I'd vote against Trump today, if my vote mattered, or election day was today.

You also had the opportunity to make your own wealth and to better yourself through education, etc.

What would that have to do with the discussion on hand?

You & your ilk are truly the pits, a bunch of greedy, miserable, snooty f*ck wits.
Ad hominem. Would you say that to my face, no, then STFU. You asked me to give an example of sustained capitalism and I did. You didnā€™t like the answer so you attack me personally. You stupid fat loser.

You started the ad hominem attack, you insane, desperate, disgusting cretin.
Example: nope not in this thread you fat loser.

In comment #91 you attacked me based NOT on an actual factual, debate argument, but on your nitpicking, OCD panic ad hominem attacks.

Do you even know what you're doing, you prehistoric savage?
Link it. Not true.

Just like I've been telling you. There are MANY who truly believe that Utopia can only be achieved when humans are under the total control of another (ie...a Fascist authoritarian)

These imbeciles truly believe that in order for humans to reach their optimal societal state, their choices must be made for them and every aspect of their lives managed for them.
Including their children. As hard as it is to believe, there are hundreds of milions of humans who believe it is better to live under the iron fist of a dictator, than to live freely and sow your own destiny. Today's Left is comprised of a large segment of these types.

We are trying to rationalize with and make a deal with the devil. These people will NEVER accept liberty, capitalism, the USA or ANY representation that human rights and freedom is important. It's why the demand Gun confiscation. It's why they sympathize with China and NK. It's why they believe in abortion. It's why they hate Trump.

Just as you believe in freedom, they believe freedom ruins the human existence Odd, huh?.

Until you fully grasp this concept, much of today's madness won't make sense.

Here is a perfect example......chilling, huh?

Liberty for what?
Abortions, hiring Illegals, selling Crack, Cocaine, Meth & Heroine to your children?

Liberty needs to be controlled, Capitalism needs to be controlled.

Otherwise you end up with a mega degenerate society like the Western Europeans tend to live in.

Degenerate society?? GTFO. Let me guess youā€™re some paragon of virtue thatā€™s going to set all of straight under your fascist dictatorship and everything will be peachy?? You are one of the dumbest people Iā€™ve ever come across, and you have an incredible arrogance. Keep fancying yourself as an intellectual. Itā€™s comical.

Any idiot could point to the flaws of capitalism, but it takes a special moron to dismiss the contributions capitalism has made to the world. The human is imperfect, and so is capitalism. Want a cookie?

Your kind of idiots want to act like all the wars, violence, mass murder, and slavery of the British Empire & USA has just been good.

That all the Anglosphere has done is promote good things.

But, those evil Nazis just did evil things, and never did anything positive.

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazis got far more correct than Republicans.
Even if Nazis are more evil.

Still, its a bit of a unknown on how evil Republicans could get, some Repubs call for an Apocalypse even, or provoke a potential WW3 scenario with Iran.

That's besides the point.

Nazis achieved faster economic growth, and had better tech than FDR.

FDR who in his own right was rather Fascist, achieved faster economic growth than any other 20th Century USA President.

Not just that, Republicans seem to be befuddled when it comes to the Capitalist & Synagogue of Satan Liberalism, corruption & degeneracy of your society.

Quite the opposite, you support those first, and then can't seem to grasp why everything gets more Liberal & degenerate.

Just like I've been telling you. There are MANY who truly believe that Utopia can only be achieved when humans are under the total control of another (ie...a Fascist authoritarian)

These imbeciles truly believe that in order for humans to reach their optimal societal state, their choices must be made for them and every aspect of their lives managed for them.
Including their children. As hard as it is to believe, there are hundreds of milions of humans who believe it is better to live under the iron fist of a dictator, than to live freely and sow your own destiny. Today's Left is comprised of a large segment of these types.

We are trying to rationalize with and make a deal with the devil. These people will NEVER accept liberty, capitalism, the USA or ANY representation that human rights and freedom is important. It's why the demand Gun confiscation. It's why they sympathize with China and NK. It's why they believe in abortion. It's why they hate Trump.

