I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

No he knew it was a taser. He even was caught on video saying that.
Not only did the cop know it was a taser, he saw the taser fired over his head before he shot Brooks. So he knew both that it was a taser and one that had been discharged and hence rendered useless.
Bingo. And then the POS had the unmitigated gall to say "gottem".
Its not a theory and I can be the biggest asshole in existence but thats what those cops signed up for. If you cant handle your job you can always become a security guard.
Let me logically walk you through this process:

Can you grab the cops gun?

Your insulting your own intelligence. Nothing you say is going change the facts.
Answer the fucking question.

Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it.

I think we all know whose logic is all fucked up here.

"Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it. "

He grabbed the cops taser not his gun. How did you not know that?

wrong----grabbing a cop's gun IS a death penalty offense. Don't do it.-----in fact, grabbing his taser is
ALSO a death penalty offense
Show me the link.

Link to what?
A court case where someone got a death penalty for grabbing a cops gun.

you can't take a dead man to trial. Your demand is idiotic.
No he knew it was a taser. He even was caught on video saying that.
Not only did the cop know it was a taser, he saw the taser fired over his head before he shot Brooks. So he knew both that it was a taser and one that had been discharged and hence rendered useless.
Bingo. And then the POS had the unmitigated gall to say "gottem".
If those facts bear out, this police officer would have a hard time claiming that he was in fear for his life or protecting the public in general. I will agree with you on that.

The cop is not my parent. I'm an adult I dont bow to anyone. If you want to be meek and humble to a cop thats your prerogative but dont expect me to be submissive and I havent done anything wrong.
So being polite and respectful, like you would any other person, is being "meek and humble" in your opinion?

I know these guys pull people over for no reason. So your method of dealing with that is giving them a reason?

Yep. If I did something then I could understand being respectful. Since the cop was disrespectful of my time why the fuck should I be respectful to him?
Is that generally what black people do?


No that's what young immature inexperienced people do.
Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

There is no standard of conduct for civilians that tells them they cant render personal judgement. Go try that bullshit on someone thats not smarter than you.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.
And yet, 10,000 times a better person and member of society than the scummy thug who is now no longer taking up oxygen. This was a great moment for America.
There is no professional standard for dudes getting arrested to meet. This is where you logic falls downs and breaks a hip.
So your logic is resisting arrest is not a dangerous thing? Doing so it's not a serious risk to the life of the police officer?

Who is logic is falling in the shitter?

The legal standard of "self-defense" is that you cannot use more force to defence yourself than you're being threatened with. If someone is unarmed and says "I'm going to punch you in the face", and you shoot them, that's murder, not self-defence. That's why the NRA has been pushing "stand your ground" laws, to give you the right to use "excessive force", over and above the threat level.

The standard for police to kill civilians should be HIGHER for members of the Police Department, not lower. Killing an unarmed civilian is a FAILURE of policing. ALWAYS. It's time disarm the police when sending them out on "nuisance calls", and used armed officers only for crimes of violence.

American police shoot civilians at a rate 15 times higher than #2 France. 1004 shootings, 1500 total dying in police custody or shoot by police. Black people dying at a rate two and half times that of white people.

What you now have in the USA, is a highly militarized police force, which has no checks or balances on the level of brutality or violence which it visits on the populace, even as crime rates and violence are declining in your country.

Not always. If a person has the capability and physical superiority one can shoot in self defense.

For example. And older man threatened with physical violence by a much younger, stronger man can reasonable say he feared for his physical safety and his life.

The standard of self defense is would any reasonable person fear for his life in similar circumstances.

You can respond with the force necessary not only to stop an attack but to render the attacker incapable of attacking you again.
Its not a theory and I can be the biggest asshole in existence but thats what those cops signed up for. If you cant handle your job you can always become a security guard.
Let me logically walk you through this process:

Can you grab the cops gun?

Your insulting your own intelligence. Nothing you say is going change the facts.
Answer the fucking question.

Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it.

I think we all know whose logic is all fucked up here.

"Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it. "

He grabbed the cops taser not his gun. How did you not know that?

wrong----grabbing a cop's gun IS a death penalty offense. Don't do it.-----in fact, grabbing his taser is
ALSO a death penalty offense
Show me the link.

Link to what?
A court case where someone got a death penalty for grabbing a cops gun.

you can't take a dead man to trial. Your demand is idiotic.
So you admit there is no death penalty for grabbing a cops gun or you admit you didnt know only a court has a right to impose a death penalty.
Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

The cops shot a guy in the back. It was the cops who prevented the court from deciding the guilt or innocence of this man.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.

Murder One? No, but it was a bad shoot. Manslaughter maybe. And he should never work as a cop again. There are a number of options the cops should have used.

