IDF to Gaza: Knock, Knock, You're Dead Either Way

Knock knock

Who's there?

"The first projectile hit the sea wall of Gaza City's little harbour just after four o'clock. As the smoke from the explosion thinned, four figures could be seen running, ragged silhouettes, legs pumping furiously along the wall.

"Even from a distance of 200 metres, it was obvious that three of them were children.

"Jumping off the harbour wall, they turned on to the beach, attempting to cross the short distance to the safety of the Al-Deira hotel, base for many of the journalists covering the Gaza conflict.

"They waved and shouted at the watching journalists as they passed a little collection of brightly coloured beach tents, used by bathers in peacetime.

"It was there that the second shell hit the beach, those firing apparently adjusting their fire to target the fleeing survivors."

IDF baby killers

Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port | World news | The Guardian
Knock knock

Who's there?

"The first projectile hit the sea wall of Gaza City's little harbour just after four o'clock. As the smoke from the explosion thinned, four figures could be seen running, ragged silhouettes, legs pumping furiously along the wall.

"Even from a distance of 200 metres, it was obvious that three of them were children.

"Jumping off the harbour wall, they turned on to the beach, attempting to cross the short distance to the safety of the Al-Deira hotel, base for many of the journalists covering the Gaza conflict.

"They waved and shouted at the watching journalists as they passed a little collection of brightly coloured beach tents, used by bathers in peacetime.

"It was there that the second shell hit the beach, those firing apparently adjusting their fire to target the fleeing survivors."

IDF baby killers

Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port | World news | The Guardian

Nobody is caring I said, fringe views are gay.

Wont stop too until these people decide to join the 21st century......moderates need to buckle up their chinstraps and stop being limpwristers. Until they do, the carnage will continue. That's the way hit has been since Ive been alive........that's the way it will continue to be.

you lose:coffee:
Knock knock

Who's there?

"The first projectile hit the sea wall of Gaza City's little harbour just after four o'clock. As the smoke from the explosion thinned, four figures could be seen running, ragged silhouettes, legs pumping furiously along the wall.

"Even from a distance of 200 metres, it was obvious that three of them were children.

"Jumping off the harbour wall, they turned on to the beach, attempting to cross the short distance to the safety of the Al-Deira hotel, base for many of the journalists covering the Gaza conflict.

"They waved and shouted at the watching journalists as they passed a little collection of brightly coloured beach tents, used by bathers in peacetime.

"It was there that the second shell hit the beach, those firing apparently adjusting their fire to target the fleeing survivors."

IDF baby killers

Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port | World news | The Guardian

Nobody is caring I said, fringe views are gay.

Wont stop too until these people decide to join the 21st century......moderates need to buckle up their chinstraps and stop being limpwristers. Until they do, the carnage will continue. That's the way hit has been since Ive been alive........that's the way it will continue to be.

you lose:coffee:
Buckle up their chinstraps?
Are you confusing this with a game?

"Israel says it has carried out more than 1,960 attacks on Gaza since 8 July, while militants have fired some 1,380 rockets at Israel.

The Israeli military has mobilised tens of thousands of troops on the border with Gaza amid speculation that a ground invasion could be launched.

The UN says at least 1,370 homes have been destroyed in Gaza and more than 18,000 people displaced in recent hostilities."

It's a game to those with no children in the red zone.

BBC News - Gaza ceasefire between Hamas and Israel begins
Who's there?

"The first projectile hit the sea wall of Gaza City's little harbour just after four o'clock. As the smoke from the explosion thinned, four figures could be seen running, ragged silhouettes, legs pumping furiously along the wall.

"Even from a distance of 200 metres, it was obvious that three of them were children.

"Jumping off the harbour wall, they turned on to the beach, attempting to cross the short distance to the safety of the Al-Deira hotel, base for many of the journalists covering the Gaza conflict.

"They waved and shouted at the watching journalists as they passed a little collection of brightly coloured beach tents, used by bathers in peacetime.

"It was there that the second shell hit the beach, those firing apparently adjusting their fire to target the fleeing survivors."