Just as you believe in freedom, they believe freedom ruins the human existence Odd, huh?.

Until you fully grasp this concept, much of today's madness won't make sense.

Here is a perfect example......chilling, huh?

Liberty for what?
Abortions, hiring Illegals, selling Crack, Cocaine, Meth & Heroine to your children?

Liberty needs to be controlled, Capitalism needs to be controlled.

Otherwise you end up with a mega degenerate society like the Western Europeans tend to live in.

Degenerate society?? GTFO. Let me guess youā€™re some paragon of virtue thatā€™s going to set all of straight under your fascist dictatorship and everything will be peachy?? You are one of the dumbest people Iā€™ve ever come across, and you have an incredible arrogance. Keep fancying yourself as an intellectual. Itā€™s comical.

Any idiot could point to the flaws of capitalism, but it takes a special moron to dismiss the contributions capitalism has made to the world. The human is imperfect, and so is capitalism. Want a cookie?

Your kind of idiots want to act like all the wars, violence, mass murder, and slavery of the British Empire & USA has just been good.

That all the Anglosphere has done is promote good things.

But, those evil Nazis just did evil things, and never did anything positive.

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazis got far more correct than Republicans.
Even if Nazis are more evil.

Still, its a bit of a unknown on how evil Republicans could get, some Repubs call for an Apocalypse even, or provoke a potential WW3 scenario with Iran.

That's besides the point.

Nazis achieved faster economic growth, and had better tech than FDR.

FDR who in his own right was rather Fascist, achieved faster economic growth than any other 20th Century USA President.

Not just that, Republicans seem to be befuddled when it comes to the Capitalist & Synagogue of Satan Liberalism, corruption & degeneracy of your society.

Quite the opposite, you support those first, and then can't seem to grasp why everything gets more Liberal & degenerate.

The Nazis put you in a concentration camp if you chose not to work. You think theyā€™re going to let you keep your disability SS that you were crying about the other day? Anyway, whom is this paragon of virtue that going to lead us to this virtuous fascist utopian fantasy youā€™re clamoring for?

I'm NOT on Social Security Disability, you idiotic oaf.

I argued that my best friend is, and that's a true fact.

Unlike brutal Republican savages, I'm capable of empathy.

Republicans get about 99% things wrong, or backwards.

Nazis got about 50% of things wrong, or backwards.

Of course, while I disagree with both, Nazis actually weren't such idiots as Republicans, even if they were more evil, Republicans are still fairly evil too.

everyone is evil and youā€™re good? Youā€™re a racist, anti Semitic piece of shit. The lengths you go to justify your hate is unbelievable. You really are mentally ill. I think you should be on disability
A tribal idiot who fancies himself a deep thinker lol
Liberty for what?
Abortions, hiring Illegals, selling Crack, Cocaine, Meth & Heroine to your children?

Liberty needs to be controlled, Capitalism needs to be controlled.

Otherwise you end up with a mega degenerate society like the Western Europeans tend to live in.

Degenerate society?? GTFO. Let me guess youā€™re some paragon of virtue thatā€™s going to set all of straight under your fascist dictatorship and everything will be peachy?? You are one of the dumbest people Iā€™ve ever come across, and you have an incredible arrogance. Keep fancying yourself as an intellectual. Itā€™s comical.

Any idiot could point to the flaws of capitalism, but it takes a special moron to dismiss the contributions capitalism has made to the world. The human is imperfect, and so is capitalism. Want a cookie?

Your kind of idiots want to act like all the wars, violence, mass murder, and slavery of the British Empire & USA has just been good.

That all the Anglosphere has done is promote good things.

But, those evil Nazis just did evil things, and never did anything positive.

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazis got far more correct than Republicans.
Even if Nazis are more evil.

Still, its a bit of a unknown on how evil Republicans could get, some Repubs call for an Apocalypse even, or provoke a potential WW3 scenario with Iran.

That's besides the point.

Nazis achieved faster economic growth, and had better tech than FDR.

FDR who in his own right was rather Fascist, achieved faster economic growth than any other 20th Century USA President.

