist because they have had negative experiences with blacks. Like you, they tend to blame the entire race.
Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
Punish? You hate white people and want retribution now? Um, your getting a little deep for me. Why do you feel such animosity?

I don't hate white people , show me in this thread where I stated that I hate anyone? Well you can't , because I don't. But in this thread whites are free game , its nothing you can do about the whites who have started hate threads in this section , ; what , are you trying to stop me? I have only just began , this thread is young , don't let all the views fool you. Its going to get deeper , because the subject is deep ;

I will wonder out loud what it is like to be white.
Thank you for your love. I will never get over what whites have done to me in my life time; but I am an old goat , my time is over. Black genes have much better to offer coming on scene ;

but as for me , NO! I will go to my grave dis liking how I have been treated. My discernment of what whites have done and are still doing , runs far too deep in my consciousness.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
While I agree, there are many evil, hateful people who are racist against blacks, there are many who are called racist because they have had negative experiences with blacks. Like you, they tend to blame the entire race.

I don't blame the entire race ,but I blame enough of them. You may not like looking into the mirror of your people ; I understand that , I have looked at them and don't like it either.
I welcome you to thread , it ask what it is like to be white? A look into the white experience , the white consciousness. Which I think is incredible ; I have NEVER known anythingelse like it.
Aren't you half white? Look deep into your heart, but you are so cloyingly smart ass, sorry for the buckwheat thing, but there isn't much difference other than the melanin level. But you already knew that.

If he's half white only half his life would matter...right?

I am not half white ,I am about 15% white.

I kind of respect how Mr. Spock felt , as he fought to suppress the human side of him. Its like trying to control something within you , that you do not want to control you.

Your internal struggles you speak of would explain your hatred and bitterness that blind you from being able to use basic human functions such as the ability to logically reason. The obvious is staring you in the face but you won't allow yourself to process it....It's to bad.

The list of my inner struggles is so long , I even think God himself may grow weary of me begging to eliminate them.
And that goes for the rest of humanity, too. Us Humans are like that. So you answered your own question already. White, black, female, male tall or small.
Well, what whites are BEING is dismayed and appalled at being painted with a broad brush. It's sort of akin to Racial Profiling. Patronizing with a bitter aftertaste of ironic bigotry. Blacks are human and full as many foibles and faults as anyone else, too. Yes?

Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
While I agree, there are many evil, hateful people who are racist against blacks, there are many who are called racist because they have had negative experiences with blacks. Like you, they tend to blame the entire race.

I don't blame the entire race ,but I blame enough of them. You may not like looking into the mirror of your people ; I understand that , I have looked at them and don't like it either.
You evidentally have had bad experiences with white people. There are white people who have had bad experiences with black people. But you don't seem to think white people are allowed to have similar misfortunes. I have known evil white people, I distance myself from them. I have had negative encounters with black people, I don't hold that against the entire race.
All the crimes blacks commit, specialty race based ones, they are instantly forgotten. Whites are always held to a different and higher standard. Your WHITE and you sneeze sideways and it's RACISM. Racism this, racism THAT. And blacks are never responsible for...ANYTHING. Double standards are getting old. Enough of that, what is like to be black? Seems like it means not being responsible for anything. Sweep everything under the rug, white racism is ALWAYS the blame. Blacks failure to thrive and move on? White people did it. Racism. Blacks can't possibly have any faults, with their violent self destructive self hating mentality?
Yes. All races have problems. I have no problem exalting a race , or the white race , this thread is proof of that , and I have no problem stomping on the negatives of a race ,my own included. Its just that in this thread , the focus is on white. Whites are not going to take this lightly ,I am prepared for that. The thread won't last long , whites will see to that. You don't stomp on white people and get away with it ; your people are very vindictive.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
While I agree, there are many evil, hateful people who are racist against blacks, there are many who are called racist because they have had negative experiences with blacks. Like you, they tend to blame the entire race.

I don't blame the entire race ,but I blame enough of them. You may not like looking into the mirror of your people ; I understand that , I have looked at them and don't like it either.
You evidentally have had bad experiences with white people. There are white people who have had bad experiences with black people. But you don't seem to think white people are allowed to have similar misfortunes. I have known evil white people, I distance myself from them. I have had negative encounters with black people, I don't hold that against the entire race.

I know who is behind evil , and its not humans. Humanity did not create evil. Evil has a purpose, and no human can stop that purpose , and few humans have understood that purpose. There is no such thing as distancing ones self from evil. Its like the air. Its everywhere.
All the crimes blacks commit, specialty race based ones, they are instantly forgotten. Whites are always held to a different and higher standard. Your WHITE and you sneeze sideways and it's RACISM. Racism this, racism THAT. And blacks are never responsible for...ANYTHING. Double standards are getting old. Enough of that, what is like to be black? Seems like it means not being responsible for anything. Sweep everything under the rug, white racism is ALWAYS the blame. Blacks failure to thrive and move on? White people did it. Racism. Blacks can't possibly have any faults, with their violent self destructive self hating mentality?

I have seen the root of racism , and whites have one of the biggest root systems. Whites do have a different standard , they do a lot of things better than other races , it just so happens that they do hate and selfishness at a much higher standard than other races.
Everyone can be vindictive when attacked or in defense mode. "Our" people aren't alone.

Of course they are not alone ,and you are not alone in this thread. I know how I am and can be; I can be a heart attack , go ask the Christians in the religious section. But I figure this is as close to fair as it is going to get; what, 20 white people against me. I already know its going to require many more whites , but the whites don't know that , their pride is too big.

So hey , its all fair ; this thread will more than makeup for the many white racist threads. Its going to both astonish , and punish. You'll see.
While I agree, there are many evil, hateful people who are racist against blacks, there are many who are called racist because they have had negative experiences with blacks. Like you, they tend to blame the entire race.

I don't blame the entire race ,but I blame enough of them. You may not like looking into the mirror of your people ; I understand that , I have looked at them and don't like it either.
You evidentally have had bad experiences with white people. There are white people who have had bad experiences with black people. But you don't seem to think white people are allowed to have similar misfortunes. I have known evil white people, I distance myself from them. I have had negative encounters with black people, I don't hold that against the entire race.

I know who is behind evil , and its not humans. Humanity did not create evil. Evil has a purpose, and no human can stop that purpose , and few humans have understood that purpose. There is no such thing as distancing ones self from evil. Its like the air. Its everywhere.
Evil and good are human constructs, human values. We enslave each other and it does has consequences, I get that. Ironical enough, did you know Muslims and blacks where major contributors feeding into slavery in Africa? Whites were just consumers, odd that Muslims/blacks are still doing that NOW, but whites ended slavery 150 years ago. We still haven't got past it, after all.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

I wonder what it is like to be someone that has a small penis!?!

I mean my penis is just average ( 8 inches ) but I wonder had I been born with a small penis would my life be any different!?!

Now you are wondering what the hell does my response have to do with your OP, well people born with the average size penis must be like white people and those born with small a small penis must be like the rest of the world and life is just short and hard for them...

Now seeing I am white I never wonder what would my life be like if I was another race because I really do not care and if another person from another race wonder what it is like to be white then they are wondering about the wrong thing in life and should be more focus on how they can better their life and no bleaching your skin will not achieve this either...

Now as you sit there and finish reading this response please note I am white, my penis is average size and my and I can give a rat ass what someone think of me because of my skin color or penis size!
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