IDF baby killers

Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port | World news | The Guardian

Nobody is caring I said, fringe views are gay.

Wont stop too until these people decide to join the 21st century......moderates need to buckle up their chinstraps and stop being limpwristers. Until they do, the carnage will continue. That's the way hit has been since Ive been alive........that's the way it will continue to be.

you lose:coffee:
Buckle up their chinstraps?
Are you confusing this with a game?

"Israel says it has carried out more than 1,960 attacks on Gaza since 8 July, while militants have fired some 1,380 rockets at Israel.

The Israeli military has mobilised tens of thousands of troops on the border with Gaza amid speculation that a ground invasion could be launched.

The UN says at least 1,370 homes have been destroyed in Gaza and more than 18,000 people displaced in recent hostilities."

It's a game to those with no children in the red zone.

BBC News - Gaza ceasefire between Hamas and Israel begins

Of course Hamas and the Islamic Jihad are charity organizations!!
If those idiots were busy spending money on education and wealth they wouldn't be busy diggin graves right now.
So how about you consider another option, where violence is not necessary, and you just negotiate peacefully like when Israel negotiated with Egypt and Jordan and even Lebanon? I mean, you evoke violence, so dissing one side wasn't a working solution so far don't you agree?
Why don't you tell the heroic Jews to stop shelling children on Gaza beaches?
How does one negotiate with baby killers?:eusa_silenced:

Just as I said, Eye for an eye.
Out of 1800 assaults ONLY 200 casualties, stop dissing IDF - Your freedom fighters ain't better humanitarian but you still justify them.

The Fatah/Hamas war forced Israel's attention on the volatile Gaza.
people who lob missiles at innocent people shouldn't whine when there is retaliation.

so the hamas terrorists should stop.

see how that works.
When has it ever worked in the past?
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea.
Arabs aren't leaving.
What's your solution?

Just like Amity said, War.
In that case Israel win, and war sometimes turn ugly.
CaféAuLait;9455090 said:
"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- When their next-door neighbors received a 'warning call' from Israel to evacuate a home in Jabaliya refugee camp, Yousef Qandil and his son Anas fled their property, fearing that they could be killed or injured by shrapnel.

"Both men took refuge under a tree near the site, awaiting the imminent airstrike which they expected to hit the house, or neighboring properties..."

"Moments later, both Yousef and Anas were killed in an airstrike that targeted a group of Gazans sheltering under a tree for protection.

"Neither their neighbors' home, nor theirs, was hit.

"'Anas was a high school student and Yousef was a tailor. What threat or danger were they to Israel sitting under a tree?' Yousef's brother told Ma'an."

Family who fled after 'warning call' killed outside home | Maan News Agency

Some Jews have such a great sense of humor.
Tell the victims to leave their house and then kill the victims, leaving the house untouched.
Maybe some nice Jewish family will move in someday?

So, are you saying the Israelis purposefully did their "knock" as they have been since 2006, knew the occupants would flee to under the tree and the Israelis after doing their warning, hit the tree on purpose? Why would they have bothered with their warning knock on the roof then?

But that`s exactly what they did`s all over the news world wide:
A small metal shack with no electricity or running water on a jetty in the blazing seaside sun does not seem like the kind of place frequented by Hamas militants, the Israel Defense Forces’ intended targets. Children, maybe four feet tall, dressed in summer clothes, running from an explosion, don’t fit the description of Hamas fighters, either.

Parlez vous francais?
Here is a video that shows exactly what happened:
Enfants tués à Gaza : le bombardement filmé par une équipe de TF1 - Le journal de 20h - Replay

And here is how the IDF justifies what happened:
We consider every Palestinian civilian death a tragedy. Hamas considers every Israeli civilian death an accomplishment
CaféAuLait;9455090 said:
"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- When their next-door neighbors received a 'warning call' from Israel to evacuate a home in Jabaliya refugee camp, Yousef Qandil and his son Anas fled their property, fearing that they could be killed or injured by shrapnel.

