IDF to Gaza: Knock, Knock, You're Dead Either Way

"B’Tselem has discovered that the Israeli military included the al-Wafaa rehabilitative hospital in a-Shuja’iyeh neighborhood in the demand it issued to residents of the a-Shuja’iyeh and a-Zeitun neighborhoods to evacuate their homes by today, July 16, 2014 at 8:00 AM.

"Hospital Director Basman al-‘Ashi told B’Tselem over the phone that the hospital received a recorded message last night at around 11:10 PM, saying that a-Shuja’iyeh residents must leave the area and move north to the city center.

"Shortly thereafter, at around 11:30 PM, the hospital received another phone call from a person saying he was from the military who repeated the demand to evacuate the hospital specifically."

Military demand to evacuate rehabilitative hospital in Gaza unlawful | B'Tselem

No way! Hamas use a hospital to launch rockets that every nation on earth is tracking through satellite? No way!
You DO realize, Mr. Dufus, that everything Hamas is doing now is being tracked.
I wonder if you realize there are no rockets in the al-Wafaa rehabilitative hospital since you're obviously too lame to care.:badgrin:
To be honest I care about where there ARE missiles, to me all Gaza is full of sick monsters goes by the name Hamas, The Islamic Jihad, and others, also their supporters, I say lets just nuke them and terminate all the care-or not game about the Human Rights since this game is getting boring. :2up::eusa_boohoo:
"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- When their next-door neighbors received a 'warning call' from Israel to evacuate a home in Jabaliya refugee camp, Yousef Qandil and his son Anas fled their property, fearing that they could be killed or injured by shrapnel.

"Both men took refuge under a tree near the site, awaiting the imminent airstrike which they expected to hit the house, or neighboring properties..."

"Moments later, both Yousef and Anas were killed in an airstrike that targeted a group of Gazans sheltering under a tree for protection.

"Neither their neighbors' home, nor theirs, was hit.

"'Anas was a high school student and Yousef was a tailor. What threat or danger were they to Israel sitting under a tree?' Yousef's brother told Ma'an."

Family who fled after 'warning call' killed outside home | Maan News Agency

Some Jews have such a great sense of humor.
Tell the victims to leave their house and then kill the victims, leaving the house untouched.
Maybe some nice Jewish family will move in someday?

All I can see is Homer Simpson running for the biggest tree with a piece of tin over his head.
And i'm LMFAO so F'n hard I'm about to shit myself!!!!!!!!

I have had about four fingers of scotch so millage may vary....
No way! Hamas use a hospital to launch rockets that every nation on earth is tracking through satellite? No way!
You DO realize, Mr. Dufus, that everything Hamas is doing now is being tracked.
I wonder if you realize there are no rockets in the al-Wafaa rehabilitative hospital since you're obviously too lame to care.:badgrin:

I wonder if you realize that neither side can make a move without virtually every military installation on earth knowing what's going on.
Yes, technology has come THAT far and there's no subtlety occurring in this conflict.
The fact that NO ONE is bitching, including and means Hamas is not only losing the actual battle but the Public Relations war as well.
You need to expand your viewing habits.
Then point out any mass demonstrations outside of Israel in support of Operation Protective Edge.

"Thousands have turned out in London and Oslo to call for an end to Israeli strikes in Gaza. The event organizers say Palestinians are facing 'a horrific escalation of racism and violence' at the hands of the IDF."
No way! Hamas use a hospital to launch rockets that every nation on earth is tracking through satellite? No way!
You DO realize, Mr. Dufus, that everything Hamas is doing now is being tracked.
I wonder if you realize there are no rockets in the al-Wafaa rehabilitative hospital since you're obviously too lame to care.:badgrin:
To be honest I care about where there ARE missiles, to me all Gaza is full of sick monsters goes by the name Hamas, The Islamic Jihad, and others, also their supporters, I say lets just nuke them and terminate all the care-or not game about the Human Rights since this game is getting boring. :2up::eusa_boohoo:
Maybe you should build a few more Jew-only roads or lock up all the rocks?:eusa_whistle:
"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- When their next-door neighbors received a 'warning call' from Israel to evacuate a home in Jabaliya refugee camp, Yousef Qandil and his son Anas fled their property, fearing that they could be killed or injured by shrapnel.

