Idaho is the fastest growing state in Union - Wyoming dead last

I wonder if Kaiser Twit ever gets the feeling that I generally ignore anything she has to say? Kinda sad that while everyone else is having a good conversation about Idaho and the various things that can be found there, she has to resort to childish insults that really aren't witty or funny.

Yo..................Kaiser Twit...................maybe I'll respond when you actually have something worthwhile or funny to say. Until then? Not so much.

But then again..............what else can I expect from an always babbling bitch?

I didn't ask you to reply to me, loser. And in fact, I would take offense if you did speak to me.
Yes you would. And I would enjoy that.
The new slogan in Wyoming?...

Coal, it's what's for dinner.


You know, you wince when you see this meme because though it's funny as hell, there is a kernel of truth in there isn't there.

Know what the difference is between a good old boy and a redneck?

Good old boys breed farm animals. Rednecks get emotionally involved.

Idaho is not interested in naming you among their numbers...

Introduction to The American Redoubt Internal Migration Movement
Oh fucking bullshit. Stay out of Eastern Oregon, we don't need a bunch of dipshits there.
Move to Portland where you belong, fag.
Holy hell don't bring gaybiker to Idaho. Idaho already has plenty of unemployed, unemployable drunken midgets.

Got anything else brainiac? :eusa_think:

Lowest Unemployment Rates for States, Seasonally Adjusted September 2017

Hawaii #1

North Dakota #2

Nebraska #3

New Hampshire #4

Idaho #5

And the fact that they don't invite losers in is why it's low, you moron.

As I said..they have met their quota for losers. Please don't encourage outside losers to migrate there.

Btw, gaybiker would not be a popular guy in the redoubt. He's a flaphanded, bloviating, drunken idiot.
Given the quality of your posts, I would guess your alcohol or pot intake far exceeds his.
You're a fag.
Well, no, I am not. But I don't care if you are or not. You are obviously an inferior person from the quality of your posts. Have a nice day. LOL
Thanks for the tip on Bear Tooth Pass.

You are welcome. If you have the chance during a summer, I highly recommend going over the top of it. At one spot on the pass, they have a rest stop, and when you look over the edge, you can see damn near the whole road switchbacking down the mountain. Lots of hairpin turns and you want to take your time, because if you go off the road, you WILL tumble all the way to the bottom. The pass goes from Yellowstone to Red Lodge MT, and Red Lodge is a nice little town to stop in. They have some good places to eat, and having some beers with the locals in a bar at night is a cool experience.
I don't know about having some beers with the locals. I've been all through that area and my politics doesn't fit, and I'm not the type that can keep my mouth shut when somebody says something stupid.
So you are a loudmouthed dumbass like all antitards.
Why all the hate?
It is my fondest wish that antifa be lodged permanently in mental hospitals.
So you get to meet some new inmates?
Holy hell don't bring gaybiker to Idaho. Idaho already has plenty of unemployed, unemployable drunken midgets.

Got anything else brainiac? :eusa_think:

Lowest Unemployment Rates for States, Seasonally Adjusted September 2017

Hawaii #1

North Dakota #2

Nebraska #3

New Hampshire #4

Idaho #5

And the fact that they don't invite losers in is why it's low, you moron.

As I said..they have met their quota for losers. Please don't encourage outside losers to migrate there.

Btw, gaybiker would not be a popular guy in the redoubt. He's a flaphanded, bloviating, drunken idiot.
Given the quality of your posts, I would guess your alcohol or pot intake far exceeds his.
You're a fag.
Well, no, I am not. But I don't care if you are or not. You are obviously an inferior person from the quality of your posts. Have a nice day. LOL
That was a lazy response.
Despite the fact that it's -9°F currently where I live in Wisconsin, I like where I'm at.
Not that bad. I have worked a couple of times in Eastern Oregon at -30, and many times at -20.
Try working in 110+ and talk to me. Working in the cold ain't shit, bro. Bundle up in the early hours and keep moving is the key to working in freezing weather. There isn't shit you can do when working in heat besides drink water and find shade on your breaks.
Thanks for the tip on Bear Tooth Pass.

You are welcome. If you have the chance during a summer, I highly recommend going over the top of it. At one spot on the pass, they have a rest stop, and when you look over the edge, you can see damn near the whole road switchbacking down the mountain. Lots of hairpin turns and you want to take your time, because if you go off the road, you WILL tumble all the way to the bottom. The pass goes from Yellowstone to Red Lodge MT, and Red Lodge is a nice little town to stop in. They have some good places to eat, and having some beers with the locals in a bar at night is a cool experience.
I don't know about having some beers with the locals. I've been all through that area and my politics doesn't fit, and I'm not the type that can keep my mouth shut when somebody says something stupid.
So you are a loudmouthed dumbass like all antitards.
Why all the hate?
It is my fondest wish that antifa be lodged permanently in mental hospitals.
Are you saying we can't be friends?
You are welcome. If you have the chance during a summer, I highly recommend going over the top of it. At one spot on the pass, they have a rest stop, and when you look over the edge, you can see damn near the whole road switchbacking down the mountain. Lots of hairpin turns and you want to take your time, because if you go off the road, you WILL tumble all the way to the bottom. The pass goes from Yellowstone to Red Lodge MT, and Red Lodge is a nice little town to stop in. They have some good places to eat, and having some beers with the locals in a bar at night is a cool experience.
I don't know about having some beers with the locals. I've been all through that area and my politics doesn't fit, and I'm not the type that can keep my mouth shut when somebody says something stupid.
So you are a loudmouthed dumbass like all antitards.
Why all the hate?
It is my fondest wish that antifa be lodged permanently in mental hospitals.
Are you saying we can't be friends?
I worked on fishing vessels in Alaska, working in the Arizona desert is rougher.

