I wonder what its like to be white?

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Bull shit. If you had to see EVERYTHING with your own eyes you'd still think the world is flat. Do you? It is free will of humanity that allows us to weigh conflicting information and make our own decision. You may have restricted your ability to judge by your lack of logic, lack of experience, and a chip on your shoulder ..... but most of us thirst for knowledge in order to make us better people for our own good. So we look, we listen, we question - and then we act upon those senses. That is free will. It is up to each and every one of to use it. It is a voluntary thing. If you don't have it, don't blame it on anyone but yourself.

I hold no interest in cursing and using bad language.
And I hold no interest in your racist comments.
Bull shit. If you had to see EVERYTHING with your own eyes you'd still think the world is flat. Do you? It is free will of humanity that allows us to weigh conflicting information and make our own decision. You may have restricted your ability to judge by your lack of logic, lack of experience, and a chip on your shoulder ..... but most of us thirst for knowledge in order to make us better people for our own good. So we look, we listen, we question - and then we act upon those senses. That is free will. It is up to each and every one of to use it. It is a voluntary thing. If you don't have it, don't blame it on anyone but yourself.

I hold no interest in cursing and using bad language.
And I hold no interest in your racist comments.

If your not interested , then why are you so interested?

Welcome to thread , see how it grows.
Ya know, why do you even care about "race"? MLK didn't envision a black-dominated society, nor did he see a white one. He clearly desired a world where humans are seen as people, not by there race. Yet here you two are, espousing hatred towards whites. That's not the point. If you really wanted to fulfill King's legacy, you'd ignore white racists and hold the moral high ground. The rational whites- 99.99% of us- would happily accept you as the intelligent people I'm sure you could be.
But no. Everything is about race with you. You hate whites and are racists yourselves. You do not understand MLK and what his dream really meant. He wanted peace, not division. Love, not prejudice. Yet prejudice and division are the very things you spout off here.
Regardless, rant over. Y'all have a nice night.
White people always make me laugh when they try to tell Black people what MLK believed in. :laugh:

Why would you want to find my avatar in the first place? Why was I even on your mind?
To prove your hypocrisy. If I had an avatar saying "Support World Peace" and then all I ever posted about was nuking the shit out of "mooslems", wouldn't that not only strike you as hypocritical, but worth mentioning as proof of hypocrisy?
What does that have to do with my avatar? That was a random post and had nothing to do with my question.
What would happen if all the racists just went home and never spoke again? What would happen if people actually followed the wisdom of Martin Luther King's words and didn't judge people by the color of their skin, but the content of their character?

White people would not exist in such a world.
Why? Why do racists like yourself believe "whites" are inferior? For the same silly reasons racists who are white believe blacks are inferior despite the hard facts of science that we're all 99.5% identical? That skin tone has nothing to do with IQ, EQ or physical ability?

I do not believe whites are inferior, and I have never said that in this thread. Simply produce me saying as such.

Whites are racist and have a superior attitude, because they were destined and designed to be that way by the creator. God wanted this world to suffer racism, and that is WHY it is. Racism is a result of sin.
Do you beleive God gives us free will? I beleive a negative belief system by man is brought on by the "deceiver" not God.

No I do not believe in freewill. For a human to have freewill would mean that human was not influenced by outside sources ; which is impossible.
Thats pretty profound. Never thought of it like that. We are influenced in the vast majority of our thoughts without even giving credit to the sources that influence us.
Whites are racist and have a superior attitude, because they were destined and designed to be that way by the creator. God wanted this world to suffer racism, and that is WHY it is. Racism is a result of sin.
Your god may be that petty, but the all merciful, all knowing and all powerful Almighty is not.
No I do not believe in freewill. For a human to have freewill would mean that human was not influenced by outside sources ; which is impossible.
An interesting theory, but I disagree. Free will is about choices. You choose to believe in a god that is malevolent, punishing and destructive. I choose to believe in a God that offers love, peace and grace, but one who also gives us a choice to go into the light of that grace or wander off into the darkness.
No I do not believe in freewill. For a human to have freewill would mean that human was not influenced by outside sources ; which is impossible.
An interesting theory, but I disagree. Free will is about choices. You choose to believe in a god that is malevolent, punishing and destructive. I choose to believe in a God that offers love, peace and grace, but one who also gives us a choice to go into the light of that grace or wander off into the darkness.
Your lack of sophistication is on display. No one chooses to believe in god until they are taught about god. You are brainwashed or trained from the moment you begin to sense the outside world.
Your lack of sophistication is on display. No one chooses to believe in god until they are taught about god. You are brainwashed or trained from the moment you begin to sense the outside world.
Obviously you've been brainwashed by the likes of Malik Shabazz and King Samir Shabazz. No doubt you'll end up in prison with other racists.

Malik Zulu Shabazz
Malik Shabazz is a racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people.

New Black Panther Party National Leader Faces Weapons Charges
The Daily News also quoted Shabazz speaking on a presumably recent “black-power radio show,” although it did not say when he spoke. Shabazz reportedly said that black people should form militias to kill whites, attack them with pit bulls, pour acid on them and raid nursery schools to “kill everything white in sight.” Shabazz, who is the Panther’s national field marshal, added, “I would love nothing better than to come home with a cracker’s head in my book bag,” the paper reported.
Your lack of sophistication is on display. No one chooses to believe in god until they are taught about god. You are brainwashed or trained from the moment you begin to sense the outside world.
Obviously you've been brainwashed by the likes of Malik Shabazz and King Samir Shabazz. No doubt you'll end up in prison with other racists.

Malik Zulu Shabazz
Malik Shabazz is a racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people.

New Black Panther Party National Leader Faces Weapons Charges
The Daily News also quoted Shabazz speaking on a presumably recent “black-power radio show,” although it did not say when he spoke. Shabazz reportedly said that black people should form militias to kill whites, attack them with pit bulls, pour acid on them and raid nursery schools to “kill everything white in sight.” Shabazz, who is the Panther’s national field marshal, added, “I would love nothing better than to come home with a cracker’s head in my book bag,” the paper reported.
many Black revolutionaries have been to prison. I would be proud to go in defense of my people.
No I do not believe in freewill. For a human to have freewill would mean that human was not influenced by outside sources ; which is impossible.
An interesting theory, but I disagree. Free will is about choices. You choose to believe in a god that is malevolent, punishing and destructive. I choose to believe in a God that offers love, peace and grace, but one who also gives us a choice to go into the light of that grace or wander off into the darkness.

Your perception of God is the white mans perception, full of as much deception and vain propaganda as the white man himself. There are no choices with the real God, its his way and no other way; that is how it really is in heaven. Its how it is in reality; the white man has dared to dictate terms with God and has set himself up as a god.

The white man is transparent , this thread sees through him.
If your wondering what it is like to be white ,then look with me at what whites did to employment.

The 33 Whitest Jobs in America
this is a result of the combination of legacy white AA and present day racism. I bet if you gave Black people 400 years of Black only AA they would dominate in most of the professions as well. Whites had that 400 years of white AA and still hate to hire other people of color.
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