"Both men took refuge under a tree near the site, awaiting the imminent airstrike which they expected to hit the house, or neighboring properties..."

"Moments later, both Yousef and Anas were killed in an airstrike that targeted a group of Gazans sheltering under a tree for protection.

"Neither their neighbors' home, nor theirs, was hit.

"'Anas was a high school student and Yousef was a tailor. What threat or danger were they to Israel sitting under a tree?' Yousef's brother told Ma'an."

Family who fled after 'warning call' killed outside home | Maan News Agency

Some Jews have such a great sense of humor.
Tell the victims to leave their house and then kill the victims, leaving the house untouched.
Maybe some nice Jewish family will move in someday?

All I can see is Homer Simpson running for the biggest tree with a piece of tin over his head.
And i'm LMFAO so F'n hard I'm about to shit myself!!!!!!!!

I have had about four fingers of scotch so millage may vary....
You and Homer might not last too long in Gaza.
I wonder if you realize there are no rockets in the al-Wafaa rehabilitative hospital since you're obviously too lame to care.:badgrin:

I wonder if you realize that neither side can make a move without virtually every military installation on earth knowing what's going on.
Yes, technology has come THAT far and there's no subtlety occurring in this conflict.
The fact that NO ONE is bitching, including and means Hamas is not only losing the actual battle but the Public Relations war as well.
You need to expand your viewing habits.
Then point out any mass demonstrations outside of Israel in support of Operation Protective Edge.

"Thousands have turned out in London and Oslo to call for an end to Israeli strikes in Gaza. The event organizers say Palestinians are facing 'a horrific escalation of racism and violence' at the hands of the IDF."

?End the siege!? Thousands in Oslo & London protest Israeli offensive in Gaza (PHOTOS) ? RT News

Who needs demonstrations?
CNN and BBC are NEUTRAL, baby!

The world, with almost unlimited information and HISTORY at it's fingertips, is admiring Israel right now.
You think everyone else reads your sites?
You've got to be kidding.
Ma'an News Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I Take them as honest news reporters just like your friend Hamas.

Created by the Palestinians of course.
"The Ma'an Network was launched in 2002 as a partnership between Bethlehem TV and local Palestinian media organizations.

"The name Ma'an is the Arabic word for 'together'.

"The group is run by Raed Othman, the former manager of Bethlehem TV. Ma'an has produced three soap operas (one of which, Mazih fi Jad (Joking Seriously), was described as the first television drama series produced in the Palestinian territories), numerous news and public affairs programs and the television film Kafah.

"Ma'an's programs are broadcast by ten independent terrestrial television stations in the West Bank and occasionally by the Fatah-run Palestine TV satellite broadcaster.[3][4]

"The Ma'an News Agency was launched in 2005 with funding from the Danish and Dutch Representative Offices to the Palestinian National Authority.[1] The news agency is the most visible component of the Ma'an Network.[4] In 15 May, the Ma'an network launched an eCommerce website called Maan Souq."

Because we all know Jews never lie.

Ma'an News Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This "article" is so fake -- it makes you a tool..


Is that the "bomb crater" and the leaves from the tree they were standing under ??
The purpose of that "journalism" was to prop up the concept of martyrdom by giving up your life as a human shield. Hamas has REPEATEDLY advised it's citizens to IGNORE any warnings from Israel and stay in place. They can not WIN --- without losing a bunch of citizens.. You know that --- because you are their tool..

On July 8, eight members of the al-Kaware family were killed after forming a human shield to protect their home.

Witnesses said an Israeli drone fired a warning flare, prompting relatives and neighbors to gather at the house as a human shield and that, shortly afterwards, an F-16 warplane fired a missile that leveled the building.

Six children were killed in the attack.

Clear message to the propaganda. Don't be fool and go outside to stand under a tree. Stay in your homes like these brave patriots and die for the cause.. RUN DIRECTLY towards the warning shots so that we might prevail...
In which case you should work to convince Israel to lift its insane occupation of Palestine.