"Both men took refuge under a tree near the site, awaiting the imminent airstrike which they expected to hit the house, or neighboring properties..."

"Moments later, both Yousef and Anas were killed in an airstrike that targeted a group of Gazans sheltering under a tree for protection.

"Neither their neighbors' home, nor theirs, was hit.

"'Anas was a high school student and Yousef was a tailor. What threat or danger were they to Israel sitting under a tree?' Yousef's brother told Ma'an."

Family who fled after 'warning call' killed outside home | Maan News Agency

Some Jews have such a great sense of humor.
Tell the victims to leave their house and then kill the victims, leaving the house untouched.
Maybe some nice Jewish family will move in someday?

So, are you saying the Israelis purposefully did their "knock" as they have been since 2006, knew the occupants would flee to under the tree and the Israelis after doing their warning, hit the tree on purpose? Why would they have bothered with their warning knock on the roof then?

But that`s exactly what they did`s all over the news world wide:
A small metal shack with no electricity or running water on a jetty in the blazing seaside sun does not seem like the kind of place frequented by Hamas militants, the Israel Defense Forces’ intended targets. Children, maybe four feet tall, dressed in summer clothes, running from an explosion, don’t fit the description of Hamas fighters, either.

Parlez vous francais?
Here is a video that shows exactly what happened:
Enfants tués à Gaza : le bombardement filmé par une équipe de TF1 - Le journal de 20h - Replay

And here is how the IDF justifies what happened:
We consider every Palestinian civilian death a tragedy. Hamas considers every Israeli civilian death an accomplishment
UNRWA Strongly Condemns Placement of Rockets in School | UNRWA
CaféAuLait;9455090 said:

Yesterday, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered approximately 20 rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip.
So was there an airstrike on that vacant building after that discovery?
And were there any rockets in that shed on the beach where these children were shelled?
Btw. in case you haven`t noticed many Israelis including their press and the Israeli government don`t approve of the kind of hate mongering you do here. It`s people like you that make Israel look worse than Hamas could possibly hope for.
Police launch incitement probe into 'vengeance' campaign against Arabs | The Times of Israel
Police launch incitement probe into ‘vengeance’ campaign against Arabs

By Wednesday afternoon, a Facebook page titled “The People of Israel Demand Vengeance!” over 32,000 likes but by Thursday morning, that page seems to have been taken down. Other smaller pages bearing the same campaign name could still be found.
Is that why you keep posting that sick stuff which calls for Gaza to be nuked to the ground here, because they won`t tolerate your kind of hate mongering in Israel?

It`s already difficult enough for Israel to deal with what the international press has been reporting about these unfortunate incidents.

4 boys killed as they played on Gaza beach -

'They went to the beach to play': Deaths of 4 children add to growing toll in Gaza conflict

By Jethro Mullen and Ben Wedeman, CNN

Journalists witness shelling
The deaths of the four boys on the Gaza beach Wednesday was a particularly stark example of the innocent lives lost in the fighting.
They died within eyeshot of a hotel housing several international journalists, some of whom joined in efforts to help people who were wounded in the shelling.
Shelling kids at this beach right in full view of journalists from all over the world, what a monumental screw up !
...and none of the Journalists who are in Gaza did or will ever respond to it like you keep doing.
It`s almost as if you want to make Israel look worse than they already do.
Or are you just here to collect brownie points from people who enjoy watching all these killings from the sidelines?
It`s quite amazing to note who here keeps cheering you on and applauds these sickening events.
Last edited:
So was there an airstrike on that vacant building after that discovery?
And were there any rockets in that shed on the beach where these children were shelled?
Btw. in case you haven`t noticed many Israelis including their press and the Israeli government don`t approve of the kind of hate mongering you do here. It`s people like you that make Israel look worse than Hamas could possibly hope for.
Police launch incitement probe into 'vengeance' campaign against Arabs | The Times of Israel
Is that why you keep posting that sick stuff which calls for Gaza to be nuked to the ground here, because they won`t tolerate your kind of hate mongering in Israel?