Not just that, Republicans seem to be befuddled when it comes to the Capitalist & Synagogue of Satan Liberalism, corruption & degeneracy of your society.

Quite the opposite, you support those first, and then can't seem to grasp why everything gets more Liberal & degenerate.
Liberty for what?
Abortions, hiring Illegals, selling Crack, Cocaine, Meth & Heroine to your children?

Liberty needs to be controlled, Capitalism needs to be controlled.

Otherwise you end up with a mega degenerate society like the Western Europeans tend to live in.

Degenerate society?? GTFO. Let me guess youā€™re some paragon of virtue thatā€™s going to set all of straight under your fascist dictatorship and everything will be peachy?? You are one of the dumbest people Iā€™ve ever come across, and you have an incredible arrogance. Keep fancying yourself as an intellectual. Itā€™s comical.

Any idiot could point to the flaws of capitalism, but it takes a special moron to dismiss the contributions capitalism has made to the world. The human is imperfect, and so is capitalism. Want a cookie?

Your kind of idiots want to act like all the wars, violence, mass murder, and slavery of the British Empire & USA has just been good.

That all the Anglosphere has done is promote good things.

But, those evil Nazis just did evil things, and never did anything positive.

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazis got far more correct than Republicans.
Even if Nazis are more evil.

Still, its a bit of a unknown on how evil Republicans could get, some Repubs call for an Apocalypse even, or provoke a potential WW3 scenario with Iran.

That's besides the point.

Nazis achieved faster economic growth, and had better tech than FDR.

FDR who in his own right was rather Fascist, achieved faster economic growth than any other 20th Century USA President.

Not just that, Republicans seem to be befuddled when it comes to the Capitalist & Synagogue of Satan Liberalism, corruption & degeneracy of your society.

Quite the opposite, you support those first, and then can't seem to grasp why everything gets more Liberal & degenerate.

The Nazis put you in a concentration camp if you chose not to work. You think theyā€™re going to let you keep your disability SS that you were crying about the other day? Anyway, whom is this paragon of virtue that going to lead us to this virtuous fascist utopian fantasy youā€™re clamoring for?

I'm NOT on Social Security Disability, you idiotic oaf.

I argued that my best friend is, and that's a true fact.

Unlike brutal Republican savages, I'm capable of empathy.

Republicans get about 99% things wrong, or backwards.

Nazis got about 50% of things wrong, or backwards.

Of course, while I disagree with both, Nazis actually weren't such idiots as Republicans, even if they were more evil, Republicans are still fairly evil too.

everyone is evil and youā€™re good? Youā€™re a racist, anti Semitic piece of shit. The lengths you go to justify your hate is unbelievable. You really are mentally ill. I think you should be on disability

Just about everyone's a Racist on the low, and just about everyone was very Racist before the Holocaust.

So, I guess the whole of Humanity is mentally ill.

Maybe you're just a low IQ knuckle dragging Gorilla.

You have no proof of racial equality.

Actually such a notion is a complete ignorance, its all about indoctrinating the low IQ savages like you.
Degenerate society?? GTFO. Let me guess youā€™re some paragon of virtue thatā€™s going to set all of straight under your fascist dictatorship and everything will be peachy?? You are one of the dumbest people Iā€™ve ever come across, and you have an incredible arrogance. Keep fancying yourself as an intellectual. Itā€™s comical.

Any idiot could point to the flaws of capitalism, but it takes a special moron to dismiss the contributions capitalism has made to the world. The human is imperfect, and so is capitalism. Want a cookie?

Your kind of idiots want to act like all the wars, violence, mass murder, and slavery of the British Empire & USA has just been good.

That all the Anglosphere has done is promote good things.

But, those evil Nazis just did evil things, and never did anything positive.

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazis got far more correct than Republicans.
Even if Nazis are more evil.

Still, its a bit of a unknown on how evil Republicans could get, some Repubs call for an Apocalypse even, or provoke a potential WW3 scenario with Iran.

That's besides the point.

Nazis achieved faster economic growth, and had better tech than FDR.

FDR who in his own right was rather Fascist, achieved faster economic growth than any other 20th Century USA President.