Gaza is NOT occupied.. It's government is Hamas..
Hamas doesn't control the land borders, airspace, or coastal waters of Gaza.
Jews do.
It's called a belligerent occupation, and its a huge money maker for a few.

They have a govt that doesn't give a shit about commerce or infrastructure.. Talks to reopen the Intl Airport in Gaza have been rejected by Hamas since they took control..

The "blockade" is far less intrusive than what we did to the people of Iraq for 12 years for no apparent reason.. In that case, we PREVENTED the Iraqis from exporting oil, the chief product and put sanctions on food, medicine and other vital supplies.

Israel's control over INDEPENDENT Gaza would vanish with an honest Palestinian govt in place. Israel is NOT preventing Hamas from rebuilding the airport with foreign money. Hamas has more important things to do..
Created by the Palestinians of course.
"The Ma'an Network was launched in 2002 as a partnership between Bethlehem TV and local Palestinian media organizations.

"The name Ma'an is the Arabic word for 'together'.

"The group is run by Raed Othman, the former manager of Bethlehem TV. Ma'an has produced three soap operas (one of which, Mazih fi Jad (Joking Seriously), was described as the first television drama series produced in the Palestinian territories), numerous news and public affairs programs and the television film Kafah.

"Ma'an's programs are broadcast by ten independent terrestrial television stations in the West Bank and occasionally by the Fatah-run Palestine TV satellite broadcaster.[3][4]

"The Ma'an News Agency was launched in 2005 with funding from the Danish and Dutch Representative Offices to the Palestinian National Authority.[1] The news agency is the most visible component of the Ma'an Network.[4] In 15 May, the Ma'an network launched an eCommerce website called Maan Souq."

Because we all know Jews never lie.

Ma'an News Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This "article" is so fake -- it makes you a tool..


Is that the "bomb crater" and the leaves from the tree they were standing under ??
The purpose of that "journalism" was to prop up the concept of martyrdom by giving up your life as a human shield. Hamas has REPEATEDLY advised it's citizens to IGNORE any warnings from Israel and stay in place. They can not WIN --- without losing a bunch of citizens.. You know that --- because you are their tool..

On July 8, eight members of the al-Kaware family were killed after forming a human shield to protect their home.

Witnesses said an Israeli drone fired a warning flare, prompting relatives and neighbors to gather at the house as a human shield and that, shortly afterwards, an F-16 warplane fired a missile that leveled the building.

Six children were killed in the attack.

Clear message to the propaganda. Don't be fool and go outside to stand under a tree. Stay in your homes like these brave patriots and die for the cause.. RUN DIRECTLY towards the warning shots so that we might prevail...

Does ^ look like a bomb crater to you?
The message from the Jews is too obvious to be missed: we will murder you and your children whether you follow our instructions or not. That's because the G-d of the Jews gave them all of Palestine thousands of years ago.:cuckoo:
"GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- When their next-door neighbors received a 'warning call' from Israel to evacuate a home in Jabaliya refugee camp, Yousef Qandil and his son Anas fled their property, fearing that they could be killed or injured by shrapnel.

"Both men took refuge under a tree near the site, awaiting the imminent airstrike which they expected to hit the house, or neighboring properties..."

"Moments later, both Yousef and Anas were killed in an airstrike that targeted a group of Gazans sheltering under a tree for protection.

"Neither their neighbors' home, nor theirs, was hit.

"'Anas was a high school student and Yousef was a tailor. What threat or danger were they to Israel sitting under a tree?' Yousef's brother told Ma'an."

Family who fled after 'warning call' killed outside home | Maan News Agency

Some Jews have such a great sense of humor.
Tell the victims to leave their house and then kill the victims, leaving the house untouched.
Maybe some nice Jewish family will move in someday?

All I can see is Homer Simpson running for the biggest tree with a piece of tin over his head.
And i'm LMFAO so F'n hard I'm about to shit myself!!!!!!!!

I have had about four fingers of scotch so millage may vary....
You and Homer might not last too long in Gaza.

Yeah...those muslims are pretty tough on alcohol....:D
Gaza is NOT occupied.. It's government is Hamas..
Hamas doesn't control the land borders, airspace, or coastal waters of Gaza.
Jews do.
It's called a belligerent occupation, and its a huge money maker for a few.

