IDF...Here We Come.


Mar 12, 2012
New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.
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New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.
Why? Israel needs their manpower more than America currently does. And as a Jew they feel the need to serve and help out. There is no law against serving in the military of another country as long as you're not fighting against your own country or for a terrorist organization, as many Muslim Westerners do. People have a right to fight for what they believe is a noble and righteous cause. I know many Israeli Americans that would fly back to Israel and fight, if there is ever a war where it's national security is at stake.
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New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.

The whole problem that I have for this is the lack of graditude that is being exhibited by this group of young people. Tax money has been spent on their upbringing and education and other services that have been provided to them and they seem to be spitting into the very faces of the people that have helped them in the past. And for that one youth that seems to think that he is going over to serve in the best air force in the world. What a load of crap, if ( and I hope it never happens to them ) they are captured by the enemies of Israel I hope they don't expect the USA to come to their rescue because we probably will
New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.

At least they are enlisting in a military allied with the United States. Had you not been fixated on one segment of the population you might have been fair minded and mentioned other segments of Americans that are joining groups that are not friendly to the U.S. But I guess that's too much to expect.,d.dmg
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  • #5
New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.
Why? Israel needs their manpower more than America currently does. And as a Jew they feel the need to serve and help out. There is no law against serving in the military of another country as you're not fighting against your own country or for a terrorist organization, as many Muslim Westerners do. People have a right to fight for what they believe is noble and righteous cause. I know many Israeli Americans that would fly back to Israel and fight, if there is ever a war where it's national security is at stake.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives,"

over 7000 american soldiers have lost their lives fighting wars in afghanistan and iraq.

in the same period, 253 memberss of the israeli security forces have lost their lives.

these "americans" are running off to join some toy army while our own kids are being "in memorium"ed every day at the end of the nightly news.

apparently, they do not think america's cause is noble and righteous.
Nothing wrong serving for an ally, if you truly believe in the cause (other than demonization of Jews and Israelis, as usual) It's been done before and I'm sure will continue in the future.

Foreign volunteers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The armed forces of many nations have, at one time or another, used foreign volunteers who are motivated by political, ideological or other considerations to join a foreign army. These may be formed into units of a given nationality or may be formed into mixed nationality foreign units. Sometimes foreign volunteers were or are incorporated into ordinary units. The practice has a long history, dating back at least as far as the Roman Empire, which recruited non-citizens into Auxiliary units on the promise of them receiving Roman citizenship for themselves and their descendents at the end of their service[1]


During both world wars, American volunteers served on the allied side before the USA joined the war.
The Lafayette Escadrille in the French Air Force, World War I
The 7th Air Escadrille in the Polish Air Force, Polish-Soviet War
The Eagle Squadrons in the Royal Air Force, World War II
The Flying Tigers in the Chinese Air Force, World War II
The Lincoln Brigade in the side of the Spanish Republican, Spanish Civil War
Before the US entered the war, many Americans joined the Canadian Forces, especially the RCAF, and served in ordinary Canadian units.
Rachel Cox in Into the Dust and Fire records the history of five Ivy Leaguers (Chuck Bolte, Jack Brister, Bill Durkee, Heyward Cutting, and Robert Cox) who enlisted in the British Army and became the first Americans to fight the Nazis[2]

The United States Military has a long tradition of foreign volunteers taking up arms for the United States. Foreign born officers, such as the Marquis de Lafayette, Tadeusz Kościuszko, and Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben provided vital contributions to the cause of independence. During the nineteenth century the US Army made extensive use of foreign soldiers. Presently, many members of the US Marine Corps are of Latin American and not US nationality. However, many if not most non-American troops in the United States armed forces are usually seeking the expedited United States citizenship that comes with completion of a term of service, and can be seen as aspiring Americans rather than outright foreigners.