1. This was a private parking lot. He was sitting in line having fallen asleep and wasn't even driving. The simplest way to handle the situation would have been to move his car out of the way and called his wife to come pick him up. Or call him a taxi or Uber. Cuffs were stupid.

2. In Georgia, a taser is not considered a lethal weapon. Let him run. They had his car and his driver's license. Where was he gonna go? Board a waiting helicopter for a flight to Katmandu?

Whether he faces charges is probably less than 50/50. But the family will most certainly sue him for wrongful death and probably win.
Second degree murder

When you shoot someone you intend to kill him.

Manslaughter only holds when there was no intent to kill for example , you punch some asshole in the mouth for insulting your wife , the asshole falls and cracks his skull on the curb and dies.

Good clarification thanks. Yep, two bullets in the back. Definitely shooting to kill Mr Brooks.
Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

There is no standard of conduct for civilians that tells them they cant render personal judgement. Go try that bullshit on someone thats not smarter than you.
you're mixing apples and oranges here.

Do we not live in a society where certain individuals have authority to make arrests?

Right or wrong, if they decide to make an arrest, a citizen has an obligation to go peacefully, correct?

If a citizen resists to the point where the cops life is in danger (almost every situation puts the cops life in danger because the cop has a gun the criminal can get) that act is deadly in nature, is it not?

You are mixing standards all over the place.

Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

The cops shot a guy in the back. It was the cops who prevented the court from deciding the guilt or innocence of this man.
The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.

Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

There is no standard of conduct for civilians that tells them they cant render personal judgement. Go try that bullshit on someone thats not smarter than you.
you're mixing apples and oranges here.

Do we not live in a society where certain individuals have authority to make arrests?

Right or wrong, if they decide to make an arrest, a citizen has an obligation to go peacefully, correct?

If a citizen resists to the point where the cops life is in danger (almost every situation puts the cops life in danger because the cop has a gun the criminal can get) that act is deadly in nature, is it not?

You are mixing standards all over the place.

Arrests yes. Harassment or court decisions no.

There is no obligation to go peacefully that I have seen anywhere. I know for sure I havent signed anything like that.

Only if they resist to the point that its deadly like I pointed out earlier.

No. I'm not mixing standards. I'm just pointing out who is obligated to abide by those standards.
Its not a theory and I can be the biggest asshole in existence but thats what those cops signed up for. If you cant handle your job you can always become a security guard.
Let me logically walk you through this process:

Can you grab the cops gun?

Your insulting your own intelligence. Nothing you say is going change the facts.
Answer the fucking question.

Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it.

I think we all know whose logic is all fucked up here.

"Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it. "

He grabbed the cops taser not his gun. How did you not know that?

wrong----grabbing a cop's gun IS a death penalty offense. Don't do it.-----in fact, grabbing his taser is
ALSO a death penalty offense
Show me the link.

Link to what?
A court case where someone got a death penalty for grabbing a cops gun.

you can't take a dead man to trial. Your demand is idiotic.
So you admit there is no death penalty for grabbing a cops gun or you admit you didnt know only a court has a right to impose a death penalty.
You admit to me that a person grabbing a cops gun is a potential death penalty to the cop, correct?

Its not a theory and I can be the biggest asshole in existence but thats what those cops signed up for. If you cant handle your job you can always become a security guard.
Let me logically walk you through this process:

Can you grab the cops gun?

Your insulting your own intelligence. Nothing you say is going change the facts.
Answer the fucking question.

Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it.

I think we all know whose logic is all fucked up here.

"Grabbing the cops gun is not a death penalty offense.

But here you are claiming that a police officer have to just accept it. "

He grabbed the cops taser not his gun. How did you not know that?

wrong----grabbing a cop's gun IS a death penalty offense. Don't do it.-----in fact, grabbing his taser is
ALSO a death penalty offense
Show me the link.

Link to what?
A court case where someone got a death penalty for grabbing a cops gun.

you can't take a dead man to trial. Your demand is idiotic.
So you admit there is no death penalty for grabbing a cops gun or you admit you didnt know only a court has a right to impose a death penalty.
You admit to me that a person grabbing a cops gun is a potential death penalty to the cop, correct?

No I never admitted that. Why would grabbing a cops gun be a death penalty to a cop?
Only if they resist to the point that its deadly like I pointed out earlier.
At what point does the cop have to decide that wrestling around with somebody who is resisting arrest presents a danger to the cops life with the cops gone being within arms reach?

Every citizen must understand, and it is a standard by which every citizen is obligated to behave, that resisting arrest is a deadly proposition.

What is the point of resisting arrest? Answer me that one.


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