They have a govt that doesn't give a shit about commerce or infrastructure.. Talks to reopen the Intl Airport in Gaza have been rejected by Hamas since they took control..

The "blockade" is far less intrusive than what we did to the people of Iraq for 12 years for no apparent reason.. In that case, we PREVENTED the Iraqis from exporting oil, the chief product and put sanctions on food, medicine and other vital supplies.

Israel's control over INDEPENDENT Gaza would vanish with an honest Palestinian govt in place. Israel is NOT preventing Hamas from rebuilding the airport with foreign money. Hamas has more important things to do..
How many miles of electrified fencing did the US surround the people of Iraq with?
How many towers where US snipers regularly fired on Iraqi children?
How many miles of their coastline did the US patrol?
Nothing moves into or out of Gaza without the approval of Israel.
If the Jews felt the airport there was so important why did they obliterate it after Gazans voted the wrong way in an election?
If Jews value commerce so much, why do they deny Gaza the right to export its products?
An INDEPENDENT Gaza would start with Israel ending its illegal occupation.
"The Ma'an Network was launched in 2002 as a partnership between Bethlehem TV and local Palestinian media organizations.

"The name Ma'an is the Arabic word for 'together'.

"The group is run by Raed Othman, the former manager of Bethlehem TV. Ma'an has produced three soap operas (one of which, Mazih fi Jad (Joking Seriously), was described as the first television drama series produced in the Palestinian territories), numerous news and public affairs programs and the television film Kafah.

"Ma'an's programs are broadcast by ten independent terrestrial television stations in the West Bank and occasionally by the Fatah-run Palestine TV satellite broadcaster.[3][4]

"The Ma'an News Agency was launched in 2005 with funding from the Danish and Dutch Representative Offices to the Palestinian National Authority.[1] The news agency is the most visible component of the Ma'an Network.[4] In 15 May, the Ma'an network launched an eCommerce website called Maan Souq."

Because we all know Jews never lie.

Ma'an News Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This "article" is so fake -- it makes you a tool..


Is that the "bomb crater" and the leaves from the tree they were standing under ??
The purpose of that "journalism" was to prop up the concept of martyrdom by giving up your life as a human shield. Hamas has REPEATEDLY advised it's citizens to IGNORE any warnings from Israel and stay in place. They can not WIN --- without losing a bunch of citizens.. You know that --- because you are their tool..

On July 8, eight members of the al-Kaware family were killed after forming a human shield to protect their home.

Witnesses said an Israeli drone fired a warning flare, prompting relatives and neighbors to gather at the house as a human shield and that, shortly afterwards, an F-16 warplane fired a missile that leveled the building.

Six children were killed in the attack.

Clear message to the propaganda. Don't be fool and go outside to stand under a tree. Stay in your homes like these brave patriots and die for the cause.. RUN DIRECTLY towards the warning shots so that we might prevail...

Does ^ look like a bomb crater to you?
The message from the Jews is too obvious to be missed: we will murder you and your children whether you follow our instructions or not. That's because the G-d of the Jews gave them all of Palestine thousands of years ago.:cuckoo:

That could be a crater from high caliber rounds or non-explosive ordinance.. But not a bomb. So Tool-Man -- WHY is it there with carefully sprinkled tree leafs around it? What is the relevance to the fairy tale in the article??

Does this "new source" not have a photographer to go snap a shot of the damaged tree???

To hell with Hamas and all the rest of the Radical Islamic Groups. They are responsible for this. Perhaps George will put them on a leash for us.

Go over there and ask nicely to stop firing rockets into Israel and play nice.
No, sane leadership of the Palestinians.
In which case you should work to convince Israel to lift its insane occupation of Palestine.

Ignore decades of agreements, and Palestinian violence? Nope, unless we can get Palestine to settle on Omega Centauri.
Violence levels in Palestine between Jew and Arab were much lower before the Zionist colonization began. After hundreds of thousands of migrants began flooding into that land and telling the indigenous population the Jews were taking over, some Arabs began to reevaluate their Semitic cousins. Today, with nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living there, the only choice appears to be between apartheid and democracy.

The world won't tolerate another apartheid state in the 21st Century.

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