Three main reasons for volunteering can be identified:
Ideology - the volunteer believes in a cause and volunteers to fight for it.
Adventure - the volunteer joins a foreign army to see action.
Long-term personal or family benefit - the volunteer serves in order to qualify for non-financial benefits, such as forgiveness of sins, citizenship or to acquire an education.
New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.
Why? Israel needs their manpower more than America currently does. And as a Jew they feel the need to serve and help out. There is no law against serving in the military of another country as you're not fighting against your own country or for a terrorist organization, as many Muslim Westerners do. People have a right to fight for what they believe is noble and righteous cause. I know many Israeli Americans that would fly back to Israel and fight, if there is ever a war where it's national security is at stake.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives,"

over 7000 american soldiers have lost their lives fighting wars in afghanistan and iraq.

in the same period, 253 memberss of the israeli security forces have lost their lives.

these "americans" are running off to join some toy army while our own kids are being "in memorium"ed every day at the end of the nightly news.

apparently, they do not think america's cause is noble and righteous.
It's their decision and it should be respected. They obviously feel that Israel has a more urgent defensive need than the strongest military in the world belonging to a superpower engaging in offensive missions.
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.

At least they are enlisting in a military allied with the United States. Had you not been fixated on one segment of the population you might have been fair minded and mentioned other segments of Americans that are joining groups that are not friendly to the U.S. But I guess that's too much to expect.,d.dmg

perhaps i wasn't clear. i think any american citisen who, while america is engaged in a foreign war, goes off to join a foreign military, should have their american citisenship revoked.

if you care to address other segments of the american population who joins foreign militaries, start your own thread and i will condemn them as i see fit. please use a reliable source.
Hmmmmm....maybe we should also reject THEIR citizenship as well? Oh sorry, they're not Jews, never mind.

FP Explainer: Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army?

Chris Jeon, a 21-year-old university student from Los Angeles, has had quite the summer vacation. He informed family and friends that he was heading off to Cairo, but then crossed into Libya and spent the last few weeks fighting with the anti-Qaddafi rebels. The latest reports suggest his fed-up cohorts may have finally sent him packing. When a reporter from the Abu Dhabi-based National caught up with the L.A. Clippers jersey-wearing math major this week, he explained that he "thought it would be cool to join the rebels." And it seems like he didn't do it for attention: He concluded the interview by pleading, "Whatever you do, don't tell my parents." Parental consequences aside, did Jeon break

Probably not. The U.S. government certainly doesn't encourage citizens to go off and fight in foreign wars, but there's a long history of it -- from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that fought against Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War to the many Jewish Americans who have served in the Israel Defense Forces.

A few caveats: If an American joins an army engaged in hostilities against the United States, that's considered an act of treason and punishable by death. The law also, obviously, doesn't sanction membership in designated terrorist organizations, though the family of "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh has tried to argue that he was simply serving in the armed forces of another country and didn't intend to aid al Qaeda or attack U.S. troops.
Why? Israel needs their manpower more than America currently does. And as a Jew they feel the need to serve and help out. There is no law against serving in the military of another country as you're not fighting against your own country or for a terrorist organization, as many Muslim Westerners do. People have a right to fight for what they believe is noble and righteous cause. I know many Israeli Americans that would fly back to Israel and fight, if there is ever a war where it's national security is at stake.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives,"

over 7000 american soldiers have lost their lives fighting wars in afghanistan and iraq.

in the same period, 253 memberss of the israeli security forces have lost their lives.

these "americans" are running off to join some toy army while our own kids are being "in memorium"ed every day at the end of the nightly news.

apparently, they do not think america's cause is noble and righteous.
It's their decision and it should be respected. They obviously feel that Israel has a more urgent defensive need than the strongest military in the world belonging to a superpower engaging in offensive missions.

i do not respect their decision, i accept it. i would perhaps respect their decision had they renounced their american citisenship. in lieu of their renouncing there citisenship, our country should revoke it.
I served with a Scottish raised, dual citizen, American born guy in the military. When asked WTF for, he said he was an American first, loved his country, and that a person had to do what they felt was right. Still lives in Sterling, still a Scot true and blue, still considers himself an American. His children all attended college in the US and visit once a year. These young adults have a calling too service in defense for what they believe is at risk.
It's perfectly legal and moral in my opinion. We are all entitled to fight for a cause, as long as it doesn't include betrayal of your own country. I'm sure many Italian or Armenian Americans would consider fighting for Italy or Armenia if they felt the country was in danger.