Not just that, Republicans seem to be befuddled when it comes to the Capitalist & Synagogue of Satan Liberalism, corruption & degeneracy of your society.

Quite the opposite, you support those first, and then can't seem to grasp why everything gets more Liberal & degenerate.
Degenerate society?? GTFO. Let me guess youā€™re some paragon of virtue thatā€™s going to set all of straight under your fascist dictatorship and everything will be peachy?? You are one of the dumbest people Iā€™ve ever come across, and you have an incredible arrogance. Keep fancying yourself as an intellectual. Itā€™s comical.

Any idiot could point to the flaws of capitalism, but it takes a special moron to dismiss the contributions capitalism has made to the world. The human is imperfect, and so is capitalism. Want a cookie?

Your kind of idiots want to act like all the wars, violence, mass murder, and slavery of the British Empire & USA has just been good.

That all the Anglosphere has done is promote good things.

But, those evil Nazis just did evil things, and never did anything positive.

Hate to break it to you, but the Nazis got far more correct than Republicans.
Even if Nazis are more evil.

Still, its a bit of a unknown on how evil Republicans could get, some Repubs call for an Apocalypse even, or provoke a potential WW3 scenario with Iran.

That's besides the point.

Nazis achieved faster economic growth, and had better tech than FDR.

FDR who in his own right was rather Fascist, achieved faster economic growth than any other 20th Century USA President.

Not just that, Republicans seem to be befuddled when it comes to the Capitalist & Synagogue of Satan Liberalism, corruption & degeneracy of your society.

Quite the opposite, you support those first, and then can't seem to grasp why everything gets more Liberal & degenerate.

The Nazis put you in a concentration camp if you chose not to work. You think theyā€™re going to let you keep your disability SS that you were crying about the other day? Anyway, whom is this paragon of virtue that going to lead us to this virtuous fascist utopian fantasy youā€™re clamoring for?

I'm NOT on Social Security Disability, you idiotic oaf.

I argued that my best friend is, and that's a true fact.

Unlike brutal Republican savages, I'm capable of empathy.

Republicans get about 99% things wrong, or backwards.

Nazis got about 50% of things wrong, or backwards.

Of course, while I disagree with both, Nazis actually weren't such idiots as Republicans, even if they were more evil, Republicans are still fairly evil too.

everyone is evil and youā€™re good? Youā€™re a racist, anti Semitic piece of shit. The lengths you go to justify your hate is unbelievable. You really are mentally ill. I think you should be on disability

Just about everyone's a Racist on the low, and just about everyone was very Racist before the Holocaust.

So, I guess the whole of Humanity is mentally ill.

Maybe you're just a low IQ knuckle dragging Gorilla.

You have no proof of racial equality.

Actually such a notion is a complete ignorance, its all about indoctrinating the low IQ savages like you.
Still waiting for you to link the post. Fatty.
A tribal idiot who fancies himself a deep thinker lol

You Western Europeans aren't the master race, more like the disaster race.

You go ape shit looting, and shooting the World in Racial genocide, and then did a 180 allowing Latinos, Africans & Muslims to loot & shoot your own country in Racial suicide.

You people are like those crazy f*ckos who shoot a bunch of people, before turning the gun on themselves.
A tribal idiot who fancies himself a deep thinker lol

You Western Europeans aren't the master race, more like the disaster race.

You go ape shit looting, and shooting the World in Racial genocide, and then did a 180 allowing Latinos, Africans & Muslims to loot & shoot your own country in Racial suicide.

You people are like those crazy f*ckos who shoot a bunch of people, before turning the gun on themselves.

youre batshit crazy. Seek help
A tribal idiot who fancies himself a deep thinker lol

You Western Europeans aren't the master race, more like the disaster race.

You go ape shit looting, and shooting the World in Racial genocide, and then did a 180 allowing Latinos, Africans & Muslims to loot & shoot your own country in Racial suicide.

You people are like those crazy f*ckos who shoot a bunch of people, before turning the gun on themselves.

youre batshit crazy. Seek help

You're clinically retarded, Seek help.
Capitalism is the main problem.