True dat.

Only problem I have with my below freezing Alaska weather is when it sets off the arthritis in my knees. When I go visit my folks in Nevada, even in the winter (like 80F max maybe) I don't want to do shit because I melt... okay, actually I burn because I only come in two colors; fish belly white and lobster red...
Idaho is a beautiful State, but I must admit it's boring where the potatoes grow.

Boy, couldn't agree more. The 4 hour drive east from Boise to the Pocatello/ Idaho Falls area is a real snoozer once you get past Mountain Home. A pot of coffee and few energy drinks recommended. :wink:
I wonder if Kaiser Twit ever gets the feeling that I generally ignore anything she has to say? Kinda sad that while everyone else is having a good conversation about Idaho and the various things that can be found there, she has to resort to childish insults that really aren't witty or funny.

Yo..................Kaiser Twit...................maybe I'll respond when you actually have something worthwhile or funny to say. Until then? Not so much.

But then again..............what else can I expect from an always babbling bitch?

I didn't ask you to reply to me, loser. And in fact, I would take offense if you did speak to me.

Fuck off you sperm burping gutter bitch. I usually ignore your banal bullshit. But, apparently you have been taking extra bitch pills, so you are trying to troll me to give your life meaning.

Not gonna happen you slimy whore. Fuck off ya goddam pedant, go please purists.
Quit talking to me, you microscopic weirdo.

Hey Twatlips.................the only reason I'm responding to you is that I'm hoping your skanky ignorant whorish ass will put me on ignore again. But, I know you won't, because one of your guilty little pleasures is trolling me with banal bullshit. Keep doing it you insufferable harpy. It's kinda fun to see you roll around in the mud all by yourself.

But, it looked so fun, that I decided to jump into the mudhole with you and wrestle around a bit. Tired of it yet?

I really like it when you show your bigoted ignorance. Kinda like when I watch the Jerry Springer show. It makes me feel better about my life when I watch the various weirdos on the screen and think how grateful I am that I am not them. Seeing your postings and watching your bigoted hate makes me VERY grateful that I'm not you. One of the reasons I don't put you on ignore.
Wow. Please stop talking to me. I never read past the first six words but obviously I got you all het up. You are a strange, sad little man. Carry on with drinking yourself into a stupor...don't stop on my account. If you wait too many minutes between gulps of the rotgut swill that is all you can afford, you will lose your buzz and have nothing to show for the can money you scraped together this morning..

Got me all "het up"? Not even close. You decided to start in with all the nasty comments, and I finally decided to respond to you after several pathetic cries for attention. Don't want me to respond to you? Quit trolling me.

Like I have said before, I don't know who you are, don't know what you look like, don't know what your life is like, and truthfully, I really don't care.

But, I do kinda pity you.
True dat.

Only problem I have with my below freezing Alaska weather is when it sets off the arthritis in my knees. When I go visit my folks in Nevada, even in the winter (like 80F max maybe) I don't want to do shit because I melt... okay, actually I burn because I only come in two colors; fish belly white and lobster red...

That's funny EC! :D I can imagine AK would do that to a person given sun situation. I grew up surfing in SoCal and when I moved up to Portland 25 years ago the first winter I went all fish belly white. Not a good look for me so I'd hop in a tanning bed couple times a month November through February. Also got one of those light boxes which is probably big business up there too. Helped with the depression.

I love AK - especially southwest having taken a couple of inside passage cruises. But not sure I could handle the winters (ok to call me a wuss ;-)
Why? - Despite all the fluffing from Trump .. Coal is dead & the Fat Lady sings.

Half of Idaho's neighbors are in the top five. All but one are in the top 13.

The "but one" is Wyoming. It's dead last: 51st out of a possible 51 (our ranking is adjusted for population and includes Washington, D.C.). Wyoming lost 1.0 percent of its population in 2017 even as Idaho was gaining 2.2 percent.

On the surface, the two states appear to have much in common. They share a border, a birth month (July 1890) and even — for a few brief heady months in 1863 — membership in the "Idaho Territory."

Wyoming has long been the nation's coal king. The vast operations of the Powder River Basin produce more coal than all but a handful of states put together. But cheap natural gas has reduced power plants' dependence on the mineral. Wyoming's mines are shipping out fewer tons of coal and getting paid less for each of them.

That helps explain why the state went from the fourth-fastest growing in 2012 (D.C. was first that year) to rock bottom in 2017.​

Why people really want to move to Idaho but are fleeing our neighbor, Wyoming

Wyoming's economy is dictated by communist, unconstitutional agencies (EPA/BLM/USFS) that restrict land use and resource extraction...and who destroy land owners.

Trump is rolling back all those restrictions. Wyoming is going to boom. So is Idaho. So is Montana. So is Eastern Oregon. Because that's what happens when you remove the communist boot from the necks of communities. They thrive. They become healthy and independent. It's a beautiful thing.

Hopefully, it won't happen without a lot of *agents* falling by the wayside. And by the wayside, I mean dead.

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