Actually I have a lot of repect for these people because they are "putting their money where their mouth is" or so to speak. A common theme often heard by anti Semites is "if you love Israel so much, why don't you go fight for it?"

Well, here it is. Can't keep everybody happy I guess. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I served with a Scottish raised, dual citizen, American born guy in the military. When asked WTF for, he said he was an American first, loved his country, and that a person had to do what they felt was right. Still lives in Sterling, still a Scot true and blue, still considers himself an American. His children all attended college in the US and visit once a year. These young adults have a calling too service in defense for what they believe is at risk.
Hmmmmm....maybe we should also reject THEIR citizenship as well? Oh sorry, they're not Jews, never mind.

FP Explainer: Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army?

Chris Jeon, a 21-year-old university student from Los Angeles, has had quite the summer vacation. He informed family and friends that he was heading off to Cairo, but then crossed into Libya and spent the last few weeks fighting with the anti-Qaddafi rebels. The latest reports suggest his fed-up cohorts may have finally sent him packing. When a reporter from the Abu Dhabi-based National caught up with the L.A. Clippers jersey-wearing math major this week, he explained that he "thought it would be cool to join the rebels." And it seems like he didn't do it for attention: He concluded the interview by pleading, "Whatever you do, don't tell my parents." Parental consequences aside, did Jeon break

Probably not. The U.S. government certainly doesn't encourage citizens to go off and fight in foreign wars, but there's a long history of it -- from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that fought against Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War to the many Jewish Americans who have served in the Israel Defense Forces.

A few caveats: If an American joins an army engaged in hostilities against the United States, that's considered an act of treason and punishable by death. The law also, obviously, doesn't sanction membership in designated terrorist organizations, though the family of "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh has tried to argue that he was simply serving in the armed forces of another country and didn't intend to aid al Qaeda or attack U.S. troops.

chris jeon did not join the military of a foreign government. had he done so, he should have had his citisenship revoked. i find his actions questionable.

america was not at war with anyone during the spanish civil war.

any american who joins a foreign military while their country is at wa and takes the prerequisite oath that most militaries require and abide by should have their citisenship revoked.

while i am totally against israel, should a young american decide to join the IDF while we are not in a wartime status, i would accept their dual status, even if america entered a war after their enlistment in that foreign military, provided that military was not our enemy in said war.
New olim: IDF, here we come!

Some 130 young Jewish men, women from North America to join Israeli army immediately after making aliyah next week. One of them, Ben Yablon, who comes from family of pilots, has always dreamed of serving in IAF. 'My two greatest loves are Israel and flying,' he says

Ben Yablon, 19, of Portland, has been surrounded by aircraft since childhood. His father is a pilot, two of his uncles are pilots, and even his grandmother was a pilot who took a NASA training course and volunteered in an air defense unit. He himself has been practicing since the age of 16 and received an American pilot license a year ago.

Now he is spreading his wings towards the destination he has always dreamed of: The Israel Air Force.

Welcome Home

Nearly 1,000 kids making aliyah in 2013 / Anav Silverman, Tazpit

Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from North America brings 106 children with their parents to Israel
Full story

Yablon is one of 130 young Jewish men and women from North America who will immigrate to Israel next week on a special flight of the Nefesh B'Nefesh organization – which will take them straight to their service in the Israel Defense Forces.

"I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots," Yablon says. "My dream is to be a combat pilot in the Israel Air Force and defend the State of Israel. My two greatest loves are Israel and flying. It's very important to me to fight for what I believe in.

"I have always loved Israel. I feel connected to it. Israel for me is much more than old buildings, beaches and shawarma. It's the idea that Jews have their own homeland and have a home to go back to. I feel sad that Jews could not always immigrate to Israel, but today it's possible and I don't want to miss the opportunity."

Yablon was raised in a Zionist home which supported his decision to immigrate to Israel, despite slight hesitations. His father, an electronics engineer, is the chair of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Oregon.