Illegals being hired by Capitalists, Outsourced jobs by Capitalist CEO's, Porn Industry Capitalists, Hospital Capitalists seeking Abortion, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit Drug dealer Capitalists, Hollywood's Liberal degenerate smut & shoot 'em film Capitalists, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern Capitalists, Gangster Rap smut talk music industry Capitalists, Capitalists selling Che Guevara T-Shirts.

Facebook, Google, Twitter Capitalists censoring out information & the Right winger voices & opposition.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists pushing Liberal disinformation.

It seems you're simply pointing out the evils that COMMUNISTS / FASCISTS can do when they have money.
America is the best country in the world. We have everything you want and donā€™t want. I wouldnā€™t trade where I live for anything.
Considering that I see more Illegal Immigrants in Dutchess County, NY post Trump's election rather than pre Trump.

Abortion is still in existence in the same manner.

Then I'll have to weigh in Trump as a corrupt cretin & obnoxious big mouth, who obstructed justice.

I'll have to weigh in Trump's plan to get Poland to pay Jews reparations.

I'll have to weigh in on Trump's attacks on NATO.

I'll have to weigh in on Trump's attacks on Social Security Disability & Medicaid which help needy people.
I don't plan on voting for or against Trump. To vote against Trump, I would have to vote for a Democrat, and I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than do that.

So I will once again boycott the top of the ticket, as well as the House and Senate candidates.

At this point in time, I plan on writing in Pat Paulsen: I Miss This Guy
Considering that I see more Illegal Immigrants in Dutchess County, NY post Trump's election rather than pre Trump.

Abortion is still in existence in the same manner.

Then I'll have to weigh in Trump as a corrupt cretin & obnoxious big mouth, who obstructed justice.

I'll have to weigh in Trump's plan to get Poland to pay Jews reparations.

I'll have to weigh in on Trump's attacks on NATO.

I'll have to weigh in on Trump's attacks on Social Security Disability & Medicaid which help needy people.
I don't plan on voting for or against Trump. To vote against Trump, I would have to vote for a Democrat, and I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than do that.

So I will once again boycott the top of the ticket, as well as the House and Senate candidates.

At this point in time, I plan on writing in Pat Paulsen: I Miss This Guy

which is an exercise in futility. Might as well stay home.
Capitalism is the main problem.

Illegals being hired by Capitalists, Outsourced jobs by Capitalist CEO's, Porn Industry Capitalists, Hospital Capitalists seeking Abortion, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit Drug dealer Capitalists, Hollywood's Liberal degenerate smut & shoot 'em film Capitalists, Gay Bar & Gay Tavern Capitalists, Gangster Rap smut talk music industry Capitalists, Capitalists selling Che Guevara T-Shirts.

Facebook, Google, Twitter Capitalists censoring out information & the Right winger voices & opposition.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists pushing Liberal disinformation.

It seems you're simply pointing out the evils that COMMUNISTS / FASCISTS can do when they have money.

That's mostly the Synagogue of Satan & of course Republican Capitalists are their accomplices.
I live in a Latino community and work with them, they hate America, and would hate being told if you donā€™t like it get out which many of us donā€™t do, because of job loss, etc.. speak English you pig!

now with more job options and protection with the new judges we can return to telling all GTFO! If you hate America!

Has it occurred to you that your neighbors don't hate America, they just hate you?
What woman do in a back ally is up to them, but that is murder if they get caught..

Um, yeah. You know what, when abortion was "illegal", women were never charged with Murder for aborting their pregnancies... in fact, they were rarely charged at all. The abortionists were rarely charged unless they screwed up and killed the patient.

I work with illegal Bulgarian and Albanians they are dying to get into this country! Any many more. You are wrong.
And they can assimilate.

Bulgaria and Albania are the Mulsim Trash of Europe.... you don't want them coming over.

yea buying robots that will have to be replaced in a few years and fixed is not economically sensible. Humans will still do these jobs.

Machine maintenance is relatively cheap. Machines are more accurate and efficient than humans, which is why so many manufacturing jobs have been taken by Robots.

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