It`s already difficult enough for Israel to deal with what the international press has been reporting about these unfortunate incidents.

4 boys killed as they played on Gaza beach -

Shelling kids at this beach right in full view of journalists from all over the world, what a monumental screw up !
...and none of the Journalists who are in Gaza did or will ever respond to it like you keep doing.
It`s almost as if you want to make Israel look worse than they already do.
Or are you just here to collect brownie points from people who enjoy watching all these killings from the sidelines?
It`s quite amazing to note who here keeps cheering you on and applauds these sickening events.

Israel fighting back makes them look "worse"? The deaths of children are horrible, but the rockets keep coming from Gaza, Israel wanted a cease fire, Hamas declined.
Look George.. The OP is crap and you COULD dance to other topics and news items..
Plenty of other REAL angst and tragedy to discuss.
But that would not be unique and THOSE other topics are already covered in many forums..

Are we done with the pictures and propaganda that make no sense here??
LMAO....evidently, support of the subhumans in Gaza comes only from the fringe left k00ks!!! Nobody cares about these mofu's >>>

14% assholes!!!!!!!!!

As Mideast Violence Continues, a Wide Partisan Gap in Israel-Palestinian Sympathies | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

So obviously......this thread is populated by anti-Semites and/or the clueless.

Heard the Israeli's told the people of Gaza to get the fuck out in the next 48 hours.........shit, gonna be lots of nut sacks fried off over there real soon!!!
Bet you can't wait for that, Rambo?
Your link's as useless as you are

"Currently, 51% of Americans say that in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, they sympathize more with Israel. Just 14% sympathize more with the Palestinians, while 15% volunteer that they sympathize with neither side and 3% sympathize with both."

51% of Mushrooms sympathize with Israel, and that proves what exactly, that belligerent occupation stimulates arms sales in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World?
Lets analyze it backward, how many support Hamas policy in the US? 14% knuckleheads :cuckoo:
14% of Americans know enough to realize Hamas is resisting a belligerent occupation.
51% of Americans think Gaza belongs to Israel.
What you don't know can hurt you.
Bet you can't wait for that, Rambo?
Your link's as useless as you are

"Currently, 51% of Americans say that in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, they sympathize more with Israel. Just 14% sympathize more with the Palestinians, while 15% volunteer that they sympathize with neither side and 3% sympathize with both."

51% of Mushrooms sympathize with Israel, and that proves what exactly, that belligerent occupation stimulates arms sales in the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World?
Lets analyze it backward, how many support Hamas policy in the US? 14% knuckleheads :cuckoo:
14% of Americans know enough to realize Hamas is resisting a belligerent occupation.
51% of Americans think Gaza belongs to Israel.
What you don't know can hurt you.

Too bad you're part of the misinformed 51%.. IF that number actually exists outside of your head..
And yes -- it can hurt you and your credibility..
Israel fighting back makes them look "worse"? The deaths of children are horrible, but the rockets keep coming from Gaza, Israel wanted a cease fire, Hamas declined.
If Israel wants a cease fire it should lift its occupation of Palestine.
It's not rocket science; there are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, yet while every Jew has a vote to determine the laws she lives under less than half of Arabs do. Jewish state or Democratic state?
If Israel wants a cease fire it should lift its occupation of Palestine.
It's not rocket science; there are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, yet while every Jew has a vote to determine the laws she lives under less than half of Arabs do. Jewish state or Democratic state?
Nope, that's not gonna happen, as proven before-removing the occupation on Gaza was a critical mistake.
I want to see ONE of the Arab states around which are 600x times bigger than Israel offer a shelter for the poor Gazans, let me know when it happens, meanwhile I'm going to beat up my Palestinians slaves. :lol:
You know what Egypt wants less than hemmaroids?
Matter of fact - EVERYONE DOES.
There are 1.5 Gazans, if every pro-Palestinian would offer them a home outside of Gaza nobody would get hurt, but than how could they diss IDF?:eek:

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