The final decision to immigrate to Israel was made after Ben Yablon and Miriam Clayman fell in love during a visit to Israel last year as part of a Bar-Ilan University program. While her partner dreams of the Israel Air Force, Clayman wants to serve in the Intelligence Corps.

"It's the best way to serve my country," she says. "I want to defend Israel. My parents are very supportive of me, and they may very well follow in my footsteps in the end."

The majority of young olim have asked to serve in combat units. Among the boys there is high demand this year for voluntary units like Duvdevan, Sayeret Matkal, Golani, the Paratroopers Brigade and the pilots' course. Among the girls, the favored service is in the Oketz Unit, medical assistants' course, as non-commissioned officers and as shooting instructors.

"The fact that these young people are leaving their convenient life abroad in order to immigrate to Israel and join the IDF says a lot about our power as a people and about the mutual responsibility, which is the foundation of our lives," says Minister Landver. "All that is left for us is to be proud of them and ensure that they get all the help we can give them."

New olim: IDF, here we come! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

there is no question about dual loyalties here. these olim have rejected the USA and have demeaned our military with such statements as "I decided I wanted to serve in the best air force in the world with the best pilots".

while america has been engaged in war for over ten years, these young people raised in jewish homes and eager to serve in combat units, have turned their backs on the country of their birth to join a foreign countries military. it lends new meaning to "israel is and will always be america's greatest ally."

i think america should revoke their citisenship as i am sure close to none of them have the moral integrity to renounce their own citisenship to this country by any other mean than their actions.

i served in the U.S.Army and my son is currently serving in the U.S. Navy and i consider this a slap in the face to all american servvcemen. that is fine to many o you, i suppose.

i have no problem with them serving in the IDF as that is their choice...but when americans applaud their service in a foreign military while our country is at war is disgusting, particularly when so few jewish americans are wearing the uniform of the USA.

revoke their citisenship!!!

and god bless he jews and everyone serving in the military of the United States of America.

At least they are enlisting in a military allied with the United States. Had you not been fixated on one segment of the population you might have been fair minded and mentioned other segments of Americans that are joining groups that are not friendly to the U.S. But I guess that's too much to expect.,d.dmg

perhaps i wasn't clear. i think any american citisen who, while america is engaged in a foreign war, goes off to join a foreign military, should have their american citisenship revoked.

if you care to address other segments of the american population who joins foreign militaries, start your own thread and i will condemn them as i see fit. please use a reliable source.

No you weren't clear and didn't clarify until I called you on it. I don't think it's worth a thread on this subject or other segments. I just helped you out and helped you balance the subject by posting a link to a reliably sourced article documenting Muslim Americans joining Al Qaeda.
Hmmmmm....maybe we should also reject THEIR citizenship as well? Oh sorry, they're not Jews, never mind.

FP Explainer: Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army?

Chris Jeon, a 21-year-old university student from Los Angeles, has had quite the summer vacation. He informed family and friends that he was heading off to Cairo, but then crossed into Libya and spent the last few weeks fighting with the anti-Qaddafi rebels. The latest reports suggest his fed-up cohorts may have finally sent him packing. When a reporter from the Abu Dhabi-based National caught up with the L.A. Clippers jersey-wearing math major this week, he explained that he "thought it would be cool to join the rebels." And it seems like he didn't do it for attention: He concluded the interview by pleading, "Whatever you do, don't tell my parents." Parental consequences aside, did Jeon break

Probably not. The U.S. government certainly doesn't encourage citizens to go off and fight in foreign wars, but there's a long history of it -- from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that fought against Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War to the many Jewish Americans who have served in the Israel Defense Forces.

A few caveats: If an American joins an army engaged in hostilities against the United States, that's considered an act of treason and punishable by death. The law also, obviously, doesn't sanction membership in designated terrorist organizations, though the family of "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh has tried to argue that he was simply serving in the armed forces of another country and didn't intend to aid al Qaeda or attack U.S. troops.

chris jeon did not join the military of a foreign government. had he done so, he should have had his citisenship revoked. i find his actions questionable.

america was not at war with anyone during the spanish civil war.

any american who joins a foreign military while their country is at wa and takes the prerequisite oath that most militaries require and abide by should have their citisenship revoked.

while i am totally against israel, should a young american decide to join the IDF while we are not in a wartime status, i would accept their dual status, even if america entered a war after their enlistment in that foreign military, provided that military was not our enemy in said war.
The laws of this country allow that and as we can see there is a long history and tradition for it.

Plus, last I checked we were not "at war" with any country, including Afghanistan and Iraq, which are supposedly our allies.
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I served with a Scottish raised, dual citizen, American born guy in the military. When asked WTF for, he said he was an American first, loved his country, and that a person had to do what they felt was right. Still lives in Sterling, still a Scot true and blue, still considers himself an American. His children all attended college in the US and visit once a year. These young adults have a calling too service in defense for what they believe is at risk.

refresh my memory. what war was scotland engaged in when he enlisted in the U.S. military?
Hmmmmm....maybe we should also reject THEIR citizenship as well? Oh sorry, they're not Jews, never mind.

FP Explainer: Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army?

Chris Jeon, a 21-year-old university student from Los Angeles, has had quite the summer vacation. He informed family and friends that he was heading off to Cairo, but then crossed into Libya and spent the last few weeks fighting with the anti-Qaddafi rebels. The latest reports suggest his fed-up cohorts may have finally sent him packing. When a reporter from the Abu Dhabi-based National caught up with the L.A. Clippers jersey-wearing math major this week, he explained that he "thought it would be cool to join the rebels." And it seems like he didn't do it for attention: He concluded the interview by pleading, "Whatever you do, don't tell my parents." Parental consequences aside, did Jeon break

Probably not. The U.S. government certainly doesn't encourage citizens to go off and fight in foreign wars, but there's a long history of it -- from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that fought against Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War to the many Jewish Americans who have served in the Israel Defense Forces.

A few caveats: If an American joins an army engaged in hostilities against the United States, that's considered an act of treason and punishable by death. The law also, obviously, doesn't sanction membership in designated terrorist organizations, though the family of "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh has tried to argue that he was simply serving in the armed forces of another country and didn't intend to aid al Qaeda or attack U.S. troops.

chris jeon did not join the military of a foreign government. had he done so, he should have had his citisenship revoked. i find his actions questionable.

america was not at war with anyone during the spanish civil war.

any american who joins a foreign military while their country is at wa and takes the prerequisite oath that most militaries require and abide by should have their citisenship revoked.

while i am totally against israel, should a young american decide to join the IDF while we are not in a wartime status, i would accept their dual status, even if america entered a war after their enlistment in that foreign military, provided that military was not our enemy in said war.
The laws of this country allow that and as we can see there is a long history and tradition for it.

and i am suggesting that those laws be changed in a very specific manner.
I served with a Scottish raised, dual citizen, American born guy in the military. When asked WTF for, he said he was an American first, loved his country, and that a person had to do what they felt was right. Still lives in Sterling, still a Scot true and blue, still considers himself an American. His children all attended college in the US and visit once a year. These young adults have a calling too service in defense for what they believe is at risk.

refresh my memory. what war was scotland engaged in when he enlisted in the U.S. military?
What war are we engaged in now?
chris jeon did not join the military of a foreign government. had he done so, he should have had his citisenship revoked. i find his actions questionable.

america was not at war with anyone during the spanish civil war.

any american who joins a foreign military while their country is at wa and takes the prerequisite oath that most militaries require and abide by should have their citisenship revoked.

while i am totally against israel, should a young american decide to join the IDF while we are not in a wartime status, i would accept their dual status, even if america entered a war after their enlistment in that foreign military, provided that military was not our enemy in said war.
The laws of this country allow that and as we can see there is a long history and tradition for it.

and i am suggesting that those laws be changed in a very specific manner.
Maybe this thread belongs in the Law and Justice board. Another avenue would be to write a local congressperson or Senator, or start a movement like gathering signatures etc. For now it's perfectly legal and ethical, even during wartime, as many Americans served during WWII with the French or British.

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